PCGHX-HWbot-Member (m/w)
Moin Moin zusammen!
Da es bereits einige DayZ Spieler gibt, aber noch keinen passenden Sammelthread, erkläre ich diesen hiermit für erstellt
Grundlegende Informationen
Offizielle Homepage
PCGH DayZ Themenseite
Für mehr Informationen besuche die Datenschutz-Seite.
Zahlen, Daten und Fakten
Leider haben noch nicht alle hier aufgeführten Punkte ihren Weg (vollständig) ins Spiel gefunden, DayZ befindet sich derzeit im Alpha-Stadium.
Grün geschriebene Punkte sind bereits vollständig integriert, orangene sind nur zum Teil integriert, der Rest folgt mit der Zeit.
Kartengröße: 15km*15km=225km² - natürlich frei begehbar (Verlauf der Küste im Zeitraffer)
(fast) alle Gebäude sind frei begehbar
Komplexes Gesundheitssystem (How to be a Medic)
Tag/Nachtwechsel und Wettersystem (Regen, Sturm usw.)
Bis zu 150 Slots pro Server (Quelle)
Crafting (kleines Tutorial zum Inventar und Crafting)
"funktionierende" Natur (Tiere etc. können gefangen und gegessen werden)
Fahrzeuge (vom Fahrrad bis zum LKW)
DayZ kaufen:
Bohemia Interactive Store (Standard Edition)
Bohemia Interactive Store (Supporter Edition)
OS: Windows Vista SP2 or Windows 7 SP1
Prozessor: Intel Dual-Core 2.4 GHz or AMD Dual-Core Athlon 2.5 GHz
Grafikkarte: NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT or AMD Radeon HD 3830 or Intel HD Graphics 4000 with 512 MB VRAM
DirectX: Version 9.0c
HDD: 10 GB
Sound: DirectX®-compatible
OS: Windows 7 SP1
Prozessor: Intel Core i5-2300 or AMD Phenom II X4 940 or better
Grafikkarte: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 or AMD Radeon HD 7750 with 1 GB VRAM or better
DirectX: Version 9.0c
HDD: 14 GB
Sound: DirectX®-compatible
Ich möchte hier anmerken, dass es vermutlich auch mit der empfohlenen Hardware nicht optimal läuft. Ich selbst spiele in 1920x1200 und habe bei mittleren Details teilweise deutliche FPS Einbrüche (Core i5 2xxx@3,8Ghz, HD7950@1100Mhz, 8 GB RAM)
Startparameter (Arma2 Wiki)
Tipps und Tricks:
Karte (Chernarus) inkl. Loot
Wenn ihr verletzt seid, bzw. blutet, zieht euer T-Shirt aus und zerreist es (Rechtsklick), mit den entstandenen Stofffetzen könnt ihr euch verbinden.
Rucksack selber bauen
Orientierung: anhand der Sterne, Wind weht immer nach Osten, Stand der Sonne (Aufgang im Osten, Untergang im Westen)
Survival-Guide und Performance-Tipps zur Standalone-Alpha (PC Games)
Grafik und Übersicht der Statusmeldungen
Noch etwas zu den Statusmeldungen
Blood, Health, Healthy/Healing System (Video)
Weitere Tipps (bzw. Guides) gibt es hier.
Deutsches DayZ Wiki
How to survive DayZ (englisch)
Helicopter Crash Sites: Es gibt 18 verschiedene Spawns, jedoch pro Server maximal 3 gleichzeitig (Auswahl zufällig). Karte Weitere Spawns: (040 130) (134 039) (083 093)
0.28.113734 (16.12.2013)
0.28.113772 (18.12.2013)
0.29.113822 (18.12.2013)
0.30.113860 (20.12.2013)
0.30.113925 (31.12.2013)
0.30.113953 (05.01.2014)
0.30.114008 (06.01.2014)
0.32.114557 (22.01.2014)
0.33.114926 (05.02.2014) (07.02.2014)
0.34.xxxx (12.02.2014)
0.35.115188 (12.02.2014)
0.42.116181 (19.03.2014)
0.44.123800 (22.04.2014)
0.44.123802 (28.05.2014)
0.45.124426 (18.06.2014)
0.46.124490 (03.07.2014)
0.47.124641 (30.07.2014)
0.48.124737 (13.08.2014)
0.49.124971 (17.09.2014)
0.49.124972 (24.09.2014)
Für alle die gerne gemeinsam spielen wollen:
PCGHX DayZ Teamspeak:
Da immer wieder Fragen zu den Rechten aufkommen, einfach Leute im DayZ Channel anstupsen
Danke an:
Ideen, Anregungen und Kritik dürft ihr mir gerne zukommen lassen, ich ergänze bzw. verbessere dann
Da es bereits einige DayZ Spieler gibt, aber noch keinen passenden Sammelthread, erkläre ich diesen hiermit für erstellt
Grundlegende Informationen
Dean "Rocket" Hall schrieb:The greatest curse of DayZ in my life is that cannot write the word "day" without unconsciously putting a Z on the end of it
Offizielle Homepage
PCGH DayZ Themenseite
PCGH schrieb:Der Stand-Alone-Titel Day Z basiert auf einer erfolgreichen ARMA-Mod aus der Feder Dean Halls, der auch bei Entwickler Bohemia Interactive als Lead-Designer tätig ist. In Day Z müssen die Spielcharaktere in einem von Zombies überrannten Gebiet um jeden Preis überleben und sich dabei nicht nur mit Waffengewalt behaupten, sondern auch regelmäßig Nahrung zu sich nehmen und sich vor Krankheiten schützen. Wie bei ARMA 2 basiert die Spielwelt auf der fiktiven Insel Chernarus, für Day Z wurden jedoch einige Dinge geändert. So wurden beispielsweise Vorstädte vergrößert und ein Sumpfgebiet erstellt.
Eingebundener Inhalt
An dieser Stelle findest du externe Inhalte von Youtube. Zum Schutz deiner persönlichen Daten werden externe Einbindungen erst angezeigt, wenn du dies durch Klick auf "Alle externen Inhalte laden" bestätigst:
Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass mir externe Inhalte angezeigt werden. Damit werden personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen übermittelt.Für mehr Informationen besuche die Datenschutz-Seite.
Zahlen, Daten und Fakten
Leider haben noch nicht alle hier aufgeführten Punkte ihren Weg (vollständig) ins Spiel gefunden, DayZ befindet sich derzeit im Alpha-Stadium.
Grün geschriebene Punkte sind bereits vollständig integriert, orangene sind nur zum Teil integriert, der Rest folgt mit der Zeit.
Kartengröße: 15km*15km=225km² - natürlich frei begehbar (Verlauf der Küste im Zeitraffer)
(fast) alle Gebäude sind frei begehbar
Komplexes Gesundheitssystem (How to be a Medic)
Tag/Nachtwechsel und Wettersystem (Regen, Sturm usw.)
Bis zu 150 Slots pro Server (Quelle)
Crafting (kleines Tutorial zum Inventar und Crafting)
"funktionierende" Natur (Tiere etc. können gefangen und gegessen werden)
Fahrzeuge (vom Fahrrad bis zum LKW)
DayZ kaufen:
Bohemia Interactive Store (Standard Edition)
Bohemia Interactive Store (Supporter Edition)
OS: Windows Vista SP2 or Windows 7 SP1
Prozessor: Intel Dual-Core 2.4 GHz or AMD Dual-Core Athlon 2.5 GHz
Grafikkarte: NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT or AMD Radeon HD 3830 or Intel HD Graphics 4000 with 512 MB VRAM
DirectX: Version 9.0c
HDD: 10 GB
Sound: DirectX®-compatible
OS: Windows 7 SP1
Prozessor: Intel Core i5-2300 or AMD Phenom II X4 940 or better
Grafikkarte: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 or AMD Radeon HD 7750 with 1 GB VRAM or better
DirectX: Version 9.0c
HDD: 14 GB
Sound: DirectX®-compatible
Ich möchte hier anmerken, dass es vermutlich auch mit der empfohlenen Hardware nicht optimal läuft. Ich selbst spiele in 1920x1200 und habe bei mittleren Details teilweise deutliche FPS Einbrüche (Core i5 2xxx@3,8Ghz, HD7950@1100Mhz, 8 GB RAM)
Startparameter (Arma2 Wiki)
Tipps und Tricks:
Karte (Chernarus) inkl. Loot
Wenn ihr verletzt seid, bzw. blutet, zieht euer T-Shirt aus und zerreist es (Rechtsklick), mit den entstandenen Stofffetzen könnt ihr euch verbinden.
Rucksack selber bauen
Orientierung: anhand der Sterne, Wind weht immer nach Osten, Stand der Sonne (Aufgang im Osten, Untergang im Westen)
Survival-Guide und Performance-Tipps zur Standalone-Alpha (PC Games)
Grafik und Übersicht der Statusmeldungen
Noch etwas zu den Statusmeldungen
Blood, Health, Healthy/Healing System (Video)
Weitere Tipps (bzw. Guides) gibt es hier.
Deutsches DayZ Wiki
How to survive DayZ (englisch)
Helicopter Crash Sites: Es gibt 18 verschiedene Spawns, jedoch pro Server maximal 3 gleichzeitig (Auswahl zufällig). Karte Weitere Spawns: (040 130) (134 039) (083 093)
Thema regenerationssystem
Bitte sucht euch guides und artikel zu dem thema, es gibt mittlerweile 100er guter, aufschlussreicher texte. Das zu erklären ist nämlich immer ein kleiner schreibakt.
Wenn ihr neu spawnt, startet ihr mit einem minimum an energie. Energie wird mit wasser und nahrung aufgefühlt. Ist die energie bei 100%, setzt die automatische heilung des gesundheits und blutzustandes ein. Wenn ihr nun blut regenerieren wollt (zu erkennen an farblosem bild), gilt es zunächst soviel an trocken nahrung (reis und cornflakes) zu essen wie möglich, d.h bis zur status meldung "really full" bzw. "stomache feels stuffed" erst danach etwas trinken, ebenfalls bis zur statusmeldung "really full" oder "stuffed". Danach dem char etwas ruhe gönnen, heist geduckt bleiben, hinsetzten oder hinlegen. Bewegt ihr euch, erhöht das euren bedarf an nahrung um die energie bei 100% zu halten, habt ihr genug nahrung könnt ihr dies auch ohne längere ruhephasen machen, da dann selbst die kurzen momente am brunne reichen um sich zu erholen. Übrigens, ohne etwas in den händen könnt ihr ohne zusätzlichen energie verlust ewig rennen. Jedoch verliert man ständig energie, d.h. also nicht, das solange ihr rennt die energie bei 100% bleibt, diese nimmt jede minute ab, in ruhe oder beim rennen ohne gegenständen in der hand jedoch am wenigsten, wobei letzteres wohl noch ein bug ist.
Habt ihr keine trocken nahrung, geht das ganze auch mit dosenfutter und fisch, jedoch beinhaltet diese rationsart auch imm etwas wasser. Das heist ihr könnt nach dem "voll-fressen" nicht mehr allzuviel trinken. Sobald die energie bei besagten 100% ist, tritt der healing status ein, der am ende der regeneration zu healthy wird und euch das überleben wesentlich einfacher macht. Die resistenz gegen infektion, krankheit, schock steigt stark an. Wichtig ist, anfangs, solange ihr noch nicht im healing bzw. healthy status seid, ständig, aller 5-15 minuten spielzeit, nachzulegen. Verzerrt frisches obst und früchte sofort, das gilt auch für sodas. Soda dient übrigens mehr als nahrung. Zwar füllt es auch euren wasserhaushalt etwas auf, aber eher vernachlässigbar. Starken durst nur mit wasser stillen, soda wird nur sehr kurze zeit für ruhe sorgen.
Für einen bambi heist das in der regel:
--> bis zu 3 dosen // bis zu 5 fischdosen // 1 ganze packung reis + 1 dose // 2 packungen cornflakes
Auserdem hilft es auf seine kleidung zu achten, tragt soviel trockene kleidung ihr könnt. Feuchte kleidung kann euch krank machen und erhöht den energieverbrauch (zu sehen an sichtbarem atem).
Problem überfressen, die meisten werden zunächst, agesichts der aufgeführten mengen denken, das geht doch niemals, falsc hes geht, probiert es einfach. Nach "really full" kommt "Stuffed", was beides völlig ok ist. Esst/trinkt ihr weiter kommt "more fed than normal" oder "overfed", immer noch kein problem, jedoch solltet ihr nun auf sprints verzichten. Laufen jedoch ist angeraten da es den energieverbauch erhöht und damit den magen schneller leert.
0.28.113734 (16.12.2013)
- This is the initial release version of the DayZ Standalone Alpha.
0.28.113772 (18.12.2013)
- Drinking directly from wells now works
- headwear descriptions updated
- pants descriptions updated
- increased battery drain by flashlight
- bandaging cannot fix broken leg now
- server browser shows internet tab as selected out of the box
- fixed modifier messages, one message type per stage
- Workshop: lowered moto helmets spawn probability. removed old proxies, replaced with memory points
- Reduced level at which player becomes permanently unconscious
- Increased rate players recover from shock damage
- Internet set to default tab for multiplayer server browsing
- improved responsiveness when side-stepping from left to right/right to left
- disabled head movement for unconscious states
- adjusted head bob for select animations
- Various security related measures
- Tweaked the tenement buildings (small and big) for spawns on the roof
- improved transitions for restrained player
- Removed old proxies and replaced them with memory points and new loot spawn in sheds
- enabled step blending with raised rifle for better responsiveness
- Roadway LOD issue fixed that caused floating loot for some buildings
- Temporary status indicators for state of player in the inventory screen (thirsty, sickness, hunger, etc...)
- force feed other players
- Rain updated - it should better correspond with the rest of scene by adding the refraction effect
- New variations for main menu (Unarmed) added
- Greeting animations for all stances to be replaced (Now with left hand to avoid issues when holding items)
- Magnum hand IK
- Opening cans with sharp tools
- Dot crosshair
- Damaging knife, screwdriver and bayonet used for opening cans
- Loot array (with respective type of meat) added to animals configs and new types of meat added to food configs (ANIMALS DISABLED)
- fixed performance issues on character creation and saving
- fixed character creation record override
- increased server response time and performance
0.29.113822 (18.12.2013)
- Animation transitions - Restrained, Prone Rifle
- Greetings - Hand Position adjusted
- Fixed several floating loot issues in buildings without floor geometry
- fix for force feed/drink/consume medicine other players
- sharp objects open food cans (not working previously)
- disabled reloading animation after mosin shot as it was preventing seeing fall of shot (temporary until new anim)
- Various 'critical' security updates
- Improved the visual quality of rain
- 357 Magnum animations implemented (magnum not yet enabled)
- you can measure whether is a battery fully charged, half charged or empty by licking it (not working, delayed until next build)
0.30.113860 (20.12.2013)
- Config: removed a small delay before the animation for un-shouldering a weapon starts playing when changing weapons (kneel and prone)
- Config: fix a minor issue with one handed items not being correctly placed in right hand for a surrender transition
- Config: m4 bolt and magazine animation improved
- Config: adjusted collision shape for armed player(should fix occasional issues going up stairs)
- Config: fixed an issue where unshouldering/shouldering weapon while moving forward caused the player to stop
- Animations: Sprint updated (Unarmed) - Unarmed sprint faster now
- Animations: Mosin Nagant Reload - Hand doesn't clip into scope when opening and closing bolt after each shot, weapon more stable now
- UI: Early Access warning dialogue
- Engine: Fix of players being able to talk globally when dead through Direct Chat
- Design: damage is transferred from closed can to open one
- Design: licking a battery now displays the battery's state properly
- Design: wooden sticks model fits inventory slots better now
- Crash: Occurs when pushing details twice on MP server browser
- Engine: Updated rain texture with refraction
- Design: Player blood and health not regenerating naturally
- Config: added anim hooks for zombie feeding(should allow for zombie to deal damage to unconscious players)
- Config: greeting with 2 handed weapon now possible without disarming
- UI: Inspect option in the inventory screen (shows item in 3D, draft system only)
- Engine: Servers with incompatible version marked in the server browser
- Engine: The „Player uses modified data“ message is removed from CHAT
- Design: you can craft splint and fix broken limbs with it
- Design: players who disconnect when unconscious will die
- Design: players who disconnect when restrained will die
New weapon: Magnum .357 Revolver+ ammo (Actual weapon in later patch)
0.30.113925 (31.12.2013)
- Design: Player corpses should no longer despawn upon disconnect
- Server: Respawning should now function properly - in some cases you may have to wait a few seconds. (during high death/respawn times)
- Design: 357 Magnum spawning fixed
- Design: Balancing of player spawns (ongoing)
- Server: Enhanced Server-side security & customization options
- Design: .357 Magnum Speedloader should now spawn
- Server: First Person only servers are now supported (Seperate Hive coming later on)
0.30.113953 (05.01.2014)
- Server: Dedicated Server crash related to player skeleton
- Server: Player location rubberbanding (ongoing)
- Server: Large delay in item manipulation and "inventory tetris"
- Design: Balancing of player spawns (ongoing)
- Server: Dead player cleanup (time based)
- Design: M9130 Bayonet can now open cans
- Server: BattlEye Anti-Cheat (Client as well)
- Server: Initial implementation for Sub-Private Hives (ongoing)
- Server: Initial implementation for regular & hardcore Public Hive
0.30.114008 (06.01.2014)
- Server: Dedicated Server crash related to memory cleanup
- Server: Player location rubberbanding
- Critical Security Vulnerability fixes
0.32.114557 (22.01.2014)
- Niosh mask (respirator) inventory size fixed to 1/1 slot.
- Missing strings for BE popup for alternate languages, set to English while translations are being done.
- Reduced dispersion of FNX45 (from 0.05 to 0.03)
- Balanced stomach capacity,
- Added stuffed notifier (instead of sickness when full up)
- Eating and drinking animations properly set for tablets/disinfectants
- Version number in server browser and details
- Saline transfusion doesn't refill full blood
- Charcoal and Tetracycline tablets won't give sick badge if you aren't actually sick
- Player aim run speed updated, weapon position changed and improved for first person view
- Glitches on right hand while moving and while giving taunt fixed
- Players can't pile backpacks inside of another backpacks, backpack-inception style. You can only put one backpack inside of another backpack if the backpack that is being put inside is empty.
- Magnum speedloader should be spawning now
- Number of backpacks spawning lowered
- Number of .357 Pythons spawning lowered.
- Number of M4A1s spawning lowered
- Dead character cleanup performed at 10 minutes past death
- Removed scripted server teleporting check as now managed by engine
- Sea ambient sound is now slightly quieter
- Animation: Fixed misc issues with vaulting
- Animation: Fixed getting on the ladder from kneel for the armed player
- Animation: Fixed animation speed for unarmed player in main menu
- Animation: Fixed an issue with changing weapon while aiming in kneel
- Animation: Fixed an issue with rotation while aiming in prone
- Headtorch color descriptions fixed
- Jeans descriptions (color) fixed
- Cargo pants description fixed (color)
- Chest holster description added
- Using an item in your hand no longer goes out of hand once action done
- Using an item while something else in your hand will go back to that item once action done
- Security issue with IGUI variable compiling
- Situation where player used item on other players inventory causing neverending looped item check
- Weapons now display tooltips
- Players can now be revived with the defibrillator
- Clipping on right hand when holding an item and pressing F1 (Greeting).
- Map_ChernarusSW description fixed
- SKS rifle description added
- UI: Editable character name in main menu
- UI: Hive, mode and time columns in server browser
- Database: Support for sub hives. (Sub-private, Hardcore/Regular public)
- Security: Signature verification against PBOs
- Loot: Added shotgun speedloader into loot spawns
- Loot: Added box of 20 pieces .357 rounds into loot spawns
- Loot: Added color variants of all shoes into loot spawns
- Loot: Added Hiking pants (both long and short ones) and Canvas pants including their color variants into loot spawns
- Loot: Added hacksaw into the loot spawns
- Loot: Added shotgun into loot spawns
- Action: Players can now collect Berries as food
- Crafting: Players can create sawed-off shotgun from shotgun
- Crafting: Players can opening cans with a hacksaw
- Crafting: Painting Mosin with spraypoint now supported
- Loot: Added spraypaint can into loot spawns
- Map: Coastal harbor town of Svetloyarsk (and surrounding areas)
- Animation: More direct transitions for aimed weapon(prone to stand/kneel and back)
- Animation: Surrender now disarms player for single handed items
- Loot: Pipsi, NotaCola, Spite and Rasputin Kvass drinks
- Action: Burlap sack can be placed on head of self or target
- Action: Burlap sack causes black screen and reduced sound when worn on head
- Performance: Server Performance improvements
- Zombies: Six new zombie soldier types
- Crafting: Weapon cleaning kit used for keeping your guns in good shape
- Loot: Shotgun snap-loader for fast reloads
- Crafting: Player can spraypaint MP handguard and buttstock
- Crafting: Support for "add paint" or "repaint" for spraypainting
- Crafting: Player can spraypaint CMAG magazines
0.33.114926 (05.02.2014)
This build continues with small bugfixes and several engine changes. A late addition of a significant change to the server variable processing has provided us a major performance boost on the server of around 5-10 FPS. This helps with a great deal of issues and results in a much smoother game experience from players even on a smooth server. Once several more of these optimizations are made it will allow us to increase player/zombie numbers and enable loot and zombie respawning.
Known Issues
Known Issues
- Spawns: Loot is not spawning in military tents
- Spawns: Some structures in Svetlo currently do not spawn loot
- Server: Servers under load can delay actions from the client
- Graphics: Only 4 dynamic light sources will be rendered at one time currently
- Actions: Looting a dead body may make a ghost clone copy of the inventory
- Actions: chambering SKS round from pile, loading 10 rounds from pile
- Actions: You can uncuff other players with the hacksaw
- Actions: Cannot use an item (e.g. drink/eat) if it is "Ruined"
- Actions: Interactions with items reworked. Drinking/Eating/etc... more robust and user*friendly
- Actions: Restrained players cannot use inventory or action menu
- Animations: Player now can take and hide rifle in crouched run
- Animations: SKS reload animations
- Animations: firing weapon when sprinting will transition player into the aimed run(with some temporary limitations)
- Crafting: FNX45 pistol can be chambered with single round
- Crafting: Opening cans with combat knife added
- Crafting: Opening cans with machete added
- Crafting: Painting Motorbike Helmets to Black and Green
- Crafting: Waterbottles and canteens now allow pouring water between them
- Effects: Magnum revolver ejecting shells when reloading
- Effects: Magnum revolver sounds * gunshots, reloading
- Effects: Mosin ejecting shells when cycling
- Effects: New Mosin sounds * gunshots, cycling, reloading
- Gear: Improvised courier backpack added
- Gear: Machete added
- Gear: Hard hats added in various colors
- Gear: Motorcycle Helmets have black visor variants
- Gear: Small, uncomfortable, and silly (but cute) children's school backpack
- Gestures: Clapping Gesture added, default F5 key
- Gestures: Pointing Gesture added, default F6 key
- Login: Player queuing system introduced. Penalty waiting time added for switching server or disconnecting a server quickly
- Login: Players receive a login timeout when disconnect, increased if disconnect within 30 minutes of joining (max 5 minutes)
- Login: When players logout, their avatar sits on ground for 30 seconds. Players must make sure they logout somewhere safe
- Server: Player spawns now cached by engine directly, increasing performance
- Server: Optimized synchronization and transfer of variables within and outgoing from server (significant performance increase on server, of 5*10 FPS)
- Spawns: Added Bubble goose jackets into the loot spawns
- Spawns: Added SKS rifle, speedloader, ammunition piles and boxes and SKS bayonet into the loot spawns
- Spawns: Healthcare Center now spawns loot
- Spawns: .45acp box of 25rnds added to loot spawns
- Spawns: Police stations now spawn loot
- Systems: Hunger and Thirst slightly modified.
- Systems: Notifications added to UI for hydration and high energy
- Systems: Fractures can now occur due to melee and shot damage, not just environmental
- Systems: Fractures (arms/legs) now saved and loaded correctly from database
- Translations: Added strings for all consumable items (Gas canisters, Batteries etc) and container items (First aid kit etc) for English, with some Spanish and Russian
- Zombies: Different types of Military zombies now have tougher attack values and improved durability
- Zombies: Engine dynamic obstacle checking (zombie, another player)
- Zombies: Svetlojarsk zombie spawns added
- Actions: morphine injection can be used on other player effectively fixing his broken legs and item correctly positioned in hands
- Actions: Keys won't disappear after uncuffing
- Actions: loading ammo works for sprayed Mosin variants
- Actions: Read/Writing notes with paper and pen now works again
- Actions: reviving with epinephrine or defibrillator works also if player blood is below 500 units of blood
- Actions: Actions on another player no longer have an unlimited distance (max 2 meters)
- Art: Bug allowing players to clip through geometry of the police station building.
- Animations: fixed an issue where reload in prone would leave some residue sound clutter at the end of the reload animation
- Animations: Weapon reloading for magazine was not working properly when no magazine fitted
- Animations: Rifle Aimed Walk Updated, diagonal animations fixed
- Animations: Sidestepping through doorway with rifle while crouching should not cause the player to get stuck now
- Animations: knocking down player now possible in prone states, (possibly fixing the issue with frozen characters)
- Animations: changed animation for equipping the compass
- Animations: Proper animation played when taking pistol in run
- Animations: Changing stances is faster now both for armed and unarmed player
- Animations: Skinning problem with armored zombies that caused the model to warp during some animations
- Animations: Standing with aimed weapon now allows for higher angle of tilt/bend
- Animations: Mosin bolt animation after each shot updated to match hand animation
- Animations: Removed footstep sound from pointing animations
- Animations: Pointing gesticulation now possible even when holding 2 handed weapons
- Animations: Clapping now possible to initiate while holding 2 handed weapons
- Config: Berries have more nutrition now
- Crafting: You can no longer saw off sawed off shotgun
- Crafting: Can spraypaint M4 to green or black
- Crafting: Damage is now transferred when items are painted
- Crafting: Improved Backpack creation only possible when Courier Bag is empty (previously items accidentally deleted)
- Crafting: Weapon cleaning kit can't be used when it's "Ruined" and won't reduce condition of a gun
- Crafting: Spraypainting an M4 won't delete your carry handle
- Crafting: Guns are no longer placed on ground while being painted (if not nescessary)
- Crafting: You won't loose attached universal weapon flashlight after M4 painting
- Items won't longer appear on ground after unsuccessful force feeding/drinking/fibrillating/handcuffing and won't loose quantity
- Effects: Dazed effect plays again when a player is hit/damaged/shot
- Effects: Some effects were not active locally when a player was restrained
- Effects: gunshot sound of Magnum reverted to original one
- Fixed: Missing texture error dz\weapons\data\weapons_damage_metal_smdi.paa
- Fixed: Popping up texture error for beret models
- Gear: Spraycans won't deplete after relogging
- Gear: Book, radio, pot, pan, gas canisters, matchbox, paper, firewood and stone can be placed in hands
- Gear: Headlamp beam raised slightly
- Gear: Painted items now retain their previous quantities (i.e. Magazine ammo won't reset)
- Gear: Various item descriptions and notifications fixed for grammar, typos, more detail
- Gear: ZSh*3 Pilot helmet fixed and updated
- Gear: Hoxton and Dallas masks where displayed in center of character, now display on face
- Gear: Splint position in hand was wrong now corrected
- Gestures: Taunt defaults correctly to F4 key
- Graphics: "god rays" could cause overloaded post*processing and graphical corruption
- Graphics: fix of removing shining object from hand (switch off)
- Graphics: Roads have per pixel lights
- Graphics: Dynamic lights should be now defined with "radius" value which is maximum radius of light in meters
- Graphics: Tooltips are now not displayed for quickbar items, as it is a reference to type not specific item
- Login: Respawn button now works correctly
- Login: Various bugs fixed associated with connection errors that could cause a character to be deleted or killed by the server
- Spawns: Lowered chance of Taloon and Mountain backpacks spawning
- Spawns: Drastically lowered chance of backpacks spawning on the construction site
- Spawns: Loot spawn tweaks in some civilian structures
- Weapons: Mosin recoil increased
- Weapons: Sawed*off shotgun can be loaded with ammo (was broken due to changed inheritance)
- Weapons: Sawed*off shotgun: reduced size in inventory, reduced spread
- Weapons: It is no longer possible to attach longrange scope onto SKS
- Weapons: M4 carry handle can now be attached to painted variants of M4
- Weapons * fixed error in config of shotgun snaploader causing low velocitiy and damage
- Zombies: Better filter/check of attack hits directly in engine
- Zombies: Military zombies made tougher
- Crash: Irregular crash of server in corpse garbage collector consequence of this is that the bodies will not disappear if other player is in vicinity
- Crash: Creating item using recipe system caused serious server crash when not enough space in inventory
- Crash: Client crash on exit, all systems 100% reproduction
- System: Previous build caused overzealous starvation to occur (07.02.2014)
This update was released to Stable as a critical update outside of our scheduled maintenance period. This was because of a serious issue with the connection logic that could trap some players in the "dead" state. There was also a critical bug with looting other players inventory. These have been fixed.
Known Issues
Known Issues
- Animations: Right hand twitches during pointing, character twitches once when middle finger is activated/deactivated
- Actions: If player puts burlap sack from his head to ground his vision stays black
- Animations: Ruger 10/22 hand pose
- Animations: It's now possible to blend directly between various gesticulation states (pointing,finger,greeting...)
- Crafting: Can repair clothes, weapons, and items using specialist items (such as sewing kit)
- Gear: Configured sewing kit and its recipes
- Gear: Added configuration for durable riders jacket
- Gear: Added Cowboy hats to the loot spawns (multiple colors)
- Gear: Added Sewing kit to the loot spawns
- Gear: Added B95 and 762 speedloader to loot spawns
- Gear: Added configuration for durable riders jacket
- Gear: Added durable leather jacket to loot spawns
- Gestures: Thumbs Up gesture added with default F7 key binding
- Server: Optimization of synchronization of textures/materials (minor improvement to server FPS)
- Systems: Falling now causes dynamic damage (roughly, fall of >5m break legs depending on equipment, >15m probably death)
- Actions: Could not cover another players head with a burlap sack
- Actions: No longer spawns clones of sack after Remove Head Cover action
- Actions: Removing Head Cover (burlap sack) while inventory is full won't leave you blind and without burlap sack anymore
- Art: Duplicate geometry in lower resolution LODs of flannel shirt resulted in visual bug at distance.
- Animations: Fixed an issue where the player would stay zoomed-in in sights for reload while aiming in prone
- Animations: Player should now be force-disarmed when clapping while holding a single-handed weapon.
- Animations: Pointing and clapping now works even when initiated from aimed states
- Animations: Fixed an issue where the left hand would stay glued to the FNX45 for aimed prone reload
- Animations: Default rifle aim stance (stand and crouch) slightly changed to better fit different guns
- Animations: Twitches on right hand fixed when holding an item while middle finger and pointing.
- Crafting: Cannot combine ruined stacked objects (such as ammo, rags)
- Crafting: Cannot chamber/load magazine with ruined ammunition
- Crafting: Motorbike helmet visors didn't retain their type when spray-painting the helmet
- Crash: Game Crash when using FLUSH command
- Crash: Out of bounds crash when no sounds defined
- Inventory: Loot would stay on dead character after it is picked up, causing teleporting loot and general chaos
- Medical: Cleaning wounds with alcohol tincture doesn't add last stage of infected wounds
- Medical: Vomiting/Stuffed was completely broken. Now simplified and streamlined
- Melee: Short melee weapons do damage now (hammer, screwdriver, hammer, hacksaw)
- Spawns: Lowered probability of Weapon cleaning kit spawns
- Systems: Healing system was double processing for blood regeneration
- Systems: Notifier messages were not being cleared/reset on within-state changes
- Systems: Players position was not saving on disconnect
- Systems: Players could get continually stuck in a dead character during load from central server
- Systems: Players would not receive any falling damage
- Systems: Disconnecting dead player would delete the body after ~30 seconds
- Systems: Damage was being equally applied to all objects inside inventory slot when shot/damaged (now items reduce the damage when they take damage)
- Systems: Notifier gets stuck on "stuffed"
- Weapons: Ballistic parameters of all projectiles tweaked for more realism (special thanks to Gews for his great analysis on weapon characteristics)
0.34.xxxx (12.02.2014)
Known Issues
- Animations: Right hand twitches during pointing, character twitches once when middle finger is activated/deactivated
- Actions: If player puts burlap sack from his head to ground his vision stays black
- Animations: Ruger 10/22 hand pose
- Animations: It's now possible to blend directly between various gesticulation states (pointing,finger,greeting...)
- Crafting: Can repair clothes, weapons, and items using specialist items (such as sewing kit)
- Gear: Configured sewing kit and its recipes
- Gear: Added configuration for durable riders jacket
- Gear: Added Cowboy hats to the loot spawns (multiple colors)
- Gear: Added Sewing kit to the loot spawns
- Gear: Added B95 and 762 speedloader to loot spawns
- Gear: Added configuration for durable riders jacket
- Gear: Added durable leather jacket to loot spawns
- Gestures: Thumbs Up gesture added with default F7 key binding
- Server: Optimization of synchronization of textures/materials (minor improvement to server FPS)
- Systems: Falling now causes dynamic damage (roughly, fall of >5m break legs depending on equipment, >15m probably death)
- Actions: Could not cover another players head with a burlap sack
- Actions: No longer spawns clones of sack after Remove Head Cover action
- Actions: Removing Head Cover (burlap sack) while inventory is full won't leave you blind and without burlap sack anymore
- Art: Duplicate geometry in lower resolution LODs of flannel shirt resulted in visual bug at distance.
- Animations: Fixed an issue where the player would stay zoomed-in in sights for reload while aiming in prone
- Animations: Player should now be force-disarmed when clapping while holding a single-handed weapon.
- Animations: Pointing and clapping now works even when initiated from aimed states
- Animations: Fixed an issue where the left hand would stay glued to the FNX45 for aimed prone reload
- Animations: Default rifle aim stance (stand and crouch) slightly changed to better fit different guns
- Animations: Twitches on right hand fixed when holding an item while middle finger and pointing.
- Crafting: Cannot combine ruined stacked objects (such as ammo, rags)
- Crafting: Cannot chamber/load magazine with ruined ammunition
- Crafting: Motorbike helmet visors didn't retain their type when spray-painting the helmet
- Crash: Game Crash when using FLUSH command
- Crash: Out of bounds crash when no sounds defined
- Inventory: Loot would stay on dead character after it is picked up, causing teleporting loot and general chaos
- Medical: Cleaning wounds with alcohol tincture doesn't add last stage of infected wounds
- Medical: Vomiting/Stuffed was completely broken. Now simplified and streamlined
- Melee: Short melee weapons do damage now (hammer, screwdriver, hammer, hacksaw)
- Spawns: Lowered probability of Weapon cleaning kit spawns
- Systems: Healing system was double processing for blood regeneration
- Systems: Notifier messages were not being cleared/reset on within-state changes
- Systems: Players position was not saving on disconnect
- Systems: Players could get continually stuck in a dead character during load from central server
- Systems: Players would not receive any falling damage
- Systems: Disconnecting dead player would delete the body after ~30 seconds
- Systems: Damage was being equally applied to all objects inside inventory slot when shot/damaged (now items reduce the damage when they take damage)
- Systems: Notifier gets stuck on "stuffed"
- Weapons: Ballistic parameters of all projectiles tweaked for more realism (special thanks to Gews for his great analysis on weapon characteristics)
0.35.115188 (12.02.2014)
- Hotfix for the GPU Memory leak leading to low FPS
0.42.116181 (19.03.2014)
Known Issues
- Physics: Item throwing physics is currently disabled
- Melee: Cannot conduct melee attack from "lowered" melee stance (press space to chance stance to "raised")
- Potential Network issues - we will be monitoring the situation, as this appears to be resolved
- Actions: Vomiting have associated sound effects
- Actions: Ballistic helmet variants can be painted to black and green color with spraycan
- Actions: Can check pulse on unconscious players
- Actions: Searching for berries will now add berries to your inventory
- Actions: Eat All now supported for consumables
- Actions: You can catch rain into canteen and water-bottle from inventory
- Animations: New Ruger 10/22 reload animations
- Animations: New Ruger MKII Reload animations.
- Animations: Player now can sit with gun/weapon
- Animations: Completely new two-handed melee animations. New right-handed poses, moves and attacks for axes, baseball bat, pipewrench, crowbar, fire extinguisher, shovel, farming hoe. "Low" and "Aim" stances *introduced for stand, crouch and prone.
- Crafting: SKS painting recipe
- Crafting: You can paint firefighter axe black and green
- Crafting: Blaze 95 painting recipe
- Environment: New rock textures
- Food: Sambucus berry item added
- Food: Canina berry item added
- Gear: added black and UN ballistic helmet variants
- Gear: Sickle added into loot spawns
- Gear: 1911 engraved version configure added to loot spawns
- Gear: Can opener can be used as melee weapon
- Gear: Box of 10 bucks shots added configured and added to loot spawns
- Gear: Wool Coat red/black/brown/blue/green/grey/check variants added
- Gear: Green and black variant of SKS
- Gear: Green and black variant of firefighter axe added
- Gear: Flat Cap red/black/brown/blue/green/grey/check variants added
- Gear: Rabbit leg, boar steak and chicken breasts added
- Gear: Fresh and rotten tomato configured and spawning on the server
- Gear: Fresh and rotten potato configured and spawning on the server
- Gear: Fresh and rotten Green Bell Pepper configured and spawning on the server
- Gear: Canned Peaches configured and spawning on the server
- Gear: Tactical bacon configured and spawning on the server
- Gear: Hard headgear (ballistic, moto, construction and pilot helmets) cannot be wear together with masks
- Gear: Sporter 22, CR75, Amphibia S, 1911 and respective magazines and ammo (22LR and 9mm) added to spawns
- Gear: Wool Coats and Flat Caps added to spawns
- Gear: Farming hoe configured and spawns
- Gear: Long wooden ash stick
- Gear: M4 attachment green variants added
- Graphics: Adding lights to currently rendered scene changed
- Graphics: Lighting from objects now is rendered during daytime also
- Graphics: HDR improved and tweaked slightly to perform better with bright lights in scene (i.e. flashlights etc...)
- Graphics: Engine supported point source light objects (e.g. Gaslamp) now working correctly
- Map: Olsha has been updated
- Map: Khelm has been updated
- Map: New rock formations outside Svetlo have been created
- Map: New Orthodox Chapel has been created
- Map: Police Stations & Medical Centers have been placed across the map
- Map: Village pub configured for spawning loot
- Map: New villages surrounding Svetlo
- Map: Chernaya Polana town + surroundings added
- Map: Signs for "Chernaya Polana" added
- Medical: Players can have a heart attack (declared as "irregular pulse" with pulse checking actions)
- Weather: Rain, Clouds, Wind, calculated on server and distributed to clients
- Weather: Rain now causes items and player to become wet
- Zombies: Simple respawn mechanic implemented for zombies, pending more robust method
Actions: Added 'inUseItem' back to action on target function
Actions: Proper nutritional value will be added when eating near empty food
Actions: Berry picking script messages to player improved.
Actions: Removed duplicate option for crafting splint in action menu
Actions: Fixed force drink message for action with waterbottle
Actions: Eat all rice animation length modified
Actions: Force feeding action now depletes right amount of food/drinks
Actions: Water Bottle stays in hands after force drinking
Actions: Eating cereals won't leave you with 0% box in your inventory anymore
Actions: Fluids deplete properly after force drinking action
Actions: Removed force feed action for disinfectant and alcohol tincture
Actions: Crafting splint from bandages now uses whole disposable bandage and half of dressing bandage
Actions: Ruined rags/bandages and wooden sticks doesn't produce infinite splints
Actions: Clicking on Eat All action if amount of food is below 1/4 will result in playing only short eating animation
Actions: Edited player messages in force drink action and fixing broken limbs
Actions: Force feed/drink doesn't use whole quantity of some food/drink items also canteen is not destroyed after action
Actions: Player message for drinking from well
Animations: Bandage and eating pills animation glitch fixed.
Animations: Holding animations of various weapon magazines correctly linked
Animations: Player can now be properly knocked out while in water.
Animations: New M4A1 reload animations.
Animations: Various glitches when moving / changing stances fixed.
Animations: Rolling left/right while zoomed in sights makes player zoom out for the duration of the roll.
Animations: Evade animations in prone (Q and E) are faster now.
Audio: Subsonic projectiles no longer emit supersonic crack
Balance: Buffed damage of 762x39, 9mm, .22LR. Slightly nerfed shotgun pellets
Gear: Added color variants of ballistic helmets into loot spawns
Gear: Purification tablets package contains ten tablets now. Cholera removing functionality added.
Gear: Painted SKS chambering
Gear: Even lower chance of backpacks spawning on construction sites
Gear: Changed inventory view of pitchfork
Gear: Removed quantity value from burlap sack tooltip
Gear: Display name for t-shirts with stripes
Graphics: SSAO in options saved
Graphics: Rain effect settings changed
Graphics: Rain geometry optimized (28 bytes vs 12 bytes per vertex)
Graphics: Spot light culling fixed
Graphics: Fix of terrain intersections
Graphics: Fix of geometry trace for flares
Graphics: Rain now does not fall inside buildings for those on Lower/Disabled shadow settings
Login: Failure during new character creation could cause player to get stuck as unconscious
Map: Optimizations for Svetlo performance
Map: Forests surrounding Svetlo bugfixes
Medical: Would never actually die from zero health or blood due to medical conditions
Medical: Epi-pens will now wake anyone (briefly) from unconsciousness even if blood very low
Medical: Defibrillator used for restarting the heart of players who have a heart attack
Medical: Unconsciousness had irregular and unpredictable behavior (epi-pens will now always wake an unconscious player, unless they are having a heart attack)
Medical: Melee damage application system changed to better balance
Medical: Chance of bleeding from fists reduced significantly
Medical: Arm and leg ache messages fixed
Medical: Disconnected players avatars did not take shock or blood damage
Medical: Falling from height while sprinting did not kill player when it should have
Medical: Player could vault with broken legs
Network: Dropped items appeared only after a delay (now instant)
Network: Inventory items causing desync due to non-guaranteed update spam (hotfix currently until guaranteed message change is complete)
Network: Optimizations to network messaging updates should result in reduced bandwidth and some increases in FPS for clients/server
Structures: Changed inheritance of barrier structures (due to errors in logs)
Structures: Item disappearing when dropped from inventory on stairs or near walls
Weapons: Long-range scope reticle properly centered
Zombies: Zombies aims mostly for chest area now when attacking (stops the "helmet of armor" change)
Actions: Added force drink action for Disinfectant Spray and Alcohol Tincture 1
Actions: Added right click option on containers to view contents in the left inventory window.
Gear: Boonie Hat added to spawns
Gear: Green and black variant of B95
Gear: Added new variants for Canned Beans and Canned Spaghetti
Map: Added new player spawns
Map: New Saloon style Village pub has been created (Confirmed to be in one of the new villages around Svetlo.)
0.44.123800 (22.04.2014)
Known Issues
- Binoculars not functioning properly in crouch and prone states.
- Thrown objects moving at a slow frame rate during peak server load
- Crossbow damage higher than desired
- Ongoing melee balancing has zombies more resilient to body impacts. (Aim for the head)
- Accelerated Time falls out of sync after extended uptime (disabled for this update)
- Actions: Melee attacks added to frying pan and cooking pot
- Actions: Recipe for bow crafting added
- Items: Dexterity of shotguns, pistols and rifles configured
- Items: Tracksuit Jackets and Russian Officer Hat configured and added to loot spawns
- Items: Binoculars configured and added to loot spawns (known issues above with this item)
- Items: Implemented Crossbow + bolts.
- Server: Basic item bullet physics enabled (known issues tied to server performance)
- Server: New guaranteed messaging system for network traffic
- Server: New player spawn locations near Klen, Chernaya Polana, Orlovets
- Server: Accelerated Time implemented for gameservers
- Systems: 1:1 Mouse control / movement
- World: New Ash Tree model
- World: New village "Karmanovka" has been added
- Actions: Crafting with medical items - splints, blood bags, blood testing
- Actions: Removed force feed and force drink from epinephrine and morphine
- Actions: You can no longer turn on flashlight or defibrillator laying on the ground without battery being attached to it
- Actions: You can no longer empty magazines or ammunition boxes laying on the ground (and loose ammo)
- Actions: Burlap sack removes from head properly
- Actions: Apply defibrillator action messages
- Actions: You can catch rain holding bottle in hand only
- Actions: moved quantity manipulation and item removal directly into action on self
- Actions: added config entries to actions for single use food and drinks
- Actions: Single use food and drink items now adding to player water and energy levels
- Actions: Injection vial cannot be consumed
- Actions: Medical items related actions on other player (proper quantity handling)
- Animations: Player now can wave (F1) when unarmed or holding one-handed item with raised hands.
- Animations: playing correct footstep sounds for 2handed melee raised run, aimed rifle run
- Animations: Removed the jerky motion when sometimes equipping a weapon/item, usually at the start of eating/drinking/bandaging
- Animations: sitting with 2 handed melee should now work properly
- Animations: Fixed an issue where you would first stand up when pressing crouch in unarmed sitting pose
- Animations: Fixed an issue where you couldn't sit from unarmed prone directly.
- Animations: fixed missing rotation animation for unarmed crouched player
- Animations: Iron sights now use all 3 parameters for min, max and init zoom. Values of these params tweaked.
- Animations: Player's "naked eye" max zoom level lowered. It allows for the same max zoom as iron sights.
- Gear: Improvised courier bag and taloon backpack shows their damage state in inspect window
- Gear: Green bandage stops bleeding
- Gear: Fruits no longer show 100% label
- Gear: FNX45 red dot sight optics renamed and now requires 9V battery in order to work
- Gear: Resolved chambering issue with 22 related to stack quantity
- Gear: Tablets amount in inventory slot changed from % to pills
- World: Rocks at Ship Wreck location reworked
- Zombies: Melee attack bleed chance nerfed
- Zombies: Damage is dealt to head while kneeling
- Items: P1 pistol added
- Gear: Ash Stick added to spawn.
- Gear: Pickaxe added to spawn.
- Gear: Added 1911 Engraved.
- Gear: Quiver added.
0.44.123802 (28.05.2014)
Only security enhancements included
- Zombie corpses disappear in approx. 60-80 seconds now, instead of instantly.
- Melee weapon damage.
0.45.124426 (18.06.2014)
Known Issues
- Crash caused by burned meat duplication
- Camera can clip through walls
- Occaisionally zombies are spawning at the same spot they died
- Extremely rare crash when a player throws item
- Player's next character will not be saved into database if he disconnects after death
- Actions: Added cancel current player action on self and on target back to gear configuration
- Actions: Added cancel current player action on self and on target back to data and character configuration
- Actions: Added cancel current player action on self, on target and on items back to actions themselves
- Actions: Added new animations for drinking from pond and well actions
- Actions: Igniting fireplace depends on wind strength and rain
- Actions: Salmonellosis is curable with antibiotics
- Actions: Emptying large magazine will split ammo in adequate amount of smaller piles
- Actions: You can sharpen a bit badly damaged blades using stone
- Actions : You can tear few blank pages out of a book
- Actions : You can go fishing (ponds and lakes for this moment)
- Actions : You can drink whole bottle at once
- Animations: Clapping now possible while crouching
- Animations: Binoculars transitions added for crouch and prone.
- Content: Garage office building loot spawns added
- Content: Doors on vehicle wrecks now show name in scroll menu so users are able to know which door or boot they are opening/closing.
- Crafting : You can craft improvised fishing rod using long ashwood stick and rope
- Crafting : You craft and break down leather courier bag
- Crafting : You craft and break down leather backpack
- Crafting: Splitting long ashwood stick into thirds
- Crafting: Breaking Courier bag down into materials
- Crafting: Breaking Improvised backpack down into materials
- Crafting: Breaking Splint down into materials
- Gathering : You can collect wood from bushes and trees and also search for kindling in woods
- Gathering : You can mine stones from some smaller boulders
- Gathering : You can dig up worms from ground
- Gathering : You can search for apples
- Gathering : You can skin and quarter animals
- Gear: Road flare configuration
- Gear: Road flare animation
- Gear: Configuration of fireplace items and crafting recipes for them
- Gear: Crafting recipes for combine/split firewood and stones
- Gear: Added flare particle effects synchronization on server
- Item: AKM attachments (folding buttstock, rail handguard, plastic magazine), AK rail handguard allows the attachment of a flashlight and a bipod
- Item: Animal pelts added (Wildboar, Rabbit, Cow, Pig, Deer)
- Item: Improvised Backpack and Courier bag made of fur, recipes added.
- Items: Road Flare, Fishing hook, High Capacity vest, Longhorn pistol, AKM butt stocks, AKM magazines added to loot spawns
- Items: Chernarus Police uniform (pants, jacket, cap) added to loot spawns
- Items: OREL special Police unit uniform added to loot spawns
- Items: Gorka Military Pants added to loot spawns
- Items: Various meats configs
- Item : Improvised fishing rod config
- Item: Fishing hook config
- Item: Fishing bait config
- Item: Worm config
- Localisation: Door names added to string table.
- Server: Animals spawning
- Server: Initial implementation of dynamic server events
- Actions: Added conditions to crafting recipes
- Actions: Wooden sticks are stackable, crafting recipes with sticks modified to take stacks into account
- Actions: Catching some rain action, doesn't add water to a stomach
- Actions: Removed 'isUsingSomething' variable from player's stored variables
- Actions: Deconstructing improvised backpack produce wooden sticks in actual quantity required to craft it
- Actions: Fireplace sound effects fixed
- Actions: Fixed addressee of the messages in ignite fireplace action
- Action: Changed frying time to 30s
- Action: Higher probability to light fire in the wind
- Actions: Splitting ruined ammo won't create a pristine stack
- Actions: Bow loading action fixed
- Actions: Firewood splitting action fixed
- Animations: Fixed an issue where some animations were not interrupted with a death animation, when the player died
- Animations: Eating, drinking, crafting animations states are now correctly connected to death states
- Animations: More animations are now able to be cancelled(crafting, pills, injection)
- Animations: Some basic movement with binoculars is now possible in raised pose
- Config: Binoculars ability to be placed into holster
- Crafting: Splint recipe fix
- Gear: Changed firewood model
- Gear: Road flares to last 15 minutes
- Gear: Adding parameter to geometry lod to resolve alpha sorting
- Gear: Road flare cannot be lit after it's has already been used
- Gear: Road flare quantity is not showing in inventory for now (removed till they able to be stacked)
- Gear: Added cooking subclass to other meat configs
- Gear: Model filename changed for burned fillet
- Items: Shoes become damaged after falling from height
- Item : Long ashwood stick inventory size increased, can be placed on back
- Item: Improvised short bow inventory size
- Item: Binocular inventory size changed
- Item: Closed tuna can, lack of inventory image fixed
- Item: Closed sardines can, lack of inventory image fixed
- SFX: Fixed configuration for fireplace flame sound effect
- Spawns : Bugged crossbow bolt
- VFX: Helicopter crash site smoke particle effect initialization
- Actions: Bow loading action fixed
- Actions: Firewood splitting action fixed
- Action: Ashwood stick can be cut into pieces with a hacksaw
- Animation: Animation for drinking from Ponds added
- Animation: New Crouch walk animations
- Building: added Bus station garages
- Clothing: Glasses with thin frames and Glasses with thick frames
- Event: Helicopter crash sites spawn at server start (3 per server)
- Item: Fireplace Kit added
- Item: Composite Arrow added
- Location: Novodmitrovsk City
- Location: Karmanovka village
- Location: New mine area north Gvozdno
- Location: Pyramid has been replaced by a sign
- Sound: New Building Footstep Sounds
- Weapon: P1 Pistol added
- Weapon: AKM Added
0.46.124490 (03.07.2014)
Known Issues:
Crash caused by Fireplace kit in players Inventory
Character cloning
Player can look through walls (1)
Zombies are spawning on spot of their death (1)
Player is stuck in building after reconnect
Player cannot respawn properly when he has drowned
Shadow related client FPS drops
When restrained in unconscious player stays in restrained state till he reconnects
Actions: You can sort out good ammunition from a ruined stack
Animations: New reload animations for Longhorn and a second reload for the Crossbow.
Animations: New reload for B95 double rifle.
Animations: MP5K reload Animations
Animations: Added aimed pose for sitting with rifle.
Animations: Drinking from pond and well.
Loot: Added MP5 with magazines
Loot: Added military Pilotka side cap
Map: Karmanovka has returned (1)
Map: Novodmitrovsk has been added (1)
Map: Industrial area of Novodmitrovsk has been added. (1)
Map: Tenement area near Novodmitrovsk has been added. (1)
Map: Dobroe village is added.
Map: New administrative buildings has been added in Novo.
Item: Flashbang grenade
Item: Hand grenade
Item: Added green and black color variants of the ZSh3 helmet. Can be crafted.
Sound: Play sound when using the bow.
Actions: Painting 75 akm drum magazine
Actions: Crafting fur backpack
Actions: AKM buttstock painting
Actions: Breaking apart backpacks, down into parts
Actions: Leather backpack crafting
Actions: Raised chance to ignite fire in wind
Actions: Fixed crash with meat duplication in fireplace/inventory
Actions: Can't eat meat directly from the fireplace
Animations: Fixed hand movement at the end of SKS reloading.
Animations: Hand clipping in unarmed run.
Animations: Crouch walks and runs replaced with new animations.
Animations: Crouch idle pose adjusted to better show items in player's hand.
Animations: Sprint with gun replaced with new animation.
Animations: Jump and vualt animations updated
Animations: Hand poses added for granades, pelts, alcohol tincture, fishing rod, magazines, woods.
Animations: Zombie attack animations polished.
Animations: Gestures poses fixed.
Animations: Two handed arming animations fixed.
Animations: Fixed an issue where surrender kept getting cancelled when used with one handed melee weapons
Animations: Fixed an issue where vomiting was not working properly with 2 handed melee weapons
Animations: Fixed an issue where drinking animation was not playing when the player was in prone
Animations: Throwing items reconfigured, staying wound up should not prevent the player from getting knocked down or cuffed
Animations: Leaning tweaked in transitional states, should now allow for smoother transitions while leaning
Animations: Fixed an issue where the character would not roll left/right with binocs in raised prone state
Gear: Alpha sorting in alcohol tincture model
Item: Hacksaw hand placement
Sound: Arrow loading
Sound: Arrow ejecting
Sound: Fishing bait check
Buildings: Added fences on the roof of policestations
Buildings: New military building added
Clothing: Gorka Military Uniform Jacket added
Clothing: Changed the ring on the Police Caps to Chernorussian Green
Event: Added random Police cars
Event: Number of possible Helicopter Crash Sites increased from 16-18. (Number of crashed Helicopters on the map stays 3)
Files: Added data for Flare Gun, Rabbit Snare, and Tent
Files: Added data for 2 Grenade Launcher Attachments and 2 SMG's
Files: Added data for Smoke Grenade, Improvised Butane/Spray Grenade, and Improvised Timed Butane/Spray Grenade
Files: Added data for mackerels
Location: NEAF completely changed
Location: Turovo added
Sound: Added new sounds for the M4A1
World: Added some new roads
Effects: Increased Loading range of Bullet Impact visibility
Effects: Increased the loading range of Helicopter Smoke
Gear: Can no longer put Small Protector Cases inside each other.
Gear: Splint inventory size reduced to two slots
Lightning: Lightning during night time have been improved
Sound: Fixed the sounds of the brownish ground
Weapons: 7Rnd 1911 Magazine flipped back
Weapons: Kitchen Knives can now be equipped on your back
(1): Actualy added in 0.45.124426
Crash caused by Fireplace kit in players Inventory
Character cloning
Player can look through walls (1)
Zombies are spawning on spot of their death (1)
Player is stuck in building after reconnect
Player cannot respawn properly when he has drowned
Shadow related client FPS drops
When restrained in unconscious player stays in restrained state till he reconnects
Actions: You can sort out good ammunition from a ruined stack
Animations: New reload animations for Longhorn and a second reload for the Crossbow.
Animations: New reload for B95 double rifle.
Animations: MP5K reload Animations
Animations: Added aimed pose for sitting with rifle.
Animations: Drinking from pond and well.
Loot: Added MP5 with magazines
Loot: Added military Pilotka side cap
Map: Karmanovka has returned (1)
Map: Novodmitrovsk has been added (1)
Map: Industrial area of Novodmitrovsk has been added. (1)
Map: Tenement area near Novodmitrovsk has been added. (1)
Map: Dobroe village is added.
Map: New administrative buildings has been added in Novo.
Item: Flashbang grenade
Item: Hand grenade
Item: Added green and black color variants of the ZSh3 helmet. Can be crafted.
Sound: Play sound when using the bow.
Actions: Painting 75 akm drum magazine
Actions: Crafting fur backpack
Actions: AKM buttstock painting
Actions: Breaking apart backpacks, down into parts
Actions: Leather backpack crafting
Actions: Raised chance to ignite fire in wind
Actions: Fixed crash with meat duplication in fireplace/inventory
Actions: Can't eat meat directly from the fireplace
Animations: Fixed hand movement at the end of SKS reloading.
Animations: Hand clipping in unarmed run.
Animations: Crouch walks and runs replaced with new animations.
Animations: Crouch idle pose adjusted to better show items in player's hand.
Animations: Sprint with gun replaced with new animation.
Animations: Jump and vualt animations updated
Animations: Hand poses added for granades, pelts, alcohol tincture, fishing rod, magazines, woods.
Animations: Zombie attack animations polished.
Animations: Gestures poses fixed.
Animations: Two handed arming animations fixed.
Animations: Fixed an issue where surrender kept getting cancelled when used with one handed melee weapons
Animations: Fixed an issue where vomiting was not working properly with 2 handed melee weapons
Animations: Fixed an issue where drinking animation was not playing when the player was in prone
Animations: Throwing items reconfigured, staying wound up should not prevent the player from getting knocked down or cuffed
Animations: Leaning tweaked in transitional states, should now allow for smoother transitions while leaning
Animations: Fixed an issue where the character would not roll left/right with binocs in raised prone state
Gear: Alpha sorting in alcohol tincture model
Item: Hacksaw hand placement
Sound: Arrow loading
Sound: Arrow ejecting
Sound: Fishing bait check
Buildings: Added fences on the roof of policestations
Buildings: New military building added
Clothing: Gorka Military Uniform Jacket added
Clothing: Changed the ring on the Police Caps to Chernorussian Green
Event: Added random Police cars
Event: Number of possible Helicopter Crash Sites increased from 16-18. (Number of crashed Helicopters on the map stays 3)
Files: Added data for Flare Gun, Rabbit Snare, and Tent
Files: Added data for 2 Grenade Launcher Attachments and 2 SMG's
Files: Added data for Smoke Grenade, Improvised Butane/Spray Grenade, and Improvised Timed Butane/Spray Grenade
Files: Added data for mackerels
Location: NEAF completely changed
Location: Turovo added
Sound: Added new sounds for the M4A1
World: Added some new roads
Effects: Increased Loading range of Bullet Impact visibility
Effects: Increased the loading range of Helicopter Smoke
Gear: Can no longer put Small Protector Cases inside each other.
Gear: Splint inventory size reduced to two slots
Lightning: Lightning during night time have been improved
Sound: Fixed the sounds of the brownish ground
Weapons: 7Rnd 1911 Magazine flipped back
Weapons: Kitchen Knives can now be equipped on your back
(1): Actualy added in 0.45.124426
0.47.124641 (30.07.2014)
Known issues:
Player can in rare circumstances enter a state in which they cannot attack and must relog
Character may temporarily enter a frozen state when throwing (resolved a few seconds)
Melee targeting is off in some situations
Players can in some circumstances experience slight desync with server
Dynamic server events are temporarily disabled
Backpacks rearrange after reconnection
Players restrained while unconscious remained restrained until reconnection (after awaking)
Persistent items & storage are disabled server side pending hot fix to stable branch
Actions: cans can be opened with SKS bayonet and sickle
Actions: added playerDrinkCan action to config
Actions: added Melee class to SurvivorBase
Animations: New default aimed animations with rifle
Animations: Player now can walk while surrender
Animations: Transitions for surrender/restrained player
Animations: Crouched zombie animation set
Animations: Reload for CZ527
Animations: Hand poses added for matchbox, Injection Vial, Hacksaw
Animations: Drinking from can
Character: New female face models
Character: New male face models
Engine: Ragdoll support for Zombies & Players
Engine: Initial implementation of navmesh for zombie pathfinding
Items: Boonie hat fishing hook storage
Items: Chemlights
Items: AK101
Items: CR 527
Items: Makarov
Items PM 73 RAK
Items: Medium Civilian Tent
Items: Paramedic clothes (jacket and pants)
Items: Military Boots now store knives
Items: Red, Black, Polka dotted, Olive and Camo bandana added
Items: Untied Red, Black, Polka dotted, Olive and Camo bandana added
Recipes : Red, Black, Polka dotted, Olive and Camo as a bandage
Recipes: Red, Black, Polka dotted, Olive and Camo bandanas can be untied and tied to mask
Server: Persistent item support (disabled for this update)
Server: Simulation changes to support increased server performance
Server: Persistent storage support (disabled for this update)
World: Turovo village added
Actions: Player is not able to fill a ruined canteen from well.
Actions: When player opens ruined canned food there is low amount of food left.
Actions: Player is not able to pour water from a ruined canteen.
Actions: Player can no long empty magazine attached to a weapon
Actions: No access to catch rain action during ongoing action
Actions: Fishing actions displayed while using different items than rod
Actions: Added missing part to improvised bag/backpack crafting messages in action menu
Actions: Zucchini can be force fed
Actions: Added new drink from well animation to blue well
Actions: Unable to use actions while swimming or while on ladder
Actions: Player can take Makarov into hands straight from ground
Actions: Player can take PM73 RAK into hands straight from ground
Actions: Removing item on which consume action was called, not item which was swapped to hands during consume action
Animals: Visual improvement of cow, rabbit and wildboar
Animations: Gestures related bugs fixed (Facepalm, Cut throat, Silence)
Animations: Crouch moves with bow
Animations: Prone moves with pistol
Animations: Fixed multiple issues with vaulting
Animations: Zucchini handheld position
Animations: SoundEdge(footstep sounds) set correctly for kneel run with rifle
Animations: Face-palm doesn't make the player stand up from prone anymore
Animations: Sitting tweaked (changing weapons keeps player in kneel, instead of making them stand....)
Items: Dimmed fireplace light so it not interfere with HDR
Items: tweaked shotguns dispersions and recoils
Items: tweaked pistols dispersions
Items: tweaked rifles, carbines and SMGs dispersions
Items: tweaked attachments (optics, buttstocks, handguards, compensators, bipod) dispersions
Items: Wooden sticks can be held in hands
Items: CR527 shadow glitch fixed
Items: set chemlight to last 60 minutes
Items: lowered light intensity for chemlights and flare
Items: removed buttstock as default spawned attachment for MP5
Item: Binoculars size reduced
Items: added other chemlight color material variants
Modifiers: removed vomit message from blinded modifier
Recipes: You can paint cz572 black, green and camo
Recipes: Player can't tear clothing into rags while there are things in it
Recipes: Ruined cans opening tweaked
Animation: Added 3 new gestures; F8-Face Palm, F9-Cut your throat, and F10-Hush
Animal: New Deer Model (Red Deer)
Files: Added Config files for the Flare Gun
Files: Added PBO files for weapon wraps and 2 vehicles
Gear: Added Pilotka Military Cap
Gear: Added Tracksuit Jacket
Gear: Added Tanker Helmet
Action: Two handed Items can now be thrown.
Animation: Changed the animation for filing bottles at water pumps. It now uses the same animation as catching water in the rain.
Crafting: Fireplace Kits can now be crafted with Books
Gear: Books inventory icon has been flipped to show the cover.
Gear: Spite" Renamed to "Spite Lemon Lime"
Gear: Added a description to the Crossbow and the AKM
Gear: Flipped the model of the Matchbox upwards
Lighting: Added new flash effects for hitting metal
Loot: Deer Stands now spawn loot
Weapons: Flipped the Hacksaw upwards
Weapons: MP5-K can now be chambered without a mag
Player can in rare circumstances enter a state in which they cannot attack and must relog
Character may temporarily enter a frozen state when throwing (resolved a few seconds)
Melee targeting is off in some situations
Players can in some circumstances experience slight desync with server
Dynamic server events are temporarily disabled
Backpacks rearrange after reconnection
Players restrained while unconscious remained restrained until reconnection (after awaking)
Persistent items & storage are disabled server side pending hot fix to stable branch
Actions: cans can be opened with SKS bayonet and sickle
Actions: added playerDrinkCan action to config
Actions: added Melee class to SurvivorBase
Animations: New default aimed animations with rifle
Animations: Player now can walk while surrender
Animations: Transitions for surrender/restrained player
Animations: Crouched zombie animation set
Animations: Reload for CZ527
Animations: Hand poses added for matchbox, Injection Vial, Hacksaw
Animations: Drinking from can
Character: New female face models
Character: New male face models
Engine: Ragdoll support for Zombies & Players
Engine: Initial implementation of navmesh for zombie pathfinding
Items: Boonie hat fishing hook storage
Items: Chemlights
Items: AK101
Items: CR 527
Items: Makarov
Items PM 73 RAK
Items: Medium Civilian Tent
Items: Paramedic clothes (jacket and pants)
Items: Military Boots now store knives
Items: Red, Black, Polka dotted, Olive and Camo bandana added
Items: Untied Red, Black, Polka dotted, Olive and Camo bandana added
Recipes : Red, Black, Polka dotted, Olive and Camo as a bandage
Recipes: Red, Black, Polka dotted, Olive and Camo bandanas can be untied and tied to mask
Server: Persistent item support (disabled for this update)
Server: Simulation changes to support increased server performance
Server: Persistent storage support (disabled for this update)
World: Turovo village added
Actions: Player is not able to fill a ruined canteen from well.
Actions: When player opens ruined canned food there is low amount of food left.
Actions: Player is not able to pour water from a ruined canteen.
Actions: Player can no long empty magazine attached to a weapon
Actions: No access to catch rain action during ongoing action
Actions: Fishing actions displayed while using different items than rod
Actions: Added missing part to improvised bag/backpack crafting messages in action menu
Actions: Zucchini can be force fed
Actions: Added new drink from well animation to blue well
Actions: Unable to use actions while swimming or while on ladder
Actions: Player can take Makarov into hands straight from ground
Actions: Player can take PM73 RAK into hands straight from ground
Actions: Removing item on which consume action was called, not item which was swapped to hands during consume action
Animals: Visual improvement of cow, rabbit and wildboar
Animations: Gestures related bugs fixed (Facepalm, Cut throat, Silence)
Animations: Crouch moves with bow
Animations: Prone moves with pistol
Animations: Fixed multiple issues with vaulting
Animations: Zucchini handheld position
Animations: SoundEdge(footstep sounds) set correctly for kneel run with rifle
Animations: Face-palm doesn't make the player stand up from prone anymore
Animations: Sitting tweaked (changing weapons keeps player in kneel, instead of making them stand....)
Items: Dimmed fireplace light so it not interfere with HDR
Items: tweaked shotguns dispersions and recoils
Items: tweaked pistols dispersions
Items: tweaked rifles, carbines and SMGs dispersions
Items: tweaked attachments (optics, buttstocks, handguards, compensators, bipod) dispersions
Items: Wooden sticks can be held in hands
Items: CR527 shadow glitch fixed
Items: set chemlight to last 60 minutes
Items: lowered light intensity for chemlights and flare
Items: removed buttstock as default spawned attachment for MP5
Item: Binoculars size reduced
Items: added other chemlight color material variants
Modifiers: removed vomit message from blinded modifier
Recipes: You can paint cz572 black, green and camo
Recipes: Player can't tear clothing into rags while there are things in it
Recipes: Ruined cans opening tweaked
Animation: Added 3 new gestures; F8-Face Palm, F9-Cut your throat, and F10-Hush
Animal: New Deer Model (Red Deer)
Files: Added Config files for the Flare Gun
Files: Added PBO files for weapon wraps and 2 vehicles
Gear: Added Pilotka Military Cap
Gear: Added Tracksuit Jacket
Gear: Added Tanker Helmet
Action: Two handed Items can now be thrown.
Animation: Changed the animation for filing bottles at water pumps. It now uses the same animation as catching water in the rain.
Crafting: Fireplace Kits can now be crafted with Books
Gear: Books inventory icon has been flipped to show the cover.
Gear: Spite" Renamed to "Spite Lemon Lime"
Gear: Added a description to the Crossbow and the AKM
Gear: Flipped the model of the Matchbox upwards
Lighting: Added new flash effects for hitting metal
Loot: Deer Stands now spawn loot
Weapons: Flipped the Hacksaw upwards
Weapons: MP5-K can now be chambered without a mag
0.48.124737 (13.08.2014)
Animations: Igniting fireplace
Animations: Restrained sprint (run) (1)
Animations: Fishing (pull out, check, start)
Animations: Searching for berries, digging
Animations: Cow animation sets
Crafting: You can craft leather sack
Crafting: You can craft mosin wrap from burlap sack
Crafting: You can add grass to burlap wrap
Crafting: You can sharpen wooden sticks
Crafting: You can combine sharpened sticks and feather to create a primitive arrow
Crafting: Preparing chicken will now also give you some chicken feathers
Crafting: You can saw mosin-nagant 9130 off
Crafting: You can paint sawn-off mosin-nagant 9130
Crafting: You can tear bandana mask into rags
Crafting: You can attach and detach Smersh Backpack to Smersh Vest
Gear: Crafted leather sack
Gear: Smersh Vest
Gear: Smersh Backpack
Gear: Sharpened Stick
Gear: Chicken Feathers
Gear: Primitive Arrow
Gear: Added lifetime and persistence parameters
Gear: Bow can now use primitive arrows
Gear: Tank helmet (1)
Loot: Randomized police cars spawns (works but cars are not always visible - see known issues)
Loot: Some guns spawn with ammo now
Weapons: Sawed-off variant of mosin-nagant 9130
World: Sinistok village is added.
World: Vavilovo village is added.
World: New WW2 monument has been added to Severograd town.
World: Oak tree was replaced by new model.
Animations: Slow and fast move with raised Bow in crouch
Animations: Silence gesture crouch and prone polished
Actions: Tearing bandana into rags produce only one rag now
Actions: Highly increased chance of finding an apple
Actions: Slightly increased chance of finding a berry
Character: Moved position of collision shapes for standing and crouching poses with two-handed weapon
Cooking: Highly reduced chance of getting food poisoning from burnt meat
Crafting: Tracksuit pants can be mended with sewing kit
Graphics: Textures for epinephrine and fire extinguisher improved
Engine: First iteration of wall clipping fix
Gear: Gorka pants takes four slots
Loot: Heli-crashsites fixed
Loot: Loot tables changed
Loot: Rotten fruit and vegetables removed from loot spawns
Weapons: Crossbow dispersion tweaked
Weapons: CR 527 magazine cannot be repainted
Weapons: Range for all melee weapons and fists tweaked
Weapons: All melee weapons are set to use cursor for hit now
Weapons: CR 527 magazine description edited
Weapons: MP5 30Rnd magazine takes up two vertical slots
Weapons: Shotguns damage
Weapons: Improvised bow dispersion tweaked
Animations: Player can now run with guns raised
Animation: New animation for running and walking with gun raised
Files: Added PBO files for Bears and RGD-5 Grenades
Gear: Can now open and close tents
Player: Can now crouch walk when legs are broken
Server: "Regular" and "Hardcore" servers changed to "Third person" and "First person" respectively
Weapons: Added 5Rnd Clip
Weapons: Added .380 Auto 35 Rounds
Weapons: Added Crossbow Holosight
World: Added V3S Truck wrecks
Camera: Camera no longer glitches through walls
Gear: Added a new model for Epinephrine and Explosive Grenade
World: New Deer stand model added
World: New fence model added
Animations: Igniting fireplace
Animations: Restrained sprint (run) (1)
Animations: Fishing (pull out, check, start)
Animations: Searching for berries, digging
Animations: Cow animation sets
Crafting: You can craft leather sack
Crafting: You can craft mosin wrap from burlap sack
Crafting: You can add grass to burlap wrap
Crafting: You can sharpen wooden sticks
Crafting: You can combine sharpened sticks and feather to create a primitive arrow
Crafting: Preparing chicken will now also give you some chicken feathers
Crafting: You can saw mosin-nagant 9130 off
Crafting: You can paint sawn-off mosin-nagant 9130
Crafting: You can tear bandana mask into rags
Crafting: You can attach and detach Smersh Backpack to Smersh Vest
Gear: Crafted leather sack
Gear: Smersh Vest
Gear: Smersh Backpack
Gear: Sharpened Stick
Gear: Chicken Feathers
Gear: Primitive Arrow
Gear: Added lifetime and persistence parameters
Gear: Bow can now use primitive arrows
Gear: Tank helmet (1)
Loot: Randomized police cars spawns (works but cars are not always visible - see known issues)
Loot: Some guns spawn with ammo now
Weapons: Sawed-off variant of mosin-nagant 9130
World: Sinistok village is added.
World: Vavilovo village is added.
World: New WW2 monument has been added to Severograd town.
World: Oak tree was replaced by new model.
Animations: Slow and fast move with raised Bow in crouch
Animations: Silence gesture crouch and prone polished
Actions: Tearing bandana into rags produce only one rag now
Actions: Highly increased chance of finding an apple
Actions: Slightly increased chance of finding a berry
Character: Moved position of collision shapes for standing and crouching poses with two-handed weapon
Cooking: Highly reduced chance of getting food poisoning from burnt meat
Crafting: Tracksuit pants can be mended with sewing kit
Graphics: Textures for epinephrine and fire extinguisher improved
Engine: First iteration of wall clipping fix
Gear: Gorka pants takes four slots
Loot: Heli-crashsites fixed
Loot: Loot tables changed
Loot: Rotten fruit and vegetables removed from loot spawns
Weapons: Crossbow dispersion tweaked
Weapons: CR 527 magazine cannot be repainted
Weapons: Range for all melee weapons and fists tweaked
Weapons: All melee weapons are set to use cursor for hit now
Weapons: CR 527 magazine description edited
Weapons: MP5 30Rnd magazine takes up two vertical slots
Weapons: Shotguns damage
Weapons: Improvised bow dispersion tweaked
Animations: Player can now run with guns raised
Animation: New animation for running and walking with gun raised
Files: Added PBO files for Bears and RGD-5 Grenades
Gear: Can now open and close tents
Player: Can now crouch walk when legs are broken
Server: "Regular" and "Hardcore" servers changed to "Third person" and "First person" respectively
Weapons: Added 5Rnd Clip
Weapons: Added .380 Auto 35 Rounds
Weapons: Added Crossbow Holosight
World: Added V3S Truck wrecks
Camera: Camera no longer glitches through walls
Gear: Added a new model for Epinephrine and Explosive Grenade
World: New Deer stand model added
World: New fence model added
0.49.124971 (17.09.2014)
Map and spawn changes
Severograd, and new villages in vicinity (Mamino, Troitskoe)
New items
Hunting Knife
Balaclava (different versions)
Firefighter jacket (different versions)
Cattle Prod
Stun Baton
Telescopic Baton
MASKA helm
Medical Thermometer
RDG-5 Explosive Grenade
Soviet Officer Hat
Various spawn table changes
New mechanics
New melee hit detection
Player temperature
New events (helicopter crashes, vehicle spawns etc.)
New door implementation
Players can now run up and down the stairs
Zombie variations
First iteration of central economy.
Animal navmesh
New animations
Digging Animations
New restrained crouch pose
New restrained crouch walk
CPR animations
New zombie walks, runs, sprints and idle variations
Ragdoll changes
Duplication techniques removed
Shotgun pellets in multiplayer are now working
Player can no longer take an item in hand while handcuffed
Various gesture related fixes and polishing
Raised move with bow in Standing stance and rotations with bow
Minor polishing for different reloads
Unintended fishing cancellation by player movement should be reduced
Wearing raincoat and gorkas now prevents you from soaking from rain
Clothes drying revisioned
Berry picking, tree and kindling gathering and worms digging can now be cancelled
Player gets wet even when only partially submerged in water
Ruined axe warning message
Balaclava mask can get wet
Weather client synchronization
7.62x39 cartridge have weight
Rags and sticks are spent when they are in hand before crafting starts
Allowed swing detection for most melee weapons
Added sound, music, radio and speech fade in dead state
Battery licking animation for check battery action
Various desync issues
Various server performance issues
Player can no longer change weapon when in water
Player collisions adjusted to reduce clipping through walls in various situations
Fixed an issue where certain gestures would not get called from raised stance
Fixed footstep sounds in various moves
Fixed an issue where the player could fall to the ground after performing "Drink All" action
Fixed an issue where on occasion, one player restraining another would not result in succesful restrained animation on the player being restrained
Fixed an issue where the player entering water would not get disarmed automatically under certain circumstances
Persistence (Events do not get loaded properly after server restart)
Persistence (Server state can become corrupted due to grenades stored in containers)
Melee (When using rapid left click there is a high chance that melee weapon will get switched)
Broken shadows in some cases
Zombies are unable to get into some of the buildings.
Events (bad positioning on spawn, items might spawn below ground, can be seen on inventory screen)
Action: Rotten Apples can now be picked from trees
Action: Players can now let themselves fall off ladders
Animation: Added a new animation for searching for sticks and berries
Files: Added PBO files for the following Weapons: Baikal MP-133, Brass Knuckles, Police Baton, Rossi R92, and Sledgehammer
Files: Added PBO files for the following Clothing: Skate Helmet, Fingerless Gloves, and Firefighter pants
Files: Added PBO files for the following items: Wolves, Beta C-Mag, and Rangefinder
Server: Joining a server now shows you server information
Server: "Third person" and "First person" servers changed to "1st/3rd person" and "1st person" respectively
Server: Joining menu now shows you if the server is on a private or public "shard", a new concept
Sound: Clocktower bell sounds added in Cherno
UI: Added new background for the action select menu and hotbar
World: Military Camp (Balota Airstrip) removed
World: Military Camp (Myshkino) added
World: Updated the quarry around Severograd
Actions: Can't put clothing items inside each other if the one being stored contains items anymore
Character: Can now see where other people are aiming at
Event: Removed some Helicopter Crash Sites
Gear: Added green Bandages
Gear: Changed size of Gorka Military Pants from 2 to 4 Slots
Gear: Renamed Red and Blue berries to Red-coloured Berries and Blue-coloured Berries respectively
Spawns: Changed Player spawn locations
Textures: Grenade explosions create craters
Gear: Made tomato model smaller and more realistic
Severograd, and new villages in vicinity (Mamino, Troitskoe)
New items
Hunting Knife
Balaclava (different versions)
Firefighter jacket (different versions)
Cattle Prod
Stun Baton
Telescopic Baton
MASKA helm
Medical Thermometer
RDG-5 Explosive Grenade
Soviet Officer Hat
Various spawn table changes
New mechanics
New melee hit detection
Player temperature
New events (helicopter crashes, vehicle spawns etc.)
New door implementation
Players can now run up and down the stairs
Zombie variations
First iteration of central economy.
Animal navmesh
New animations
Digging Animations
New restrained crouch pose
New restrained crouch walk
CPR animations
New zombie walks, runs, sprints and idle variations
Ragdoll changes
Duplication techniques removed
Shotgun pellets in multiplayer are now working
Player can no longer take an item in hand while handcuffed
Various gesture related fixes and polishing
Raised move with bow in Standing stance and rotations with bow
Minor polishing for different reloads
Unintended fishing cancellation by player movement should be reduced
Wearing raincoat and gorkas now prevents you from soaking from rain
Clothes drying revisioned
Berry picking, tree and kindling gathering and worms digging can now be cancelled
Player gets wet even when only partially submerged in water
Ruined axe warning message
Balaclava mask can get wet
Weather client synchronization
7.62x39 cartridge have weight
Rags and sticks are spent when they are in hand before crafting starts
Allowed swing detection for most melee weapons
Added sound, music, radio and speech fade in dead state
Battery licking animation for check battery action
Various desync issues
Various server performance issues
Player can no longer change weapon when in water
Player collisions adjusted to reduce clipping through walls in various situations
Fixed an issue where certain gestures would not get called from raised stance
Fixed footstep sounds in various moves
Fixed an issue where the player could fall to the ground after performing "Drink All" action
Fixed an issue where on occasion, one player restraining another would not result in succesful restrained animation on the player being restrained
Fixed an issue where the player entering water would not get disarmed automatically under certain circumstances
Persistence (Events do not get loaded properly after server restart)
Persistence (Server state can become corrupted due to grenades stored in containers)
Melee (When using rapid left click there is a high chance that melee weapon will get switched)
Broken shadows in some cases
Zombies are unable to get into some of the buildings.
Events (bad positioning on spawn, items might spawn below ground, can be seen on inventory screen)
Action: Rotten Apples can now be picked from trees
Action: Players can now let themselves fall off ladders
Animation: Added a new animation for searching for sticks and berries
Files: Added PBO files for the following Weapons: Baikal MP-133, Brass Knuckles, Police Baton, Rossi R92, and Sledgehammer
Files: Added PBO files for the following Clothing: Skate Helmet, Fingerless Gloves, and Firefighter pants
Files: Added PBO files for the following items: Wolves, Beta C-Mag, and Rangefinder
Server: Joining a server now shows you server information
Server: "Third person" and "First person" servers changed to "1st/3rd person" and "1st person" respectively
Server: Joining menu now shows you if the server is on a private or public "shard", a new concept
Sound: Clocktower bell sounds added in Cherno
UI: Added new background for the action select menu and hotbar
World: Military Camp (Balota Airstrip) removed
World: Military Camp (Myshkino) added
World: Updated the quarry around Severograd
Actions: Can't put clothing items inside each other if the one being stored contains items anymore
Character: Can now see where other people are aiming at
Event: Removed some Helicopter Crash Sites
Gear: Added green Bandages
Gear: Changed size of Gorka Military Pants from 2 to 4 Slots
Gear: Renamed Red and Blue berries to Red-coloured Berries and Blue-coloured Berries respectively
Spawns: Changed Player spawn locations
Textures: Grenade explosions create craters
Gear: Made tomato model smaller and more realistic
0.49.124972 (24.09.2014)
Fixed a server crash caused by ragdoll
Fixed a server crash and persistance corruption
Map changes
Persistance is enabled again by default on official servers. And is available as an opt in for all servers.
Gear: Gorka E Military Helmets can now be spray painted
Files: Added PBO files for the following items: Firefighter Helmet, Laser Sight Modul, Refrigerator, SPOSN Backpack, Wallet, and Waterproof Backpack
Files: Added PBO file for a new player model
Fixed a server crash and persistance corruption
Map changes
Persistance is enabled again by default on official servers. And is available as an opt in for all servers.
Gear: Gorka E Military Helmets can now be spray painted
Files: Added PBO files for the following items: Firefighter Helmet, Laser Sight Modul, Refrigerator, SPOSN Backpack, Wallet, and Waterproof Backpack
Files: Added PBO file for a new player model
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