Sammelthread Next Car Game

All righty!

It’s been a while since we blogged last, and we’re sorry about the silence. But, we have indeed been quite busy developing Wreckfest to be all it can be, and we’ve made huge progress in these past months. Unfortunately, we couldn’t reach a build that would be releaseworthy before the holidays are upon us.

Allow us to go into detail:

We have introduced several features to our internal build, and all of them have made Wreckfest a better experience.

Disabling resets? You got it.

Changing cars and tracks in the lobby so you don’t have to quit every time you want to shuffle things up a bit? Yep, that’s in the game as well now.

AI cars in multiplayer races, both LAN and online, to create some extra havoc? Damn straight.

Class restrictions so that you can limit the power of the cars in the race? That’s there, too.

Server filters, so you can find the type of game and track you want? Yessirree bob, we deliver.

Improved tire physics? Looking good!

Improved suspension physics? Yes, well, there’s the rub :)

As it is, Wreckfest is absolutely taking several good sized leaps compared to what the previous build could and does offer, but we couldn’t nail the suspension physics down just yet. We’re really close, oh so close, but… Well, not close enough. Simply put, the cars can’t handle jumps or bounces very well, and even the slightest bump can launch your car into the air just like from a catapult. It’s like… It’s like driving a car with superballs instead of tires! If we released this new build now, we’d be introducing all kinds of sweet and cool features to the game while taking a big step backwards when it comes to actually driving the cars.

We can’t have that.

So, we will not release the new build in time for the holidays. We are really sorry about this, but them’s the breaks. The new build will see the light of day early next year, and we promise you, it’ll be worth the wait.

Enjoy the holidays all y’all, and, as always, stay safe.

Week #50: The Holiday Update
Week #15 Report

Hello again!

As the launch of our newest build draws nearer (but isn’t yet here, sorry to say), one thing that has been wished of us has been a recap of what all will be in the next iteration of Wreckfest. So, this week’s blog will be a very special Cheesy Clip Show episode, meaning we’ll showcase stuff we’ve talked about in our previous blogs and on both our own and Steam forums! \o/

First and foremost, the update will bring a mighty upgrade to physics modeling! What that means is that we’ll increase the resolution of how much depth our physics can handle. It is a bit like comparing a 32” FullHD picture TV, which is fine and dandy and quite sufficient to your everyday needs, to a brand new 56” widescreen with 4k support: you’re bound to notice differences here and there, but most of the magic lies in the level of detail your display can now support.

That’s the same way with our physics modeling. We’re increasing the number of different values by roughly 50% -- for example, suspension alone, meaning springs and sway bars and such, holds over sixty variables, and suspension is just a small part of the overall physics modeling of a single car! Tires, on the other hand, go as far as measuring surface rigidity, rubber mixture and shock absorbance in addition to friction and heating up.

You can read about changes in physics in this blog: Bugbear Entertainment presents Next Car Game | Weekly Report #8

Second, the update will introduce two new game modes, Elimination and Team Race.

Elimination is a merciless mode where the last player is weeded out. When this happens depends on settings, so it can be after a full lap, or every 20-60 seconds. Regardless of such details, Elimination becomes not a race of who crosses the finishing line first, but who is the last one to burn? This means all you really need to worry about is that you aren’t the last driver when the axe swings, and to accomplish that, dirty tricks are par for course. Better them than you, right?

Team Race allows up to four teams to race for victory that doesn’t come from merely being fast, but also from being furious. Your team gets points from top positions and swiftest laps, but also from damaging and wrecking opponents. This means that even if you lose your chances of being in the first five to finish, you can still rack up points by clobbering your foes off the road! This mode supports tactics really well, since each player can play a different role in the mayhem.

Read more here: Bugbear Entertainment presents Next Car Game | Weekly Report #9

We’re also introducing more robust methods of maintaining your server, like the ability to change cars, tracks, and car upgrades in the lobby. This means that the host won’t have to quit the whole race just to change to the next track. Class restrictions also make their debut, meaning you can limit what kind of powerhouses your server will allow, and resets can now be disabled altogether. Driving backwards is severely limited, too, so there’ll be less griefers to ruin your races. Oh, and AI cars can be added to the mix, meaning you can do a full 24-car race even if you’re just gaming with a few friends.

From player’s point of view, server filters that help you find just that specific type of game you want will make life easier.

You can read more here: Bugbear Entertainment presents Next Car Game | Week #48 Report

In addition to these, we’re working on a lot of good stuff, like new tracks, new cars, new menus, career progression and such, but since these will make appearance later on, and not necessarily in the next build, we won’t go into detail here. But, if you’d like to know more, do visit our blog and read about it all: Bugbear Entertainment presents Next Car Game | Blog

As a final note, a completely new feature!
Confirmed just mere hours ago today (that is, April 10th), we have functional dedicated servers.

That’s right, folks! Dedicated servers will make their way to Wreckfest! We’ll make a bigger post of this next week when we have something to also show and not just tell, for at this point, our dedicated server support is at so early stages that we can’t grab a screenshot of it! Not even a command line on our internal use command console :D

But, next week, we’ll have something to show. Stay tuned.

That’s it for this week!
Stay safe all y’all.

-Team Bugbear
Für 13,99 im Summer Sale. Man sollte auf jeden Fall zuschlagen, weil das Update wirklich gut sein wird.

Ich hab zugeschlagen aber die Dowmloads gehen ja garnet habe teilweise nur BYTE als Down speed gehabt, aber ich freu mich schon auf das Update.

Was mich stört ist dass die Ki bei Derbys immer nur Rückwärts fahrt :(
Morgen solls Update kommen

Also ich bin ziemlich enttäuscht von dem Update!
Die Grafik ist schlechter geworden, das Schadensmodell ist nicht mehr so detailliert und online teleportieren sich die Gegner über die Strecke...grauenhaft-.-
Is scheinbar schwer zu lesen im Titel Screen aber hier nochmal für dich: Early Access - Pre Alpha.
Es geht ja um den Patch, das dieser das Spiel verschlimmbessert hat. Mir hat es vor dem Patch schon richtig Spaß gemacht, trotz des Entwicklungsstandes.

We're happy to let you know that the latest hotfix for Wreckfest is now out, giving much needed love to our damage system and making it more brutal than ever before in both single player and multiplayer. The update also improves CPU performance and features a nifty workaround for those having issues running the x64 build. Needless to say, we've also put in a host of other minor fixes, details below.

Please find the changelog here:

- Improved visual damage precision and increased deform strength.
- Implemented multi-core physics optimizations and other performance improvements.
- Implemented a temporary x64 build workaround for certain GPUs.
- Re-enabled automatic controller detection.
- Fixed positive wheel steering sensitivity curve.
- NOTE! Positive steering sensitivity values now have a higher effect.
- Improved brakes and increased handbrake torque (again).
- Last Man Standing now ends if second to last car is eliminated by contact timer.
- Fixed replay mode's glitched 4x fast-forward.
- Implemented various spectator HUD fixes.
- Tentative fix for multiple copies of a player joining a lobby after a crash.
- Enabled wheel release for vehicle damage.
- Added dedicated limited slip differentials for each vehicle.
- Improved suspension setups of all vehicles.
- Tweaked gamepad controller slightly.
- Improved vehicle cameras.
- Fixed contact audio with various objects.
- Added new paint jobs for Euro Coupe 2 and American Muscle 3.
- Fixed missing surface collisions on Tarmac 1.
- Improved collision of sand mining equipment found on Sandpit 2.
- Vehicle props on Sandpit 1 no longer cause massive damage and move around.
- Improved default reference weather.

Thanks for your support and happy wrecking!
Wreckfest | Multiplayer | American Muscle 3 @ Tarmac Track

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Save 40% on Next Car Game: Wreckfest on Steam

"Thanks to our overhauled tire and suspension simulation model and the new next-generation DirectX 11 rendering engine you will be now able to enjoy more immersive racing experience than ever before, beautifully recreated with physically-based materials and lighting. We've also taken our vehicle damage simulation to the new level, so from now on you will be able to witness cars being brutally torn to pieces in unparalleled level of detail and quality. The update also introduces several engine optimizations to make sure you can enjoy the full glory of demolition racing in furious 24-player multiplayer games, something that only WRECKEST can offer. And that's not all: The latest version of the game features great new content such as cars and tracks as well as numerous improvements on all fronts as requested by our very own racing community.

We want to take this moment to thank you for the incredible support we have received during the Early Access phase of our game. This latest release of the game is not the end of the journey but the beginning, and thanks to you we now have a great base upon which we can build the game by adding more features and content as well as improving what we already have in order to make WRECKFEST the unrivalled racing experience that YOU want.

To celebrate the occasion WRECKFEST will be on Steam sale, starting from right now. Don't miss out your chance to join us on the track and experience the next level of full-contact racing and crashes today! Also don't forget to join our forums at WRECKFESTGAME.COM !"
Wie sieht es bei eich momentan Performancetechnisch aus?
Ich kämpfe im Moment mit extremen fps drops(r9 380, fx8320), installiere gerade neu.
Mal schauen wie es dann läuft.
And here's the change log:


* Physics improvements, more realistic geometry dynamics.
* Implemented joint-based steering rack implementation.
* Improved visual damage accuracy and realism, cars now deform more like they're made of sheet metal instead of paper or plastic.
* Implemented ambient occlusion maps for vehicles.
* Resurrected ambient shadow for vehicles, now affected by visual damage.
* Resurrected low frequency ambient occlusion for scenes.
* Running Steam client is no longer needed for dedicated servers.
* Again reduced dedicated server CPU load on empty servers.
* Improved tire adhesion audio, now reacts to different tyre conditions.
* Implemented basic anti-hacking measures: The game now detects in case there are modified or additional files in sensitive data folders, excluding art. In case modded content is is detected leaderboards are disabled. Multiplayer requires that the server and clients have the same modified files.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you're persistently receiving an error message about data mismatch and can't pinpoint the culprit, please delete the whole 'data' folder and verify data integrity via Steam.


* Added a new game mode: Sprint Cup, consisting of 3 heats of 2 lap races.
* Added basic part durability mechanic: parts now wear with use, lowering performance.
* AI opponents are now picked based on player's car class.
* Added a set of new AI opponents with different cars.
* Enabled ABS & TCS helpers in multiplayer.
* Fixed team race lap position points awarding.
* Improve lost tire and damage tracking in replay.
* Improved gamepad controls.


* Implemented a new (placeholder) upgrading menu.
* Added a whole host of new vehicle parts.
* Implemented a placeholder marketplace.

User Interface:

* Improved chat functionality.
* Added an alert when a multiplayer event is about to start.
* Implemented more accurate option sliders when using a controller.


* Added a new race track: Mixed 1.
* Added a new race track: Tarmac 2.
* Added a new derby track: Lawn Mower Derby.
* Improved replay cameras on all tracks.
* Improved AI behaviour on all tracks.
* Added sunset weather.


* Added a new vehicle: Lawn Mower with rag doll driver.
* Updated tyre model.
* Improved vehicle setups.