Game of Thrones Staffel 8: Stars finden Fan-Petition respektlos und lächerlich

AW: Game of Thrones Staffel 8: Stars finden Fan-Petition respektlos und lächerlich

Offensichtlich hat sich niemand von den Medien, mal die Mühe gemacht und den Text der Petition richtig durchgelesen:

Viel Text.. lohnt sich aber ;)

17.Mai 2019:

As this petition approaches (EDIT: surpasses!) a million signatures, I figured I should give a real update and explanation.
I made this petition some few days after Episode 4, “The Last of the Starks”, aired. I was just so disappointed and angry. It was simply me venting a bit. I posted it to r/freefolk on Reddit, it got nowhere, and I shrugged and went about my day. I had forgotten all about it. A week later, a coworker caught me before I was leaving for the day and asked, “Hey, is this you?” The petition had almost reached 500,000 signatures. I was blown away. I hadn’t checked the thing for a week! And look at how far it has come!
I haven’t heard from anyone HBO-related. I don’t think people can reasonably expect HBO to completely remake the season, or any part of this particular series (keep in mind the prequel spinoffs). It costs a fortune to shoot one episode, and I think most signers understand that. Will HBO lose gobs of money over this? Eh probably not. As Heath Ledger’s Joker once said, “It’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message.” And I think this message is one of frustration and disappointment at its core.
There is so much awful crap going on in the world, people like me need to escape into things like Star Wars and Game of Thrones. We fans invested a wealth of passion and time into this series. I’ve been watching religiously since Season 2, myself. I’ve read all the books and eagerly await the next two. I love this story, and I, like most of you, was crushed to see how the last season (and Season 7, let’s be real) has been handled.
Is Dany going to succumb to madness in the books? Probably. Is Arya going to kill the Night King? Well he doesn’t exist in the books as of yet so…maybe? Is Jaime going to sacrifice his entire character arc to go embrace Cersei? I’d doubt it, but that’s GRRM’s decision. The issue I have is not necessarily with what we got, it’s HOW we got there -- A rushed, laughably inconsistent mess of a season fraught with cringe-inducing, arc-slaying dialogue and “everybody is stupid” syndrome. We can expect that the books will describe a more sensical path toward the ultimate conclusions that we will see on Sunday. No pressure, Mr. Martin.
D&D adapted those books in the beginning and it became one of the greatest TV shows of all time. No one can doubt their talents there. But they seemingly became tired of the series and rushed to the end, thereby doing the show and its fans a great disservice.
I feel for the actors and actresses too. I am sure some of them are happy with their arcs or perhaps are just happy to be done with the series so they can move on, but I am also sure that many are disappointed with the writing of their characters and the plot here in the end. They put their souls into these characters, and they could be every bit as disappointed as we are.
And no one can question the talents of the casting department, and cinematography, and music, and costuming, and the CGI team, and all those technical fields that went into keeping the show such a beautiful spectacle through to the end. They deserve all the accolades they can get and this petition is not a comment on their contributions to the show.
In closing, I didn’t make this petition to be an entitled, whiny fan. I made it because I was immensely disappointed and needed to vent. Do I have a solution? I’ve got plenty of ideas, but no, I’m not a Hollywood writer. But you don’t need to be a mechanic to know your car is broken.
Thank you to everyone for signing this silly thing. I will post another update if something tangible happens.
Valar Morghulis
Post-1 million update: No word yet, folks. I want to keep this update as the main link you see on the petition since it clarifies the main post much better than any follow-up. I promise that if HBO contacts me, with any words at all, I will share here as a whole new update when I can. I have not been paid off (or paid anything), as some people have suggested, and I do not receive any money from the donations made here. Thank you again for the support and kind words! Ours is the Fury!

23.Mai 2019:

The petition has officially reached over 1.5 million signatures! Absolutely incredible.
If you have not read the “About the petition” update, please do so. It clarifies the petition in a way that has not been reported enough. I have still not been contacted by HBO or any affiliate. They probably want to protect subscription numbers to the best of their ability. As many of you are probably aware, various high-profile individuals have been casting down this petition as offensive and other choice words. I feel that they did not read my update or the news has been twisted so much that the wrong message was sent to some. I have received numerous hate-mail messages and other unpleasant comments regarding this whole thing, and while it has all weighed on me a bit I will NOT take the petition down and still await any response from HBO.
Secondly, donations are a topic that has come up often in messages to me and in the comments on the site. I have so far made exactly zero dollars from this ordeal, even from the few interviews I have done. All of the donations made here have gone toward so they can spread the message to the relevant circles on the internet. I’d say they have done a pretty decent job of that, given the petition’s popularity.
I have also had a number of people express interest in donating to me, personally. I want to stress this very clearly before I go on: I DO NOT DESERVE ANY MONEY FROM YOU. If I was the sort of person that would leap on the chance to make a fortune from this and move on with my life, I’d have done it two weeks ago back when it was picking up steam. I made a venting petition link and it blew up because of all of you. That said, those of you who still wish to show support and help out the life of Dylan, here:
Fundraiser by Dylan D. : Helping out the GoT petition author
This is for all of those that wanted to say thank you for the petition and for giving people a voice to be heard. Simple as that. Full disclosure: None of the money donated through the above link will go toward remaking the season. It would go towards helping out my life with things like student loans and pet happiness. Again, I deserve nothing from you and this transparency is important to me.
If you’d like an infinitely worthier cause to donate to, I’d recommend Queen Daenerys’ SameYou charity, or one of the casts’ other charities that can be found here (thank you to u/elle_ellaria of r/freefolk for setting up this fundraiser):

Elle Ellaria is fundraising for SameYou

Link for more info about SameYou: SameYou Charity|Home

Thank you to everyone that signed and spread the word that we do not kneel. I refuse to take the petition down, despite the backlash and personal attacks. This has been a wild experience and I know our message has reverberated throughout Hollywood. Hope to update again soon with news from HBO.
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.

Da über 1 Million Menschen sogar für diese Petition Donations gemacht haben die zwischen 3 bis 25 (und mehr) Euro gelegen haben, kann man sich ja ausrechnen was für eine Summe mittlerweile dadurch zusammen gekommen ist. Bin gespannt wann Change.Org sich dazu melden wird!

In diesem Sinne...
AW: Game of Thrones Staffel 8: Stars finden Fan-Petition respektlos und lächerlich

Da über 1 Million Menschen sogar für diese Petition Donations gemacht haben die zwischen 3 bis 25 (und mehr) Euro gelegen haben, kann man sich ja ausrechnen was für eine Summe mittlerweile dadurch zusammen gekommen ist. Bin gespannt wann Change.Org sich dazu melden wird!

In diesem Sinne...

für was oder wen soll die Spenden sein ?
AW: Game of Thrones Staffel 8: Stars finden Fan-Petition respektlos und lächerlich

für was oder wen soll die Spenden sein ?

Wie gesagt, Change.Org wurde diesbezüglich angefragt und werden sich zeitnah sicherlich dazu melden.

Nur zur Info, Donations sind KEINE Pflicht bei der Petition, sondern rein eigene Entscheidung. Ich denke jeder Einzelne hat seine eigenen Beweggründe...
AW: Game of Thrones Staffel 8: Stars finden Fan-Petition respektlos und lächerlich

Wie gesagt, Change.Org wurde diesbezüglich angefragt und werden sich zeitnah sicherlich dazu melden.

Nur zur Info, Donations sind KEINE Pflicht bei der Petition, sondern rein eigene Entscheidung. Ich denke jeder Einzelne hat seine eigenen Beweggründe...

Hä? ich frage doch Explizit wer die Spenden bekommt weil ich es nicht weiß, keine Ahnung warum du nun antwortest als ob ich die Antwort selbst schön wüsste.

also wer bekommt die Kohle `?
AW: Game of Thrones Staffel 8: Stars finden Fan-Petition respektlos und lächerlich

Hä? ich frage doch Explizit wer die Spenden bekommt weil ich es nicht weiß, keine Ahnung warum du nun antwortest als ob ich die Antwort selbst schön wüsste.

also wer bekommt die Kohle `?

Ist das so schwer zu begreifen? Was denkst Du denn was ich mit "Wie gesagt, Change.Org wurde diesbezüglich angefragt und werden sich zeitnah sicherlich dazu melden. " meinen könnte ? Die Donations gehen an Change.Org.

Wenn Du Dich mit dem Thema auseinander setzen möchtest, würde ich empfehlen Dir mal die Seite anzuschauen und Dich nicht nur auf die Aussagen die Du in irgendwelchen Foren liest verlässt. Dazu zähle ich auch meine Posts! Sicherlich immer der bessere Weg.