Sammelthread Next Car Game

Super Update! Haben schon viel gespielt.
Es rennt jetzt auch traumhaft mi SLI.

Nur das Geld verdienen ist hart im Spiel.
Ich komme oft als mittlerer ins Ziel und es kommt mit nicht so vor, als würde ich Gewinn machen :) .
Update 2015-12-18


* Added Mixed 2, a new rally-cross type track.
* Optimized dedicated server CPU usage.
* Improved visual damage scaling with network lag.
* Improved tyre model and suspension setups.
* Tweaked gamepad and keyboard controller.
* Added effect level-of-detail models to improve performance.
* Laps are no longer count when driving in the center of Speedway 2 Inner Oval.
* Improved Racing 2 environment and art.
* Added additional sound effects to user interface.
* Added two new tabs to options (Graphics and Gameplay) with settings split from the previous Display tab.
* Added volume sliders for garage ambient sounds and interface sound effects.
* Grass setting now affects density too, and all quality levels should perform somewhat faster.
* Optimized shadow quality settings and added one more level.
* Fixed a bug in the particle quality setting.
* Made low quality cubemap slightly faster.
* Made some more settings changeable on-the-fly.
Grad auf Twitter:

"Surprise, we're still here! Update featuring a new track, repairing and our new sexy grass coming out very soon.
Suspension setups are also improved once again, and there are now three sets of tyres: Standard, Racing and Rally."
The latest update is now live, featuring following changes:


* Implemented an experimental version of part repairing and crew mechanics.
Note that in order to be able to repair you first need to recruit a crew by clicking the small crew button above the car's icon and then assign your newly-recruited crew to the car.
* Added a new work-in-progress tarmac track.
* Improved all suspension setups.
* Added Racing and Rally tyres in addition to Standard ones.
* Improved off-road surfaces, now they are either more slippery or slow down.
* Improved clutch logic so it's now easier to get the car moving again after spinning out.
* Improved gamepad controller.
* Fixed frequent crashing when joining servers with lawn mowers.
* Improved vehicle paint-job changing speed.
* Improved game start-up time after system boot.
* Fixed graphics settings resetting after system boot.
* Excluded paint-job related files from data modification check.
* Implemented new grass.
* Alpha-to-coverage multisampling for foliage is now always enabled.
* Removed festive stuff.


* Added basic event rotation functionality for dedicated server.
* Added an ability to log dedicated server's messages to a file.
* Further reduced idle dedicated server CPU usage.
* Dedicated server configuration is from now on read from server_config.cfg file which is not clobbered by Steam updates. The file is seeded from the old initial_server_config.cfgfile.
5 Runden mit KI auf dem neuen aus Race 07 bekannten Kurs in ner frühen Version ^^

Wreckfest Early Access | Singleplayer Race @ Tarmac Track 3

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Steam Community :: Group Announcements :: Next Car Game: Wreckfest

We're back with a bang and you read it right: the latest update to Wreckfest adds an official vehicle modding support for both single and multiplayer, something that obviously many of you have requested to make Wreckfest an even more thrilling, unique experience. A recipe for awesomeness!

We're providing you all the tools you need to export your vehicle model from Autodesk 3ds Max and then set it up correctly. The provided TGA to BMAP texture compiler can be used for other modding purposes as well, not just for vehicles. Be aware that since this is the first time ever that mods are officially support by the game it's very likely that there will be quite a few hiccups along the way to make Wreckfest a robust platform for modding. Please also note that many things will still change and there is no guarantee that your mod will not break in a future update (or every update!).

To create a new mod first you should create a folder under "mods" that will contain your mod data. You can name the folder as you wish, for example 'mods/MikesPowerMod', 'mods/SamsVehiclePack', and so on are all valid names. You can create as many mod folders as you wish, so it's definitely a good idea to create an own folder for each mod. The mod folders should have the same structure as the game's main data folder (so first subfolder will be 'data'), but only contain edited or new files. After you've created your car, you can enable in in the in-game mod manager found in the garage and it will appear in the in-game marketplace (price can be set to 0).

More instructions can be found in the game's 'tools' folder.

Things to note:
Provided tools allow exporting car models from 3ds Max and converting them to the game's format.
TGA to BMAP texture compiler is also provided for texture modding.
Use included BagEdit editor to modify car's parts and paramaters.
An example Wwise project and a guide for creating your own vehicle sounds can be found in tools/
Mod cars give no rewards and are not allowed on leaderboards.
You should not edit stuff inside the original 'data' folder, rather copy the files you want to edit to your mod folder.
Multiplayer requires that server and clients have the same mods enabled (though some things like car skins are excluded as before).
Dedicated server can also require mods by configuring mods=some_mod,other_mod.

Other changes and new stuff in the update:
Parts no longer wear in multiplayer. As a consequence, multiplayer gives no crew experience and much less money reward.
Multiplayer now offers "rental cars" which cost nothing but also give no rewards at all.
You can now view server's welcome message before joining, in the server browser. Feel free to list your required mods there.
You can now bring your favorite car to the front of the list by clicking the star icon.
Added lobby context menu options to show Steam profile page and open Steam chat for selected player.
Fixed Asian 1 shadow.
Fixed derby scoring sometimes stopping.
Fixed incorrectly set aero drag/torque.
As always, thanks for sticking with us!
Dezember Update und News

"Dear Wreckers, As many of you are aware, Wreckfest has been in Early Access for a considerable time. Even though there have been numerous significant improvements along the way that will make the game indefinitely better in the end, understandably some of you have been concerned that the final game will never see the light of the day. We understand this and would like to address these concerns with this statement: Wreckfest always has been and always will be our first-priority project, and we are 100% committed to create a game where all of us (you, our faithful supporters, and us, as its developers) will be proud of. As a further sign of our commitment, we would also like to share the upcoming steps with you:

We found a partner that will enable us to fully commit to Wreckfest all the way to its completion.

We will be servicing the game with more frequent and rich monthly updates, starting in February.

Wreckfest is our main focus, and we will increase our team size to speed up its development."

Mehr und Changelog hier:

December Update 2016-12-22
Dear Wreckers,

The next major update for Wreckfest is out! Please check below for the full changelist:


-Added a new track designed for rough racing and epic crashes: Crash Canyon - fans of our earlier games will surely recognize the inspiration.
-Added a new work-in-progress track, Mixed 7.
-Replaced the garage with a new, more spacious garage, still work-in-progress though.

-Implemented vehicle visual customization with parts such as wheels, bumpers, grilles and many more. Please note that for now visual parts do not have a gameplay effect, but in future, parts will affect the weight of the car and increase or decrease the strength of the car as well as the damage it causes to the opposing party in collisions. For now, parts are only available for American 5 and to some extent, American 3, but all cars will eventually receive them. If you have any suggestions for parts you'd like to be added please let us know!

-Added more performance parts: engines, pistons, valves, camshafts and so on, to allow for more in-depth performance upgrading in the upcoming career. Note that engines are basically per class now, however, installing the
best available parts will allow the engine jump to the beginning of the next class. In case the car has a separate banger variant, not all engines are available for all variants.

-Improved American 3, European 2, European 3 (II), Asian 1 models and gave them a demolition racer makeover.
-Added new skins for many vehicles and removed some older ones.


-Replaced the user interface with a completely new, more modern one that's actually usable with a gamepad as well. Please note that the new user interface is still heavy being worked on, and for example animations are missing, the art is not final and there are temporary placeholders screens that will be replaced completely. Feedback is still very much appreciated already.

-Replaced the old broken Sandpit 1 with a new, completely overhauled version.
-Overhauled Tarmac 1 to open up the environment, add proper runoff areas and generally make it look more like a real race track.
-Improved the environment art of Tarmac 3.
-Speedway 1 Figure 8 layout now has ramps in the inner areas to allow for getting back on track even when reset is disabled by the host.
-Improved low frequency ambient occlusion.
-Added animated track officials.
-Updated tire effects.
-Updated weathers.


-Increased the performance range of the cars and adjusted the class cutoff points. For now, the classes and class ranges are as follows:

Class C = < PP180

Class B = PP180 - PP260

Class A = PP260 >

-Removed part wear and repair mechanic.
-Removed crew mechanic.
-Improved AI vehicle setups so that they make a better use of brakes now, making AI more challenging.
-Crash landings (where the car would be rocketed in the air when touching ground after a jump) no longer occur.
-Adjusted gearboxes and improved shifting logic to allow for more natural automatic shifting.
-Improved stability control assist.
-Improved force feedback for steering wheels.
-In Elimination Race, maximum elimination interval is now 120 seconds.
-It's now possible to select assists in the pre-race screen without going back to the garage.


-Optimized tire physics, reducing CPU load.
-Improved acceleration estimation in the garage front-end.
-Ragdoll now works properly.
-Added clutter fade for grass.


-Clutter shadows are not working.
-Leaderboards are disabled for now.
-The backfire effect of the exhaust remains in the original location even when the exhaust is changed.
-Location and track preview images are placeholders and descriptions are mostly missing.
-AI sometimes rams other cars right after the green light when trying to navigate to the proper racing line.
-In extremely rough landings (like after a crash) one or more wheels of the car may clip below the ground.


-Some basic vehicle model visualization is now available for custom vehicles in the developer menu (opened by using the tilde key).
-Custom tracks using textures from our official tracks will have textures missing due to asset restructuring.
-To make a custom track compatible with the dedicated server it will need to have the new event db files created (check the updated example track)
-Custom vehicles will need to have new tire files as well dummy parts for the new performance and visual parts assigned (check the updated example car).

For more information about updating custom content please check out this guide on our community forum: Updating custom content for June Update
Hotfix 2 for Wreckfest’s June Update
Dear Wreckers,

No rest for the wicked! We’ve just unleashed another hotfix for the June Update, addressing a critical issue found in the dedicated server software that caused the server to crash randomly. Additionally, this hotfix contains a wealth of other improvements to the user interface, vehicles and tracks based on your feedback to further enhance the game experience. Please find the changelog below:


Dedicated server no longer crashes randomly.
In Lobby, server name and server message are now displayed correctly and updated appropriately in the Options tab.
Admin can no longer get stuck in the Options tab when the race countdown reaches 10s.
Leaderboards and Spectate buttons now work on game controllers when waiting for others to finish the race.
In multiplayer, the rewards popup no longer flashes on the screen when loading the next track.
In Lobby, ESC icon now has the correct description “Game Menu”.
In the Leaderboards screen, the tab highlight now works correctly.
In the Quick Race menu, it’s now possible to rotate the camera when selecting the car.
In the Quick Race menu, AI Class now changes correctly even after changing car and AI Set repeatedly.
In the Quick Race menu, when returning to the Track tab the view now correctly centers to the previously selected track.
The game no longer crashes at the race start due to a missing AI Set start after playing a quick race with a custom AI Set from a mod, removing the said mod and then proceeding to a quick race again without manually setting the AI Set.
In Photo Mode and Replay, Spherical Camera zoom now works again.
In Replay, Play/Pause button now looks correct when toggling state.


American 5 cameras now match those of the other cars.
American 1 locked differential and American 5 open differential now have correct power distribution.
AI players no longer ram each other right after the green light on short tracks.


Taking the joker shortcut on Mixed 4 no longer results in the position list going haywire – also fixes other similar cases where the alternative route is on the same stretch of the track as the starting grid.
Starting grid is now correctly sorted on tracks where the grid is located on an alternative route, Dirt Speedway Figure 8 being the most obvious example.
Small Stadium no longer has a mini Borg ship floating above the stadium.
Concrete barriers like found on Figure 8 now break up easier when hit.
Steel arm-cos on Mixed 4 now have proper collisions.
Improved checkpoints on Tarmac 1, Sandpit 1, Sandpit 2, Sandpit 3, Dirt Oval, Mixed 7 to prevent cheating.
Fixed obstructed Replay cameras found on Speedway 1 Oval, Sandpit 1, Sandpit 3.


Direct reference to a scne file is again allowed in the event settings bag file (evse).
Special thanks to everyone who helped us test server stability, we couldn’t have done it without your help.

Thanks to everyone for your continuing support and feedback, keep on wrecking!
Dear Wreckers,

As the saying goes, never two without three – the third hotfix for the June Update is now out, seeking to enhance dedicated server resilience to intermittent network errors and further improve server stability. In addition to that the hotfix also contains a number of other improvements detailed below:

Improved dedicated server resilience to network interruptions.
Server Browser now displays more information about servers running custom content.
In multiplayer Results screen, typing in the chat will no longer bring up the Leaderboards screen or Spectate mode.
In Lobby, the chat now has a semi-transparent background to make it more legible.
Fixed American 3 damaged light.
Improved Clear Day weather.
Again, thanks for your feedback and testing help!