[Sammelthread] Dragon Age 2

ne nix zu früh, hatte auch keine quest mehr über, war schon alles erledigt.
mein vieh haut eigl schonne gute kelle an dps raus. 181 dps stehen im char bildschirm bei 65% krit und 153% kritdmg. rüstung geht eigl auch.
hab ihn dann gestern doch auf normal geschafft. mein fehler war, dass ich einfach zu weit weg gestanden habe immer und somit nicht an ihn ran kam, nachdem er seine attacken gemacht hatte.
leicht wars trotzdem net, aber 800er krits hauen selbst den arishok irgendwann aus den fugen :D
Es gibt neue Infos zum nächsten Patch der voraussichtlich nächste Woche erscheint:
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oder hier in englisch und etwas aktueller:
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  • Failure to Launch - Some PC users were still encountering some strange edge cases that were fundamentally preventing them from being able to launch the game. Some Windows administrator accounts were receiving errors about insufficient priveleges - it turns out that was due to a corrupted file in the Windows OS so we changed our code to fail more gracefully when it encounters that problem, allowing the game to continue. This same issue was also causing an error regarding an AWC.dll file and that has also been fixed. A variety of other launch issues were also fixed. Importantly, a lot of these fixes have made their way back into some of our central EA technology, ensuring that these edge cases are addressed across a wide range of recent and upcoming EA titles.
  • DirectX 11 - Outside of the patch, AMD and nVidia have both released new drivers that greatly improve the speed and stability of the game on various cards and configurations. If you don't have the latest, definitely get them. On our side, we've added some additional checking and error messaging to our options page, preventing users from selecting certain settings if they don't have the drivers they need. Also, we had a wierd case where the full-screen gamma settings weren't saving properly and were interfering with your choice of DirectX 9 vs DirectX 11 renderer, resulting in a lot of confusion around precisely which renderer was in use.
  • Crashes - Did you know that when you play logged in on some platforms, if you crash, you're presented with an option to send us an error report? Thanks to all of you who've done so, we've been able to track down and resolve a variety of crashes. We found one that was tied to the animation of the shimmer effect you see on corpse loot, for example, and another that was tied to how arrays were sometimes used and cleared in scripting (this particular one was most evident in some combat that would occur in the Lowtown Night area). So thanks to all of you who sent in those automated error reports - it really does make a difference!
  • Achievements - The Epic, Supplier, and Archeologist achievements were all experiencing some logic errors and not unlocking reliably in all cases. We dug in, figured out what the problems were, and fixed them one by one.
  • Character Corruption, Slow-Mo Hawke, etc. - Not only did we find and correct a lot of these issues at the source (some of which was already tackled in the previous patch) but we also went in and added some code to the "Load Game" process to ensure a retro-active fix for everyone and to catch any other rare cases that might have slipped through.
  • Broken Plots - We made a bunch of fixes to plots like "Who Needs Rescuing," "Friendly Concern," "Act of Mercy," "A Murder of Crows," "A New Path," "Bait and Switch," "Demands of the Qun," "Dissent," "No Rest for the Wicked," "The Captain's Condolences," "The Last Straw," "Wayward Son," and more. We've also tweaked some banter, how some Rivalry/Friendship points are assigned, and corrected a lot of the references to events imported from your Dragon Age: Origins playthrough.
  • Traps - Trap behavior no longer gets out of synch with the visual effect and we also decided they shouldn't cause injuries (a neat idea in theory but it wasn't fun in practice and was never properly communicated within the game).
  • Items - We had some items that were supposed to be class-specific and weren't, we had some where the damage type didn't match their elemental bonuses, and we had some where the item properties interacted with certain abilities in uncool ways. The Maker's Sigh potion was causing a variety of issues and exploits (if you gave it to an archer, it would alter your inventory capacity... Huh?). Item use within the tactics menu was also improved. All of this should now be much happier.
  • Runes - When a party member changed their armor, the runes would often vaporise never to be seen again. We fixed that little five-finger discount and made Varric go stand in the corner until he's willing to apologise for what he's done.
  • DLC - We made sure that your storage chest carries over properly to the Hawke estate after you complete the main campaign and also got rid of some edge cases where it would have items in it but not open until you left the area and returned. Even better, your Mabari Hound from the Black Emporium content now follows you more reliably and has a new interaction with Fenris during your fourth year in Kirkwall. We also fixed a timeout that was occurring when players with a large number of promotional items would attempt to log in.
  • Audio Balance - We weren't happy with how loud combat audio was in comparison to exploration and dialog so our audio team did some fine-tuning on that.
  • Gameplay Options - We now offer PC users two new settings in the Gameplay Options menu. One allows you to enable persistent highlighting on useable objects, similar to holding down the Tab key, while the other allows users experiencing performance issues to select a faster but less accurate mouse targeting method.
  • General Improvements - We've slowed the initial pace of enemies at the start of combat, allowing tactical positioning to play a more useful and important role. They also generally gain more health as the game progresses, they're less likely to explode into puddles of blood and gore all the time and their basic attacks are less likely to cause interruptions. Likewise, party members now resume their previous actions once interrupted so you don't have to micromanage them as much and ask them to swig that potion more than once. That said, silence effects and disruptions to stealth have been beefed up a little, making those rarer sorts of interruptions play a more critical role. Enemy commanders are also a little smarter, throwing stun grenades while encouraging their troops to concentrate on a single target. And elemental resistances actually cap out at 95% now, meaning no one can be fully immune to a given damage type.
  • Warriors - Overall, warriors were a little more powerful than we wanted them to be, making combat a bit of a cakewalk for these players. The bulk of this had to do with how frequently various abilities were applying the Stagger effect so a lot of our efforts were focused on scaling that frequency back a little (we also reduced other classes' ability to take advantage of the Stagger effect as well). The costs and effectiveness of a few abilities were also tweaked and we increased the effectiveness of some of the threat generation abilities. The effectiveness of abilities like Berzerk were also made more effective.
  • Rogues - Rogues, on the other hand, were still a little weaker than we wanted. They'll now regenerate stamina more quickly while performing basic attacks, we've increased the damage of some abilities, and we've made it easier for them to disorient their opponents and reduce their threat levels. We did lengthen some of the cooldowns, however.
  • Mages - Mages were a bit of a mixed bag and it was very easy for them to unintentionally evolve into glass cannons - powerful but finicky and fragile. Part of this was due to disparity between their different ability chains and upgrade paths, for instance, with some being obviously underpowered and others over-powered. We wanted to make them a little more forgiving and easier to play while also achieving a more even balance between the different upgrade paths. We juggled the damage and duration of a bunch of offensive abilities up and down to achieve that balance while also making their defensive abilities a little more powerful.

Also ich werd erstmal in Ruhe noch DAO durchspielen, wobei dafür ja auch noch ein Patch in Arbeit ist ... Und dann auf jeden Fall DA II wieder von vorne anfangen.
Ich habe jetzt auch endlich mal mit Dragon Age 2 angefangen und ich bin soweit mit dem Game ansich sehr zufrieden.

Ich habe Origins und Awekening gemocht und ich mag auch diesen Teil, aber...

was Bioware einem da grafisch bietet halte ich im Jahr 2011 für eine Frechheit.

Insbesondere die Texturen der Charaktere während der Cutscenes erinnern mich stark an den Abendbrei meiner Tochter. (und das sogar mit installierten Hires Texturen von Bioware)

Und ich habe auch noch nie so hässliche Elfen gesehen - und diese Ohren!

Wenn man das mal mit der Grafik von The Witcher 2 vergleich dann weiss man mal, wie sowas aussehen kann.

Ich wäre auch zufrieden gewesen, wenn ich Dragon Age 2 mit der Grafik von Dungen Siege 3 hätte - das ist auch sehr stimmig.

Nichtsdestotrotz habe ich die Grafik mittels Mods erheblich gepimpt, so dass ich jetzt auch in diesem Punkt zufrieden bin.

Was ich nicht verstehen kann und mir noch wünsche, so lange ich das Spiel noch zocke bzw. von mir aus bis zum grossen Story DLC wäre, das man mittels Patch die Draufansicht wiederbelebt, da die Kämpfe teilweise doch sehr unübersichtlich sind.
Für alle, die grad auch unerklärliche Freezes haben: "On June 1, nVidia released their new 275.33 drivers. We have confirmed that these drivers can cause a 100% reproducible crash for some users. Although Dragon Age II PC Patch 1.03 was released around the same time, this specific crash is driver-specific and is unrelated to the patch. We are working with nVidia to ensure they correct the issue in their drivers. In the meantime, affected users are advised to roll their nVidia drivers back to the 270.61 version to correct the problem."

Bei mir hat es geholfen.
Moin, bin grad beim DLC Vermächtnis ... konnte dann doch nicht widerstehen :)

Gefällt mir bisher gut (viel "gekloppe"), Grafik scheint mir auch etwas stimmiger (gepimpt?) zu sein, hat düstere Atmosphäre.

Ein echtes Add-On wär mir aber auch lieber.
Es wurden auf jeden Fall sehr viele Fehler beseitigt:
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... HINWEIS: Einige, jedoch nicht alle, Fehlerbehebungen hinsichtlich der Handlung funktionieren auch rückwirkend. Bei Fehlern, die den Fortgang eines Plots verhindern, müssen die Spieler möglicherweise auf einen früheren Speicherstand zurückgreifen, der vor dem Besuch des betroffenen Gebietes im aktuellen Jahr der Spielhandlung liegt. ...
Ist also eigenes Risiko, wenn du ein alten Spielstand weiterverwenden willst.