[Sammelthread] Modern Warfare 2 - Probleme

So ich reih mich mal ein in die Reihe MW2 vs. Mensch.
Hab das Spiel gekauft, installiert und SP durchgespielt. Alles Wunderbar (abgesehen von der Story, die war net der Hit, bestimmt aus der Feder von Uwe Boll ;) )
Dann fing es an mit dem MP habs wunderbar spielen können mit meinen Leuten, natürlich die typischen IWnet Probs gehabt, aber egal.

Vor einer Woche fing das grauen an:
MP gezockt und auf einmal war ich auf dem Desktop, ich denk noch..... HÖ?!?!? wasn da los und seh auch schon die Antivir Warnung von dem Trojaner. Im ersten Moment natürlich gleich auf löschen gedrückt... ob das der Fehler war ;) der angebliche Trojaner tauchte bei vielen leuten schon auf, googelt mal nach "TR/Crypt.XPACK.Gen"
ok soweit war dann auch alles gut, neue Map neues Glück... Doch beim Mapladen kam ein Error Sound und Spiel stürzt ab.
Nach einigem hin und her, das Spiel von der Platte Geschmissen und neu Installiert, mit dem Ergebniss das die Map Terminal (Flughafen) nicht mehr geht (beim Map laden wieder Error) die anderen Maps aber schon.
dafür kam es innerhalb von 3 stunden schon vor das ein schwerwiegender Directx fehler entstanden ist. :daumen2:

So nächste Woche kommt win 7 drauf und dann hoffen wir mal das daß Problem ausgemerzt ist, wen aber jemand einen Tip für mich hat, nur herdamit :)

Es ist auf jedenfall anstrengender wie MW1, und das hatte ja schon viel Macken aber der 2er ist durch das IWnet noch eine ecke nerviger.

Wenn diese Kinderkrankheiten nicht wären wäre es wirklich ein gutes MP Spiel.
wenn man alt+enter drückt wird das Spiel ja in einem Fenster angezeigt. Wie mach ich das wieder rückgängig, also Vollbild :D
Eigentlich auch wieder mit Alt+Enter. Funktioniert bei mir zumindest problemlos.

Wenn das nicht geht, dann in den Config-Dateien config.cfg bzw. config_mp.cfg den Wert 'seta r_fullscreen "1"' setzen.
Hallo zusammen

Hatte mir auch letzte woche MW2 gekauft und nur Probleme.Game ist zwar installiert aber der Sp und MP lässt sicht nicht starten.hab mal ein kleines Video gemacht und die Text Fehlermeldung aus der Console beigefügt.Hoffe das mir einer weiterhelfen kann.



Singleplayer und Multiplayervideo : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoootAy5RVU

Multiplayer ins Hauptmenu wechseln Video :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yT7SfAjHjms


ui_rules_plant_time' of
type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_defuse_time' of
type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_add_time' of type
menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
GamerProfile - Updating for controller #0 without saving.

--- Common Initialization Complete ---
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd' of type menu, between
fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_spectating' of
type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_wave_delay' of
type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_friendly_fire' of
type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_number_of_lives'
of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_respawn_delay' of
type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_max_health' of
type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_health_regen' of
type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'settings_quick_dd_@mpui_rules_diehard' of type
menu, between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Ignoring asset 'ui_mp/patch_mp_menus.txt' of type menufile,
between fastfiles patch_mp and localized_ui_mp
Waited 45 msec for asset 'ui_mp/menus.txt' of type 'menufile'.
Huffman Took 3 Milliseconds
Working directory: c:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\call
of duty modern warfare 2
Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/_utility.gsc' of type rawfile, between
fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/perks/_perkfunctions.gsc' of type
rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/killstreaks/_killstreaks.gsc' of type
rawfile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/gametypes/_class.gsc' of type rawfile,
between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'maps/mp/gametypes/_damage.gsc' of type rawfile,
between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Using profile source cloud (l:1 c:1)
UPNP: Got a response from a device!
UPNP: Got a response from a device!
UPNP: Got a response from a device!
Calling Party_StopParty() for partyId 0
Clearing migration data
Clearing migration data
Calling Party_StopParty() for partyId 1
Clearing migration data
Clearing migration data
No stats found, zeroing out stats buffer
execing mp/stats_init.cfg from fastfile
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 0;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 0;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Equipment specialty_null locked for class
0; resetting'
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Secondary offhand none locked for class
0; resetting'
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 0;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 0;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 0;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Deathstreak specialty_null locked for
class 0; resetting'
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 1;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 1;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Equipment specialty_null locked for class
1; resetting'
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Secondary offhand none locked for class
1; resetting'
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 1;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 1;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 1;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Deathstreak specialty_null locked for
class 1; resetting'
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 2;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 2;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Equipment specialty_null locked for class
2; resetting'
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Secondary offhand none locked for class
2; resetting'
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 2;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 2;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 2;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Deathstreak specialty_null locked for
class 2; resetting'
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 3;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 3;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Equipment specialty_null locked for class
3; resetting'
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Secondary offhand none locked for class
3; resetting'
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 3;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 3;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 3;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Deathstreak specialty_null locked for
class 3; resetting'
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 4;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 4;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Equipment specialty_null locked for class
4; resetting'
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Secondary offhand none locked for class
4; resetting'
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 4;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 4;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 4;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Deathstreak specialty_null locked for
class 4; resetting'
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 5;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 5;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Equipment specialty_null locked for class
5; resetting'
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Secondary offhand none locked for class
5; resetting'
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 5;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 5;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 5;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Deathstreak specialty_null locked for
class 5; resetting'
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 6;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 6;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Equipment specialty_null locked for class
6; resetting'
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Secondary offhand none locked for class
6; resetting'
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 6;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 6;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 6;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Deathstreak specialty_null locked for
class 6; resetting'
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 7;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 7;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Equipment specialty_null locked for class
7; resetting'
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Secondary offhand none locked for class
7; resetting'
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 7;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 7;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 7;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Deathstreak specialty_null locked for
class 7; resetting'
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 8;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 8;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Equipment specialty_null locked for class
8; resetting'
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Secondary offhand none locked for class
8; resetting'
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 8;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 8;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 8;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Deathstreak specialty_null locked for
class 8; resetting'
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 9;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Weapon none locked for class 9;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Equipment specialty_null locked for class
9; resetting'
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Secondary offhand none locked for class
9; resetting'
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 9;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 9;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Perk specialty_null locked for class 9;
EXPRESION DEBUG 'Stats:Deathstreak specialty_null locked for
class 9; resetting'
Ignoring asset 'model1887_mp' of type weapon, between fastfiles
patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'model1887_akimbo_mp' of type weapon, between
fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'model1887_fmj_mp' of type weapon, between
fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
UPnP device :
st: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1
Ignoring asset 'muteplayer' of type menu, between fastfiles
patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'ui_mp/scriptmenus/muteplayer.menu' of type
menufile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'options_graphics' of type menu, between
fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'options_graphics_texture' of type menu, between
fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'options_graphics_defaults' of type menu, between
fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'options_voice' of type menu, between fastfiles
patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'options_multi' of type menu, between fastfiles
patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'pc_options_video' of type menu, between
fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'pc_options_advanced_video' of type menu, between
fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'apply_picmip_popmenu' of type menu, between
fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'pc_options_audio' of type menu, between
fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'pc_options_controls' of type menu, between
fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'pc_options_voice' of type menu, between
fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'team_marinesopfor' of type menu, between
fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'ui_mp/scriptmenus/team_marinesopfor.menu' of
type menufile, between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'class' of type menu, between fastfiles patch_mp
and common_mp
Ignoring asset 'ui_mp/scriptmenus/class.menu' of type menufile,
between fastfiles patch_mp and common_mp
******************Set External IP******************
Our external IP is
Our internal IP is
Sent to LSP: HELLO: LSPXUID 110000100895884 - GT "drbluna18" -
MID 0 - HD "yes" - WS "yes" - BTN "buttons_default" - STK
AddPortMapping(28960, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28961, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28962, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28963, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28964, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28965, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28966, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28967, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28968, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28969, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28970, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28971, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28972, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28973, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28974, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28975, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28976, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28977, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28978, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28979, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28980, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28981, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28982, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28983, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28984, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28985, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28986, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28987, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28988, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28989, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28990, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28991, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28992, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28993, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28994, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28995, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28996, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28997, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28998, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28999, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29000, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29001, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29002, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29003, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29004, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29005, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29006, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29007, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29008, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29009, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29010, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29011, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29012, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29013, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29014, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29015, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29016, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29017, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29018, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29019, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29020, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29021, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29022, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29023, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29024, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29025, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29026, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29027, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29028, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29029, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29030, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29031, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29032, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29033, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29034, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29035, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29036, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29037, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29038, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29039, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29040, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29041, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29042, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29043, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29044, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29045, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29046, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29047, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29048, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29049, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29050, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29051, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29052, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29053, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29054, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29055, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29056, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29057, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29058, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(29059, 28960) failed
UPnP device :
st: upnp:rootdevice
AddPortMapping(28960, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28961, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28962, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28963, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28964, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28965, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28966, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28967, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28968, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28969, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28970, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28971, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28972, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28973, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28974, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28975, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28976, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28977, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28978, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28979, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28980, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28981, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28982, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28983, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28984, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28985, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28986, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28987, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28988, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28989, 28960) failed
AddPortMapping(28990, 28960) failed
----- CL_Shutdown -----
CL_Disconnect called for local client 0
----- CL_ShutdownOnceForAllClients -----
Unloaded fastfile localized_common_mp
Unloaded fastfile common_mp
Unloaded fastfile ui_mp
Unloaded fastfile localized_ui_mp
Unloaded fastfile patch_mp

weis einer wie man die Console aktiviert und wie es möglich ist ein server zu hosten ?? ich würde das mal gerne ausprobeiren :)
damit verstößt du aber gegen das Lizenzabkommen, dass du bei der Installation unterschreibst... :devil:
Google ist dein Freund...
illegal ist so ein böses Wort. :ugly:
Nennen wir es mal nicht ganz regelkonform.
Um einen eigenen MW2 Server zu hosten, bräuchtest du die Console, die
von den Entwicklerndeaktiviert wurde.
Ein paar Leute haben inzwischen halt genau diese Dinge wieder aktiviert bekommen und sind jetzt in der lage eigene Server zu erstellen mit ihren Einstellungen.
Nein, es wird der komplette Acc gebannt auch andere Spiele, das ist kein PB wo nur das Spiel gebannt wird.