Problem ist, ich komme nicht jeden Tag auf so ne Zeit und meistens mach ich dann auch noch was anderes in der Zeit, z.B. spielen. Dadurch rennt bei mir oft der 2. Kern im FaH voraus, da dieser ja meist weniger ausgelastet wird.
*Edit: Ich habs jetzt einfach mal ausprobiert und ich brauche momentan ca. 20min pro frame bei ner 100frameWU. Das könnte ja in 3-4 Tagen zu schaffen sein. Bekommt man eigentlich weniger Punkte wenn man es nicht in der preferred deadline sondern nur in der Final Deadline schafft?
*Edit2: Ja toll. Jetzt mußte ich nach 7% den Rechner neu hochfahren. Hab mit STRG+C den client beendet und neu gestartet. Nach dem hochfahren kam dann im client nur noch folgende Fehlermeldung:
[12:44:35] + Processing work unit
[12:44:35] Core required: FahCore_a1.exe
[12:44:35] Core found.
[12:44:35] Working on Unit 01 [November 30 12:44:35]
[12:44:35] + Working ...
[12:44:46] CoreStatus = 63 (99)
[12:44:46] + Error starting Folding@Home core.
in der stanford FAQ stand, man soll die install.bat nochmal laufen lassen. hab ich gemacht. danach client neu gestartet und das:
[12:56:00] + Processing work unit
[12:56:00] Core required: FahCore_a1.exe
[12:56:00] Core found.
[12:56:00] Working on Unit 01 [November 30 12:56:00]
[12:56:00] + Working ...
[12:56:00] *------------------------------*
[12:56:00] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
[12:56:00] Version 1.74 (March 10, 2007)
[12:56:00] Preparing to commence simulation
[12:56:00] - Ensuring status. Please wait.
[12:56:17] - Looking at optimizations...
[12:56:17] - Working with standard loops on this execution.
[12:56:17] - Previous termination of core was improper.
[12:56:17] - Going to use standard loops.
[12:56:17] - Files status OK
[12:56:22] - Expanded 2959976 -> 15216508 (decompressed 514.0 percent)
[12:56:23] Could not touch
[12:56:23] Could not touch
[12:56:24] Gen 15)
[12:56:24] 2653 (Run 30, Clone 148, Gen 15)
[12:56:25] Error: Could not write local file. Exiting.
[12:56:29] utting down core
[12:56:29] Folding@home Core Shutdown: FILE_IO_ERROR
[12:56:29] Finalizing output
[12:56:38] CoreStatus = 7B (123)
[12:56:38] Client-core communications error: ERROR 0x7b
[12:56:38] Deleting current work unit & continuing...
[12:58:58] - Preparing to get new work unit...
[12:58:58] + Attempting to get work packet
[12:58:58] - Connecting to assignment server
[12:58:59] - Successful: assigned to (
[12:58:59] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[12:58:59] Loaded queue successfully.
[12:59:08] + Closed connections
[12:59:13] + Processing work unit
[12:59:13] Core required: FahCore_a1.exe
[12:59:13] Core found.
[12:59:13] Working on Unit 02 [November 30 12:59:13]
[12:59:13] + Working ...
[12:59:14] *------------------------------*
[12:59:14] Folding@Home Gromacs SMP Core
[12:59:14] Version 1.74 (March 10, 2007)
[12:59:14] Preparing to commence simulation
[12:59:14] - Ensuring status. Please wait.
[12:59:31] - Looking at optimizations...
[12:59:31] - Working with standard loops on this execution.
[12:59:31] - Previous termination of core was improper.
[12:59:31] - Going to use standard loops.
[12:59:31] - Files status OK
[12:59:36] Starting from initial work packet
[12:59:36] Project: 2653 (Run 30, Clone 148, Gen 15)
[12:59:36] work/wudata_02.goe
[12:59:36] Warning: check for stray files
[12:59:36] - Starting from initial work packet
[12:59:36] Project: 2653 (Run 30, Clone 148, Gen 15)
[12:59:37] Entering M.D.
[12:59:48] Protein: Protein in POPC
[12:59:48] Writing local files
[12:59:49] Extra SSE boost OK.
[12:59:50] ps (0 percent)
Ist natürlich irgendwie Mist. Kann ja nicht sein, dass man nach jedem Neustart wieder von vorne anfängt.