[Sammelthread] DayZ Standalone

Es gab heute anscheinend ein Update für Experimental.
Hat jemand schon gespielt? Läuft´s jetzt stabiler?

Habe gestern mal für ca. drei Stunden die Exp.-Version gespielt. Bin von der Küste zum NWA gereist. Hatte das Glück einen Teil der Strecke mit einem V3S zurücklegen zu können.
Abstürze, low FPS, teilweise Desync. Außerdem scheinen die Lootspawns stellenweise noch immer nicht korrekt zu arbeiten. :daumen2:

Meine Empfehlung: Nerven schonen, Zeit sparen und auf den stable build warten. ;)

Am WE wirds sicher nichts mehr... :(
Ich tippe auf Mitte nächster Woche.
Nachdem die Devs in puncto Kommunikation wochenlang auf Tauchkurs gegangen sind und die Kritik der Community immer lauter wurde, arbeiten die Jungs diese Woche scheinbar besonders hart daran etwas Spielbares auf die Beine zu stellen.
Ich würde es den Entwicklern wünschen, dass die 0.57iger Version (0.56 wird scheinbar übersprungen) am Wochenende stable gehen kann und die gröbsten Bugs vorerst Geschichte sind. Nach der langen Abstinenzphase würde ich gerne mal wieder ohne Abstürze durch Chernarus streifen. :ugly:
Neben der neuen Kameraposition und der Veränderung des Zoomfaktors, scheint der Charakter neuerdings mit gezogener Waffe deutlich langsamer zu rennen. Diese Änderungen stellen kleine aber feine Eingriffe in die Mechanik dar und werden die PVP-Spielweise sicherlich verändern, zumal FOV in Verbindung mit einem Scope nicht mehr funktioniert. :hail:
Status Report 02 Jun 2015
Greetings Survivors,

As the team continues iterating and testing on experimental while moving towards the upcoming stable update, We'll hear Lead Producer Brian Hicks discuss a bit of the methodology behind dynamic events and vehicle positions versus player spawn locations. As well, Lead Designer Peter Nespesny discusses ongoing testing work over on the experimental branch related to player data updates, and scheduling.

As well, we've tossed in some links to the Development Board entry for Hermit Playstyle enhancements, and their accompanying discussion thread on the Developer forums. Check the end of the Status Report for some heart pounding Player Vs Vehicle action outside the Veresnik Military Base.

Contents This Week
• Development Board Spotlight
• Dev Update/Hicks
• Dev Update/Peter
• Community Video: The battle of the V3S's

Development Board Spotlight

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Dev Update/Hicks
I'm frequently asked about player spawns, vehicle spawns, and the mentality behind where and why they are placed. I thought I would take the opportunity this week to discuss exactly that.

Player spawn points as of 0.57
For those aware of how DayZ Mod's gameplay flow operated - it was fairly simple. Players started along the coast - from Kamenka to as far as Berezino. Players progressed (for the most part) from the South - to the North. (For the most part, the North West) This gameplay required very little design side control to influence it. Natively the original Chernarus had very few buildings, and thus very few potential item spawn points (compared to say - Chernarus +). One of the initial goals of DayZ was to decentralize the flow of high value or required resources. Think medical centers, military installations, and so on.

When approaching player spawns - early on my approach was to try and replicate the familiarity of player spawns in the earlier versions of DayZ Mod. (DayZ Mod circa Summer 2012 was used as a touch stone) We quickly learned that this approach did not work with the massively altered layout of Chernarus. Not to mention some of the changes to key coastal areas. The next experiment we ran with player spawns was to flip the map of Chernarus, and look at the player progression as East > West. From a design perspective this approach seemed the most logical in how we wanted to layout the world, and seemed on paper like it should find strong success.

Never let it be said that nostalgia and familiarity has no merit.

Players were very vocal in their longing for the familiar DayZ spawn points, Chernogorsk and Elektrozavodsk especially. Internally we were very reluctant to change this up as the early loot spawning system did not allow us any region control, and the design of Chernarus was heavily leaning towards letting us use any building model we wanted, where it made sense. (Think Military Police buildings in Chernogorsk, Balota Barracks, etc) However, as early prototyping on a more robust control over where region-wise certain items spawned, the idea of spawning in some of those core DayZ Mod areas was revisited. Obviously some small changes would need to occur to the layout of the world, as the system would take a good deal of time to develop - so Balota and the Northeast Airfield both got a redesign - and spawns from Kamyshovo to West Chernogorsk were reintroduced.

Vehicle and Dynamic Event Spawns as of 0.57
As Dynamic Events, and Vehicles entered the equation their spawn placements were heavily influenced by where the existing player spawns lay, and how we wanted the flow of players across the map to operate. Obviously Dynamic Event types used to prototype the system were also used as a control point for "Very Rare" items - with the desired intent to ensure that in the final product, players could not farm one location across many servers to quickly gain an item the design team intended to be incredibly hard to find. (See: SVD)

WIP Civilian Car Interior

Vehicles themselves followed a similar principle, as the prototype vehicle was a heavy vehicle designed to carry large amounts of both gear and players - the spawn positions for this were placed at the highest concentration in West / Northwest. As smaller, more civilian vehicles begin to be implemented we'll see more spawn types for them a bit closer to where player spawns are located.
I hope this brief look into the thought process behind these areas helps you to understand how they evolve a bit better.

See you all in Chernarus!

- Brian Hicks / Lead Producer
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Dev Update/Peter
Hey survivors! Long time no hear and as usual there are plenty of interesting things going on in the design department of our DayZ development team. Let's talk about some of them at least.

First off I would like to clarify what the cause was for the accelerated consumption of energy and water which raised many eyebrows during the last weekend. In our crusade to increase the server side performance, we implemented simple scheduler to ensure that backbone character's scripts ticks only for one character per frame. Previously there were situations in which more characters were handled during one frame which caused unnecessary drops in server performance. Apart from other things, these scripts also maintain the consumption rate of energy and water. With the very first iteration of scheduler implementation, our intention was to see the gain we can get in the live environment, as internally there was quite a difference in performance, even despite the known issue that ticks scheduling is not independent from server performance causing faster character updates in some cases compared to former tick rate to which all consumptions were balanced. So if you experienced higher consumption rates it was due to really good performance on the given server which translates into less desync issues and better responsiveness. Now the possibility of faster consumption is solved and you shouldn't worry about dying at unreasonable rates. Advanced scheduler is currently being worked on and at the end it will be completely independent from server performance.

Many of you noticed ongoing changes to the camera FOV (field of view) recently. Along with caping the FOV slider in settings to the new limits, the most important thing is that now the FOV values in iron sights and scopes are independent from FOV value in settings, so there will be no way to abuse the scope zooms by changing the FOV value in settings. We will elaborate more on FOV and 3PP camera later.

From the gameplay features perspective there are two new traps nearly ready to be tested. The tripwire trap has the possibility of having cans attached to it in order to turn it into a perimeter alarm, or grenades to stun or damage any intruders. Fishermen will be pleased to see a new fish trap made from the netting which allows players to catch fish bigger than sardines. There is also progress on cooking in the built-in fireplaces which I hope will breathe life into these sad and abandoned houses. Other long awaited features like vehicle parts or base building are shaping up nicely and I will talk about them next time.
Get used to watch your steps... see you in Chernarus folks!

- Peter Nespesny / Lead Designer
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Community Video: The battle of the V3S's
So, I got the opportunity to watch the latest Youtube video by superftlol. In the last 1/3 of the video, superftlol and BarelyInfected run into another pair of players at the Veresnik military compound where, low on supplies (and trucks as it turns out), the gents try to make the best out of the situation. All things considered, it's quite impressive that none of the guys seem to get significantly phased by the encounter which lasts for some 8 minutes.

If you have the time, go have a look at their Youtube accounts; they're chock-full of excellent DayZ content:


Also, if you have a nice video containing DayZ footage you'd like to share, or if you have come across some DayZ footage from other content creators, just post it in the Gallery section of the DayZ forums and we'll happily have a look. Always looking for good stuff to share in our status reports.

Header image credit: SKiDROW

- Michael aka SMoss / Community Manager
Status Report 09 Jun 2015

Greetings Survivors,

Work continues on experimental branch as the team keeps hammering away at the next Stable build candidate. It's been a tough wait, we understand, but major issues encountered during development required fixing before the push to Stable branch. This week, Lead Producer Brian Hicks will be dishing out some handy information regarding the Central Loot Economy - what it is, how it's supposed to work, as well as the thought process behind the design choices for the CLE. Also, Lead Designer Peter Nespesny will be telling us about future updates to the vehicles found throughout Chernarus. Peter will go over subjects such as operation, maintenance, as well as the design choices behind these upcoming updates.

Lastly, we have a couple of links to the DayZ Trello board and DayZ forums discussion thread related to the new bus animations, and at the end of our Status Report, we have a small feature on one of DayZ's content creators - Barely Infected.

Contents This Week

Development Board Spotlight

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Dev Update/Hicks
With 0.57 on the horizon, this week I'd like to take time to talk a bit about player progression across Chernarus, the Central Loot Economy (and its impact on this), and the challenges DayZ faces compared to the Arma 2 Mod experience.

First lets go over exactly what the Central Loot Economy is, and what it offers DayZ.

- Migration of control over what items spawn from legacy method (script) into a more easily and rapidly updated system
- This means the dev team can rapidly (and without requiring an update to the game) completely change / update the amount of items that spawn
- This is done on both a global, and a per server level - in the future allowing custom server operators fine control over their server and its item spawn quantities without requiring any base modification to the game
- Control over item lifetimes (speed of decay / time to item cleanup)
- Control over how many of each item time is supposed to be present in the world (Min / Max / Nominal)
- Control over item cost (rarity vs spawning methods)

Why is the Central Loot Economy critical to DayZ's design - versus the original prototype placeholder loot spawning script? Simply put - the original method was a very rough prototype, designed to start populating the initial memory points for each structure. In order for the design and environment teams to be fully free to create a comprehensive, living breathing world - we first needed to begin to have fine and robust control that can be rapidly pushed to all servers. The original prototype method was very time resource heavy for updating, limited our options to traditional DayZ Mod style building definitions only, and in short pidgeon-holed the team into very limited control.

Photo Credit: Arma2Base.De (DayZ Mod Player Movement / Heatmap)

One of the images that has been circulating the DayZ Community over the last week is a map covering player progression across Arma 2's original Chernarus map. The layout of the original Chernarus, as well as the very limited amount of enterable structures, and thus very limited amount of potential spawn points for items meant an inherent flow of player movement across the map. It required very little work on the design side - High end military loot spawned mostly entirely at Barracks structures, Basic Supplies / Weapons at Firestations, Grocery Stores, Barns, and so on, and Medical supplies at Hospitals. The structure of *how* items spawned within the original Chernarus just -fit- the limited scope of that map perfectly.
Moving into DayZ as a standalone project, one of the first tasks undertaken was the decentralization of core resource (points of interest) buildings - and the expansion of Chernarus into a more robust and living world. Nearly every structure was made enter-able, and thus nearly every single building on the map was a potential (or group of potential) points for items to spawn. At first this might not seem like it should have a major impact on the design, and flow of player progression across the map - but when you look at the statistics, it is rather telling.

- In DayZ Mod, with vanilla Chernarus - Potential item spawn points number in the thousands (Sub 10k)
- In DayZ Chernarus + the potential locations for items to spawn exceeds 1 Million.

While the intent with DayZ as a finalized product is a higher player count (100+) than originally supported in DayZ Mod, the original spawning prototype system has several major glaring flaws compared against this intent. With basic control, we cannot effectively lay out a path of player progression across the world (without limiting the environment team to the placement of certain structure models *only* in certain regions). This is where the Central Economy Control comes into play - and will enable us to begin moving towards a path of progression that more resembles DayZ Mod - while still embracing the fleshing out of the world, and decentralization of points of interest.

While this system right now only controls the details listed above - the future iterations are aimed at allowing us the "next step" in the Central Loot Economy:

- Per building quantity controls (Min / Max / Nominal) allowing us to ensure an event spread across Chernarus, as well as to prioritize point-of-interest structures such as the Grocery Store, Medical Center, and so on
- Region control (Restricting item rarity levels to certain regions of the map)

Previsualization of intended initial region support - NOT FINAL

Breaking Chernarus + into defined regions based upon item rarity and classification type is the first and most critical step into allowing us to layout a natural path of progression for players across the map - and begin to move us closer to that familiar and well known flow across DayZ Mod.

Lastly - as development with 0.57 wraps up, the current iteration of the Central Loot Economy will have loot persistence (the saving of spawned and dropped loot, as well as tents) disabled - while the programming team resolves the blocking issues with item cleanup, and rolls out support for per-building quantity controls to ensure an even spread of loot across the world (slaying those pesky loot splosions). This means that when servers restart, fresh loot will be respawned to ensure an enjoyable experience on stable branch.
That said - the following persistence options are unaffected and will remain enabled:

- Vehicle Persistence
- Server Time Persistence (The saving of server time on restart)

I hope this helps you all understand the intent of the Central Loot Economy, where it is now - and where we want it to be in the coming months.

Curious about this report? Want to discuss anything contained in it with the developers? Head over to the Developer Discussion Forums and let your voice be heard!

See you all in Chernarus!
- Brian Hicks / Lead Producer
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Dev Update/Peter
Let me talk a bit about vehicles and their functionality. Of course any functional vehicle by itself is an amazing piece for the gameplay but what will they be without their parts? They will become just an instant object used by survivors to traverse the long distances and that's about it. I believe that without any depth to the maintenance of vehicles, nobody will create any kind of relationship with exactly that truck they are driving for a few days across the land of Chernarus. On the other side, with plenty of different vehicle parts your approach to a vehicle will be different every time you encounter one.

I want to see many vehicles across the map in different states, so you can run into a vehicle which just needs the spark plugs to be added in or a nearly completely stripped one but with a last wheel you need to put on yours. I favor such possibilities which offer strong emergent gameplay based on player choices and consequences they bring. One can try to find missing parts alone or group up with friends or strangers to get all the remaining parts for that fabulous bus and run a bus line together. It will spruce up the planning, imagination and strengthen interactions with both players and environment.

Implementation of such advanced mechanics of vehicles that use different vital and optional parts has been ongoing for some time now. In the current state we have some of the vital parts functional already; without spark plugs or a battery you simply can't start the engine at all. However more interesting are wheels themselves. Wheels can be detached or destroyed while on the vehicle and physics simulation is responding properly in such situations by inclination of the given vehicle to the side of the missing wheel and adaptively changing the simulated wheel radius and friction. Such dramatic changes, of course, have direct impact on the handling of the vehicle. But, nothing is lost in such case as the spare wheels can be mounted back on the wheel hub and get controlling of the vehicle back on track. From the optional parts there is detachable/interchangeable hood and doors now that while obviously don't affect the vehicle behavior at all add variety to its visual representation. I'm looking forward to see such advance features finally in game providing more unique perception of vehicles and their involvement in the gameplay.

Keep some spare parts at hand... see you in Chernarus folks!

- Peter Nespesny / Lead Designer
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Community Spotlight: Barely Infected
Hey folks,

Another week is upon us and the lurking around on Youtube and Twitch continues. In that regard; the focus on content creators keeps chugging along. This time around we'll have a look at the creations made by:

Barely Infected seems to take more to the Hero style of gameplay and most often prefers to speak to and help players that he meets. However, when running into armed and hostile players, he definitely isn't shy of picking up a good fight. When not running around on his own, Barely Infected tends to hang out with other content creators such as TheRunningManZ and Superftlol for example.

For a bit of team based play footage; here's a couple of good examples of the guys hanging out around Chernarus.

It's nice to see the way that those guys don't get affected when encountering hostile players.

In Barely Infected's solo videos, the same calmness shines through as well, as he encounters players no matter if they are friendly or hostile. His way of conducting himself seems to rarely change much regardless of the situation:

All in all, I enjoy watching his videos, and it's nice to see that he is not afraid to also show those odd instances when things go pear shaped:

As always, if interested in more, please feel free to follow Barely Infected via the following social media accounts:

Header image credit: TamDaSwede

- Michael aka SMoss / Community Manager

Mit Stable 0.57 wird Persistance deaktiviert sein.
Allerdings werden Fahrzeuge + Tageszeit auf Server gespeichert werden.

Das mit der Tageszeit finde ich ganz gut.
Mit dem neuen stable Patch geht dann auch ein genereller wipe einher.

"Stable update ongoing. 0.57 arriving with the announced wipe of characters/items/persistence."
"The Wipe for stable just deleted 409287616 items from player invetories."


"For those that are asking, yes zombies are in stable, yes animals are in stable, yes persistence for vehicles, rest we can turn on over time"

Der stable patch geht dann heute um 19:00 (CET) online!

"Heads up guys. Data from last night's Exp. update looks positive. Extended maintenance today as the team pushes for 0.57 release on Stable."
"So, the estimate for servers coming back live is at around 19:00 CET. It's a big one today guys. Stay tuned for any changes."

Quelle: Twitter Channel des Dev Teams
Nennt mich das Orakel! :D

Liebes Orakel - wie lange wird es dauern bis ich meine erste SVD finde? :devil:


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Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich war gestern das erste mal seit Monaten in Dayz mal wieder richtig unterwegs mit einem Kollegen.
Erst haben wir fleißig auf fast leeren Servern die lächerlich hohe Lootquote genutzt und haben uns auf dem NWAF ein Rennen mit V3S geliefert. -> beide umgekippt! :D

Danach wollte der Kollege ein wenig PVP:
Also auf einen 40er Server gewechselt, haben uns auf den Weg Richtung Vybor gemacht.
Er hatte eine super AK Variante mit Kashtan Scope + Surpressor. Ich Winchester + Hunting Scope.
Wir haben uns der Military Base südlich von Vybor genähert und standen direkt an der Mauer.
Die Baracken waren bereits offen, jmd. hatte fleißig brennende Leuchtfackeln verteilt.
Auf einmal ist mein Begleiter in eine Bärenfalle getappt! Er kriecht zurück hinter die Mauer, ich erstelle eine Schiene und helfe ihm auf.
Wir beschließen, uns erst mal außen dem südlichen Eingang zu nähern.
Auf einmal wird er beschossen, ohnmächtig.
Ich hab keinen Schützen gesehen, unsere Kommunikation stimmt nicht.
Mein Kollege kommt wieder zu Bewusstsein. Aufgrund der schlechten Position will ich auf den Sniperhügel südlich der Base.
Also am Baumrand außen rum.
Ich kraxel den Berg hoch, suche mir eine brauchbare Position.
Alles abgesucht, niemanden mehr gesehen.
Also will der Kollege vorrücken, wird wieder beschossen, onmächtig.
Ich sehe den Schützen, kann aber keinen guten Schuss abgeben.
Mein Kumpel wird gefinished, ich bin den Berg runter für eine bessere Sicht.
Großer Fehler. :(
Der Schütze sieht mich und feuert. Ich sehe ihn leider wieder nicht. Also im Zickzack weg gerannt, östlich am Sniper Hügel vorbei und wieder dort hoch.
Dann gehe südlich runter, werde von oben beschossen.
Also hinter einen Baum in Deckung, nach erfolglosen Schussversuchen auf ~50m das Scope entfernt.
Mehrfach getroffen, ohnmächtig, tot.

Das war so deprimierend. Der schlechteste Kampf, den ich je abgeliefert habe. :wall:
Bin zwar kein großer PVP Spieler und würde mich auch nicht als gut einstufen, aber das war echt katastrophal.

Ich vermute, der Gegner hatte nur eine Sporter 22.
Die Schüsse waren recht leise und man war selbst nach Ohnmacht nicht am bluten.
Der Typ hat uns echt zerstört. :(
Ist euch das auch schon mal so passiert?

Die Winchester kann ich sehr empfehlen, gutes Gewehr in Verbindung mit dem Hunting Scope. Wenn man es bedienen kann... :I
Zombies schießen ging damit auch auf 400m noch sehr gut. Vermutlich auch deutlich weiter.
Die benötigt spezielle Munition, steht aber auch Winchester im Namen.

Bist du noch am spielen und willst ne Runde mit uns machen demnächst?
Dann würde ich dir meine Steam Daten per PM schicken.

Ich weiß, dass noch irgendwer wen zum Zocken gesucht hat.
Wir könnten noch 1-2 mitnehmen.
Einfach noch einmal Bescheid geben.
Ich habe von einem Kollegen gesagt bekommen, dass die Zombies aktuell komplett entfernt wurden.
Ist das so?

Das mit dem Loot wurde auch noch nicht gefixxed? :-(

Die aktuellen Rückschritte demotivieren aktuell sogar mich.
Dabei halte ich die Dayz Flagge stehts sehr hoch -.-

Wenn das mit den Zombies echt stimmen sollte und der Lootspawn immer noch so bescheiden ist, werde ichs noch weitere Wochen / Monate? liegen lassen.

Bzgl. deinem kampf.
Mit ner Sporter? :-O
Ich habe mit einer Sporter nicht mal Zombies töten können :-D
Wars vielleicht eine Mosin mit nem Schalldämpfer?
Die Schüsse hört man ab 100 Meter eigentlich gar nicht mehr.

Ich habe mal mit einer Mosin ein Reh erschossen, mein Kollege stand 10 Meter neben mir, der hat sich nur gefragt, warum das Reh grad umgefallen ist, er hat den Schuss überhaupt nicht gehört :-O

Wenn der Typ dann noch den tarnanzug trägt ist er nicht auszumachen in wäldlichen Gebieten.
Ich habe von einem Kollegen gesagt bekommen, dass die Zombies aktuell komplett entfernt wurden.
Ist das so?
Nein, das stimmt nicht.
Ich dachte eigentlich, Respawns von gekillten Zombies wären deaktiviert. Aber auch das scheint nicht zu stimmen.

Das mit dem Loot wurde auch noch nicht gefixxed?
Es gibt viel zu viel Loot. Vor allem militärisches Zeugs. Vor allem Westen und so...
Auch z.B. Smersh Vest. Die gabs ja sonst nur bei Heli Spawns.
Natürlich nimmt man jeglichen Loot mit, aber mit Survival hat das nicht viel zu tun.

Außerdem scheint sich Loot einer Art öfter zu bündeln.
In einem zivilen Gebäuse findest du auf einmal 8 verschiedenen Jacken...

Ich glaube, Loot Respawn ist aktuell deaktiviert.
Persistance existiert wohl nur in Bezug auf Autos. Gilt z.B. nicht für Zelte.

Bzgl. deinem kampf.
Mit ner Sporter? :-O
Ich habe mit einer Sporter nicht mal Zombies töten können

Wars vielleicht eine Mosin mit nem Schalldämpfer?
Die Schüsse hört man ab 100 Meter eigentlich gar nicht mehr.
Daher waren wir ja auch mehrfach ohnmächtig.
Die Mosin hätte ja nur einen Einwegschalldämpfer. Außerdem war die Schussfrequenz recht hoch.

Ich hab gelesen, die Sporter sei potentiell die neue PVP Waffe.
Ob da was dran ist, weiß ich nicht.
Wir haben uns halt schon sehr dumm angestellt.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Manchmal hält der Schalli nur einen Schuss, ich habe aber auch mal 3 Schuss damit abgefeuert bevor er kaputt war!

Ich fand die Sporter immer kacke :-D
Muss man vielleicht jetzt mal testen.
Ich hatte noch vergessen zu sagen, dass 0.57 sonst sehr gut läuft. Items/Hotbar sprechen meist gut an.

Die Zombies sind im Nahkampf recht nervig. Ich schieße sie immer ab, wenn ich die Möglichkeit habe.
In der aktuellen Version ist es nämlich recht sicher, dass sie Treffer im Nahkampf landen.
Aber man kann sie halt auch einfach umgehen.

Außerdem vergessen:
Ich war stundenlang rot "sick".
Hab es nicht weg bekommen. Alle Medikamente bis auf Charcoal Tabs + Painkiller getestet.

Manchmal hält der Schalli nur einen Schuss, ich habe aber auch mal 3 Schuss damit abgefeuert bevor er kaputt war!
Ah, ok!

Ich fand die Sporter immer kacke

Muss man vielleicht jetzt mal testen.
Ich eigentlich auch.
War gestern zum Testen kurz unterwegs. Nach ewigen Ladezeiten war ich dann aufn Server und in Berenzino auf Anhieb eine Winchester, Hunting Scope und Ammo gefunden. Hab mich dann aber ausgeloggt :)

Ja würde gern mit dir ne Runde spielen. Schreib mir ne PN mit deinen Daten :)