Da es zwar schon so einen Thread gibt, dieser aber nicht vervollständigt wird, werde ich jetzt versuchen, mal das ganze in die Hand zu nehmen. Ist natürlich klar, dass das jetzige Design wahrscheinlich noch verändert wird. Ich werde mich auch von anderen Threads bedienen und daraus die Mods posten. Danke also schonmal an die Poster, von denen ich mich bediene.
Mich regt jedesmal die Suche im Internet nach guten Mod-Downloads auf. Deshalb dieser Thread hier.
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SMAA Für Geforce - News auf PCGH (NEW)
FXAA - Thread auf 3DCenter
Für Nvidia Grafikkartenbesitzer:
Anti Aliasing Kompatibilitätsbits - Thread für Nvidia Inspector
SLI - Kompatibilitätsbits - Thread für Nvidia Inspector
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Spieleklassiker aufpolieren - Thread
Nicht aus dem 3DCenter:
Über 600 deutsche Sprachdateien und mehr (NEW)
Original ENB - Mods - Website von Boris Vorontsov (NEW)
ÜBER EINTAUSEND Mod-News von PCGH / Themenseite PCGH: Modifikationen
FXAA und SMAA - Links:
FXAA für Geforce - News auf PCGH
SMAA Für Geforce - News auf PCGH (NEW)
FXAA - Thread auf 3DCenter
Für Nvidia Grafikkartenbesitzer:
Anti Aliasing Kompatibilitätsbits - Thread für Nvidia Inspector
SLI - Kompatibilitätsbits - Thread für Nvidia Inspector
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Aus dem 3DCenter habe ich folgende Threads, die zu diesem Thema passen:
Spieleklassiker aufpolieren - Thread
Nicht aus dem 3DCenter:
Über 600 deutsche Sprachdateien und mehr (NEW)
Original ENB - Mods - Website von Boris Vorontsov (NEW)
Before download and use ENBSeries, make sure You read license agreement and terms of use and accept it, otherwise by using this software means, that You accepted license agreement.Feel free to distribute ENBSeries! By doing this You help me to spend more time on this project.
Please, do not remove any files from ENBSeries archive, only add new files, for example description in other languages or additional presets. This is better for tracking new versions, for technical help and my support.
d3dx9_26.dll d3dx9_40.dll - reqired to run ENBSeries. This libraries actually from DirectX9, but not available on some users PCs, thanks to Bill Gates.
TES Skyrim 0.105 BETA performance test - experimental version without SSAO effect, but very optimized.
DX8 to DX9 Convertor 0.035 - convertor for old games, it works with many others, but developed for Silent Hill 2.
TES Skyrim 0.103 Injector BETA - experimental version mostly for users, who can't run mod on their PC.
GTA4 0.082 Beta 3 - releasing this again. Be careful, watch for gpu temperature while using this!
TES Skyrim v0.102 Tatsudoshi - version of Skyrim graphic mod with partial optimization and some bugfixes.
3d Stereo patch 1.0 TES Skyrim - fixes artifacts for stereo vision users. Must be used together with AntiFREEZE patch.
TES Skyrim v0.101 - version of Skyrim graphic mod. In this version code from AntiFREEZE patch implemented to increase stability. A lot of different bugfixes and changes.
My config for ENBSeries 0.098 TES Skyrim - tried to restore same kind look as on earlier screenshots of the mod. SSAO turned off, if you want it, open enbseries.ini and set UseOcclusions=true.
AntiFREEZE patch 9 ENBSeries 0.096 for TES Skyrim - read included description, some features are disabled by default. Patch for fixing graphical artifacts, lags, freezing, bsod, some sound problems. Also may be used to speedup some other modern games, users with single core cpu have better performance in Mass Effect 1 (actually they are using Silent Hill 5 patch, but this one include the code from it).
Deus Ex Human Revolution 0.087 FX IMPLANT v2.0 - second version of graphic mod for this game. Developed for NVidia cards, make sure you read included readme_en.txt first!
GTA San Andreas beta v0.075c test 3 version updated, parameters for manipulating reflective bump added.
Deus Ex Human Revolution 0.086 SPEED IMPLANT - version for fixing "stuttering" bug in this game, increase performance and limit maximal framerate (overheating problem on some videocards). No FX applied.
GTA4 0.082 Beta - limited temporary version (removed, the reason is possible videocard corruption)
GTA4 0.081 SORA - adaptation to game version with limited number of effects enabled. In previous version 0.080 SORA where some changes of antialiasing, post processing, color operations, inherited.
GTA4 0.079 SORA - fixed bugs, added sky and clouds.
GTA4 0.077b - fixed bug of dirt on some cars and added support for effect.txt post processing shader
config GTA4 0.077a - my own ENBSeries config with which i'm playing.
The Saboteur patch v1.0 - fixes bugs for Radeon 1300-1950 videocards.
Dragon Age 0.076a - few changes.
Resident Evil 5 patch v1.2 - read documentation before use it. Fixes bug for Radeon 1300-1950 videocards. Also contain custom post processing shader.
Resident Evil 5 v0.076a - deactivated palette from original game, natural colors from now. Fixed bug.
GTA 4 antialiasing test 0.076e - read instruction before run it! Use it on your own risk!
GTA 4 debug version - this is debug version, my videocard is in the hell, rest in peace.
GTA 4 reflections test - only modified reflection for some cars and fix for distorted reflection.
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines v0.076a - third public release, differs from previous by faster SSAO effect. This version was developed for vampirebloodlines.ru
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines patch - patch for the game, independent from ENBSeries. If your game won't start or it visually looks bad (low resolution textures), try it.
Deus Ex v0.075e - version for Deus Ex 1, bump mapping algorithm was changed. Also to run this you need renderer, download it from current site or from developer web page here, say thanks to the author for it, i don't need to develop convertor! About reflections, they are not visible also when ENBSeries is not installed, so this may be the problem of renderer. Do not forget to set this renderer to your default in the game engine, to do this, open file DeusEx.ini, find catefory [Engine.Engine] and set parameter to GameRenderDevice=D3D9Drv.D3D9RenderDevice in there.
Burnout Paradise v0.075b - active parameters only color correction, bloom and intensity of ssao. Fixed bug with ALT TAB switching.
GTA Vice City v0.075c3 - adaptation for GTA Vice City. Bump disabled by defaults, use parameter UseReflectiveBump to enable it. In this version possible to force antialiasing by two new parameters. Be careful with MultisampleCount, for modern videocards set it to 0, 2, 4. Try with care 8, 16 and value 6 for ATI.
Silent Hill Homecoming patch 11 - fixes a lot of game bug, incomplete, but better than original game
Silent Hill Homecoming patch 10
Patch v9 for Silent Hill Homecoming is here
Patch v7 for Silent Hill Homecoming is here
TES Oblivion v0.075a - adaptation for TES Oblivion. Sorry, but you must tweak it by your self, right now few effects are missing and presets are not configured. Recommended to use with effect file.
Half Life 2 v0.075 - adaptation for Half Life 2. Sorry, but you must tweak it by your self, right now few effects are missing and presets are not configured.
GTA3 v0.075 - adaptation for GTA 3. Bump disabled by defaults, use parameter UseReflectiveBump to enable it.
Collapse v0.075 - some simple adaptation for this game.
Richard Burns Rally v0.075 - some other racing games may also work good with this version. At this moment all effects available only for videocards that support DirectX10 features.
Deus Ex v0.075d - test version for Deus Ex 1. Also to run this you need renderer, download it from here, say thanks to the author for it, i don't need to develop convertor! About reflections, they are not visible also when ENBSeries is not installed, so this may be the problem of renderer. Do not forget to set this renderer to your default in the game engine, to do this, open file DeusEx.ini, find catefory [Engine.Engine] and set parameter to GameRenderDevice=D3D9Drv.D3D9RenderDevice in there.
Guilty Gear v0.075 - Read documentation inside how to configure game, otherwise it will crash. Game is 2d, so only bloom through external shader and post processing available (some simple per pixel antialiasing also). Implemented code for forcing display resolution by user, i hate 640*480. Bloom is used from external user shader, but if you want original bloom, simply modify it's intencity parameters in the enbseries.ini (they are 0). For that users, who know how to modify or write shaders this may be useful.
NBA Live 08 v0.075 - not tested by me, but one of the users said that it works.
ENBTuner - first version of configuration utility for ENBSeries, created by -iX- . There is a thread on the forum about this software, ask in there about any problems.
GTA San Andreas beta v0.075s - special build for SAMP R3, fixes some artifacts only. Newest effects will be added later.
GTA San Andreas beta v0.074g shaders 1.4 - Added shadow filtering. This version specially developed for old videocards with DirectX8 support only . Not tested on such hardware, i don't have it.
GTA San Andreas beta v0.075a test - test version of characters lighting and a bit different ambient occlusion code based on previous non-optimized. New ssao works only when AlternativeDepth=0. Read documentation inside archive how to use (header). Radeon owners, set DepthBias=100 and ReflectionDepthBias=100.
Resident Evil 4 v0.075b - fixed bug with some drivers. Activated water refraction, changed hot keys to disable depth of field and motion blur effects. As for version 0.075, new parameters for lighting, refraction for particles, a bit different lighting for main characters, simple bump mapping. A lot of artifacts . Only for patched game.
presets v0.075 - updated presets for different videocards types and mod 0.075. For budget cards working resolution 800*600, for mainstream 1024*768, for high end video memory size is a limit. Antialiasing was not tested.
GTA San Andreas beta v0.075 - Fixed some bugs, added Depth Of Field effect. Previous version 0.074h10 here.
Resident Evil 4 v0.074g - removed ambient occlusion effect, added depth of field. No parameters available for DOF configuration .
Mafia - this is not version for this game, but some gamers don't know how to run it with convertor, so i'll explain. First download convertor and extract d3d8.dll and enbconvertor.ini files from it to game folder. Download any DirectX9 mod version, extract it to game folder. Run the game and press SHIFT+F12 keys.
presets v0.074g - updated presets for different videocards types and mod 0.074g. For NVidia owners with drivers lower than 169.xx i suggest to set BugFixMode=1 for better performance. For budget cards working resolution 800*600, for mainstream 1024*768, for high end video memory size is a limit. Antialiasing was not tested.
GTA San Andreas beta v0.074f parallax fun - not for playing.
GTA ViceCity/GTA3 v0.074f - this version contain convertor inside archive, see readme file.
Convertor DirectX8 to DirectX9 v0.014 beta - convertor of rendering functions, must to be used with ENBSeries mods.
GTA San Andreas beta v0.074g - first version with per pixel lighting for cars.
GTA San Andreas beta v0.074f - about changes read info in archive. Example of palette texture and description is here .
Painkiller v0.074f - using Resident Evil 4 version.
Driver Parallel Lines v0.074f - using Resident Evil 4 version.My preset is here .
Resident Evil 4 v0.074f - now works for both patched and non-patched game versions. Added new feature - palette textures. My own preset for non-patched version download here . New palette for this game is on the Palettes page.
Stalker beta v0.074 - developed for videcards GeForce 8xxx series (ATI/AMD was not tested) . For better playing use GF8600 or 8800.
FlatOut2 beta v0.074c - version based on GTASA with specific adaptation to this game .
GTA ViceCity v0.005 - DX8 version of the mod. This one fixes some bugs of previous version. Works with ViceCity, NoOneLivesForever2, SilentHill2, SeriousSam and with a lot of more DirectX8 games. But it have many artifacts and serious limitations, because currently i did it directly using DX8 with it's shaders. Don't forget that every game require customization of parameters in enbseries.ini. Warning! It seems some videocards and drivers not able to work with this version, perhaps because too long shaders i did, if you see black screen, try old version here .
Crysis v0.067e - experimental version . Some guys asked me about it, so i make it public. It is for GF8xxx videocards only, buggy and very slow, it was not in my plans to develop ENBSeries for Crysis.
Half Life 2 beta v0.069 - now works on Radeons 2xxx, 3xxx videocards, may work on others, but without ssao effect. As previous version, GeForce 8xxx fully supported.
GTA San Andreas beta v0.073a - version for testing compability with Radeon 1xxx, 2xxx series.
Stalker beta v0.068 - second public beta version, developed for videcards GeForce 8xxx series (not work on ATI/AMD), because this game require hardware specific methods to render mod effects. For playing purposes it will be better to use GF8600 or 8800.
Please, do not remove any files from ENBSeries archive, only add new files, for example description in other languages or additional presets. This is better for tracking new versions, for technical help and my support.
d3dx9_26.dll d3dx9_40.dll - reqired to run ENBSeries. This libraries actually from DirectX9, but not available on some users PCs, thanks to Bill Gates.
TES Skyrim 0.105 BETA performance test - experimental version without SSAO effect, but very optimized.
DX8 to DX9 Convertor 0.035 - convertor for old games, it works with many others, but developed for Silent Hill 2.
TES Skyrim 0.103 Injector BETA - experimental version mostly for users, who can't run mod on their PC.
GTA4 0.082 Beta 3 - releasing this again. Be careful, watch for gpu temperature while using this!
TES Skyrim v0.102 Tatsudoshi - version of Skyrim graphic mod with partial optimization and some bugfixes.
3d Stereo patch 1.0 TES Skyrim - fixes artifacts for stereo vision users. Must be used together with AntiFREEZE patch.
TES Skyrim v0.101 - version of Skyrim graphic mod. In this version code from AntiFREEZE patch implemented to increase stability. A lot of different bugfixes and changes.
My config for ENBSeries 0.098 TES Skyrim - tried to restore same kind look as on earlier screenshots of the mod. SSAO turned off, if you want it, open enbseries.ini and set UseOcclusions=true.
AntiFREEZE patch 9 ENBSeries 0.096 for TES Skyrim - read included description, some features are disabled by default. Patch for fixing graphical artifacts, lags, freezing, bsod, some sound problems. Also may be used to speedup some other modern games, users with single core cpu have better performance in Mass Effect 1 (actually they are using Silent Hill 5 patch, but this one include the code from it).
Deus Ex Human Revolution 0.087 FX IMPLANT v2.0 - second version of graphic mod for this game. Developed for NVidia cards, make sure you read included readme_en.txt first!
GTA San Andreas beta v0.075c test 3 version updated, parameters for manipulating reflective bump added.
Deus Ex Human Revolution 0.086 SPEED IMPLANT - version for fixing "stuttering" bug in this game, increase performance and limit maximal framerate (overheating problem on some videocards). No FX applied.
GTA4 0.082 Beta - limited temporary version (removed, the reason is possible videocard corruption)
GTA4 0.081 SORA - adaptation to game version with limited number of effects enabled. In previous version 0.080 SORA where some changes of antialiasing, post processing, color operations, inherited.
GTA4 0.079 SORA - fixed bugs, added sky and clouds.
GTA4 0.077b - fixed bug of dirt on some cars and added support for effect.txt post processing shader
config GTA4 0.077a - my own ENBSeries config with which i'm playing.
The Saboteur patch v1.0 - fixes bugs for Radeon 1300-1950 videocards.
Dragon Age 0.076a - few changes.
Resident Evil 5 patch v1.2 - read documentation before use it. Fixes bug for Radeon 1300-1950 videocards. Also contain custom post processing shader.
Resident Evil 5 v0.076a - deactivated palette from original game, natural colors from now. Fixed bug.
GTA 4 antialiasing test 0.076e - read instruction before run it! Use it on your own risk!
GTA 4 debug version - this is debug version, my videocard is in the hell, rest in peace.
GTA 4 reflections test - only modified reflection for some cars and fix for distorted reflection.
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines v0.076a - third public release, differs from previous by faster SSAO effect. This version was developed for vampirebloodlines.ru
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines patch - patch for the game, independent from ENBSeries. If your game won't start or it visually looks bad (low resolution textures), try it.
Deus Ex v0.075e - version for Deus Ex 1, bump mapping algorithm was changed. Also to run this you need renderer, download it from current site or from developer web page here, say thanks to the author for it, i don't need to develop convertor! About reflections, they are not visible also when ENBSeries is not installed, so this may be the problem of renderer. Do not forget to set this renderer to your default in the game engine, to do this, open file DeusEx.ini, find catefory [Engine.Engine] and set parameter to GameRenderDevice=D3D9Drv.D3D9RenderDevice in there.
Burnout Paradise v0.075b - active parameters only color correction, bloom and intensity of ssao. Fixed bug with ALT TAB switching.
GTA Vice City v0.075c3 - adaptation for GTA Vice City. Bump disabled by defaults, use parameter UseReflectiveBump to enable it. In this version possible to force antialiasing by two new parameters. Be careful with MultisampleCount, for modern videocards set it to 0, 2, 4. Try with care 8, 16 and value 6 for ATI.
Silent Hill Homecoming patch 11 - fixes a lot of game bug, incomplete, but better than original game
Silent Hill Homecoming patch 10
Patch v9 for Silent Hill Homecoming is here
Patch v7 for Silent Hill Homecoming is here
TES Oblivion v0.075a - adaptation for TES Oblivion. Sorry, but you must tweak it by your self, right now few effects are missing and presets are not configured. Recommended to use with effect file.
Half Life 2 v0.075 - adaptation for Half Life 2. Sorry, but you must tweak it by your self, right now few effects are missing and presets are not configured.
GTA3 v0.075 - adaptation for GTA 3. Bump disabled by defaults, use parameter UseReflectiveBump to enable it.
Collapse v0.075 - some simple adaptation for this game.
Richard Burns Rally v0.075 - some other racing games may also work good with this version. At this moment all effects available only for videocards that support DirectX10 features.
Deus Ex v0.075d - test version for Deus Ex 1. Also to run this you need renderer, download it from here, say thanks to the author for it, i don't need to develop convertor! About reflections, they are not visible also when ENBSeries is not installed, so this may be the problem of renderer. Do not forget to set this renderer to your default in the game engine, to do this, open file DeusEx.ini, find catefory [Engine.Engine] and set parameter to GameRenderDevice=D3D9Drv.D3D9RenderDevice in there.
Guilty Gear v0.075 - Read documentation inside how to configure game, otherwise it will crash. Game is 2d, so only bloom through external shader and post processing available (some simple per pixel antialiasing also). Implemented code for forcing display resolution by user, i hate 640*480. Bloom is used from external user shader, but if you want original bloom, simply modify it's intencity parameters in the enbseries.ini (they are 0). For that users, who know how to modify or write shaders this may be useful.
NBA Live 08 v0.075 - not tested by me, but one of the users said that it works.
ENBTuner - first version of configuration utility for ENBSeries, created by -iX- . There is a thread on the forum about this software, ask in there about any problems.
GTA San Andreas beta v0.075s - special build for SAMP R3, fixes some artifacts only. Newest effects will be added later.
GTA San Andreas beta v0.074g shaders 1.4 - Added shadow filtering. This version specially developed for old videocards with DirectX8 support only . Not tested on such hardware, i don't have it.
GTA San Andreas beta v0.075a test - test version of characters lighting and a bit different ambient occlusion code based on previous non-optimized. New ssao works only when AlternativeDepth=0. Read documentation inside archive how to use (header). Radeon owners, set DepthBias=100 and ReflectionDepthBias=100.
Resident Evil 4 v0.075b - fixed bug with some drivers. Activated water refraction, changed hot keys to disable depth of field and motion blur effects. As for version 0.075, new parameters for lighting, refraction for particles, a bit different lighting for main characters, simple bump mapping. A lot of artifacts . Only for patched game.
presets v0.075 - updated presets for different videocards types and mod 0.075. For budget cards working resolution 800*600, for mainstream 1024*768, for high end video memory size is a limit. Antialiasing was not tested.
GTA San Andreas beta v0.075 - Fixed some bugs, added Depth Of Field effect. Previous version 0.074h10 here.
Resident Evil 4 v0.074g - removed ambient occlusion effect, added depth of field. No parameters available for DOF configuration .
Mafia - this is not version for this game, but some gamers don't know how to run it with convertor, so i'll explain. First download convertor and extract d3d8.dll and enbconvertor.ini files from it to game folder. Download any DirectX9 mod version, extract it to game folder. Run the game and press SHIFT+F12 keys.
presets v0.074g - updated presets for different videocards types and mod 0.074g. For NVidia owners with drivers lower than 169.xx i suggest to set BugFixMode=1 for better performance. For budget cards working resolution 800*600, for mainstream 1024*768, for high end video memory size is a limit. Antialiasing was not tested.
GTA San Andreas beta v0.074f parallax fun - not for playing.
GTA ViceCity/GTA3 v0.074f - this version contain convertor inside archive, see readme file.
Convertor DirectX8 to DirectX9 v0.014 beta - convertor of rendering functions, must to be used with ENBSeries mods.
GTA San Andreas beta v0.074g - first version with per pixel lighting for cars.
GTA San Andreas beta v0.074f - about changes read info in archive. Example of palette texture and description is here .
Painkiller v0.074f - using Resident Evil 4 version.
Driver Parallel Lines v0.074f - using Resident Evil 4 version.My preset is here .
Resident Evil 4 v0.074f - now works for both patched and non-patched game versions. Added new feature - palette textures. My own preset for non-patched version download here . New palette for this game is on the Palettes page.
Stalker beta v0.074 - developed for videcards GeForce 8xxx series (ATI/AMD was not tested) . For better playing use GF8600 or 8800.
FlatOut2 beta v0.074c - version based on GTASA with specific adaptation to this game .
GTA ViceCity v0.005 - DX8 version of the mod. This one fixes some bugs of previous version. Works with ViceCity, NoOneLivesForever2, SilentHill2, SeriousSam and with a lot of more DirectX8 games. But it have many artifacts and serious limitations, because currently i did it directly using DX8 with it's shaders. Don't forget that every game require customization of parameters in enbseries.ini. Warning! It seems some videocards and drivers not able to work with this version, perhaps because too long shaders i did, if you see black screen, try old version here .
Crysis v0.067e - experimental version . Some guys asked me about it, so i make it public. It is for GF8xxx videocards only, buggy and very slow, it was not in my plans to develop ENBSeries for Crysis.
Half Life 2 beta v0.069 - now works on Radeons 2xxx, 3xxx videocards, may work on others, but without ssao effect. As previous version, GeForce 8xxx fully supported.
GTA San Andreas beta v0.073a - version for testing compability with Radeon 1xxx, 2xxx series.
Stalker beta v0.068 - second public beta version, developed for videcards GeForce 8xxx series (not work on ATI/AMD), because this game require hardware specific methods to render mod effects. For playing purposes it will be better to use GF8600 or 8800.
MODS (Modifikationen) aller Art zu verschiedenen Spielen
Battlefield 1942: (SOMETHING NEW INSIDE)
Battlefield 1918
Für mehr Informationen besuche die Datenschutz-Seite.
Desert Combat v9.0 FULL
Für mehr Informationen besuche die Datenschutz-Seite.
Forgotten Hope
Für mehr Informationen besuche die Datenschutz-Seite.
The total conversion modification Battlefield 1918 (or BF1918 for short) takes Battlefield 1942 into a whole new scenario, the first world war. Next to historically correct equipments and vehicles, we recreated the atmosphere of these WW1 battlefields as close as we can, keeping in mind the game we are working with. To achieve this, we have drastically changed the gameplay from the original game like so that you must now rely on teamwork, artillery, trenches and slow vehicles.
Battlefield 1918 combines fun with historical correctness, gaming with history, the memory of one of the most terrifying wars mankind has ever known, with fun had by people over the internet. Next to the battles fought on the Western front between mostly the Germans, the British and the French, wealso cover other scenarios, such as the Turkish battlefields at Gallipoli, the Eastern front where Germany and Austria-Hungaria fought against Russia, the Italian front and lately the battles in Africa. Next to land- and airbattles using historic weapons and vehicles, we also included the naval aspect of WW1 in a broad spectrum, as this was the time in which the great battleships still were the absolute rulers of the seas.This mod focus on Multiplayer, but has also Singleplayersupport.
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Desert Combat v9.0 FULL
Letzte Version (7. Februar 2004): 0.7
Desert Combat, kurz DC, ist eine von den Trauma Studios (von Digital Illusions C.E. im September 2004 aufgekauft, aber bereits im Juni 2005 geschlossen) entwickelte Mod für Battlefield 1942. Dieses Mal kämpft ausschließlich Amerika gegen den Irak. Das Spielprinzip ist dasselbe, allerdings spielt das Spiel jetzt zur Zeit des Zweiten Golfkriegs. Damit entsprechen Waffen, Flug- und Fahrzeuge den heutigen Technologien. Diese Mod ähnelt dem Nachfolger Battlefield 2. Es ist auch möglich, mit modernen Kriegsgeräten auf den alten Schauplätzen des Zweiten Weltkrieges zu spielen. Das Spiel funktioniert am besten online im Mehrspielermodus, es existiert aber auch ein Einzelspieler-Modus. Desert Combat gewann 2004 die Auszeichnung als Modifikation des Jahres.
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Forgotten Hope
Forgotten Hope is a modification for Battlefield 1942 that concentrates on adding both a more realistic and more enjoyable playing experience than the original BF1942 and includes many new specially designed custom maps to play in.
The mod includes over 250 new pieces of authentic equipment (more than any other Second World War FPS), with tanks such as the mighty Russian IS-2 heavy tank and the diminutive Japanese Ha-Go light tank, aircraft from the rugged American P47 Thunderbolt to the antiquated British Fairey Swordfish seaplane, warships such as the British Ark Royal aircraft carrier and the German Battleship Tirpitz and weapons including the powerful German Panzerfausts and the fearsome Russian PPSh-41 submachine gun.
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Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass mir externe Inhalte angezeigt werden. Damit werden personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen übermittelt.Für mehr Informationen besuche die Datenschutz-Seite.
Battlefield 2:
Forgotten Hope 2
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Hajas Extreme Realism
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Forgotten Hope 2 ist eine Modifikation für Battlefield 2. Sie ist der Nachfolger der bekannten Mod Forgotten Hope für Battlefield 1942.Die Mod spielt sich von der Spielmechanik her genau wie das Hauptspiel,das Szenario allerdings ist wie der Vorgänger Forgotten Hope ebenfalls im 2ten Weltkrieg! In Forgotten Hope 2 gibt es einen größeren Fuhrpark als im Hautpspiel und die Klassen sind je nach Map anders!(Erkärung vll. ergänzen) So hat zum Beispiel nicht mehr jeder Infanteriesoldat einen Fallschirm! (Um einen Fallschirm zuerhalten muss man sich ein Piloten-Kit nehmen was auf dem Flugplatz normalerweise zufinden sein sollte). Geschichtlich gesehen haben die Entwickler sich auch am Vorgänger orientiert!
In Forgotten Hope 2 werden sämtliche neue Waffen mitgeliefert, die einen größeren Waffenschaden haben als im Hauptspiel! Das Balance zwischen den Waffen wurde auch abgestimmt, so zb. macht eine MP40/42 nicht soviel Schaden wie ein K98k! Die Fahrzeuge wurde auch nicht vernachlässigt,wär zuvor Forgotten Hope gespielt hat wird bloss die Schiffe vermissen,aber sich über neue Panzertypen freuen dürfen!(V.2.0)
In Forgotten Hope 2 haben die Entwickler leider nicht aufs Hautspiel zurückgreifen können,wodurch die neue Waffen erstellen mussten. Dies ist ihnen allerdings gut gelungen. Wie im Vorgänger sind die Waffenkits auf die Map speziell ausgelegt! Allerdings haben sich die Entwickler diesmal mit "Spezial-Kits" was neues einfallen lassen! So zb. sind Panzerbüchsen und Schnellfeuerwaffen limitiert. Was auch geschichtlich gesehen korrekt ist,damals war die Standartausrüstung auf Deutscher Seite das K98k! Ebenfalls gibt es eine "Unteroffiziers"-Klasse die nur vom Squadleader geführt werden kann,diese beinhalten meist eine schnell Feuerwaffe und ein Fernglas,als wichtigste Objekte.
In Forgotten Hope kann man bis jetzt (V2.1), die Fahrzeuge in 3 Klassen gliedern: Gepanzerte Fahrzeuge, nicht gepanzerte Fahrzeuge und Flugzeuge! Zum aktuellen stand (V2.1) müssen wir noch auf Schiffe verzichten! Trotzdem ist die sorgfalt mal wieder zuerkennen,die Fahrzeuge wurden komplett selbst erstellt und programmiert,so das zb wieder eure Teamkameraden auf dem Panzer sitzen können! Zudem ist mal wieder das Fadenkreuz bei den Panzern entfernt worden und muss erst mit "X" aktiviert werden wodurch aber der Sichtbereich extrem eingeschränkt wird. Die Entwickler haben diesmal auch ein besonderes merkmal wieder auf den "Dogfight" gelegt. Das Fadenkreuz bei den Flugzeugen ist nun auch verschwunden,man kann hier ebenfalls mit "X" das Fadenkreuz aktivieren. Auch wurde die Physik nicht vernachlässigt,das hei?t wenn man nach unten zieht kommt die Kamera etwas zögernt hinterher!
Die Maps wurden wieder mal zum vergleich des Hauptspiels extrem vergrö?ert!
Aktuell gibt es 27 Maps (Nach Entwickler Homepage)
Die zurzeit in Afrika, Griechenland oder der Normandy spielen!
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Hajas Extreme Realism
1. All Weapons are Deadly Now (Pistols Inclued)
2. Anti-Tank a lot more powerfull, so infantary aren't "unarmed" targets anymore
3. Damage of Tanks shots are a lot more powerfull
4. Well balanced weapons to give a nice and fun gameplay
5. And Yeah! Now you can play as Sniper if you wish!
6. Blood FX
7. More Bots to Play on COOP MODE in LAN
8. New Bot Names (Clan members from BC, 3rL and NER)
!!! WARNING !!!
HER was made upside patch 1.41 then patch 1.5, so should not work with older versions.
!!! please update your BF2 with the latest patch !!!
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Battlefield 3: (UPDATED)
FXAA Injector by Danoc1 Version 1.25 (Quality und Performance Mod)
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PCGHX-User danoc1 hat sich den FXAA Injector geschnappt und ihn für Battlefield 3 optimiert. Nvidias Fast Approximate Anti-Aliasing erlaubt neben einer Glättung noch einen Schärfefilter sowie Anpassungen von Kontrast und Sättigung. Genau hier hat danoc1 angesetzt und laut eigener Aussage den minimalen Blaustich von Battlefield 3 entfernt, die Schärfe und FXAA-Shader optimiert sowie den Kontrast angepasst. So wirke die Sonne gelber und realistischer, Räume ohne Beleuchtung sind dunkler. Und das Beste, die FXAA Injector v1.1 Beta kostet praktisch keine Performance.
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Frontlines R3LO4D
Frontlines R3L04D will transform your COD4MW in the most complete & diverse FPS game EVER made and is just a COD4 mod with ONLY 8.3mb! Can you believe it? Of course we are not talking about the size of the files, or people involved or even the work needed to be made. We are talking about gameplay diversity, something that each new game released are lacking a little more on each release. Probably something of this size will never be made again. This HUGE mod brings 42 gametypes, over 2400 Weapons Modes with 16 pre-defined modes, Help Mode, the famous War Server, HER for the realism fans with lots of Blood and Gore, Airborne support, an Intelligent Server and many other new features NEVER done to any FPS game before.
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Promod's main feature is that it completely trashes the great weapon balance of stock CoD4. It strips out a bunch of things that make the game fun and all weapons become entirely inferior to the M40 or AK74u with the removal of weapon idling. Even the snipers have no sway, because according to the "pros," learning to counter-balance scope sway is a totally luck based endeavor.
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Zombie Warfare
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Die Zombies sind los! Die abgedrehte Modifikation „Zombie Warfare“ verwandelt das Actionspiel „Call of Duty 4 – Modern Warfare“ in einen Mix aus morbider Hetzjagd und „Fangen spielen“. Hier erfahren Sie, wie Sie die Modifikation nutzen.
Wenn Sie schon immer mal wissen wollten, wie es sich anfühlt, wenn ein Zombie Sie jagt – kein Problem. Die Modifikation „Call of Duty 4 – Zombie Warfare“ führt Sie in eine bizarre kriegerische Welt, in der Zombies und Menschen um die Vorherrschaft auf dem Schlachtfeld kämpfen. Die Regeln sind simpel: Einer der Spieler startet als Untoter mit dem Auftrag, Mitspieler zu jagen und in gleichgesinnte Zombies zu verwandeln.
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ENB - Mod mit FXAA
Der Mod basiert auif einer Version der ENB GTA - San Andreas Modifikation und kostet sehr viel FPS
active/deactive fxaa inj by pause/break key
active/deactive enb by shift+f12 key
offer to you that active both mods
Crosshair Remove Mod v1.0 ->kein Video
Das Fadenkreuz sieht hässlich aus und man kann im Spiel sowieso mit rechter Maustaste zielen. Daher ist dieser Mod herrlich!
Tiberium Essence
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This modification offers an alternative gameplay to Tiberian Wars involving many Tiberian Sun units which many CnC fans (like me) missing in vanilla CNC3 and add even new my made units which you can't find anywhere else. Story is quite the same like Tiberian Wars, but is all about what if GDI and Nod do not abandon technologies they have used in Tiberian Sun era and instead of that further developed them. But it's not only that, there are many visual, sound and balance changes which I want to see and hear in my mod, new sounds, new music, new effects (like blood and gore, new infantry deaths, new more realistic missile trails) and many more.
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Extreme Quality Mod v3.0.67
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Ultra High Quality Mod
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Mster Config v3.01
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Rygels Texturupdate
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Die Mster Config ist eine Singleplayer Modifikation für Crysis
Es verändert das (ToD) Lighting der Singleplayer Levels von Crysis.
[Veränderte SP Levels]
- Neue Tagesbeleuchtung
- Neue Nachtbeleuchtung
- Neuer Sonnenauf -und -untergang
- Neue Sonnen Effekte
- Neue Mond Effekte
- Neue Farbsättigung
- Neue Schattendarstellung
- Neuer Umgebungs -Nebel
- Neue Wind/Wasser Effekte
- Island - Contact
- Village - Recovery
- Rescue - Relic
- Harbor - Assault
- Tank - Onslaught
- Mine - Awakening
- Core - Core
- Ice - Paradise Lost
- Sphere - Exodus
- Ascension - Ascension
- Fleet - Reckoning
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Rygels Texturupdate
Die drei pak Dateien kommen in den Game Ordner von Crysis.
z.b. d:\Programme\Crytek\Crysis\Game
Durch das Textureupdate wird der Speicher schneller Voll und es kann
passieren,das Crysis sich einfach beendet.
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Auf Crytek's Mod-Portal steht nun die finale Version der begehrten Ultra High Quality-Config für Crysis zum Download bereit. Das Tool beschert dem Ego-Shooter verbesserte Schatten- und Beleuchtungseffekte, HDR, Parallax Mapping und Partikel-Effekte. Trotz noch besserer Grafiken soll Crysis mit den ultrahohen Qualitätseinstellungen stabilere Frameraten bieten.
Details des Herausgebers:
• Increased render distance
• Better and higher ocean waves
• Fixed foliage wind activation distance too low.
• Improved water
• Better FPS/quality balance
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HD FX and Particles
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Maldo - Texturpack 3.0c (Alternativer Download-Link (WUpload))
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The Realness Mod
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Features when completed[1.2](percentage till final product):
(percentages of current development, NOT of 1.0)
-All new bullet/gauss impacts(80%)
-All new fire!(80%)
-New smoke(70%)
-All new amazing explosions!(60%)
-New sparks!(90%)
-Melee impacts improved(90%)
-New blood!(95%)
-New Alien blood!(70%)
-Including Human Gore Mod!(50%)
-New water effects!(90%)
-All new glass!(95%)
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Maldo - Texturpack 3.0c (Alternativer Download-Link (WUpload))
Some new textures
Applied 3.0 texture in the interiors, and new ivy shadows
decals was incorrectly assigned to the wrong layer in 3.0
Using same texture with same resolution, less color artifacts now
New plaster
New table
New microwave and rear tv
Closer look
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The Realness Mod
- Improved shadows and shadows resolution
- Improved Time of Day
- Improved "Tone of Hue" in Image:ColorCorrection node
- Improved Global Illumination (Settings)
- Improved SSAO (Settings)
- Improved SSDO (Settings)
- Improved SSR Relfections (Settings)
- Improved water reflections
- Added more vegetation
- Added more weapons and ammo supplies
- Added a monuments and more background buildings
- Added more particles and decals
- Added more red barells and crashed cars
- New advertisements to hit a "nowadays"
- All objects throw a shadow if sun or light is visible
- Fixed DX11 "No sun showing" problem in my mod (Fixed by "chicken")
(More changelog coming siöon, forget most of it)
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Enhanced Effects Mod v0.3 -> kein Video
-Expanded effects highest volume, particles, dust, smoke, water, dirt, mud etc, for the experience more extreme in this fantastic game.
-New options settings, enhanced reflex and shadows, (note: this options with ultra, or veryultrahihg options, produces a strong impact on performance, recommended for extreme equipment)
Croacia terrain fixed effects
adjusted any volumetric efects, in my first tests for minimized the impact in performance
Enhanced Smoke/Dust/Snow Effect (Registrierung erforderlich)
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Enhanced Car Sound V4 (Registrierung erforderlich)
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Files included;
pfx_snow_textures.pssg - Modified texture set for better snow effects.
pfx_snow_textures_ORIGINAL.pssg - Original file for back-up purposes.
pfx_textures.pssg - Modified texture set for better smoke and dust effects.
pfx_textures_ORIGINAL.pssg - Original file for back-up purposes
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Enhanced Car Sound V4 (Registrierung erforderlich)
- Individually edited sounds of All Cars plus All DLC Cars to match their Real-Life counterparts as close as possible. (with stock codies sound files and available editable settings)
- Enhanced Player Car and AI volume of engine And exhaust.
- Balanced volume of Player Car and AI engine and exhaust.
- Realistic Directional Volume of Player Car and AI. (IE. when camera is facing front of car, engine sound is more pronounced rather than exhaust, vice versa)
- Sound Source of engine, exhaust, gearbox edited to match where they are originally emitting from.
- Exclusive Sounds for each camera. (bonnet, bumper, internal, chase, external cameras)
- Louder/softer Exhaust Detonations (dependent on car)
- Louder/softer Dump Valves/Waste-gate. (dependent on car)
- Louder/softer Gear-whines. (dependent on car)
- Slightly Louder/softer Turbo Hissing. (dependent on car)
- Balanced AI Cars volume to Match with Player Car.
- More AI cars can now be heard simultaneously in replay and in-game. (Maximum of 3 Ai cars Simultaneously at a time with the rest being loaded with a bit of a delay due to memory limitations)
- AI cars have Further listening distance. (e.g. when AI is further away from Player, Ai cars Fade-in and Fade-out can be heard at a longer distance and smoother when compared to stock)
- Realistic Sound Reflections.
- High Quality AI sound files included (Optional)
- Menu, frontend, car setup and loading screens Music and Car volume tweaked
- Frontend Menu Cars have more pronounced detonations
- Rain volume variable refined
- Thunder probability and volume revised
- RPM limiter sounds are more pronounced
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Sikkmod 1.2
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Die Sikkmod für Doom 3 ist in einer neuen Version erschienen. Die Modifikation kommt nun mit der Versionsbezeichnung 1.2 daher und verpasst dem in die Jahre gekommenen id-Shooter unter anderem zeitgemäße Lichteffekte. Aber nicht nur die Optik rückt das Actionspiel in ein besseres Licht, auch das Gameplay wird mit der Sikkmod-Mod beeinflusst. So verfügen virtuelle Widersacher beispielsweise nun um mehr Trefferpunkte. Gleichzeitig wurden die Hitpoints der Feinde erhöht, um dem Spieler mehr Herausforderungen zu bieten. Um zu verdeutlichen, wie weit die Sikkmod bei Doom 3 die Grafikschraube aufdreht, stellen wir euch unterhalb dieser Meldung ein Vergleichsvideo zur Begutachtung bereit, das allerdings noch aus der Vorgängerversion stammt.
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Z-hunter is an isometric third person shooter for Doom 3. Z-hunter includes 8 maps, 2 unique weapons, unique player animations, over 20 enemies custom designed for this style off play. A full custom soundtrack by the band "Desecrative Phoneticism". All new artwork from Hellscafe of liveboulvard. Combining gfx power with old school top down gameplay.
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High Resolution Texture Pack (ganz nach unten scrollen)
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This will add the option to enable higher detail replacements for most textures in game. A big difference will be noticed on level art especially.
To get the most out of the high resolution texture pack, we recommend running the game with the DirectX 11 renderer (requires a DirectX 10 GPU and Windows Vista SP2 or Windows 7). We also recommend a video card with at least 1 GB of video memory.
Most of the benefits from the Hi-resolution textures will only be seen if you are able to run the game in DirectX 11.
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ENB Mod + Realistic Sun Mod
Zwei verschiedene Links!
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Zwei verschiedene Links!
ENB verbessert die Farbpalette.
The 'Realistic Sun Mod" was created in order to make the look of the F1 2010 closer to real as possible, all circuits were substantial changes in the lighting, colors and Sun position, making them more vibrant and realistic.
This project gave me a lot of work and took me many days, so I hope you enjoy.
constructive criticism and suggestions are welcome and very helpful for the improvement of new versions.
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Real Weather and Smoke Effects 1.1
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Track Lighting Mod Full 4v -All Tracks-
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This is not a Lighting mod, this mod contains textures for the smoke damage, and rain water.
if you want to use this mod with a lighting mod, I recommend the " RDDev gladlight weather mod v12" is a perfect marriage. but do not install that part of Weather that comes with it.
-----------------------------Installer version 1.0----------------------------------------------------------
- Now the water spray, is spiral-shaped, simulating the turbulence generated by the tires
- new textures for the drops of rain are four variations *
- New forms of smoke ( dry climate )
- Texture of damage to the car was also changed
* the effects of raindrop, are not good in DirectX 9
-------------------------------Installer version 1.1---------------------------------------------------------
- Now in directx 9 , and with much sharpness in directx 11 version
- Kept another installer with the version of raindrops more blurry
contains the restoration to the original *
* This installer contains the restoration, but combined with the fix for the raindrops sharper of the two versions DX9 and DX11, so if you want to restore the original files from the patch 1.01, use the other installer.
it contains the original, more blurry of patch 1.01
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Track Lighting Mod Full 4v -All Tracks-
Version 0.4 changes:
extra bloom, glow and brightness bug have been solved for cloudy, overcast and rainy conditions.
Tracks lighting mod (full) v4
I've made few changes in lighting.xml and effects.xml to tweak shadows contrast, sun orientation and sky brightness in order to make tracks more saturated and contrast. Some of the tracks lighting I tried to make similar to real 2010 lighting (I mean a sun direction). There are some little visual bugs which I can't solve right now: smoke and dust on some tracks are a bit bluish, some baked shadows are appearing in Monaco and other tracks(don't know if I can switch them off), diffuse level of all cars in some tracks is a bit low (that's why there is no chance to make ferrari's color authentic scarlet in this tracks), couldn't solve this issue also, looks like that there is something else influencing on it. Maybe it will be too saturated for some users, so I've made 2 versions of modification. The only difference between them is ~0.4 of sturation value.
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4Aces FNV HiRes Texturenpakete
All major textures in the game were increased to 400%+ of their original pixels, sharpened, and had some detail added. Then new normal maps were generated to take advantage of the greater detail, which results in a significant improvement over the original graphics. This enjoys 0% compression files, which helps offset the fact that larger files requires more system resources.
*kein Video gefunden*
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Sammelthread auf 3DCenter|Palmen, Gras, Geometry, HDR oder auch Performance. Sehr viele Tips. Thx to resonatorman| Far Cry Tweaks
The Delta Sector is a modification for FarCry which will meet the highest quality expectations and will use the full capacity of the Cryengine 1. There will be new weapons, new vehicles and new enemies in this mod. You are a member of a special forces team. It's your job to check what's happening in eastern Europe, because many military forces accumulate in one area.
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Far Cry 2010 is a graphics mod for CryTek's masterpiece FarCry. This project started in April 2010 with the intention of improving graphics in all single-player campaign levels. Naturally we will remain with Far Cry's established CryEngine. Yet Far Cry 2010 does not only improve textures and applies some other minor changes like it has been seen in so many minor mods since 2004, but it aims to overhaul each and every level. This means that each level (map) will be genuinely rebuilt with amazing graphics.
Here's a short overview of the planned changes:
There will be no significant changes in script and AI (almost close to perfection).
- New environments (vegetation, rocks)
- New Ocean
- New effects (Bump map, particles, dynamic shadows)
- New Additions to fauna (amphibians, insects, butterflies, animals, etc ...)
- New textures and optimization of existing ones
- Enhanced view distance (for areas without fog)
- New sky
I will take great care in trying to conserve the authentic Far Cry feeling.
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Grafiktweaks - Enhanced Edition 1.74 Ultra Settings
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Nach der Veröffentlichung der "Enhanced Edition" von Gothic 3 Götterdämmerung ist auch die Erweiterung von Gothic 3 ohne Probleme spielbar. Wir nutzen die Gunst der Stunde, um unsere beliebten Konfigurationsdateien an das aufgemöbelte Addon anzupassen. Unter diesem Artikel finden Sie drei neue Inis: HQ, Ultra und INSANE. Der Name ist stets Programm: Während die HQ-Ini eine sichtbar höhere Darstellungstiefe bietet und dabei Ihren Rechner nicht völlig niederstreckt, sind die Ultra- und Insane-Inis nur etwas für absolute High-End-Systeme und/oder NASA-Rechner. Für die INSANE-Konfiguration mit ihrer enormen Sichtweite aller Objekte empfehlen wir nicht nur 8 GiByte Systemspeicher und eine SSD, sondern mindestens einen Core i7 mit 4 GHz; ideal ist ein Sandy-Bridge-System mit noch mehr Takt. Ein üblicher Vierkerner (Phenom II, Core 2 Quad) mit 3,0 bis 3,6 GHz stemmt in Städten wie Trelis mitunter weniger als 10 Fps. Dabei werden je nach Spielzeit weit mehr als 4 GiByte Speicher beansprucht. Einen besseren Kompromiss aus Preis und Leistung liefern die HQ- und Ultra-Inis. Am Anfang der Bildergalerie haben wir die vier verschiedenen Detailstufen abgelichtet.
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GTAinside|Auch für andere GTA Teile sind Mods vorhanden| GTAinside.com - GRAND THEFT AUTO Source for Mods, Addons, Cars, Maps, Skins und mehr
GTA-Mods|Hier gibt's auch alles, was das GTA4 Modder Herz begehrt. Schöner Style der Webseite und Top-Auswahl| GTA4-Mods.com - Grand Theft Auto 4 car mods, tools, and more!
Gibt hier ja massig an Variationen. Der Link geht zum Original.
Desert IV
This is desert IV, a huge desert in ocean, enjoy and make it best mod
Installation: Die Dateien gta.dat und images.txt in /common/data reinkopieren und die Verzeichnisse nach /pc/data/maps kopieren.
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Desert IV Add-on (Link zur gefixten Version (Mediafire))
Hi, as the first beta was a succes, i decided to ugrade this mod. New landscapes, more stunts and fun. Fahrzeuge vom Video sind auch enthalten!
Installation genau gleich wie oben, wenn man die von mir gefixte Version läd. Ansonsten gibt es Absturz beim Ladebildschirm und man muss folgendes machen:
In DESERT IV pc/data /maps :- remove "cny folder ",rename des_airp folder in to des_cny_rp (rename also the files inside the folder).
In DESERT IV comm/data add this lines:
-to gta.dat:
- to images txt:
platformimg:/data/maps/des_cny/des_cny 0
platformimg:/data/maps/des_ter/des_ter 0
platformimg:/data/maps/des_palm/des_palm 0
platformimg:/data/maps/des_uhud/des_uhud 0
platformimg:/data/maps/des_cny_rp/des_cny_rp 0
platformimg:/data/maps/des_plus/des_plus 0
platformimg:/data/maps/des_kart/des_kart 0
platformimg:/data/maps/des_kart_v/des_kart_v 0
platformimg:/data/maps/mtn_z3/mtn_z3 0
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New blood textures and increases the size of their appearance.
Version 1.16
--Corrected a mistake with Head and Leg wounds using the wrong textures
--Added Leg wound Spec
--Reduced Leg wound color brightness
Version 1.15
--Changed Wounds (peddamage.wtd)
Version 1.1:
--Further increase to blood size appearance, and lifetime
--Recreated wounds and blood pools
--Edits to splatters
File update fixed errors with blood size.
(Video: Sind nur die ersten paar Sekunden interessant)
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More Liberty V3
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iCEnhancer 1.3 (ENB Series)
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Läuft uneingeschränkt mit Patch Restlichen Infos -> siehe obiger Link (THX an Nuallan)
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iCEnhancer 1.35 (ENB Series)
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Läuft uneingeschränkt mit Patch, ist auch mit und mit EFLC kombinierbar.
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iCEnhancer 2.0 (ENB Series)
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Inklusive FXAA oder SMAA. Ausserdem sehr schöne HD - Trees Mod mit drin. Läuft uneingeschränkt mit Patch, ist auch mit und mit EFLC kombinierbar.
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a version which is now even more cars and peoples bring to the streets, some important areas have been adapted to the real.
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This mod adds more real stars and a better quality moon at night
Photorealistic 8 (Alternativer Link (Mediafire))
Ein weiterer Grafik Mod für GTA 4 ala ENB
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Schönere Bäume ... Geschmackssache!
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DL-Link in der Beschreibung des youTube Videos.
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This is an entire new update of the original Xenon HID,
this will replace both your head and tail light glare with a new detailed Xenon light blue flash.
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Hazardous Matrials (SP-Mod von KAEPS133)
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Name: Half-Life Hazardous Materials
Basisspiel: Half-Life 1
Wad-Files: Standart
Story: Gordon Freeman kommt vom Entsorgen von radioaktiven Müll zurück als erneut chaos in Black Mesa ausbricht und langsam aber sicher die Stromversorgung zusammenbricht.
Anzahl der Level: aktuell 15
Fertigstellung: Episode 1 released
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Age of Chivalry
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Pirates, Vikings, and Knights 2
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Portal Prelude:
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The Stanley Parable
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Weekday Warrior
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Age of Chivalry ist eine Vollmodifizierung von Half-Life 2 vom Team Chivalry, einem Zusammenschluß von Freunden die ein spannendes Mehrspielererlebnis in einer Fantasiewelt des Mittelalters erschaffen haben. Age of Chivalry bietet eine rasantes Nahkampfangriffssystem, das den Spieler vollkommen fesseln wird.
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Black Mesa
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Cinematic Mod (aktuell 11)
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Natural Selection
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Natural Selection 2
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Nightmare House 2:
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Ob da noch was kommt? Wer weiß?!
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Cinematic Mod (aktuell 11)
Kennt wohl fast jeder und wer die Mod nicht kennt ... installieren!
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Dystopia is a cyberpunk themed total conversion of Half Life 2, created by an amateur development team and released to the public for free.
Dystopia places the player into tense combat situations in a high tech world spanned by computer networks. As either Punk Mercenaries or Corporate Security Forces the player will fight through the physical world to gain access, via jack-in terminals, to cyberspace.
Cyberspace is a three dimensional representation of the world's network. Inside cyberspace players will launch programs to hack into systems linked to the physical world while fighting off enemy hackers and defending critical systems. Gameplay progresses through inter-linked physical and cyberspace objectives, some are completed in either the physical world or cyberspace, others only by a well timed combination of the two.
Whether the player is a heavily augmented combat mercenary armed to the teeth with the latest in firepower, or a twitch reflex cyberdecker racing to infiltrate a cyberspace node; they'll be immersed in an action packed battle. Only through skillful use of the high tech arsenal we're making available and intelligent team play will players truly jack-in and kick ass.
Team Dystopia is a collection of dedicated and talented gamers who are creating an action packed multiplayer game. Dystopia draws on the themes and concepts of the cyberpunk genre and implements ideas born out of years of gaming experience. With a diligently designed gameplay system, we hope to produce the next step in online multiplayer gaming.
Feature List
- Dual layer gameplay; interlinked realworld and cyberspace
- A highly detailed futuristic "realworld" environment
- A 3D "cyberspace" computer network environment
- Unique player configuration system
10 assault style maps
- Assemble
- Broadcast
- Cybernetic
- Detonate
- Exodus
- Fortress
- Injection
- Silo
- Undermine
- Vaccine
4 Phistball-style mini maps
- Dojo
- Rooftop
- Round
- Urban Dome
12 high powered primary weapons including
- Laser Sniper Rifle
- Boltgun
- Shotgun
- Smartlock Pistols
- Assault Rifle
- Grenade Launcher
- MK808 Semi Auto Rifle
- Tesla Gun
- Ion Cannon
- Rocket Launcher
- Minigun
- Basilisk
14 player selectable implants, including
- Cortex Bomb
- CyberDeck
- Advanced CyberDeck
- Sound Wave Triangulator
- TAC Scanner
- Thermal Vision
- Leg Boosters
- MediPlant
- Superconductor Capacitor Storage
- Sound Suppressor
- Stealth Suit
- Wired Reflexes
- IFF Info
- Cold Suit
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You have just escaped from a mental institution. You’re on the run. The sun is shining, the birds are singing. You are jumping happily from cloud to cloud. You know that the only way to freedom is by reaching the ship at the end of the level. A cute bunny is jumping towards you, blocking your path. By pushing a button the whole world flips around and shows its dark side. The bunny is now an evil nurse who is trying to stop you from getting away. You headbutt her, clearing your path. With a push of the button the world flips back and shows its light side again. “Play FLIPSIDE and see the world through the eyes of a madman” FLIPSIDE is a platform game that allows you to experience the world from two sides. Pick a side!
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Natural Selection 2
Natural Selection 2 is an immersive, multiplayer shooter that pits aliens against humans in a strategic and action-packed struggle for survival
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Nightmare House 2:
In Nightmare House 2 you wake up inside an abandoned hospital with no understanding of how you came to be there, only a vague memory of the girl from Nightmare House haunts you. Soon it will be difficult to determine between a dream and reality. How long will it take you to realize that escape is not an option?
Fortsetzung von der Horror Mod Nightmare House. Wer auf Horror steht, wird hiermit seine Freude haben.
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In Pirates, Vikings and Knights II können drei Teams gegeneinander antreten und sich um Reichtum, Ruhm, Macht und die totale Weltherrschaft streiten. Dieses Spiel bietet verschiedene Spielmodi, unter anderem 'Eroberung', bei dem die Spieler um die Kontrolle wichtiger Schlüsselstellen der Map kämpfen.
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Portal Prelude:
Portal: Prelude, as its name states it, is an unofficial prequel to the game Portal. Its story revolves around the pre-GlaDOS epoch, even before she was plugged in. At this time, test subjects were monitored by real Aperture Science employees whose work was tedious, lengthy and repetitive. This is why they decided to build a great artificial intelligence that could both replace them in these difficult tasks, but also take responsibility for many other tasks within the complex and compete with Black Mesa's superiority. All employees of the Aperture Science complex are now eagerly awaiting GlaDOS. Maybe even a little too eagerly, as the upcoming events will tell...
Prequel zu Portal, erzählt die mögliche Vorgeschichte zum Hauptspiel. Seit Portal 2 passt die Story aber nicht mehr ganz, das tut der Mod aber keinen Abbruch, da die Story sehr gut und überzeugend erzählt ist. Darüberhinaus sind die Testkammern wirklich fordernd! Wer Herausforderungen sucht ist hier richtig.
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The Stanley Parable
The Stanley Parable is an experimental narrative-driven first person game. It is an exploration of choice, freedom, storytelling and reality, all examined through the lens of what it means to play a video game.
Relativ kurze Mod (ca 1std. Spielzeit), die aber einen sehr interessanten Ansatz hat, einfach ausprobieren schwer zu beschreiben.
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Weekday Warrior
Weekday Warrior is a Half-Life 2 total conversion mod made in the vein of old-school adventure game we all came to know and love. Weekday Warrior was designed from the ground up to have all the fun of classic adventure games with none of the frustration. Item collecting? We got it! Mini-games? Oh yeah! Talking to all sorts of crazy characters? You bet!
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Texture-Mod 1.0
Alle Pistolen haben eine höhere Feuerrate.
Colt 1911 ist nun etwas stärker.
Sowohl der Schaden als auch die Genauigkeit der .357 Magnum wurden erhöht.
Schaden und Genauigkeit der Shotgun verstärkt.
Das Fadenkreuz wächst bei Schüßen mit den MaschinenPistolen/Gewehren langsam an, und um es noch ein bisschen schwere zu machen, vewackelt die Waffe in alle möglichen Richtungen.
Außerdem wird der Rückstoß nicht automatisch ausgeglichen, ihr müsst also immer wieder erneut zielen.
Die Munition für alle Waffen wurde auf 1 Magazin in der Waffe und 2 in Reserve begrenzt.
Wenn ihr in Deckung seit, ist die Kamera näher an euch dran.
Wenn ihr an einer Ecke in Deckung seit,ist es schwieriger um diese zu gucken.
Wenn ihr in Deckung seit und hockt, bewegt ihr euch langsamer um nicht über die Deckung zu ragen.
Es bedarf weniger Schaden um zu sterben.
Die KI ist nun tapferer. Sie schießt außerdem nun aus der Deckung.
Es braucht nun 4fach so lange, bis euer Leben wieder hergestellt ist.
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Texture-Mod 1.0
Neue Straßen
Neue Bürgersteige
Neuer Rasen,Bäume und Umgebung (u.a Herbst)
Neue Wände
Neue Kanalisation
Neue Straßenmarkierungen
Verbesserte/Neue Autobeleuchtung/Lampen
Neue Taxi Aufschrift
Neue Buchtexturen im Buchladen
Neue Waffenladen Texturen
Neue Straßenschilder/Werbung/Poster (zu 70% beendet)
Neue Postkästen/Straßenlaternen
Neue Pappkartons
Neue HotDog/Cola Schilder
Neue Tankstelle
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Name | Kurzbeschreibung | Link
Mafia 2.net - Wiki - Modifikationen|Sehr gute Zusammenfassung von verschiedenen Mafia 2 Mods. Kurz und übersichtlich!| Mafia 2 Mods
Project Wildfire
Shorter Death Cam - half a second if u die rather than 3 seconds.
Slower Health Regen - Normally 0.5 now is 10X slower @ 0.05
Regenerate Shields at a faster rate in cover.
Enemy Shields regenerate now, so you gotta keep blasting at them to kill 'em.
Most weapons 2x damage. Rockets are especially powerful, get hit and you're unshielded, you're done.
Squad guns do more damage - They usually do less damage in their hands than in player, I changed this so they can actually kill stuff with their guns.
Enabled Crouch - Default is G <3
Disabled Start Up Movies and made a lot others skippable
Larger 2nd Playthrough Bonuses 500,000 Credits, 1,000,000 resources - I mean it's a mod right? If you want to play straight up, start fresh.
Mouse Sensitivity changed from 1.0 to 1.5
Jacob has assault rifle instead of SMG like in fiction. Makes him more useful.
Will also add in abilities to make him like Mass Effect Galaxy. (Next Version)
"Jacob's abilities in Mass Effect 2 are vastly different from Mass Effect Galaxy. In Mass Effect Galaxy, Jacob could use an assault rifle, use tech overloads, and use heavy weapons. "
Storm Time is longer out of combat.
Weapons tweaked to make all useful, no more going with the brand new weapon, all weapons have their own properties that make them special. (Not 100% implemented but halfway there. Changes Explained below)
.......... and more
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Third Age Total War 3.1
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1648- Der dreissigjährige Krieg
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Lord of the Rings Total Conversation:
Used Submods:
- Weathertop Battle Map by leo.civil.uefs
- Hero abilities ressource by Noobas
- Spider units by alreadyded
- Rhun armor upgrade by Yarrum
- Some Ancillaries by Hero of the West
- Carrock and Weathertop strat map models by Jarlaxe
- Interface Parts by el cid
- Corsair script by TNZ
- Water 2.0 by davide cool
- Untainted Heroes by carampilo
- New quotes by Ngugi
- Hunt for Gollum (Music)
- Some Map textures by the Roma Surrectum team
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To start of with: this mod will be published in German first. Translation is being done bu tmay take some time.
The mod 1648 is settled in the period 1618-1648 of the wars in Central Europe better known als the '30 years war'. The battlefields of this conflict are all located in the area of the Holy Roman Empire, therefore the map encompasses it's dominion and the directly neighboring areas (Copenhagen-Udine / Reims-Riga). The level of detail is guaranteed through 198 provinces and 24 factions. The pivotal aspect of the mod will be the struggle of the Kaiser with the counter reformation; protestant leaders being his main adversaries.
Foreign powers enter the game as spawning factions like Siebenbürgen or as invaders like Sweden and France. Poland-Lithuania (the Western areas), Denmark, Swiss Union and the United Netherlands have their part on the map as well, although their influence in the beginning will be more passiv. The eighty years war between the Netherlands and Spanish Habsburg will also play a role in the overall war of that period.
The mod has followed new paths to make the game experience more intensive: new music and sounds, new textures, new units, new animations, new stratmap elements and more.
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Floris Expanded Modpack 2.4
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Verbessert viele Details aus dem Basis Spiel, es gibt hunderte neue Gegenstände und wesentlich mehr Optionen wie im "Native", dazu kommt dank Polish Landscape eine schönere Grafik!
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Kann man sich ein wenig wie ein MMORPG vorstellen, jedes Spiel bekommt man Geld, dafür kauft man sich über eine Webseite neue Waffen oder Pferde etc und diese hat man dann permanent! Macht richtig süchtig. Und nein, es kostet aber absolut nichts. Unbedingt ausprobieren, wenn ihr Mount and Blade Warband habt, ist natürlich rein Multiplayer!
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TexMod HQ Textures by Dragozool
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Neue Texturen zum Spiel mit einigen Updates! Bildervergleich unter dem oben angegebenen link zu finden.
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ENB Series for NFS UG Configured By Dragozool
Real HD Mod by Dragozool
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ENB - Mod braucht man ja nicht zu erklären.
*Siehe Video zu RETextured 2.0*
Real HD Mod by Dragozool
Neue Texturen zum Spiel mit einigen Updates! Bildervergleich unter dem oben angegebenen link zu finden.
Hey guys i want to make NFS UG looking realy fine. I want to make new Street and some other stuff with much much better Textures...
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RETextured V2.0
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Version 2.0 der Texturmods
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ENB Series for NFS UG V2 Configured By Dragozool
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Passwort: by-Dragozool.
*Siehe Video zu RETextured 2.0*
RETextured V2.0
Version 2.0 der Texturmods
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Better Cities by Bananasplit
* The Arboretum is turned into a luxurious garden with some domesticated deer and rabbits, a beautiful pond in front of a new hotel with a bar, bedrooms, public and private bath.
* In the Imperial Market District, the buildings have been elevated and several towers have been placed. Some ancient Ayleid statues, uncovered from recent digging under the city have been placed in the District for the population's admiration. New housing has been built and the passages are now narrow and less bare than before.
* Out on the Waterfront, the poor area has been enlarged, with more buildings and additional occupants. The ground is littered with rubbish, the graveyard has enlarged and includes a church. More ships are docked, and a courier service has opened in the richer area.
* The Arcane University District includes several new towers, plus some raised platforms and magical equipment for the students to practice what they have been taught.
* The other IC Districts have been more subtly changed. The additions are less noticeable, but still enhance the appearance of each location.
* In Chorrol the castle gets elevated and protected by walls, an old prison is now accessible and several new houses have been installed. The general layout is vastly changed. Optionally, the city can be converted into Open Better Cities, but this is disabled by default.
* In Bravil, the aspect of decay has been vastly enhanced and you will understand why this city is called the slump of Cyrodiil. The city contains now several levels of houses with pathways making it a real maze.
* In Leyawiin, the castle surrounding has been flooded but a wood pathway has been built for the guard patrols. The old/poor quarter looks mouldy and really poor. A new harbour has been built, a ship of the Imperial Navy is currently docked there.
* In Skingrad, the city has been made more floral and the Colovian District has been enhanced. New houses have also been built. Optionally, the city can be converted into Open Better Cities, but this is disabled by default.
* In Anvil, new houses have been built, the central place has been redecorated as well as the little lake surround. The Anvil Bay has also been altered to give more life to the place. Optionally, the city can be converted into Open Better Cities, but this is disabled by default.
* In Bruma, the city has been enhanced with a pond and waterfall, and the poor quarter has expanded. Optionally, the city can be converted into Open Better Cities, but this is disabled by default.
* In Cheydinhal, the general layout has been changed and the city has been made more floral. A prison quarter also has been added as well as some new houses. Optionally, the city can be converted into Open Better Cities, but this is disabled by default.
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3.0.1 POM - added missing Lighting.hlsl include file, this will fix the _blank_ textures as shaders couldn't get compiled
3.0.1 Standalone Effects - replaced LoadShader by LoadEffects, LoadShader always did auto-enable every effect it finds, LoadEffect does not
3.0.1 Retro-Core - little optimization, shouldn't make any practical difference
3.0.1 Core - fixed a CTD caused by a combination of some mods with OBGE, fixed unhookable D3D
3.0.1 Developer Window - synced changes with the regular Core
3.0.1b Retro-Core - synced changes with the regular Core
3.0.2 POM - should be free of angle-swimming now
3.0.2 PCS - fine tuned parameters, should look pretty natural now, try it with the tonemapper
3.0.2 HDR - initial version
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Natural Weather: responsible for all meteorological modifications.
Natural Water: provides various tweaks for in-game water types.
Natural Habitat: adds and controls more than 20 different types of birds and insects.
Natural Vegetation: alters scaling characteristics of trees and shrubs.
Feature List:
Natural Vegetation
It is a very simple, yet highly effective modification that completely changes the visual look of the game. It alters several characteristics of trees and shrubs, making them appear much taller and more foliose. The overall effect drastically changes the game environment and adds a great amount of immersion to the gaming process. Proceed with caution: extensive canopy coverage and dense foliage can make it very easy to veer off the path and get lost in the forest.
Natural Vegetation is the most recent addition to the package that has not been tested properly at the time of release. It should be completely stable, but some minor glitches may occur.
Key facts you need to know about Natural Vegetations:
- This mod won't affect your fps numbers. If it will, the difference should be nearly unnoticeable.
- There are two versions of the mod: regular and 200%. The latter (found in Extras) produces much taller trees, but it also creates and amplifies several clipping issues that many people don't like.
- Natural Vegetation (and all other Natural Environments components as well) can be turned on and off whenever you feel like it.
- If you have any objections to the visual effect it provides, just disable this part of the package. I really enjoy the new look, but everyone is entitled to his or her opinion.
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* Most textures are 4 times the size of the originals. Some, even more. This makes things seem much clearer and sharper in-game.
* A large number of meshes have been altered to take advantage of the game engine's parallax shader.
* Only parts of the mesh which NEED parallaxing have the parallax flag enabled. This removes unwanted artifacts parallaxing can cause around corners.
* Textures which use the parallax shader have been altered at the mipmap level so that things look very 3D from a distance but do not get the soupy artifacts associated with the parallax effect when viewed close-up.
* Advanced normal map techniques used to make landscape textures seem very 3D.
* Landscape color maps and normal maps edited at the mipmap level to reduce the tiling effect in the distance.
* Mesh fixes from the Unofficial Oblivion Patch are included.
Portal 1: (NEW)
Portal Mappack (40 new Levels)
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Portal Prelude
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Based on Portal: The Flash Version, our very own Hen Mazolski brings us all the levels and concepts back to the original Portal version, in this huge mappack!
This time, experience Aperture Science from a different perspective, before the time of the original Portal, as a different test subject.
This mappack includes ALL 40 levels from WCS's Flash version, additional bonus levels and features. All together, we've got here over three and a half hours of amazing gameplay.
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Portal Prelude
Portal: Prelude, as its name states it, is an unofficial prequel to the game Portal. Its story revolves around the pre-GlaDOS epoch, even before she was plugged in. At this time, test subjects were monitored by real Aperture Science employees whose work was tedious, lengthy and repetitive. This is why they decided to build a great artificial intelligence that could both replace them in these difficult tasks, but also take responsibility for many other tasks within the complex and compete with Black Mesa's superiority. All employees of the Aperture Science complex are now eagerly awaiting GlaDOS. Maybe even a little too eagerly, as the upcoming events will tell...
How do I install this game? Before you install, please make sure you have the Steam Client installed along with Portal and probably either Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike Source, Day of Defeat Source or the Source SDK Base (see above). Also make sure they have been launched at least once through Steam. All you need to do is to install Portal: Prelude to your "SourceMods" directory, inside of the "SteamApps" directory of Steam. Be sure to restart Steam after the installation. This will allow Steam to update your game list and include Portal: Prelude in it.
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Graphic Mod V3 -> kein Video
- Added two passes of ssao at different depths.
- Added advance light diffusion.
- Lessen the blue atmosphere by applying color correction.
- Added some light transfer effect, more visible around bright objects such as lights, lasers, portals. etc.
Changes since Version 2
- removed the brown tint
- Fixed a distorted effect around portals and some laser.
Sikkmod Lite 1.0
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Chromatic Dispersion v1.1 -> kein Video
Fullshadows 1.4 -> kein Video
Nachfolgend ein Überblick über die Features:
- High Dynamic Range Rendering (HDRR)
- Bloom
- Edge Anti-Aliasing (AA)
- Player bounded ambient light
- Blood spray
- Color grading
- Filmgrain
Des Weiteren lässt sich einstellen, wie oft der Spieler pro Level den Deathwalk benutzen kann.
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This particular piece of work makes some changes to the heat haze fragment programs (or pixel shaders,
if you're a DirectX nut like myself) in order to simulate the effects of chromatic dispersion. What is this, you ask? It's
the faint rainbow-y effect you get whenever light is bent somehow, usually through glass and the like. Drastic changes in
air temperature also fiddle with how light gets absorbed, which is why you get that 'bendy' effect above a fire and the
reasoning behind bullet trails in those kinds of movies/games. Anyways, as you may have learned in physics classes,
(if you've taken them) not all wavelengths/colors are bent the same way. In fact, the different bands kind of fan out,
resulting in the rainbow effect. That's all there is to it. While the inspiration for this is physically-based, this
implementation is not, and you only get three bands in red, green and blue. The amount of math required to procedurally
generate a perfect representation of this is most definitely not available on today's hardware, so for now we'll have to
settle for an approximation. It still looks cool, though
Fullshadows 1.4 -> kein Video
This mod makes Prey do all lights with full shadows in the maps of the singleplayer Retail game.
Now, all lights will have shadows..., from a simple led to the lights of Prey's surface !!!
Rome - Total War:
Total Realism 6 und 7
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Mod Features
- Seventeen-twenty fully playable factions
- Hundreds of new historically-accurate army units
- Totally revamped combat stastics system
- New "Area of Recruitment" gameplay mechanic
- Comprehensive graphical overhaul of the front end
- Introduction video, faction elimination videos
- Redesigned campaign maps
- Classical soundtrack conceived by professional composers.
- Many new custom battle locations
- Additional historical battles
- Authentic battle formations and army deployments
- Enhancements enabling the AI to fight "smarter"
- Gloss textures enabling environmental reflections
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Skyrim - The Elder Scrolls 5:
Name | Kurzbeschreibung | Link
Skyrim Nexus|Hunderte von Mods von Grafik bis Gameplay| Skyrim Nexus - Skyrim Mods and community
Sammelthread auf Hardwareluxx|Übersicht von nützlichen Tools, Wichtige Mods und Ini-Datein in einem Thread. Thx to Drakrochma| Skyrim - Mods und Technik
Sammelthread auf 3DCenter|Schatteneinstellung, Sichtweite, Bildqualität und vieles mehr. Tips on mass. Thx to Hübie| Tweaks, Mods und Tuning-Tipps
News zu den Mods für Skyrim auf PCGames.de|Sehr schöne Übersicht und Erklärungen von allen wichtigen Modifikationen. Thx to PCGames| Skyrim - Neue Mods in der Übersicht
Zu den genutzen Effekten zählen neben diversen Blur-Filtern auch unter anderem SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion) und Indirect Lightning - beides Techniken, die für eine bessere Beleuchtung und Schattierung sorgen. Des Weiteren sind auch Reflexionen und Wassereffekte mit an Bord.
Bei Skyrim hat Boris Vorontsov mittlerweile sechs Versionen herausgebracht, die immer wieder neue "Problemzonen" angehen. Zuletzt nahm sich der Modder SSAO vor, also die Eigenverschattung, außerdem wurde von ihm die Tone Mapping-Technik verändert, um den darstellbare Helligkeitsumfang zu optimieren. (Thilo Bayer)
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Complete Mod 2009 (2012)
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Invasion Mod 1.3.3
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If you haven’t played 2007’s most immersive and atmospheric shooter, or you’re back for replay, this mod is for you. This is the world of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. like you’ve never seen before, with updated graphics and added functionality that don’t change the original story or gameplay.
Contained within are new textures, sounds, music, sky, weather system and visual effects, along with bug fixes, AI improvements, upgraded shaders, ragdoll physics, a revamped user interface and so much more.
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Panorama MODChangelog 1.3.3
-Vortex geräusche variieren mit der Stärke
-Neues Handelsblancing
-Pripjat ist äußerst "lebendig" gestaltet
-ein paar Sounds vom SoundRemake (thx 2 MulleR & Mongol)
-Fraktionenwahl mit Folgen (thx 2 Atrocious)
-Komplett neuer Blowout (wird aber auch nochmals überarbeitet)
-performance verbessert
-Komplett dynamisches Wetter
-Das Dreampaket von mir was auch schon in der SGPS1 Mod zu sehen war
-NPC's verhalten sich realer beim frindly-fire mitten im Gefecht
-NPC's werden bei Hilfe im Gefecht Strelok freundlich gesinnt
-Anzüge verschleißen realistischer
-Waffenparameter realer gestaltet
-Munitionsparameter angepasst
-Scopetexturen weiter verbessert
-Generell bessere damage Verteilung (vor allem beim Militär und Banditen)
-Trefferzonen von Mutanten und NPC's stark verbessert
-Mehrere Sound fixes
-Neue Regen und Donnersounds
-Snork Soundfix (danke an Krishty)
-Massenweise neue Waffen (thx 2 gosuke, KingFriday, Dester, Zen, Arhet)
-Alle Menschen können hinken (abhängig von der Verwundung)
-Menschen sterben nicht mehr nach ein paar Trefern ins Bein oder in den Arm, aber können daran verbluten;
-Reparierpreis ist abhängig vom NPC-Actor Verhältnis
-Viele neue Partikeleffekte für Waffen, Blut und Anomalien
-Gore und neue Postprocess effekte
-AK's klemmen nicht
-Ladehemmungen werden nicht angezeigt (d.h. ihr müsst also selbst merken wenn die Waffe klemmt)
Changelog v1.3.2.a
-nehmen ihre umwelt realistischer wahr; hören gut;
-sehen bei nacht genauso wenig wie du; können bluten und verbluten
-liegen öfter verwundet am boden;
-NPC's handeln mit mehr items und co (kein waffenhandel mehr);
-trefferzonen angepasst;
-NPC's haben mehr Geld zum handeln (Geizhals hat nun genug Geld);
-NPC's spielen wieder auf der mundharmonika;
-Militärstalker wieder im Spiel!
-NPC's können Granaten werfen! (tHx to Xstream)
-"Ich" stehe nun wieder an Ort und Stelle
-humpeln wenn stark verwundet;
-bluten realistisch;
-starke monster sind dem spieler nun kräftemäsig überlgen!
-alle "alten" monster wieder drinnen (außer ratten und izoms)
-Monsterteile lassen sich nun verspeisen (gib acht, mutanten können verstrahlt sein);
-Krähen fliegen tiefer und lassen sich "vom himmel holen";
-Schwache tiere können bei blowouts sterben;
-Mutanten spielen bei den blowouts verrückt;
-Controlller ist hochgefährlich;
-nervige hallo-hallo, komm rein-steh-hier-nicht-rum etc. sounds getilgt;
-gruselige ambient sounds;
-neuer soundtrack mit über 25 neuen Liedern;
-sehr realitätsnahe waffensounds;
-Bessere natur.sounds (Regen, Blitz, Donner und ambiente);
-längere lieder für mundharmonika und gitarre;
-neue sterbe sounds für npc's;
Realisitsche texturen für Monstr, NPC's, Waffen fahreuge und und und...
neues realitätsnäheres gras;
sehr viel größere blutlachen und flecken;
ZF texturen in besserer qualität;
viele Alpha texturn übernommen;
sonne und mond wieder korrekt im spiel;
richtiger sonnenlauf (von osten über süden nach westen);
wünderschöne sonnenaufgänge und dämmerung;
Infernale Gewitter;
Milchstraße eingebaut;
Pripjat, Dark valley, Stancia1, Stancia2 und Jantar haben einen realen tag-nachtwechsel;
Aus dem realse entfernte toz34, hpsa, und berreta wieder im spiel;
minigun wieder im spirl;
svc, rusty LR300, rusty Groza, Bm.16 long, Ak-101 und streloks vintorez als neue waffen;
Addons passen nun korrekt auf die jeweiligen waffen;
Messer erfüllt nun seinen zweck
Schalldämpfer funktionieren nun korrekt;
Schrottkügelchen von 10 auf 30 hochgesetzt;
Alle waffen real balanced;
kleine Rohrbombe eingebaut;
Viele verschiedene Varianten von einigen Waffen;
Schlaffunktion angepasst: richtiges aufstehen und "verschlafen" sein, kein hunger während dem schlaf;
3 detektoren wieder im spiel mit inividuellen features;
Repairfunktion für waffen und anzüge;
Dutzende neue Anzüge mit sich veränderdem Hud (eingeschränkte Sicht) und komplexem Schadenmodell;
Nahrungsmittel sind rarer und teuer;
Neue Lebensmittel: Oliven, bohnen, Nudeln, Nüsse, 2 Sorten Mineralwasser, Zigaretten und Snikers;
3 verschd. Gasmasken mit individuellen Wirkungen;
Händler sind wahre halsabschneider, haben mehr zu bieten und kaufen fast alles;
Sprengtoffe lassen sich aufnehmen, kaufen und verkaufen;
PDA einträge massiv erweitert und einige neue hinzugefügt;
Beschreibungen von waffen mutanten und der zone erweitert;
interface aus der alpha erstellt;
kann ein wenig mehr tragen;
schreit nun richtig wenn verletzt;
zielen in der hocke ist genauer als im stehen;
neue sterbe sounds;
blutet stärker;
hat mehr hunger;
Nachtsichtgerät leiser gemacht;
random-blowouts psyZonen und psy attacken eingebaut;
Anomalien komplett unsichtbar;
Kein "Schneegestöber" in der nähe von Anomalien;
Anomalien looten sehr wenige artefakte;
artefaktwirkungen angepasst;
neues artefakt (sprazer);
Mehr Physikalische Objekte in vielen Levels;
Alle toten Körper und Physikalischen objekte lassen sich schleifen;
Viele neue Verstecke;
Physik Eigentschaften aller Monster und Stalker überarbeitet (Ragdoll verbessert)
alife sys. wieder reaktiviert (dank DC's alive 1.6) und massiv erweitert!
Fraktionen und Mutanten wechseln ihre plätze und bekriegen sich;
Das Video hierzu ist allerdings aus einer anderen MOD für Stalker. Oblivion Lost. Bei dem Panorama MOD handelt es sich, wie der Name schon sagt, um eine "Erweiterung des Horizonts"...hehe. Hatte ich selber am laufen gehabt und kann es nur empfehlen.
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Fleet Operations 3.0 (Forum)
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Fleet Operations is a popular skirmish and multiplayer orientated total conversion modification for Activision's real-time strategy game Star Trek Armada II. The project's goal was not only to create a simple "modification" but as total conversion to make Armada II a worthy successor to the second best selling Star Trek game Star Trek: Armada (behind Interplay's Star Trek: 25th Anniversary by a small, but fair margin).
The first public version of Fleet Operations was released in 2003. Today, version 3 includes a whole new user interface, an updated game and graphics engine, completely replaced ship models, 5 balanced races with totally new gameplay and tons of new possibilities making Armada II a real real-time strategy multiplayer game.
- 5 balanced races: Federation, Klingon, Borg, Romulan and Dominion
- More than 200 new ships and stations
- Dynamic tactics: Avatars, ship experience system, mixed tech, warp-in, ...
- Fully supported and improved AI
- Community driven and active in development since 2003
- Engine enhancements: Widescreen support, FMOD sound engine, Tunngle online gaming, ...
- NottheArmadayouplayed:99%ofallmodels,graphics,sounds,scriptsrewrittenorreplaced
- Patched to include latest fixes up to Windows 7
- Easy Installation: Installs right off your Armada II CD - no pre-installation required
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Stargate - Empire at War: Pegasus Chronicles is a total conversion for the fantastic game Star Wars - Empire at War: Forces of corruption.
This total conversion replaces every single Star Wars asset of the original game with Stargate assets. This includes units, buildings, icons, sounds, videos and so much more.
Pegasus Chronicles offers 3 playable races, the Ta'uri (alliance between Earth and the Asgard), Anubis (a mighty systemlord) and the Wraith.
Beside these 3 playable races, you will meet many non-playable ones like the Replicators, the Asurans, the systemlord alliance, the Aschen, the Ori and many more.
Each faction owns several space and land units and buildings, either well known from the series or completely new ones, invented by us.
Contrary to our first full version for the normal Empire at War, the Final 1.1, the next release contains finished Galactic Conquest maps, in which you can play through the known Stargate storylines.
Many new missions and adventures in the Stargate universe are waiting for you....
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Forgotten World - An Ultima IX Ascension Mod
- Unused maps will be included into the Worldmap along with changes to the Worldmap
- Reduced linearity of the main quest
- Improved and expanded version of the storyline envisioned by Richard Garriott
- Expanded World including more quests, towns, npcs, and scheduling
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