[Sammelthread] DayZ Standalone

Also ich muss mal meinem Frust freien Lauf lassen.

Ich habe jetzt gut und gerne 15 Server getestet, alle ohne Persictence.

Ich bin auf jedem Server verhungert.
Ich habe insgesamt 3 Stunden gespielt und bin mit jedem neuen Char verhungert.

Das kanns doch nicht sein.
Man findet rein gar nix zu essen.

Ich habe einmal in Elektro eine Dose Bohnen gefunden.
Da man aber nicht mal eine Feuerwehraxt oder geschweige denn einen Schraubenzieher findet, konnte ich die Dose nicht öffnen und bin, wer hätte es gedacht, verhungert.

Ich bin einmal bis zur Gefängnisinsel durchgerannt, rübergeschwommen.

ALLES leer, manchmal lagen Bücher oder Uniformen rum aber kein Essen und keine Waffen.

ich habe auch server ausgetestet, die neu gestartet wurden, einfach auf einen 2H restart server gegangen, gewartet bis er down war, wieder drauf gegangen.
Alles leer.


Das Spiel kann so nicht bleiben, die Zombies sind gelungen.

Das lootsystem ist für den Arsch.

Ich lasse es jetzt bis zum nächsten Patch liegen, geht gar nicht.
Also ich muss mal meinem Frust freien Lauf lassen.

Ich habe jetzt gut und gerne 15 Server getestet, alle ohne Persictence.

Ich bin auf jedem Server verhungert.
Ich habe insgesamt 3 Stunden gespielt und bin mit jedem neuen Char verhungert.

Das kanns doch nicht sein.
Man findet rein gar nix zu essen.

Ich habe einmal in Elektro eine Dose Bohnen gefunden.
Da man aber nicht mal eine Feuerwehraxt oder geschweige denn einen Schraubenzieher findet, konnte ich die Dose nicht öffnen und bin, wer hätte es gedacht, verhungert.

Ich bin einmal bis zur Gefängnisinsel durchgerannt, rübergeschwommen.

ALLES leer, manchmal lagen Bücher oder Uniformen rum aber kein Essen und keine Waffen.

ich habe auch server ausgetestet, die neu gestartet wurden, einfach auf einen 2H restart server gegangen, gewartet bis er down war, wieder drauf gegangen.
Alles leer.


Das Spiel kann so nicht bleiben, die Zombies sind gelungen.

Das lootsystem ist für den Arsch.

Ich lasse es jetzt bis zum nächsten Patch liegen, geht gar nicht.


Geil, I´ts Supposed to be rare, not that rare :-D :-D

Ich warte dann mal ab auf den neuen patch.
So macht das echt nur Frust.

Die Zombies sind aber richtig geil geworden!:daumen::daumen:
Ich finde seit Ewigkeiten keine gescheiten Waffen mehr. SKS mega selten und Mosin und vor allem M4 gibts gar nicht mehr?!
Wo sind die alle hin?
...wenn man sich nur auf den Public-Servern rumtreibt, wo man eh immer nur von jedem hinterletzten Mongo bei Sichtkontakt niedergeballert wird...dann sollte man evtl. mal in Erwägung ziehen, sich einen whitelist Private-Server zu suchen. Dort verhungert man nicht und Waffen gibt's auch.

Problem gelöst -_-
...wenn man sich nur auf den Public-Servern rumtreibt, wo man eh immer nur von jedem hinterletzten Mongo bei Sichtkontakt niedergeballert wird...dann sollte man evtl. mal in Erwägung ziehen, sich einen whitelist Private-Server zu suchen. Dort verhungert man nicht und Waffen gibt's auch.

Problem gelöst -_-

Auf Whitelist-Servern verhungerst du genauso. Und KOS ist bei 90% der Server auch genauso.
Auf Servern mit gewissen Regeln ist das sicher nicht so.
Auf vielen Whitelist Servern ist Roleplay angesagt und es gibt festgelegte PVP Zonen, wie z.B. die Military Bases oder die größeren Städte.
Wenn du dich nicht daran hältst, wirst du gekickt!
Das Lootsystem scheint wieder OK zu sein.
In der Küste gibt es nun wenig / nicht mehr nichts und man kann nun auch überleben :-D

Ein Trip in den norden von der Küste aus war kein Problem.
Heute Abend gehts mit nem Kollegen aufs große AIrfield.
Mal gespannt was da rum liegt.

gestern habe ich eine Bärenfalle gefunden :-O weiß jemand ob da auch Spieler drinnen gefangen (oder sogar getötet) werden?

Wäre ja richtig nice, dann lege ich das ding immer in den Eingang vom Tower oder so wenn ich grad am looten bin :-D
Jepp, passierte alles am Mittwoch mit der Server Maintenance:

Und hier im Detail:

"In an effort to mitigate the issue in the mean time, during the Wednesday maintenance period this week we will be switching servers over to the legacy placeholder loot spawning system. Unfortunately this means some of the newer items won't spawn, but it will keep the economies going until 0.56 hits stable branch.
Paired with this hotfix, we will be instructing GSPs to reset the persistence structure for each stable branch server."

Status Report - 14 Apr 15 | DayZ | Official website
gestern habe ich eine Bärenfalle gefunden :-O weiß jemand ob da auch Spieler drinnen gefangen (oder sogar getötet) werden?

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Bei Zombies funktionieren sie nicht!

Edit. (20.04.15)

Eugen hat sich so einigen Fragen (74!) der Nutzer gestellt - nachfolgend eine Übersicht:

1. Question: will there be a time where everyone can get over 20 fps in towns?? ETA.... how many more months!!! i love this game but struggling

Answer: At least 4-5 ?.

2. Question: Will the bow be fixed in the .56 update and will you guys be looking in how to improve it overall for easier use?

Answer: Bow improvements are tied to new player character (portin PC to animation system , physics and more) so later.

3. Question: Could you please add the "FAMAS assault rifle" on DayZ SA?

Answer: Well ... :)

4. Question: Are you guys aware of the zombie spine breaking bug/feature?

Answer: yes

5. Question: will there be a fix for one hit kills by infected in .56? Ever?

Answer: Well, probably no. It requires a refactor of damage system and new player character :) so, long term change

6. Question: When will we get the new animation coding & last week's loot system back? And are tents persistent over loot resets yet?

Answer: 0.56

7. Question: Wait what? :D How many slots does it takes? Also 0.56 will be on the 29.04 or rather on the 6.05? :)

Answer: more likely it will get delayed, big tech change. We always aim for last wednesday of the month, I`m expecting one week of delay , at most two.

8. Question: why is your game dying?

Answer: Its not dying, we lost players to gta5 and the game is not released. Its under development. Playerbase will fluctuate.

9. Question: what is the timeline to fix private shards loot spawning so we can go back to .55 loot system?

Answer: 0.56

10. Question: whats the current attack plan for loot eco n persistance

Answer: return to new system in 0.56 with fixes and more configuration being done

11. Question: regarding the new renderer, I know your team is doing a wonderful job but why does it take so long :p

Answer: Because its a task that requires a lot of programming hours. (6-12 months) to get to basic version

12. Question: any persistence wipe on wednesday ?

Answer: no

13. Question: When will it be possible to store things in crates or something like that? Thanks.

Answer: you already can, but world containers are possible only with new inventory matrix

14. Question: how many zombies/animals will be on server (beta), how big will base building be? (if you played epoch/origins, compare)

Answer: we are going to balance numbers based on tech we are able to bring in, now its 1k. With more performance maybe 2k+

15. Question: Do you think more radical weather effects like snow, or maybe even a simulation of seasons will be possible in DayZ's future?

Answer: no sadly

16. Question: are u going to patch all glich spots on Dayz i can tell u all of them on the map its a joke bro pls fix all of them

Answer: over time not at once

17. Question: When is the SVD being implemented?

Answer: its done internaly 0.56 release probably?

18. Question: How far away are bigger servers than the ~50 player servers that are available at the moment?

Answer: we might get to 75 player soonish, but its a design choice. We dont want cluttered servers.

19. Question: will there be base building ?? in a custom base building way ? :d

Answer: Yes and no, its not gonna be huge buildings all over the place

20. Question: How many years of experience do you have behind you in the field of work you're doing?

Answer: 10

21. Question: will we see an immediate performance increase when the render is released?

Answer:yes and no, depends on lot of factors. occlusion system + new renderer will smooth out the fps and be higher in general

22. Question: When the new inventory, script engine etc are in, how will server performance be compared to, say, Arma 3 (in your opinion)

Answer: You cannot compare those two games at all.Were server/client with lack of p2p networking.Server performance will imrpove

23. Question: and what about v3s repair? (Batteries,wheel...)

Answer: its planned for q2, requires the new inventory matrix.

24. Question: what about this ? pic.twitter.com/rosIVAz80K

Answer: new inventory matrix, we will have new inventory UI soon after that

25. Question: Is there going to be a loot-free way to cook food in 0.56? E.g. using nothing but nature to light and cook food.

Answer: yes guys aim to introduce such option

26. Question: will the new engine give us 60 fps whilst the game is in alpha, beta or release ?

Answer: cannot be sure. By time we hit 1.0 we want to have smooth fps. I do hope its gonna be sooner (4-6 months?)

27. Question: are underground bases/ bunkers going to be possible in the future?

Answer: no plans on that yet.

28. Question: can the economy system be exploited by storing huge amounts of items in tents and thus preventing them from spawning in?

Answer: no

29. Question: what about food recipes & packing cooked meals in jars?

Answer: maybe, but nothing around the corner

30. Question: Will the new player controller change running uphill? :)

Answer: it will help with how it visualy looks but slowdown will stay (although it will have stages)

31. Question: render is expected late may, when can we expect the occlusion system to be implemented?

Answer: no eta sorry, it will be this year.

32. Question: do you really think its managable to get smooth/fluid (no desync) gameplay with 50+ players and lot of zombies? i mean netcode

Answer: yes

33. Question: Movement animations and physics, are we going to see major improvements in the areas, maybe physics based movement? Thank you.

Answer: New player character is being developed for better part of last 2 months

34. Question: what feature are you most excited about that will come out in the next 6 months or so?

Answer: Statistics

35. Question: Ahh I see I see, any idea of when we can expect to see another vehicle added, or more vehicle aspects?

Answer: 0.57+

36. Question: Are you eventually going to remove animation for finding rocks / apples and make a more realistic / fun way to do it?

Answer: no plans yet

37. Question: is further expansion of the Chernarus map planned, or you're going to fill map with content in its current state?

Answer: no expansion in that sense planned

38. Question: Are there any other vehicles planned before the new year? If so which, and when could we expect them

Answer: Not gonna spoil the fun :), yes there are

39. Question: New renderer has ETA late may...Does it mean ready for stable or experimental.

Answer: internal

40. Question: When you walk up practically any hill the character drops to a slow walk

Answer: Thats inteded and will just change and improve visualy with new player character

41. Question: will barricading buildings be implemented soon? Can't wait to hole up in a house and live off the land

Answer: probably after summer

42. Question: You reckon next patch will bring VSS, Remington or SVD?

Answer: SVD probably

43. Question: Can we expect new experimental branch update this wednesday?

Answer: more like friday

44. Question: when can we start fixing up vehicles with parts..eg Wheels, Spark plugs ect Been awhile since V3S been put in.

Answer: soonish, 1 or 2 months probably

45. Question: What is the progress of the new "renderer"?

Answer: Refactoring of post processes , implementation of dx11 api atm

46. Question: Will dx11 postproc be "forced" or still deactivable from user end parameters?

Answer: forced , no dx9

47. Question: Will we get rid of server restarts at some point? Or at least higher restart intervals, e.g. 12h/24h? Cheers

Answer: we hope to get to 12/24 before 1.0

48. Question: Any news on multithreading? Will DayZ utilise multicore CPUs or should we rather invest in less cores with more perf per core?

Answer: We hope to change that with more tech so yes

49. Question: In future, will the graphics be improved? Not on the renderer side, but rather with higher resolution textures.

Answer: Some of it yes

50. Question: About the new renderer, since I have for example on arma 3 60 fps and drop to 40, will day'z renderer fix the fps drop issue?

Answer: some of it

51. Question: so the issues with not being able to pick up some loot be fixed with the new matrix? Keep up the great work!

Answer: different problem, but some of the cases will be fixed.

52. Question: There can only be so much optimization for the current servers, will there be new hardware added to increase performance later?

Answer: yes

53. Question: when is it possible to Host My own Server on a Root Server (Maybe with Mods etc.?) :-)

Answer: not anytime soon for sure

54. Question: When will objects being thrown stop falling through the ground?

Answer: grenades should stop doing that in 0.56

55. Question: Any plans on adding anti-material-rifles like a KSVK?

Answer: no

56. Question: is the FOV slider always going 2b accesible in game or is there a plan to remove unrealistic "FOV zoom" for long range shots?

Answer: Changes incoming

57. Question: when will we see firing guns out of vehicles?

Answer: late into development.

58. Question: What coming systems/changes will make vehicles appear smoother for passengers?

Answer: physics and implementation of strict logic systems

59. Question:ok how bout that limping animation from a year ago for the bear trap,or any broken leg, maybe limp 1 leg, crawl 2 legs broken

Answer: only on new player character (player character being ported to new animation system/physics/controller)

60. Question: will the dayz SA servers be able to run ( when beta comes out) with 100 players ( or more) ?

Answer: probably

61. Question: Will dx11 postproc be "forced" or still deactivable from user end parameters?

Answer: forced , no dx9 (confirmation again, really good news)

62. Question: Is there will be possibility to make hiding place in ground that much harder to detect than any tent? sorry for bad english

Answer: possible yes, if we will implement it, its rather design choice.

63. Question: will we be able one day fake death and imitate zombie walk? It's a very simple animation feature, but will change the game :)

Answer: fake death was talked about a lot, will see

64. Question: OK thanks. Whats with helicopters will we we them before end of 2015?

Answer: High likely

65. Question: Where is the bear from the files of the game? You have decided not to add it?

Answer: Predator AI not done yet

66. Question: Are you guys going to add in that zombie crawl animation for players when they break their legs?

Answer: not that one, but there will be wounded player animations in the future

67. Question: Any chance there'll be motorbikes and bicycles in Dayz one day ? How many questions can we ask ? :p

Answer: if , than dont expect it anytime soon

68. Question: Will you ever add some sort of zombie decapitation? (i.e shooting a leg off to make it crawl slowly)

Answer: yes

69. Question: The experience of a passenger in a truck is very annoying. There are plans to fix it?

Answer: yes

70. Question: any timeline regarding adding server settings/more indepth tools for admins and server owners?

Answer: no ETA, game first, servers second

71. Question: look forward to it Eugen, keep up the good work. Any news on the fox, I'm obsessed with the notion of this fox. :D

Answer: Just got added into game today (internaly)

72. Question: Any chance for Player character to grow beard, the longer one lives, the bigger the beard

Answer: maybe

73. Question: In the futur update, waiting list for server full is planned ?

Answer: yes

74. Question: is there a plan for a change in medical mechanics? i.e. surgical tools, preventive medicines and adjustments on current healing

Answer: yes

And for haters: https://twitter.com/eugenharton/status/590116024273526784

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Es gab eine umfangreiche Fragerunde über Twitter, die von einem der beteiligten Entwickler beanwortet wurden. :daumen:
Einige Fragen/Antworten kommen doppelt vor, da nach verschiedenen Bereichen sortiert wurde und teilweise mehrere Bereiche abgedeckt wurden.
Ich fands sehr interessant. Falls jemand Hilfe bei der Übersetzung einzelner Stellen braucht, einfach fragen. :)

DayZ Dev Questions & Answers - Eugen Harton, April 20th

Keeping track of all the things that change during development of DayZ may be quite a complicated process. As the DayZ Standalone is still an alpha, things that previouisly worked can randomly/intentionally break, or the @DayZDevteam can introduce a feature or system that is incomplete, or only partially implemented => therefore, the game can feel more rough around the edges.

While this is to be expected from an alpha version, we know it creates confusion. This is why you should feel free to talk to our devs here on the DayZ forums, ask them questions and get answers. Occasionaly, some of our developers may have the time to answer a bunch of your questions via Twitter/other social media as well. This was the case with our Associate Producer @EugenHarton yesterday and this is the summary of his Q&A session.

Please note everything mentioned below is the state of development as of April 20th, 2015, 0.55 Stable Branch version. As the development progresses, we will try to delete things that are not relevant anymore, or add future Q&As in a new forum thread.

Subtle edits were done to make the Q&A a bit more clear and understandable - the 140 characters of a single Twitter post are a limit no grammar can survive unharmed.
Should you prefer a more "raw" format of this thread with neat categorization or Twitter links, mr. Tatanko was faster than me and he's got you covered with his own thread. Check it out.

Loot & Persistence, Basebuilding and Barricading Q&A
Q. @Undefined1223: What is the timeline to fix private shards loot spawning so we can go back to 0.55 loot system?
A. Next Stable Branch update - the 0.56 update.

Q. @VanillaFreak128: What's the current plan for loot economy and persistence?
A. We will return to the new system in 0.56 Stable Branch update, with additional fixes and configuration being done.

Q. @luderider69: Is there going to be a persistence wipe on Wednesday?
A. No, since 0.55, we do not regularly wipe persistence. Should there be a wipe, it will usually be announced via the official @dayzdevteam Twitter account.

Q. @Cl3mson: Will DayZ always have its persistence wiped on Wednesdays or will that change in the near future?
A. We already changed that with 0.55. However, please do not expect that no wipes will happen in the future. The official @dayzdevteam Twitter account should usually provide that info beforehand, so that you have time to save some of your things.

Q. @Johnny_Kash: Can the economy system be exploited by storing huge amounts of items in tents and thus preventing them from spawning in?
A. No.

Q. @Marcogrintjes: How will crashsites be handled when persistence is fully implemented? Will they auto respawn or do servers still need a reset?
A. They will automatically respawn.

Q. @jason_Dovey: How long will a Backpack persist on ground, compared to a Tent?
A. This is a design decision - and a design decision can be re-decided at anytime during development, so it could be anywhere from an hour to weeks.

Q. @hudson9700: Will the extremely low loot spawns on every server ever going to be fixed?
A. That is not the case at the moment, last week, we rolled back to old system again.

Q. @DJoul2154: When it will be possible to stock items in vehicle?
A. When inventories are implemented on vehicles, which is happening after the new inventory matrix for entities is.

Q. @PoperzenPete: When will it be possible to store things in crates or something like that? Thanks.
A. It' possible already (using tents, backpacks or protector cases), but world containers will be possible only with new inventory matrix tech.

Q. @FrittzeFriendly: I'd love making small stashes that are less conspicuous than tents, e.g. some items or a weapon. Will this be an option?
A. Yes, it will be an option.

Q. @iiRosco: Will there be craft-able tents implemented?
A. Yes, something like that is in our plans, no details yet though.

Q. @mcternand: Are you still recommending daily persistence wipes on private shards?
A. Yes, until the 0.56 Stable Branch update is out.

Q. @Alexboer3: Will there be base building in DayZ? Custom buildings?
A. Yes, in a way. It's not gonna be huge buildings all over the place.

Q. @paintballmiller: Will barricading buildings be implemented soon? Can't wait to hole up in a house and live off the land.
A. Probably sometime after summer.

Q. @GarryKGraham: Will we have base building or simple barracading ala Arma 2/3 before the year is out?
A. it's rather hard to predict, but yes barricading should get in, and maybe, maybe basebuilding.

Q. @siderius0: Any word on building crafting/ base building?
A. It's a rather long-term goal, not anytime soon.

Q. @Poppadawg2: Are underground bases/ bunkers going to be possible in the future?
A. No plans on that yet.

Q. @IvanDolvich84: Would it be possible to make a hiding place in a ground that is much harder to detect than tents?
A. Possible? Yes, if we will implement it, that's rather a design choice.

Q. @FrittzeFriendly: Is there going to be a loot-free way to cook food in 0.56? E.g. using nothing but nature to light fire and cook food.
A. Yes, we aim to introduce such option.

0.56 Stable Branch Update Q&A
Q. @m_bonus86: Is the 0.56 patch coming April 29th or May 6th?
A. We always aim for the last Wednesday of the month, but due to a big tech change, 0.56 stable update will likely get delayed a bit - estimated delay is one week, max. two weeks - so the first week of May, actually.

Q. @JakeHilk: Will there be a fix for one hit kills by infected in 0.56?
A. No. It requires a refactor of damage system and implementation of the new player character tech - so that said, it is a long term change.

Q. @Zirciu: Any chance new render will hit stable with 56?
A. Not really.

Q. @Tricskt3rz: Will the new inventory system be in 0.56 patch? Will the inventory issues (not being able to pick up some loot) be fixed with the new inventory matrix?
A. The new inventory interface will not be in the 0.56, but the new inventory matrix tech will be there. Not being able to pickup loot is a different problem, but some of it will be fixed.

Q. @ATLATRON: Is the Winchester model 70 being implemented in 0.56?
A. Yes.

Q. @Leozao_BR: You reckon next patch will bring VSS, Remington or SVD?
A. SVD should probably be in 0.56, yes.

Performance, Engine, Map and New Renderer Q&A
Q. @krazymunkey972: Can you guys optimize DayZ any more than it already is?
A. Yes we can and yes we will.

Q. @pvtPeels: When is the new renderer coming? My rig gives me 60 FPS on Battlefield 4 but I can't even pull an average of 25 on DayZ
A. Not sure precisely, but increase in FPS rate should probably happen in about 3-6 months.

Q. @WalrusInAnus: In future, will the graphics be improved? Not on the renderer side, but rather with higher resolution textures.
A. Some of it, yes.

Q. @TheRealJackzoo: Regarding the new renderer, I know your team is doing a wonderful job, but why does it take so long?
A. It's a task that requires a lot of programming hours (6-12 months) to get to even a basic version of it.

Q. @TheRunningManZ: Is the FOV slider always going to be accessible in game or is there a plan to remove unrealistic "FOV zoom" for long range shots?
A. Changes are coming.

Q. @unknownsniper23: Will there be an option to change the render distance in the settings, because it's hard to make really long range shots.
A. Well, maybe, its not a tech issue but a design one. Question is whether to force the same playing field or not.

Q. @fear91FIN: New renderer has an ETA set on late may... Does it mean it's going to be ready for stable or experimental branch of the game at that time?
A. No, in this time frame, we plan to have the new renderer implemented only in our internal version of the game, not publicly available.

Q. @MrNoobGaming: What is the status on new renderer? Is there any chance it will be ready during the summer?
A. We will see about that, not sure.

Q. @TheModernKilla: What were the specs of the first PC DayZ was run on?
A. Not sure. For specs, we don't have a set recommendation yet. We aim to support DirectX 11 tech (and probably higher) and exclude DirectX 9 altogether (meaning Win XP will not be supported).

Q. @Caemyr: Any news on multithreading? Will DayZ utilise multicore CPUs or should we rather invest in less cores with more performance per core?
A. We hope to change that with more tech, so yes, multicore CPUs should be utilized.

Q. @Rohrmann: Do you think more radical weather effects (like snow, or maybe even a simulation of seasons) will be possible in DayZ's future?
A. Sadly, no.

Q. @MShternberg: Is further expansion of the Chernarus map planned, or you're going to fill map with content in its current state?
A. No expansion in that sense planned, we're still adding new locations/redesigning the old ones though.

Q. @prophetAzekiel: Is it possible to add more to the map? Will boats exist? Will I be able to raise livestock at my camp?
A. Most of this are design decision and dev time questions, but we hope to have some of that. Unfortunately, we might not have enough time by 1.0, so these features may be added later on.

Q. @Derek5511: With the new tech, will it be possible to double the size of the map while maintaining performance? Any plans to do so?
A. It might enable us to do that (likely), but no, we are not going to do so.

Q. @prophetAzekiel: Will there be electricity? Will hacking always be a problem? Are animations with others (like shaking hands or high five) possible?
A. Electricity: yes. Hackers: kinda. Animations: yes.

Q. @Rhino_Rampy: Are you going to patch all glitch spots in DayZ?
A. Yes, over time, but not all at once.

Q. @TheGanitDayz: When will objects being thrown stop falling through the ground?
A. Grenades should stop doing that in 0.56

Q. @MrRealProGaming: Would it not be better adding the new render now and fixing bugs around that than fixing bugs and then adding new renderer?
A. No.

Q. @blue_collarhero: Will the new renderer allow walking speed uphill to be increased?
A. There is no correlation between those two things. Slower speed is intentional as well.

Q. @shivyboii: Will we see an immediate performance increase when the render is released
A. Yes and no, depends on various factors. In general, new occlusion system and the new renderer will smooth out the FPS and should help players get higher FPS.

Q. @Poppadawg2: Will the new engine give us 60 FPS whilst the game is in alpha, beta or release?
A. Cannot be sure. By the time we hit 1.0 we want to have smooth fps. I do hope it's gonna happen sooner (in a 4-6 months time frame maybe?).

Q. @Zirciu: Any chance new render will hit stable with 56?
A. Not really.

Inventory & User Interface, Inventory Matrix (and everything related) Q&A
Q. @Tricskt3rz: Will the new inventory system be in 0.56 patch? Will the inventory issues (not being able to pick up some loot) be fixed with the new inventory matrix?
A. The new inventory interface will not be in the 0.56, but the new inventory matrix tech will be there. Not being able to pick up loot is a different problem, but some of it will be fixed.

Q. @coffeesmoke: Will there be an in-game menu where players would be able to see latest Important Announcements/Status Reports/Changelogs?
A. Yes.

Q. @PoperzenPete: When will it be possible to store things in crates or something like that? Thanks.
A. It' possible already (using tents, backpacks or protector cases), but world containers will be possible only with new inventory matrix tech.

Q. @Kawaiino34: What about V3S repairs? (batteries, wheel...) And a new UI for the inventory?
A. V3S: It's planned for Q2, requires the new inventory matrix. New iventory UI also requires the new inventory matrix.

Q. @HarryConDog: Will there still be a server query when using the hotbar with the new inventory implementation?
A. Yes and no. It will be smooth soon.

Q. @BeavProductions: Will we ever be able to see items in vicinity without pressing tab?
A. No plans for that yet.

Q. @ZMBLACK: Any way to ID players planned in the far/near future? (nametag on close distance when looking at face or similar)?
A. That is a design decision, not a tech issue.

Zombies, Animals and AI Q&A
Q. @AnitaSarawak: How close are we to seeing fixed sound (i.e. silent zombies, gun shots, etc.)? Will the ambient noises also be removed/redone?
A. 0.56 should fix the silent zombies, gunshots are fixed already, yes for altering the ambient noises (no details on that though).

Q. @dominimkd1: Will zombies react on ingame voice? If so do they differentiate between whisper and scream?
A. We want something like that to work, yes.

Q. @JakeHilk: Will there be a fix for one hit kills by infected in 0.56?
A. No. It requires a refactor of damage system and implementation of the new player character tech - so that said, it is a long term change.

Q. @m_bonus86: Is the issue with zombies hitting from distance or other floors a server or a navmesh issue?
A. It's even more complex, its part the animation system problem, part the navmesh navigation problem, part physics and part performance.

Q. @m_bonus86: When will bugs like zombies hitting you without animation, holding landmines, traps, crossbows etc. animations be fixed?
A. No ETA, still requires a lot of tech to be replaced.

Q. @Igorzilla: How many zombies/animals will be on server (in beta)?
A. We are going to balance numbers based on the tech we manage to bring in, now it's around 1,000 animals/zombies. If we're able to get better performance, maybe 2,000+

Q. @DayZLab: Where is the bear from the files of the game? You have decided not to add it?
A. Predator AI has not been finished yet.

Q. @ChernarusExport: Could you explain what is the "Group AI" I have heard about some time ago? What will it do, behavior & gameplay effects?
A. Cooperation of AI controlled entities and their decision making based on other world entities.

Q. @TheRealJakczoo: Will there be sort of like AI in the game? Like AI bandits at skallisty with say blaze rifles, not too advanced weaponry?
A. No.

Servers, Server Tech and Desync Q&A
Q. @superDonkey: How far away are bigger servers than the ~50 player servers that are available at the moment?
A. We might get to 75 player soon-ish, but it's a design choice. We don't want cluttered servers.

Q. @Driller12356: People want interaction, PvP - otherwise, even 75 is not enough for a map that size. Cluttered? SERIOUSLY? I always thought at least 100 players per server would be the goal.
A. Yes, I am serious. As for 100 players - technology wise, yes, that is the goal. We are not sure what the final number will be though, it could be 150, it could be 75.

Q. @TGEgamersUK: Will there be player stats/leaderboards of how long player has lived, kills and deaths?
A. Yes, all of that.

Q. @hana_tomas: How long before the player stats are implemented?
A. About 2-3 months.

Q. @AvallancheGamer: I would like to know more about desync and input lag. Sometimes I can see my bullets hit the wall almost one second after shoot.
A. I`ll cover that in forums, it's a rather complex issue.

Q. @Muffinat0r: Is there any way you can quantify how good the server performance will be at 1.0? Smooth as butter?
A. No really, sorry. Unfortunately, that is a rather complex matter, but obviously, we aim to have a smooth experience for players.

Q. @SpinGee: Do you really think it's manageable to get smooth/fluid (no desync) gameplay with 50+ players and lots of zombies?
A. Yes, we do.

Q. @damon1337: Let's be realistic, do you think that this terrible desync will disappear in future? I think your game engine makes it impossible.
A. It's indeed possible, anybody saying otherwise is probably an #armchairdeveloper

Q. @HarryConDog: Will there still be a server query when using the hotbar with the new inventory implementation?
A. Yes and no. It will be smooth soon.

Q. @hrynielTV: Do you have plans to dump the current anti cheat, and get a more effective one?
A. No, it works as it should.

Q. @Wooloo_Mooloo: Will there be some special server modes and admin tools (i.e. Survival Games Mode + spectating) after release?
A. Not decided yet.

Q. @TheKaindl_AT: Will there ever be an Admin tool like infistar before 1.0 for admins (teleporting, spawning, god mode)?
A. No.

Q. @CedricLion: Any timeline regarding adding server settings/more indepth tools for admins and server owners?
A. No ETA, game first, servers second.

Q. @tamaster44: After 1.0 hits, will there be a release of server/hive files to the public? If not, will server prices go down?
A. Server prices are expected to go down, as server performance improves. No statement on the first question yet.

Q. @M1NDR: Any word of more server providers being able to offer services for master shards?
A. Not yet.

Q. @SoDoBeni: Will we get rid of server restarts at some point? Or at least higher restart intervals, e.g. 12h/24h?
A. We hope to get to 12/24 before 1.0

Q. @aedricLion: In future updates, waiting list for the full servers is planned?
A. Yes.

Weapons, Vehicles and Helicopters Q&A
Q. @jimmybobjoe11: When is SVD going to be added?
A. It's done internally, probably aiming for a 0.56 release.

Q. @ATLATRON: Is the winchester model 70 being implemented in 0.56?
A. Yes.

Q. @PhillyvanZand: Any plans on adding anti-material-rifles like a KSVK?
A. No.

Q. @Kawaiino34: What about V3S repairs? (batteries, wheel...) And a new UI for the inventory?
A. V3S: It's planned for Q2, requires the new inventory matrix. New inventory UI also requires the new inventory matrix.

Q. @siderius0: Any idea of when we can expect to see another vehicle added, or more vehicle aspects?
A. 0.57 Stable Branch update or later. I will not disclose the type of the vehicle, don't want to spoil all the fun.

Q. @AppleNutOfficia: Any chance there'll be motorbikes and bicycles in DayZ one day?
A. Not sure. If yes, than don't expect them anytime soon.

Q. @TheKaindl_AT: What's up with helicopters? Will we see them before end of 2015?
A. Highly likely

Q. @Werneq: The experience of a passenger in a truck is very annoying. Are there plans to fix it?
A. Yes.

Q. @DJoul2154: When it will be possible to stock items in vehicle?
A. When inventories are implemented on vehicles, which is happening after the new inventory matrix for entities is in.

Q. @Kawaiino34: Will the Ikarus Bus be drivable?
A. Yes, it will be drivable.

Q. @ManiacMike69: When can we start fixing up vehicles with parts? eg. Wheels, Spark plugs... Been awhile since V3S has been put in.
A. Soon-ish, in 1 or 2 months probably.

Q. @yvngdoodlebob: When will we see firing guns out of vehicles?
A. Late into development.

Player Character, Animations & Controls Q&A
Q. @Caemyr: Any chance for Player character to grow beard, the longer one lives, the bigger the beard?
A. Maybe.

Q. @vantezz: Will there be a detailed character customization?
A. Not really.

Q. @yvngdoodlebob: How about that limping animation from a year ago? For the bear trap, or any broken leg.
A. Only with the new player character tech (player character being ported to new animation system/physics/controller).

Q. @SoDoBeni: Will we be able to trade items directly from player to player instead of dropping the item to the ground?
A. Yes, after new player character tech is implemented (porting character to new physics, new animations system, controller).

Q. @TheHostileLlama: When do you think the first iteration of the character falling/landing animations will be implemented?
A. About 3 - 5 months from now maybe?

Q. @_bonus86: Are you planning to add simple idle animation to the game like in menu or in ArmaA 3 for example wiping the head or gun check?
A. Yes, ETA 3-5 months at least, requires player character to be ported to new physics, animation system and controller.

Q. @DayZPlay1: What exactly is a new "player character"?
A. Implementation of new physics, controller, and animation system on player character.

Q. @NikARHS1914: Movement animations and physics: are we going to see major improvements in these areas, maybe physics based movement?
A. New player character system is being developed for a better part of the last 2 months, so yes, there will be improvements.

Q. @Doomeyz_: Are you eventually going to remove animation for finding rocks / apples and make a more realistic / fun way to do it?
A. No plans yet.

Q. @MiamiDfann: Will DayZ have full controller support?
A. Yes, certainly, no date on that yet though.

Q. @HarryConDog: Will the new player controller change running uphill?
A. It will help with how it visually looks but the slowdown will stay (although it will have stages).

Q. @TheC1aw: Is the new 3pp camera still planned?
A. Yes.

Q. @blue_collarhero: Will the new renderer allow walking speed uphill to be increased?
A. There is no correlation between those two things. Slower speed is intentional.

Q. @prophetAzekiel: Will there be electricity? Will hacking always be a problem? Are animations with others (like shaking hands or high five) possible?
A. Electricity: yes. Hackers: kinda. Animations: yes.

Sounds Q&A
Q. @AnitaSarawak: How close are we to seeing fixed sound (i.e. silent zombies, gun shots, etc.)? Will the ambient noises also be removed/redone?
A. 0.56 should fix the silent zombies, gunshots are fixed already, yes for altering the ambient noises (no details on that though).

Q. @DayZ_TV: What about the new sound system? Will it enable acoustic sounds based on places/buildings (resonance, reverb)? Also: Megaphone?
A. Yes megaphone is happening, we do hope to get those effects in as well.

Q. @dominimkd1: Will zombies react on ingame voice? If so do they differentiate between whisper and scream?
A. We want something like that to work, yes.

Random Q&A
Q. @elfandangle: Is there a plan for a change in medical mechanics? i.e. surgical tools, preventive medicines and adjustments on current healing.
A. Yes.

Q. @TrueAmb_Erupza: Will we see an implementation of the old Bandit/Hero system, with stats effected by the play style such as zombie kills etc?
A. This is a design question.

Q. @Mantrunks: Is steam workshop integration only going to be looked at AFTER 1.0?
A. Before 1.0

Q. @DayzRussia: Will we be able to fake death and imitate zombie walk?
A. Fake death was talked about a lot, we will see about that.

Q. @JackTurvey: Why is your game dying?
A. It's not. Everyone's playing GTA V at the moment and DayZ is not even released (out of Early Access) yet. It's a game under development - and the player base will fluctuate.

Q. @TheMightySwordy: Do you think DayZ Standalone should be used for Survivor Games as it doesn't come across as stable enough at the moment?
A. It's a community event that is fun, so yes.

Q. @MiamiDfann: Will DayZ have full controller support?
A. Yes, certainly, no date on that yet though.

Q. @Baranock: Why did it stop raining in DayZ?
A. It's a bug.

Q. @YesteR_DayZ: What about food recipes & packing cooked meals in jars?
A. Maybe, but nothing around the corner.

Q. @GonzoPoet1001: What feature are you most excited about that will come out in the next 6 months or so?
A. Statistics.

Q. @Nextgen_king: Could there be an option to be a zombie?
A. No.

Q. @TheRealJakczoo: Will there be sort of like AI in the game? Like AI bandits at skallisty with say blaze rifles, not too advanced weaponry?
A. No.
Hier nochmal aus deutsch (von germandayz.de Autor: Saibot)

Lets play a little tech Q&A , you ask a question on this thread, it gets answered.
— Eugen Harton (@eugenharton) April 20, 2015

Er hat bisher mehrere 100 Fragen beantwortet, ich habe versucht die interessanten Sachen rauszusuchen und übersetzt... wahrscheinlich werden weitere Fragen beantwortet, die editier ich dann hier rein
Zur Übersicht habe ich die Infos ein bisschen sortiert (Für alle Fragen+Antworten einfach auf das Bild oben klicken)


• Aus Fahrzeugen schießen erst spät in der Entwicklung
• "Tot stellen" wird intern viel drüber diskutiert
• Rangliste, erweiterte Statistiken geplant ( Lebenszeit, Kills, Death etc.)
• Zombies sollen auf Lautstärke von IngameVoice reagieren
• Megaphone ist geplant
• Ingame Menü zeigt neueste Ankündigungen, Wochenberichte etc.
• Neue Fahrzeuge ab frühestens 0.57
• Mehr als 2000 Zombies pro Server geplant
• Neue Zombie-Modelle wahrscheinlich 0.57 /0.58
• Kein Schnee , Jahreszeiten oder erweiterte Wettereffekte (@eugenharton Do you think more radical weather effects like snow, or maybe even a simulation of seasons will be possible in DayZ's future? - No)
• Keine detailierte Charakter-Anpassung
• Fahrräder und Motorräder nicht in naher Zukunft geplant
• Neues Tier "Fuchs" intern schon getestet
• "Warteliste" für das Betreten des Servers wird es geben
• Neuer Player-Controller ermöglicht auch schnelleres Laufen bei Steigungen
• Barrikadierungsmöglichkeiten vielleicht nach dem Sommer
• Fall-, Landeadnimationen in 3-5 Monaten
• Items mit anderen Spieler ohne auf Boden legen überreichen mit neuen Spieler-Controller umsetzbar
• FOV-Zoom wird behoben


• Kein AdminTool ( Teleport, Godmode etc.) vor Version 1.0
• Vorerst keine Infos zu weiteren Serverbetreibern
• Serverpreise sinken? wird erwartet
• Eigenen Rootserver ganz sicher nicht in näherer Zukunft


• Aufheben mancher Items verbuggt - wird teilweise behoben
• Exp. Update diesen Mittwoch? - Vielleicht Freitag
• SVD vielleicht schon mit 0.56
• Zentralwirtschaft gefixt und überarbeitet mit 0.56
• Diesen Mittwoch kein pers. Wipe
• Zombiesounds gefixed
• Winchester 70


• FPS Probleme vor 1.0 beheben
• Serverneustarts nur alle 12h vor Version 1.0
• Wahrscheinlich weitere Wipes im Laufe der Entwicklung
• Mehr FPS mit neuem Renderer? ja und nein, von vielen abhängig
• vielleicht später 75 slot server
Status Report - 22 Apr 15
Greetings Survivors,

As expected, work continues on 0.56 stable branch release. This release as mentioned prior will hit in the early weeks of May rather than the standard end-of-the-month update for April. This is mostly due to bugfixing that needs to occur related to the inventory refactorization in order to get the build to a state that can be used by the Early Access audience. As well, the gameplay programming team are resolving the bugs discovered in the loot spawning system several weeks after the 0.55 stable date.

Given that most of the core work these last few weeks has been on such major systems as the inventory, and central loot economy - I thought I would take the opportunity to discuss a few points people have requested hearing information about. First off, I feel the need to reiterate on Early Access, development builds, and what to expect.

A few status reports ago I mentioned the fact that as we move forward through the development of DayZ, people *will* see more things break, more bugs, and so on. Part of getting access to DayZ as early as we've allowed via the Early Access program means that you're seeing the real ups and downs of game development. I've seen people over the last few months on forums, twitter, and so on mention the back and forth stability of builds as if this is an anomaly - an oddity in software or game development.

Early Access is as the fictional character James Kirk once referred to the USS Excelsior - "The Great Experiment". DayZ approached this at its truest form, 3 months into our principle development - and as said development has continued, the scope has expanded to include the development of the next game engine from Bohemia Interactive, Enfusion. It should go without saying, that the development of any large scope video game takes years. A multiplayer only title, that also aims to fully support Steam Workshop modding is no short order. Developing said title, the game engine powering it, and maintaining a steady monthly cadence of updates to the consumer is no short order.

So I ask you, the Early Access user - when you encounter a bug that frustrates you - make sure it is listed in the feedback tracker, make sure you read the Status Reports (although, it seems that if you are reading this you've already completed this step), engage with the development team on the DayZ forums. I've found that when it comes to the Early Access program and your experience with it, we'll all get out of it - what we put into it.

Moving past that, many people have asked about the audio side of the Enfusion engine. Obviously fairly early on into the Early Access program, we realized that the existing audio technology interited from the RV engine wasn't going to suit the needs of the project. Problematic (and annoying) audio bugs began to reveal themselves, and resolving those within the legacy technology clearly demonstrated it would be time lost. Thus, work began on a new audio module to be paired with the in-development Enfusion engine. As with any core engine work, this is not a short form task. Obviously the goal for initial deployment is feature parity with the legacy audio technology, it is my personal hope that once this is achieved - we can look to expand the options for enhancing the audio experience in Chernarus, as I firmly believe audio in DayZ is just as critical as any core technology and part of the immersion into the world.

My personal holy grail throughout the development of DayZ has, and will remain the server side performance. Much of what folks attribute to "lag" or "desync" can be traced back to poor server side performance. 85% of which comes from the performance heavy usage of SQF engine script for many gameplay systems. Mentioned in prior status reports, EnScript (the name for Enfusion's engine scripting language) is leaps and bounds ahead of the legacy SQF in terms of performance. This, the portion of the performance budget currently consumed by SQF usage is the largest roadblock between 50 player servers, and 100+ player servers. Moving the title completely away from legacy engine scripting tech, and onto the new engine scripting language for Enfusion is by no means a small task, and will be an ongoing goal for the team (and in my opinion 100% required for DayZ to reach 1.0)

Last on my list for this week is some comments I wanted to make in regards to play styles, difficulty, and exactly how to play DayZ.
Obviously, as DayZ is an open world sandbox title, nearly anything is technically possible (in regards to play styles). As the initial deployment of the new infected A.I., as well as the central economy ramped up the difficulty within Chernarus, there were people vocalizing how they disliked how difficult DayZ was becoming. Now, obviously I've spoken on this before - but I feel the need to reiterate, and clarify a few things.

Surviving in Chernarus is intended to be difficult. I want you to value each bullet, I want discovering a roaming boar in the forest to be a stroke of good luck. However, this does not mean the play styles of "Coastal Chaos" or "Squad play" and so on are not viable playstyles.

You can, and should be able to play DayZ however you want. Be warned however, every choice - every play style should, and will have its own cost. You can choose to spend your time in Elektro, fighting over sniper hill, or pitting your squad against a rival group up at the Northwest Airfield each have their own requirements to maintain, and overall costs (be it in time, health, resources, or life duration).

Lastly, as the text below calls out - Standup notes are not a change log, they are a list of the things the teams have been working on this week, to give you all transparency into the current task priorities. So try not to get upset if you see a task thats being worked on not be in the latest stable branch update, and so on.
See you guys up north,
- Brian Hicks / Lead Producer

Header image credit: [TDay]Spalte

Its been a while since I've written so I thought I'd give you a short update. From my perspective, the pace of art creation has really picked up in recent weeks and below is a brief overview of some highlights:

We're working on 3 vehicles currently but I want to set expectations since renders have already been publicly shown for two of them - the extreme level of detail we are placing into the vehicles means they will each take a very significant amount of time to finish. I'm talking a couple months each - and that’s before the animators even touch it. Just because we've posted a render of the high poly exterior, doesn’t mean their release is imminent. Its a studio first that we're modeling not only a high detail interior instrument panel, but also an engine bay which players will have to interact with. We hope you'll agree the added time is worth it in the end.

We've finished 3 new zombie models recently and we hope to get those into Chernarus and scaring the pants off of you by our next stable release. Work continues on even more zombie types - including new female versions, to add more visual variety to the game. Gaspo, the very talented artist who works on zombie bodies and character heads will soon be finishing up with the new female zombie templates and will move back to creating character heads for greater variety. New character clothing is also in progress with a new hunting uniform being added, medical scrubs, and a MARPAT uniform as a nod to the DayZ/ArmA2 lore is in progress.

We've finished or have WIP a fairly large number of new weapons or weapon attachments recently. Some may have seen pictures of the Mauser C96 Red 9, Winchester 70, VSS, SVD, IZH18 and UMP45 added to the DayZ Trello but not all of them will be immediately added to the game - some of them still need animations and sounds to be made and we also would like to wait until our loot spawning/central economy system is working as intended before we add the venerable SVD. Also new is an optic for the AK platform called the Kashtan C-1, which is something like an ACOG for AK side-mounts. Last but not least, we have made a hunting scope which will be able to be used on a greater number of rifles than just the Mosin - and speaking of which, the days of "slap the LRS on a Mosin" are numbered.

We have finished a new school building and have populated it with some school-related items in the classrooms. The map team will be able to begin placing them in Cherno soon, after their current tasks, which we hope will serve both as an interesting new location to explore, but also as a landmark for orienteering. We've also created a new Village store, some roadblock objects which might have been placed on major roadways during an evacuation, and we're continuing work on new building interiors.

- Chris Torchia / Assoc. Art Director

Standup Notes for the week of 22 Apr 15
(Note: Standup notes are not a change log - they are a quick high level look at tasks the teams worked on throughout this week)

  • GAZ Volga
  • Ikarus 260
  • Lada Niva
  • LRS / Scope Attachment
  • New Zombie Models
  • Roadblock Objects

  • Central Economy
  • Firearms Recoil
  • Tripwire Traps
  • Firearms Noise (AI Related)
  • Drying Food
  • Cooking via Stick
  • Fall Damage mitigation
  • Skeleton Damage bugfixing
  • EnScript/SQF Profiling
  • Object Placement
  • Player / Infected Stamina
  • SVD Configuration

  • Inventory refactorization
  • Dynamic Events
  • Vehicle Transmission bugfixing
  • Vehicle wheels simulation improvements
  • Adv. Loot Distro Bugfixing
  • Player Statistics
  • Grenades refactorization
  • Persistence Bugfixing
  • Advanced Loot Distro bugfixing
  • Character Controller
  • Login Que Design
  • New Damage Sys.
  • Crash Fixes

  • Mauser Red 9 Anims
  • Ladder Anim Redesign
  • Infected crawling state animations
  • Gesture Implementation on new Anim Sys
  • Rifle Aiming implementation on new Anim Sys

Interessant finde ich die geplante Minderung des Fallschadens + kein Long Range Scope auf Mosin.
Leider zockt von meinen Leuten keiner mehr. Daher hab ich es länger nicht angerührt.
Alleine bin ich oft zu angespannt... Ist halt ein hartes Game. ^^
Status Report - 22 Apr 15
Greetings Survivors,

As expected, work continues on 0.56 stable branch release. This release as mentioned prior will hit in the early weeks of May rather than the standard end-of-the-month update for April. This is mostly due to bugfixing that needs to occur related to the inventory refactorization in order to get the build to a state that can be used by the Early Access audience. As well, the gameplay programming team are resolving the bugs discovered in the loot spawning system several weeks after the 0.55 stable date.

Given that most of the core work these last few weeks has been on such major systems as the inventory, and central loot economy - I thought I would take the opportunity to discuss a few points people have requested hearing information about. First off, I feel the need to reiterate on Early Access, development builds, and what to expect.

A few status reports ago I mentioned the fact that as we move forward through the development of DayZ, people *will* see more things break, more bugs, and so on. Part of getting access to DayZ as early as we've allowed via the Early Access program means that you're seeing the real ups and downs of game development. I've seen people over the last few months on forums, twitter, and so on mention the back and forth stability of builds as if this is an anomaly - an oddity in software or game development.

Early Access is as the fictional character James Kirk once referred to the USS Excelsior - "The Great Experiment". DayZ approached this at its truest form, 3 months into our principle development - and as said development has continued, the scope has expanded to include the development of the next game engine from Bohemia Interactive, Enfusion. It should go without saying, that the development of any large scope video game takes years. A multiplayer only title, that also aims to fully support Steam Workshop modding is no short order. Developing said title, the game engine powering it, and maintaining a steady monthly cadence of updates to the consumer is no short order.

So I ask you, the Early Access user - when you encounter a bug that frustrates you - make sure it is listed in the feedback tracker, make sure you read the Status Reports (although, it seems that if you are reading this you've already completed this step), engage with the development team on the DayZ forums. I've found that when it comes to the Early Access program and your experience with it, we'll all get out of it - what we put into it.

Moving past that, many people have asked about the audio side of the Enfusion engine. Obviously fairly early on into the Early Access program, we realized that the existing audio technology interited from the RV engine wasn't going to suit the needs of the project. Problematic (and annoying) audio bugs began to reveal themselves, and resolving those within the legacy technology clearly demonstrated it would be time lost. Thus, work began on a new audio module to be paired with the in-development Enfusion engine. As with any core engine work, this is not a short form task. Obviously the goal for initial deployment is feature parity with the legacy audio technology, it is my personal hope that once this is achieved - we can look to expand the options for enhancing the audio experience in Chernarus, as I firmly believe audio in DayZ is just as critical as any core technology and part of the immersion into the world.

My personal holy grail throughout the development of DayZ has, and will remain the server side performance. Much of what folks attribute to "lag" or "desync" can be traced back to poor server side performance. 85% of which comes from the performance heavy usage of SQF engine script for many gameplay systems. Mentioned in prior status reports, EnScript (the name for Enfusion's engine scripting language) is leaps and bounds ahead of the legacy SQF in terms of performance. This, the portion of the performance budget currently consumed by SQF usage is the largest roadblock between 50 player servers, and 100+ player servers. Moving the title completely away from legacy engine scripting tech, and onto the new engine scripting language for Enfusion is by no means a small task, and will be an ongoing goal for the team (and in my opinion 100% required for DayZ to reach 1.0)

Last on my list for this week is some comments I wanted to make in regards to play styles, difficulty, and exactly how to play DayZ.
Obviously, as DayZ is an open world sandbox title, nearly anything is technically possible (in regards to play styles). As the initial deployment of the new infected A.I., as well as the central economy ramped up the difficulty within Chernarus, there were people vocalizing how they disliked how difficult DayZ was becoming. Now, obviously I've spoken on this before - but I feel the need to reiterate, and clarify a few things.

Surviving in Chernarus is intended to be difficult. I want you to value each bullet, I want discovering a roaming boar in the forest to be a stroke of good luck. However, this does not mean the play styles of "Coastal Chaos" or "Squad play" and so on are not viable playstyles.

You can, and should be able to play DayZ however you want. Be warned however, every choice - every play style should, and will have its own cost. You can choose to spend your time in Elektro, fighting over sniper hill, or pitting your squad against a rival group up at the Northwest Airfield each have their own requirements to maintain, and overall costs (be it in time, health, resources, or life duration).

Lastly, as the text below calls out - Standup notes are not a change log, they are a list of the things the teams have been working on this week, to give you all transparency into the current task priorities. So try not to get upset if you see a task thats being worked on not be in the latest stable branch update, and so on.
See you guys up north,
- Brian Hicks / Lead Producer

Header image credit: [TDay]Spalte

Its been a while since I've written so I thought I'd give you a short update. From my perspective, the pace of art creation has really picked up in recent weeks and below is a brief overview of some highlights:

We're working on 3 vehicles currently but I want to set expectations since renders have already been publicly shown for two of them - the extreme level of detail we are placing into the vehicles means they will each take a very significant amount of time to finish. I'm talking a couple months each - and that’s before the animators even touch it. Just because we've posted a render of the high poly exterior, doesn’t mean their release is imminent. Its a studio first that we're modeling not only a high detail interior instrument panel, but also an engine bay which players will have to interact with. We hope you'll agree the added time is worth it in the end.

We've finished 3 new zombie models recently and we hope to get those into Chernarus and scaring the pants off of you by our next stable release. Work continues on even more zombie types - including new female versions, to add more visual variety to the game. Gaspo, the very talented artist who works on zombie bodies and character heads will soon be finishing up with the new female zombie templates and will move back to creating character heads for greater variety. New character clothing is also in progress with a new hunting uniform being added, medical scrubs, and a MARPAT uniform as a nod to the DayZ/ArmA2 lore is in progress.

We've finished or have WIP a fairly large number of new weapons or weapon attachments recently. Some may have seen pictures of the Mauser C96 Red 9, Winchester 70, VSS, SVD, IZH18 and UMP45 added to the DayZ Trello but not all of them will be immediately added to the game - some of them still need animations and sounds to be made and we also would like to wait until our loot spawning/central economy system is working as intended before we add the venerable SVD. Also new is an optic for the AK platform called the Kashtan C-1, which is something like an ACOG for AK side-mounts. Last but not least, we have made a hunting scope which will be able to be used on a greater number of rifles than just the Mosin - and speaking of which, the days of "slap the LRS on a Mosin" are numbered.

We have finished a new school building and have populated it with some school-related items in the classrooms. The map team will be able to begin placing them in Cherno soon, after their current tasks, which we hope will serve both as an interesting new location to explore, but also as a landmark for orienteering. We've also created a new Village store, some roadblock objects which might have been placed on major roadways during an evacuation, and we're continuing work on new building interiors.

- Chris Torchia / Assoc. Art Director

Standup Notes for the week of 22 Apr 15
(Note: Standup notes are not a change log - they are a quick high level look at tasks the teams worked on throughout this week)

  • GAZ Volga
  • Ikarus 260
  • Lada Niva
  • LRS / Scope Attachment
  • New Zombie Models
  • Roadblock Objects

  • Central Economy
  • Firearms Recoil
  • Tripwire Traps
  • Firearms Noise (AI Related)
  • Drying Food
  • Cooking via Stick
  • Fall Damage mitigation
  • Skeleton Damage bugfixing
  • EnScript/SQF Profiling
  • Object Placement
  • Player / Infected Stamina
  • SVD Configuration

  • Inventory refactorization
  • Dynamic Events
  • Vehicle Transmission bugfixing
  • Vehicle wheels simulation improvements
  • Adv. Loot Distro Bugfixing
  • Player Statistics
  • Grenades refactorization
  • Persistence Bugfixing
  • Advanced Loot Distro bugfixing
  • Character Controller
  • Login Que Design
  • New Damage Sys.
  • Crash Fixes

  • Mauser Red 9 Anims
  • Ladder Anim Redesign
  • Infected crawling state animations
  • Gesture Implementation on new Anim Sys
  • Rifle Aiming implementation on new Anim Sys

Interessant finde ich die geplante Minderung des Fallschadens + kein Long Range Scope auf Mosin.
Leider zockt von meinen Leuten keiner mehr. Daher hab ich es länger nicht angerührt.
Alleine bin ich oft zu angespannt... Ist halt ein hartes Game. ^^

Ich finds alleine ehrlich gesagt einfach nur stinklangweilig :D
Von meinen Leuten zocken allerdings auch nur noch die wenigsten, daher ich auch.