Sammelthread Next Car Game

So heute:

"Well like I've said before it's a lot of background code work in this update but there should be a new car and proxy (unfinished) track."

"Yeah local multiplayer for now. Don't know if Hamachi or something similar could work though."
Update verschoben:

"Sorry to keep you folks waiting. We would have loved to release the update this week and were really pushing to make it happen with many of us working very late tonight, but in the end we simply ran out of time and decided it's better to fix the remaining known issues since we're already aware of them and can do better.

We're now looking to release the update early next week, stay tuned."
Kennt wer den Spencer/Hill Film Zwei wie Pech und Schwefel? Ich weiß ja nicht, aber das Spiel erinnert mich stark an die Rally Szene am Anfang des Films.
Vor allem mit dem kleinen Wagen im Spiel, ich weiß nicht wie der genau heißt.
Jetzt fehlt nur noch ein Ford Escort Mk1 RS Mod^^
Update #5 2014-07-03

July 3, 2014/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Team Bugbear(tl;dr – Build updated! New car, new track, LAN support)

And here we go! The new and much-awaited build of Next Car Game is finally out there.
What does this mean in the end? Well, it all boils down to why it took so long between the updates in the first place: we upgraded the game’s engine. In its old iteration, we weren’t sure that the engine could handle all the features we want to include in the game, so, to play it safe, we took the long route and fixed the engine. In essence, we tore it apart. We cut off clumsy clusters of code, with each cut paving way for a more streamlined and more robust iteration of the engine.
It was a lot of work.
As it’s our own engine, we had a pretty good idea how long it would take, but in the end, the amount of effort it took was much more than even we ourselves had anticipated. But, it did pay off in the end. Now we can be certain that the engine can withstand all the nifty we have planned.
The bad news is that, despite the work we’ve already put in, the engine is still far from finished. It’s a rickety contraption that’s bound to buckle and crash and sway and stagger, so expect Next Car Game to give you a constant supply of trouble.

And now the good news.

Next Car Game will soon run more smoothly, thanks to the new engine. What is now purring under the hood will also power a more complex, more detailed and more all around awesome damage model, meaning that all kinds of things can break, bend and tear in your motorized steel bullet. What you now see in this build is just the beginning.
We have also added a second American muscle car to the mix! This baby is difficult to handle, but the power it commands is definitely something to be reckoned with. Again, this is just the beginning – we have many more cars lined up, but one banger at a time, folks, one banger at a time
We have also included a very early prototype of a new track! And take note of the word “prototype” — it lacks pretty much all the nice bells and whistles, meaning that it’s our ugly duckling, but we thought it’d be cool to show you how the track looks and feels like before it’s finished. This new sand pit course should provide you with clever ways to swerve, careen and crash, but what makes the track special is that we’ve done something we have never tried before: the surface of the road has “noise” and it affects your handling! The surface noise simulates the uneven surface of the road, affecting the suspension of your car and giving the steering some sweet, sweet feedback effects. We hope you like it.

As a cherry on top…
Ladies and gentlemen, Motor City madmen and crazy girls of Crash Country…
Next Car Game now supports LAN gaming!
Yes, that’s right. After getting so much requests and wishes and messages hoping that the game would support local area network gaming, we went and did just that. After all, we’re doing this game for our fans, to whom we owe a great deal more than just a car game. We owe you all our honest friendship, our sincere love, and our utmost respect.
The LAN feature supports 12 players at a time, and while a real deal online mode is still missing, this is an important step towards that goal.

But please, do remember that Next Car Game is still ways off from being a final product. It will crash. It will stutter. It will not work the way you want it to, and it will piss you off. And if you’re LANing your heart out, expect lag, especially if your server isn’t robust and you want to keep all graphics settings to the max. But, as said, it’s a work in progress, and we’re working real hard on making it a better game, one line of code at a time.
You can be of great help and immense importance to us by giving us some solid feedback. Feel free to be direct, and no need to be nice, but be detailed in what’s bugging you. That’s the best way for us to know what’s wrong with our game, as that’s how we’ll know what we need to address next.

Thanks for your time, and for your support, good folks!

-Jori Virtanen, game designer, Bugbear Entertainment Ltd.
Here's the change log as well:


*Rewrote the engine.
*Significantly simplified gameflow logic.
*Added support for data hotloading.
*Wrote a shiny new property editor.
*Removed a ton of old legacy code.
*Rewrote the effect system, note that certain effects are missing as of now.
*Added a launcher option to set grass rendering distance.


*Implemented LAN multiplayer for both race and derby, currently supports 12 players.

Input System:

*Added remapping support for XInput devices such as the X360 gamepad.
*Added D-pad and look-around support for DirectInput devices.
*Increased the amount of rebindable controls.
*Added analogue handbrake support.
*Added proper H-shifter support.


*Improved AI behavior to help it stay on track better.
*Added support and first draft scoring events.


*Implemented new damage system based on tracking deform instead of impacts.
*Improved deformation to make the cars break apart in a more realistic manner.
*The car that is heavier and traveling faster will now have an advantage in collision.
*Fixed an issue where unlocked panels such as doors would not animate correctly.
*Added a placeholder smoke effect for the critically damaged engine state.
*Added a release state to all wheels so that they can be torn off.


*Implemented an improved camera system.
*Reworked all cameras, FOV, position, etc.

User Interface:

*Rewrote the user interface platform.
*Implemented new Replay user interface.
*Added a preliminary scoreboard to post-race.
*Improved the main Garage UI somewhat to enhance usability.
*Removed the vignette effect when getting damaged during gameplay.
*Added support for fetching Steam user name and avatar.

Vehicles and Upgrades:

*Added a new American Muscle car.
*Reworked engine upgrade parts to mimic real-life parts.
*Reworked the suspension setups for more authenticity.
*Added first upgrade part descriptions.
*Improved gamepad controller functionality.
*Switched Anti-Spin assist to an improved Stability Control assist.

Vehicle Dynamics:

*Added simulation of Ackermann steering geometry.
*Improved shifting center of mass calculation when vehicle is airborne.
*Improved simulation of viscous forces when driving on loose surfaces such as gravel.
*Added engine shake calculated from the piston movement to simulate engine rumble.
*Added support for turbochargers and superchargers, upgrade parts using this feature coming later.
*Improved suspension simulation; center of mass now affects suspension.
*Improved suspension geometry simulation.


*Improved weathers to give a better sense of light.


*Added a new Sandpit race track, still work-in-progress!
*Enhanced various bits and pieces of the existing tracks.
Next Car Game - Early Access [HD+] ★ New Engine, LAN MP, New Sandpit track and American Muscle car

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Also das Handlingmodell vor dem Patch hat mir bedeutend mehr Spaß gemacht. Auch wenn ich alle Fahrhilfen anschalte kann ich beim Bresmen gar nicht mehr lenken. Ziemlich ärgerlich
Ab Donnerstag habe ich endlich Urlaub. Dann wird mal ordentlich getestet und der Startpost auf den neuesten Stand gebracht.
Irgendwelche Tips wo ich anfangen soll?
Freitag oder Samstag gibts dann die erste Lan mit Next Cargame. Auf den Moment freue ich mich ganz besonders!
Tunngle usw funktionieren noch nich

Viel gibts nich zu sagen da sie das Handling etwas vergeigt haben beim Engine wechsel.
Bis jetzt hat sich mein Fanatek Wheel als echten vorteil beim Auto wechsel erwiesen.
Man kann in Sekunden den Lenkeinschlag ändern.
Meistens habe ich ca 500 Grad,bei manchen Autos auch 700.
Bei mir läuft es laut Afterburner auch etwas schlechter, vom Gefühl her ist es aber gleich geblieben.

Jetzt sollten die Devs aber wieder mal ein Update bringen. Am besten mal mit provisorischem Multiplayer, sonst sehe ich für die Veröffentlichung im Herbst schwarz.

Btw: Wir sind angepinnt.
Online Multiplayer über Lan Bridger..!,5513.0.html

NextCarGame › Networks › LAN Bridger

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