In Anlehnung an den ähnlichen CPU-Thread, hier die Frage, welche Grafikkarten ihr bereits euer eigen nennen konntet?
Ich fange mal an (nur 3D-fähige, an die davor erinnere ich mich kaum noch)
- STB Riva128
- Noname Voodoo Graphics
- Guillemot Voodoo2 8 MB
- Diamond Viper (Riva TNT)
- STB Velocity 128
- Diamond Viper V550 (TNT2 Ultra)
- ELSA Gladiac GTS (GF2 GTS)
- Asus V"irgendwas" (Geforce3)
- PNY Verto FX5800 Ultra
- Sapphire Radeon 9600 XT Ultimate
- GBT GF6800
- Asus EAX800 XL
- MSI GF7900 GTO
- Connect3D Radeon X1900 XT/CF
Zwischendrin gab und gibt's noch etliches andere, was aber selten länger in meinem Spiele-PC verweilte. Vielleicht ergänze ich das mal...
Was ich sonst noch so dahabe:
Athena, Millenium II, Mystique 220, Mystique 220 /4 MiB + Rainbow-Runner, G100 (2 MiB), G200 (8 MiB), G400 DH (16 MiB), G400 Max, m3D (4 MiB, PCI, PowerVR PCX2)
Diamond Edge 3D (NV1), Riva128 (4 MiB, PCI), Riva128ZX (8 MiB, AGP), Riva TNT (16 MiB, AGP, Creative), TNT2 M64 (AGP, Elsa), Guillemot TNT2 Ultra, Elsa Gladiac GF256 (32 MiB, AGP), Elsa Gladiac GF2 Ultra, Leadtek Winfast GF3 Ti500, Sparkle GF4 MX460, Creative GB GF4 Ti4800, PNY GFFX5800 Ultra, Gigabyte GF6800, MSI GF7900 GTO
Rage XL (8MiB), Rage Fury 128 (32 MiB), Rage Fury Maxx (2*32 MiB), Radeon SDR (org. 32 MiB), Radeon 7500 (BBA), Radeon 8500 (128 MiB, BBA), Radeon 9250 SE (Sapphire), Radeon 9600 SE (Sapphire), Radeon 9600 XT Ultimate (Sapphire), Radeon 9700 (BBA), Radeon X800 XL (Asus), Radeon X1900 XT/CF (Connect 3D)
Voodoo Graphics (4 MiB, Orchid Righteous 3D), Voodoo Graphics (6 MiB, Miro Hiscore), Hercules Stingray128 (6 MiB, Voodoo Rush), Noname Voodoo Rush, Voodoo2 (12 MiB, Noname), Voodoo2 (12 MiB, Creative), Voodoo Banshee (PCI, Creative), Voodoo Banshee (AGP, Noname), STB Velocity 100 (8 MiB, V3-2000), STB Voodoo3 2000 (PCI, 16 MiB), STB Voodoo3 3000 (AGP, 16 MiB), STB Voodoo3 3500 (AGP, 16 MiB), STB Voodoo4 4500 (PCI, 32 MiB), STB Voodoo5 5500 (PCI, 64 MiB), STB Voodoo5 5500 (AGP, 64 MiB), Quantum 3D Obsidian2 X24 (2*V2/12 MiB auf einem Board)
Hercules Terminator Beast (Savage3D, 8 MiB), Elsa irgendwas (Savage4, 16 MiB), Diamond Viper II Z200 (Savage2000, 32 MiB)
Inno3D Kyro II (AGP, 32 MiB), Hercules 3D Prophet 4000XT (Kyro, 64 MiB, PCI), Videologic Neon250 (32 MiB, PowerVR250, AGP) Number Nine Ticket To Ride IV (AGP, 32 MiB), 3d Labs Oxygen VX1 (Permedia3, 32 MiB - IIRC), Inno3D Power GL (AGP, 8 MiB, Permedia II), Chromatic Research mPact! (PCI, 2 MiB, QDI Legend 4 MiB (AGP, 4 MiB, Rendition V2200)
Ich fange mal an (nur 3D-fähige, an die davor erinnere ich mich kaum noch)
- STB Riva128
- Noname Voodoo Graphics
- Guillemot Voodoo2 8 MB
- Diamond Viper (Riva TNT)
- STB Velocity 128
- Diamond Viper V550 (TNT2 Ultra)
- ELSA Gladiac GTS (GF2 GTS)
- Asus V"irgendwas" (Geforce3)
- PNY Verto FX5800 Ultra
- Sapphire Radeon 9600 XT Ultimate
- GBT GF6800
- Asus EAX800 XL
- MSI GF7900 GTO
- Connect3D Radeon X1900 XT/CF
Zwischendrin gab und gibt's noch etliches andere, was aber selten länger in meinem Spiele-PC verweilte. Vielleicht ergänze ich das mal...
Was ich sonst noch so dahabe:
Athena, Millenium II, Mystique 220, Mystique 220 /4 MiB + Rainbow-Runner, G100 (2 MiB), G200 (8 MiB), G400 DH (16 MiB), G400 Max, m3D (4 MiB, PCI, PowerVR PCX2)
Diamond Edge 3D (NV1), Riva128 (4 MiB, PCI), Riva128ZX (8 MiB, AGP), Riva TNT (16 MiB, AGP, Creative), TNT2 M64 (AGP, Elsa), Guillemot TNT2 Ultra, Elsa Gladiac GF256 (32 MiB, AGP), Elsa Gladiac GF2 Ultra, Leadtek Winfast GF3 Ti500, Sparkle GF4 MX460, Creative GB GF4 Ti4800, PNY GFFX5800 Ultra, Gigabyte GF6800, MSI GF7900 GTO
Rage XL (8MiB), Rage Fury 128 (32 MiB), Rage Fury Maxx (2*32 MiB), Radeon SDR (org. 32 MiB), Radeon 7500 (BBA), Radeon 8500 (128 MiB, BBA), Radeon 9250 SE (Sapphire), Radeon 9600 SE (Sapphire), Radeon 9600 XT Ultimate (Sapphire), Radeon 9700 (BBA), Radeon X800 XL (Asus), Radeon X1900 XT/CF (Connect 3D)
Voodoo Graphics (4 MiB, Orchid Righteous 3D), Voodoo Graphics (6 MiB, Miro Hiscore), Hercules Stingray128 (6 MiB, Voodoo Rush), Noname Voodoo Rush, Voodoo2 (12 MiB, Noname), Voodoo2 (12 MiB, Creative), Voodoo Banshee (PCI, Creative), Voodoo Banshee (AGP, Noname), STB Velocity 100 (8 MiB, V3-2000), STB Voodoo3 2000 (PCI, 16 MiB), STB Voodoo3 3000 (AGP, 16 MiB), STB Voodoo3 3500 (AGP, 16 MiB), STB Voodoo4 4500 (PCI, 32 MiB), STB Voodoo5 5500 (PCI, 64 MiB), STB Voodoo5 5500 (AGP, 64 MiB), Quantum 3D Obsidian2 X24 (2*V2/12 MiB auf einem Board)
Hercules Terminator Beast (Savage3D, 8 MiB), Elsa irgendwas (Savage4, 16 MiB), Diamond Viper II Z200 (Savage2000, 32 MiB)
Inno3D Kyro II (AGP, 32 MiB), Hercules 3D Prophet 4000XT (Kyro, 64 MiB, PCI), Videologic Neon250 (32 MiB, PowerVR250, AGP) Number Nine Ticket To Ride IV (AGP, 32 MiB), 3d Labs Oxygen VX1 (Permedia3, 32 MiB - IIRC), Inno3D Power GL (AGP, 8 MiB, Permedia II), Chromatic Research mPact! (PCI, 2 MiB, QDI Legend 4 MiB (AGP, 4 MiB, Rendition V2200)
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