Wie es die Überschrift schon sagt, steht das neue iOS 5.1 und iTunes 10.6 sofort zum Download bereit.
iTunes 10.6
iOS 5.1
About iOS 5.1 Software Update
This update contains improvements and bug fixes, including:
iTunes 10.6
iOS 5.1
About iOS 5.1 Software Update
This update contains improvements and bug fixes, including:
- Japanese language support for Siri (availability may be limited during initial rollout)
- Photos can now be deleted from Photo Stream
- Camera shortcut now always visible on Lock Screen for iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and iPod touch (4th generation)
- Camera face detection now highlights all detected faces
- Redesigned Camera app for iPad
- Genius Mixes and Genius playlists for iTunes Match subscribers
- Audio for TV shows and movies on iPad optimized to sound louder and clearer
- Podcast controls for playback speed and a 30 second rewind for iPad
- Updated AT&T network indicator
- Addresses bugs affecting battery life
- Fixes an issue that occasionally caused audio to drop for outgoing calls