Standard integration procedures should be followed for installing all the various system hardware components. Once all the hardware components have been installed correctly (or if the system is already functional) take the following recommended steps:
Download and run the latest BIOS update for your motherboard. Check with your motherboard manufacture to ensure their latest BIOS contains support for Enhanced Intel SpeedStep technology
Ensure Enhanced Intel SpeedStep technology is enabled in your BIOS. For Intel desktop boards the Intel SpeedStep technology option is under the, Power, tab and labeled, EIST. Ensure it is set to, Enabled.
Ensure your OS has support for Enhanced Intel SpeedStep technology. For Windows* XP SP2 operating systems install Windows XP SP2* if you havent already done so.
Finally Enhanced Intel SpeedStep technology must be turned on in the OS. Currently, for Windows* XP SP2 operating systems Enhanced Intel SpeedStep technology by default is off. To turn it on do the following:
Under Control Panel open Power Options
Under the Power Schemes pull down menu
To turn Enhanced Intel SpeedStep technology ON select, Minimal Power Management, power scheme.
To turn Enhanced Intel SpeedStep technology OFF select, Always On, power scheme.
To verify that Enhanced Intel SpeedStep technology is enabled do the following:
Close all applications and ensure that Windows OS is in idle mode. (Pres Ctrl + Alt + Delete and select the Performance tab. Verify that CPU usage is 0%.
Right click My Computer and select, Properties.
Under the General tab examine the installed processor and speed. If Enhanced Intel SpeedStep technology is enabled, two processor speeds will be listed. The first speed listed is the specified speed of the processor. The second speed is the current operating speed. The second speed will be less then the 1st speed. (See fig. 1) This indicates that Enhanced Intel SpeedStep technology has effectively lowered the processor voltage and core frequency, which can (depending on system usage and design) result in decreased average power consumption and decreased average heat production. If Enhanced Intel SpeedStep technology is off then both processor speeds will be equal. (See fig. 2) If the processor is not in idle mode, Enhanced Intel SpeedStep technology can be enabled and both processors speeds can bee equal. If this happens try steps 1-3 again