Star Citizen: Neues Video zeigt das Design des Freelancers


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In einem neuen Entwickler-Video mit Chris Roberts bekommen Sie das finale Design des Freelancers vorgestellt. Die Community war vor einiger Zeit aufgefordert worden, zwischen zwei möglichen Versionen des Schiffes abzustimmen. Star Citizen erscheint nur für den PC.

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Zurück zum Artikel: Star Citizen: Neues Video zeigt das Design des Freelancers
Es ist NICHT das Finale Design !!!

Es ist ein Ausschnitt aus einem Video, dass die vor !! Arbeit an dem Design für das Freelancer Raumschiff festhält.
Das volle video wird erst für die centurion und imperator Unterstützer gezeigt. ( die Monatlich einen Betrag spenden und damit diese Mehrkosten für die Aufnahmen ermöglichen.)
Danach sind z.b solche Inhalte und auch andere vor-Design oder verworfene Design Entwürfe für alle Mitglieder sichtbar, zeitlich danach dann für alle. --- so ist der Plan.

Chris Roberts hat gestern auf der Kickstarter Seite ( Kommentar Bereich ) deutlich gemacht, dass dies nicht das entgültige Design ist !!

All - The Freelancer conceptual update seemed to have caused a bigger controversy than any PvP vs PvE debate!
486 Posts!!!!
I need to clear up one thing.
The video was an abbreviated version of a longer edit for subscribers that we haven't shared yet as we don't have a good solution for segmenting content until everyone from KS is integrated. Once KS is integrated we will have three areas of access -
1. PUBLIC (for anyone, overview, teases of the game, ability to back)
2. BACKERS (comm-link, forums, spectrum dispatch, holo-viewer, engineering, galactapedia, RSI museum)
3. SUBSCRIBERS (Jump Point, The Vault, more involved behind the scenes, basically an Engineering private area for subscribers)
One thing the abbreviated video (which was more a reader digest / sizzle version) didn't do was make it clear that this is NOT the final Freelancer design.
It came across as this is the final look, and here's some cool color on how we got there. The session we filmed was a review session of the work in progress and went over my notes to Jim, which included a lot of the things people we're complaining about. That detail just didn't make it into the shorter version. Going forward we're going to make sure that even the teaser / sizzle versions for non subscribers make it clear that this sort of thing is still an early step in the development of any ship. There is normally weeks if not a couple of months that go on in the ship design and development process and many, many iterations as we have to think about the functionality and ergonomics as much as the look of any ship that is going into Star Citizen. As we had shared a couple of early concepts with the community and let you guys vote on the direction you wanted to take it (which was NOT voting on the final look as that is impossible to do when you're in 2D concept for the same reason car or plane concepts never match up 100% with the final article) we wanted to come back with multiple video updates for subscribers and backers on the process so everyone could see the amount of thought and love that goes into designing each ship.
We're still figuring out a good way to get the subscriber content to the subscribers before the site becomes segmented, and we owe everyone the first issue of Jump Point - that will be coming probably the following week (i.e. week of Dec 17th). We'll try to get the longer version out to subscribers this coming week and perhaps share the longer version with everyone on Friday so they can see the kind of in-depth stuff we want to provide for "Development Subscribers".
One thing to note before anyone complains why the subscribers are getting more in-depth content than a basic backer - the revenue we are getting from subscriptions is going for extra people to film, edit and manage the behind the scenes material as well as add more content to the game itself. We would not be able to do / afford this with out the backing of the "Development Subscribers". So the whole community owes a thanks to the generous people that have subscribed as they are making the experience better for all!
Und abschließend eine interessante Info über das größte benutzbare / zu fliegende Multiplayer Raumschiff für Spieler z.b. als Clan = den Bengal Class Carrier aus dem Intro Video !!!

Creator Cloud Imperium Games Corporation about 16 hours ago

Current RSI Bengal Class
1 x Turret with 4 x 130m "Ship Buster" Railguns
18 x Ship to Ship Turrets with dual Ion cannons
40 x AA Turrets with dual Heavy Duty Laser Cannons
14 x Phalanx point defense Laser Gatling
16 x Rolling Space Frame (with 21 missiles each)
Not the Galactica but not bad!
Not the Galactica but not bad!


Aber war nicht mal die Rede von 150 Turrets bei dem Carrier? (bei dem ersten Ankündigungsvideo zum Start der Fundingphase?)
Kann mich aber auch irren (nicht dass es wichtig wäre, ob jetzt 40AA Turrets meine Stella zerfetzen oder 150 macht keinen großen Unterschied hehehehe).