[Sammelthread] Metro 2033

Ich kenne mich mit AMD Treibern nicht aus, daher ist "vertikaler neuaufbau" vsync ja?! Gibts es da verschiedene Optionen (voll, adaptiv)?
Achso und mal was generelles, ein Framelimiter hat mit Tearing nichts am Hut, weil er die frames nur limitiert und nicht synchronisiert.
Ich poste es hier auch nochmal für jeden der es noch nicht kennt: Es gibt einen "Trick" bei Metro 2033 wie man die Performance des Spiels bei absolut identischen Settings deutlich steigern kann. Mit diesen "Trick" kann man Metro 2033 ab einer GTX 660(Ti) in max. Einstellungen und 1080p völlig flüssig zocken. Ich bin übrigens für jede Erklärung dankbar warum sich das Spiel plötzlich so viel besser und flüssiger spielt wenn man dieser Anleitung folgt: (selbst getestet und funktioniert!)

For those having very low FPS - Metro 2033 Message Board for PC - GameFAQs

I discovered that the user.cfg inside the game directory actually has many commands that slows down frame rates considerably. The configuration inside this directory is never used if not when the game is firstly started or when the user.cfg inside the Appdata is removed. As I said it contains many commands that greatly reduce frame rates. Problem is that if you just remove the user.cfgthat it's used by the game all thiscommands will be recreated back andthe performance of the game will be greatly reduced.

So Idiscovered that if you rename the user.cfg that recreates these commands (the one inside the game dir) and you delete the user.cfg used by the game you have an HUGE increase in FPS. However you cannotsimplydelete the user.cfg inside the game dir because it contains some keybindings that are not recreated by default by the game.

To cirumvent the trouble do this:

A) Under the game directory you will find the user.cfg I'm speaking about. Rename it to user.txt. We are doing this because on the next step we are going to delete the user.cfg actually used by the game, and if you don't rename the user.cfg inside the game directory the commands in it will be copied in the user.cfg recreated. However you cannot delete the file because it contains some keyboard binding nots recreated automatically by the game, you have topaste them manually.

B) Go under UserX\Appdata\Local\4A Games\Metro2033\ directory (where UserX is your username). Be sure to have the ability to look hidden files or you will not see the "Local" directory and its content. Inside you will find the user.cfg used by the game. Delete it (yes, delete it, don't worry).

C) Start the game. You will notice that the settings will be reverted back. Just put all the settings as they were before. Now exit the game.

D) Return under the UserX\Appdata\Local\4A Games\Metro2033\ directory. You will see that the file user.cfg has being recreated. This is fine. Now open another window and go inside the game directory. Open the user.txt (that it was user.cfg that you renamed). Now you have to past all "bind ..." keyboard commands (the one with "kX" as "kESCAPE" for example)inside the user.cfg file. You must do this because there are somebindings that as I said are not recreated by default. If you don't do this step for example the ESC key will not work to go to the menu while you are playing.

E) After you have finished pasting the bindings (it should begin with "bind changemenumap kESCAPE" and end with "bind wpn_aim mouse1", the rest you don't need since they are keypads bindings) save the file. You are done.

F) Now try the game. If you have done all correctly you should notice an HUGE increase in FPS.

NOTE: As I said don't delete the user.cfg inside the game directory, if you do it then you will have to reinstall the game or recreate them manually.

NOTE2: If you don't understand a word of what I'm saying then don't either try to do this. Chances are that you will just break the game. These steps assumes that you know a little of what I'm talking about.

NOTE3: I discovered this method because I deleted unintentionally the user.cfg under AppData and also the user.cfg under the game dir (because I thought that this last wasn't neither used). While I had a little of trouble because I didn't know the binding for the ESC key (I wrote "bind changemenumap kESC" instead of "ESCAPE" and it didn't work) I also noticed that the FPS increase was really enormous. If you watch the two user.cfg you will notice that the one inside the game dir has many more commands that while not giving more visual quality they actually increase FPS dramatically. I think they are 3D settings not used by the engine that however eats FPS.

NOTE4: You don't need to put Vsync ON with this method. The increase in FPS is much more than the simple change. Naturally you can use it if you want, however notice that if you don't use Triple Buffering now using Vsync will actually give an hit on FPS as it should normally do.
Ich hoffe nur das bei der ganzen Grafikpracht das Gameplay passt, ich fand die Gefechte im vorigen Teil nicht wirklich gut gemacht.

ich wäre froh das Game überhaupt mal starten zu können. Nach der Scene wo man durch den Metrotunnel fliegt und das Nvidia blabla kommt und dann noch der Text zum Schriftsteller wird das Bild schwarz und dann öffnet sich die Konsole, aus der ich nicht mehr herauskomme:


  • Metro LL Konsole.jpg
    Metro LL Konsole.jpg
    156,7 KB · Aufrufe: 71
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Hm also mit meiner 570 dazumals konnte ichs nicht auf max zocken, das hat nach ein paar Minuten meist in einer Ruckelorgie geendet.
Jetzt mit dem 3570k auf 4,5 und mit der 670 AMP läufts allerdings ziemlich flüssig im Schnitt auf 45 FPS und das bei 4x MSAA & 16x Texturfilterung. Rest auf Max & FullHD. Kann also nicht klagen.
So daddel ich das nun auch gern nochmal durch, sieht immer noch sehr lecker aus :D