Software zum Verwalten von Filmen / DVDs


Guten Abend,

Ich bin auf der Suche nach einer gescheiten Software, um meine DVD-Sammlung zu verwalten.

Sollte am besten Freeware sein und muss nicht soo viel drauf haben, das eintragen reicht eigentlich schon aus, evtl. noch ein paar zusätzliche Infos wie Jahr, Schauspieler, Regisseur, etc.
Sowas ähnliches wie DVD-Admin, nur am besten halt kostenlos :D

Griffith ist ein Tool, mit dem sich die eigene DVD-Sammlung locker verwalten lässt.

Schluss mit drögen Excel-Listen, in denen Sie Ihre Filme mühsam per Hand einpflegen müssen. Im Datenbank-Tool Griffith verwalten Sie Ihre DVD-Sammlung ohne großen Aufwand.

Einfach den Filmnamen eingeben und das Tool zieht per Mausklick alle Infos aus einer der zahlreichen Internet-Datenbanken wie IMDb oder

Griffith - Download - CHIP Online
Danke! Dass man Filme aus IMDb eintragen könnte, ist echt ziemlich geil! Erspart viel Arbeit ^^ Nur es geht nicht :D

Ich gebe in das Feld "Titel" bei Hinzufügen beispielsweise "Django" ein und klicke auf "Aus dem Netz holen" und es kommt jedes mal die Meldung, dass keine Suchergebnisse gefunden wurden.
Was mache ich falsch? :D

Ich habe das Problem folgendermaßen gelöst:

Mann muss in der Datei "[...]\Griffith\lib\plugins\movie\"

den Inhalt mit diesem ersetzen:

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

__revision__ = '$Id$'

# Copyright (c) 2005-2013 Vasco Nunes, Piotr Ożarowski
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA

# You may use and distribute this software under the terms of the
# GNU General Public License, version 2 or later

import gutils, movie
import string, re

plugin_name = 'IMDb'
plugin_description = 'Internet Movie Database'
plugin_url = ''
plugin_language = _('English')
plugin_author = 'Vasco Nunes, Piotr Ożarowski'
plugin_author_email = ''
plugin_version = '1.15'

class Plugin(movie.Movie):
def __init__(self, id):
self.encode = 'utf-8'
self.movie_id = id
self.url = "" % self.movie_id

def initialize(self):
self.cast_page = self.open_page(url=self.url + '/fullcredits')
self.plot_page = self.open_page(url=self.url + '/plotsummary')
self.comp_page = self.open_page(url=self.url + '/companycredits')
self.tagl_page = self.open_page(url=self.url + '/taglines')

def get_image(self):
tmp = gutils.trim(, 'id="img_primary"', '</a>')
self.image_url = gutils.trim(tmp, 'src="', '"')

def get_o_title(self):
self.o_title = gutils.regextrim(, 'class="title-extra"[^>]*>', '<')
if not self.o_title:
self.o_title = gutils.regextrim(, '<h1>', '([ ]|[&][#][0-9]+[;])<span')
if not self.o_title:
self.o_title = re.sub(' [(].*', '', gutils.trim(, '<title>', '</title>'))
self.o_title = re.sub('"', '', self.o_title)

def get_title(self): # same as get_o_title()
self.title = gutils.regextrim(, '<h1>', '([ ]|[&][#][0-9]+[;])<span')
if not self.title:
self.title = re.sub(' [(].*', '', gutils.trim(, '<title>', '</title>'))

def get_director(self):
self.director = ''
parts = re.split('<a href=', gutils.trim(self.cast_page, '>Directed by', '</table>'))
if len(parts) > 1:
for part in parts[1:]:
director = gutils.trim(part, '>', '<')
self.director = self.director + director + ', '
self.director = self.director[0:len(self.director) - 2]

def get_plot(self):
self.plot = gutils.regextrim(, 'itemprop="description"', '<')
self.plot = gutils.after(self.plot, '>')
elements = string.split(self.plot_page, '<p class="plotpar">')
if len(elements) < 2:
elements = re.split('<li class="(?:odd|even)">', self.plot_page)
if len(elements) > 1:
self.plot = self.plot + '\n\n'
elements[0] = ''
for element in elements[1:]:
if element <> '':
self.plot = self.plot + gutils.strip_tags(gutils.before(element, '</a>')) + '\n\n'

def get_year(self):
self.year = gutils.trim(, '<a href="/year/', '</a>')
self.year = gutils.after(self.year, '>')

def get_runtime(self):
self.runtime = gutils.regextrim(, 'Runtime:<[^>]+>', ' min')

def get_genre(self):
self.genre = string.replace(gutils.regextrim(, 'Genre*:<[^>]+>', '</div>'), '\n', '')
self.genre = self.__before_more(self.genre)

def get_cast(self):
self.cast = ''
self.cast = gutils.trim(self.cast_page, '<table class="cast_list">', '</table>')
if self.cast == '':
self.cast = gutils.trim(, '<table class="cast">', '</table>')
self.cast = string.replace(self.cast, ' ... ', _(' as '))
self.cast = string.replace(self.cast, '...', _(' as '))
self.cast = string.replace(self.cast, "\n", '')
self.cast = string.replace(self.cast, '</tr>', "\n")
self.cast = self.__before_more(self.cast)
self.cast = gutils.clean(self.cast)
self.cast = re.sub('[ \t]+', ' ', self.cast)
self.cast = re.sub(' \n ', '\n', self.cast)

def get_classification(self):
self.classification = gutils.trim(, '(<a href="/mpaa">MPAA</a>)', '</div>')
self.classification = gutils.trim(self.classification, 'Rated ', ' ')

def get_studio(self): = ''
tmp = gutils.regextrim(self.comp_page, 'name="production"', '</ul>')
tmp = string.split(tmp, 'href="')
if len(tmp)>1:
for entry in tmp[1:]:
entry = gutils.trim(entry, '>', '<')
if entry: = + entry + ', '
if =[:-2]

def get_o_site(self):
self.o_site = ''

def get_site(self): = "" % self.movie_id

def get_trailer(self):
self.trailer = "" % self.movie_id

def get_country(self): = '<' + gutils.trim(, 'Country:<', '</div>') = re.sub('[ ]+', ' ', re.sub('[\n]+', '',

def get_rating(self):
pattern = re.compile('>([0-9]([.][0-9])*)(<[^>]+>)+[/](<[^>]+>)[0-9][0-9]<')
result =
if result:
self.rating = result.groups()[0]
if self.rating:
self.rating = round(float(self.rating), 0)
except Exception, e:
self.rating = 0
self.rating = 0

def get_notes(self):
self.notes = ''
language = gutils.regextrim(, 'Language:<[^>]+>', '</div>')
language = gutils.strip_tags(language)
language = re.sub('[\n]+', '', language)
language = re.sub('[ ]+', ' ', language)
language = language.strip()
color = gutils.regextrim(, 'Color:<[^>]+>', '</div>')
color = gutils.strip_tags(color)
color = re.sub('[\n]+', '', color)
color = re.sub('[ ]+', ' ', color)
color = color.strip()
sound = gutils.regextrim(, 'Sound Mix:<[^>]+>', '</div>')
sound = gutils.strip_tags(sound)
sound = re.sub('[\n]+', '', sound)
sound = re.sub('[ ]+', ' ', sound)
sound = sound.strip()
tagline = gutils.regextrim(self.tagl_page, '>Taglines', '>See also')
taglines = re.split('<div[^>]+class="soda[^>]*>', tagline)
tagline = ''
if len(taglines)>1:
for entry in taglines[1:]:
entry = gutils.clean(gutils.before(entry, '</div>'))
if entry:
tagline = tagline + entry + '\n'
if len(language)>0:
self.notes = "%s: %s\n" %(_('Language'), language)
if len(sound)>0:
self.notes += "%s: %s\n" %(gutils.strip_tags(_('<b>Audio</b>')), sound)
if len(color)>0:
self.notes += "%s: %s\n" %(_('Color'), color)
if len(tagline)>0:
self.notes += "%s: %s\n" %('Tagline', tagline)

def get_screenplay(self):
self.screenplay = ''
parts = re.split('<a href=', gutils.trim(self.cast_page, '>Writing Credits', '</table>'))
if len(parts) > 1:
for part in parts[1:]:
screenplay = gutils.trim(part, '>', '<')
if screenplay == 'WGA':
screenplay = screenplay.replace(' (written by)', '')
screenplay = screenplay.replace(' and<', '<')
self.screenplay = self.screenplay + screenplay + ', '
if len(self.screenplay) > 2:
self.screenplay = self.screenplay[0:len(self.screenplay) - 2]
self.screenplay = re.sub('[ \t]+', ' ', self.screenplay)

def get_cameraman(self):
self.cameraman = ''
tmp = gutils.regextrim(self.cast_page, '>Cinematography by', '</table>')
tmp = string.split(tmp, 'href="')
if len(tmp) > 1:
for entry in tmp[1:]:
entry = gutils.trim(entry, '>', '<')
if entry:
self.cameraman = self.cameraman + entry + ', '
if self.cameraman:
self.cameraman = self.cameraman[:-2]

def __before_more(self, data):
for element in ['>See more<', '>more<', '>Full summary<', '>Full synopsis<']:
tmp = string.find(data, element)
if tmp>0:
data = data[:tmp] + '>'
return data

class SearchPlugin(movie.SearchMovie):
PATTERN = re.compile(r"""<a href=['"]/title/tt([0-9]+)/[^>]+[>](.*?)</td>""")
PATTERN_DIRECT = re.compile(r"""value="/title/tt([0-9]+)""")

def __init__(self):
# IMDb: Most Popular Titles
# finds every title sorted alphabetically, first results are with a quote at
# the beginning (episodes from tv series), no popular results at first
# Find - IMDb
# finds a whole bunch of results. if you look for "Rocky" you will get 903 results.
# Find - IMDb
# seems to give the best results. 88 results for "Rocky", popular titles first.
self.original_url_search = ''
self.translated_url_search = ''
self.encode = 'utf8'

def search(self,parent_window):
if not self.open_search(parent_window):
return None

def get_searches(self):
elements = string.split(, '<tr')
if len(elements):
for element in elements[1:]:
match = self.PATTERN.findall(element)
if len(match) > 1:
tmp = re.sub('^[0-9]+[.]', '', gutils.clean(match[1][1]))
if len(self.ids) < 2:
# try to find a direct result
match = self.PATTERN_DIRECT.findall(
if len(match) > 0:

# Plugin Test
class SearchPluginTest(SearchPlugin):
# Configuration for automated tests:
# dict { movie_id -> [ expected result count for original url, expected result count for translated url ] }
test_configuration = {
'Rocky Balboa' : [ 10, 10 ],
'Ein glückliches Jahr' : [ 3, 3 ]

class PluginTest:
# Configuration for automated tests:
# dict { movie_id -> dict { arribute -> value } }
# value: * True/False if attribute only should be tested for any value
# * or the expected value
test_configuration = {
'0138097' : {
'title' : 'Shakespeare in Love',
'o_title' : 'Shakespeare in Love',
'director' : 'John Madden',
'plot' : True,
'cast' : 'Geoffrey Rush' + _(' as ') + 'Philip Henslowe\n\
Tom Wilkinson' + _(' as ') + 'Hugh Fennyman\n\
Steven O\'Donnell' + _(' as ') + 'Lambert\n\
Tim McMullan' + _(' as ') + 'Frees (as Tim McMullen)\n\
Joseph Fiennes' + _(' as ') + 'Will Shakespeare\n\
Steven Beard' + _(' as ') + 'Makepeace - the Preacher\n\
Antony Sher' + _(' as ') + 'Dr. Moth\n\
Patrick Barlow' + _(' as ') + 'Will Kempe\n\
Martin Clunes' + _(' as ') + 'Richard Burbage\n\
Sandra Reinton' + _(' as ') + 'Rosaline\n\
Simon Callow' + _(' as ') + 'Tilney - Master of the Revels\n\
Judi Dench' + _(' as ') + 'Queen Elizabeth\n\
Bridget McConnell' + _(' as ') + 'Lady in Waiting (as Bridget McConnel)\n\
Georgie Glen' + _(' as ') + 'Lady in Waiting\n\
Nicholas Boulton' + _(' as ') + 'Henry Condell\n\
Gwyneth Paltrow' + _(' as ') + 'Viola De Lesseps\n\
Imelda Staunton' + _(' as ') + 'Nurse\n\
Colin Firth' + _(' as ') + 'Lord Wessex\n\
Desmond McNamara' + _(' as ') + 'Crier\n\
Barnaby Kay' + _(' as ') + 'Nol\n\
Jim Carter' + _(' as ') + 'Ralph Bashford\n\
Paul Bigley' + _(' as ') + 'Peter - the Stage Manager\n\
Jason Round' + _(' as ') + 'Actor in Tavern\n\
Rupert Farley' + _(' as ') + 'Barman\n\
Adam Barker' + _(' as ') + 'First Auditionee\n\
Joe Roberts' + _(' as ') + 'John Webster\n\
Harry Gostelow' + _(' as ') + 'Second Auditionee\n\
Alan Cody' + _(' as ') + 'Third Auditionee\n\
Mark Williams' + _(' as ') + 'Wabash\n\
David Curtiz' + _(' as ') + 'John Hemmings\n\
Gregor Truter' + _(' as ') + 'James Hemmings\n\
Simon Day' + _(' as ') + 'First Boatman\n\
Jill Baker' + _(' as ') + 'Lady De Lesseps\n\
Amber Glossop' + _(' as ') + 'Scullery Maid\n\
Robin Davies' + _(' as ') + 'Master Plum\n\
Hywel Simons' + _(' as ') + 'Servant\n\
Nicholas Le Prevost' + _(' as ') + 'Sir Robert De Lesseps\n\
Ben Affleck' + _(' as ') + 'Ned Alleyn\n\
Timothy Kightley' + _(' as ') + 'Edward Pope\n\
Mark Saban' + _(' as ') + 'Augustine Philips\n\
Bob Barrett' + _(' as ') + 'George Bryan\n\
Roger Morlidge' + _(' as ') + 'James Armitage\n\
Daniel Brocklebank' + _(' as ') + 'Sam Gosse\n\
Roger Frost' + _(' as ') + 'Second Boatman\n\
Rebecca Charles' + _(' as ') + 'Chambermaid\n\
Richard Gold' + _(' as ') + 'Lord in Waiting\n\
Rachel Clarke' + _(' as ') + 'First Whore\n\
Lucy Speed' + _(' as ') + 'Second Whore\n\
Patricia Potter' + _(' as ') + 'Third Whore\n\
John Ramm' + _(' as ') + 'Makepeace\'s Neighbor\n\
Martin Neely' + _(' as ') + 'Paris / Lady Montague (as Martin Neeley)\n\
The Choir of St. George\'s School in Windsor' + _(' as ') + 'Choir (as The Choir of St. George\'s School Windsor) rest of cast listed alphabetically:\n\
Jason Canning' + _(' as ') + 'Nobleman (uncredited)\n\
Kelley Costigan' + _(' as ') + 'Theatregoer (uncredited)\n\
Rupert Everett' + _(' as ') + 'Christopher Marlowe (uncredited)\n\
John Inman' + _(' as ') + 'Character Player (uncredited)',
'country' : 'USA',
'genre' : 'Comedy | Drama | Romance',
'classification' : False,
'studio' : 'Universal Pictures, Miramax Films, Bedford Falls Productions',
'o_site' : False,
'site' : '',
'trailer' : '',
'year' : 1998,
'notes' : _('Language') + ': English\n'\
+ _('Audio') + ': Dolby Digital\n'\
+ _('Color') + ': Color\n\
Tagline: ...A Comedy About the Greatest Love Story Almost Never Told...\n\
Love is the only inspiration',
'runtime' : 123,
'image' : True,
'rating' : 7,
'screenplay' : 'Marc Norman, Tom Stoppard',
'cameraman' : 'Richard Greatrex',
'barcode' : False

Dann hat bei mir IMDb als Datenbank zur Importierung funktioniert ;)
