Duke Nukem Forever - DirectX Problem/nicht spielbar


Erstmal Hallo, bin neu hier und hoffe im richtigen Forum :P

Hab mir gestern das Spiel gekauft und "installiert" sprich über Steam runtergeladen. Hat auch alles funktioniert.
So, wenn ich jetzt auf "Spielen" klicke im Steam kommt jedesmal die Meldung:

"Zum Spielen von Duke Nukem Forever ist die aktuellste Microsoft DirectX(r) Version erforderlich" und ein Link untendran zum direkten Download - der Link is natürlich tot.:daumen2:

... geh ich aufs Start-Symbol und geb "dxdiag" ein zeigt er mir, dass DirectX 11 installiert ist. (wie neu will er's denn?)

(mit Admin-Rechten ausführen, Kompatibilitätsmodus usw. alles schon hinter mir)

Hab keine Ahnung mehr was ich machen soll. Such jetzt seit locker 5 Stunden durchs Internet und hab keine Lösung gefunden - wäre nicht Sonntag hätt ich das Ding schon längst zurück gegeben.

Lass mal noch paar Angaben über mein System hier:

Windows 7 Professional 32Bit
Radeon HD 4850
2GB Ram
Intel EP43 - DS3L
Dual-Core E5200 @ 2500Mhz

AW: Duke Nukem Forever - directx problem/nicht spielbar

Lad dir mal mei Microsoft das aktuelle DirectX runter.
Da sind auch Udates für DX9 enthalten. hatte das gleiche Prob aber dann lief es!
AW: Duke Nukem Forever - directx problem/nicht spielbar

hm ok danke für die Antwort - das hab ich zwar glaub ich auch schon versucht und hatte ne Fehlermeldung aber ich tests nochmal.
Hattest du genau die selbe Fehlermeldung beim Starten des Spiels?

AW: Duke Nukem Forever - directx problem/nicht spielbar

Jaap. Du musst das komplette DX aktualisieren, dann klappts auch mit dem Duke ;-)
AW: Duke Nukem Forever - directx problem/nicht spielbar

Hab mir jetzt den Webinstaller runtergeladen - direkt von Microsoft.

Wenn ich es installieren will kommt die Fehlermeldung:

"Interner Systemfehler. Weitere Informationen zum Ermitteln des Problems finden Sie in den Dateien "dxerror.log" und "directx.log" im Ordner "Windows"." :huh:

[06/20/11 04:13:39] module: dxupdate(Sep 28 2005), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 178, function: GetDXVersion
Failed API: RegQueryValueEx()
Error: (2) - Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.

Current DirectX may be a older version which does not have the version value in the registry.
[06/20/11 04:13:39] module: dxupdate(Sep 28 2005), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 3937, function: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation
GetDXVersion() failed.
[06/20/11 04:13:39] module: dsetup32(Sep 28 2005), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 244, function: CSetup::InstallPlugIn
DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn() failed.
[06/20/11 04:14:56] module: dxupdate(Sep 28 2005), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 178, function: GetDXVersion
Failed API: RegQueryValueEx()
Error: (2) - Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden.

Current DirectX may be a older version which does not have the version value in the registry.
[06/20/11 04:14:56] module: dxupdate(Sep 28 2005), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 3937, function: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation
GetDXVersion() failed.
[06/20/11 04:14:56] module: dsetup32(Sep 28 2005), file: dxupdate.cpp, line: 244, function: CSetup::InstallPlugIn
DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn() failed.

06/12/11 16:36:10: DSETUP: DirectXSetupA(): hWnd: 00010094 dwFlags: 00010018

06/12/11 16:36:10: dsetup32: === SetupForDirectX() start ===
06/12/11 16:36:10: dsetup32: Jul 28 2006 08:45:06
06/12/11 16:36:10: dsetup32: SetupForDirectX(): query dxsetup command: result = 2.
06/12/11 16:36:10: dsetup32: DXSetupCommand = 0.
06/12/11 16:36:10: dsetup32: Installing on Windows 6.0.6000
06/12/11 16:36:10: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanese == 0
06/12/11 16:36:10: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanNec == 0
06/12/11 16:36:35: dsetup32: IsIA64(): not IA64.
06/12/11 16:36:35: dsetup32: CLR version number = 2.0.50727
06/12/11 16:36:36: dsetup32: DXCheckTrust(): F:\Users\Fabian\AppData\Local\Temp\NERO14766\Data\Redist\DirectX\dxupdate.cab is trusted.
06/12/11 16:36:36: dsetup32: GetCDXUpdate(): Extracting dxupdate.dll from F:\Users\Fabian\AppData\Local\Temp\NERO14766\Data\Redist\DirectX\dxupdate.cab.
06/12/11 16:36:36: dsetup32: Extracted file F:\Users\Fabian\AppData\Local\Temp\DXC8A5.tmp\dxupdate.inf from cab
06/12/11 16:36:36: dsetup32: Extracted file F:\Users\Fabian\AppData\Local\Temp\DXC8A5.tmp\dxupdate.cif from cab
06/12/11 16:36:36: dsetup32: Extracted file F:\Users\Fabian\AppData\Local\Temp\DXC8A5.tmp\dxupdate.dll from cab
06/12/11 16:36:36: dsetup32: GetCDXUpdate(): Loading dxupdate.dll in F:\Users\Fabian\AppData\Local\Temp\DXC8A5.tmp\.
06/12/11 16:36:37: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanese == 0
06/12/11 16:36:37: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanNec == 0
06/12/11 16:36:37: dsetup32: IsWow64(): not Wow64 process.
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In dxdllreg_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In RGB9Rast_1_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In RGB9Rast_1_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In RGB9Rast_2_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In RGB9Rast_2_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In MDX_1.0.2902.0_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In MDX_1.0.2903.0_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In MDX_1.0.2904.0_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In MDX_1.0.2905.0_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In MDX_1.0.2906.0_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In MDX_1.0.2907.0_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In MDX_1.0.2908.0_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In MDX_1.0.2909.0_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In MDX_1.0.2910.0_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Feb2005_d3dx9_24_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Feb2005_d3dx9_24_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Feb2005_MDX_x86.MSI does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:37: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Apr2005_d3dx9_25_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Apr2005_d3dx9_25_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Apr2005_MDX_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Jun2005_d3dx9_26_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Jun2005_d3dx9_26_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Jun2005_MDX_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Aug2005_d3dx9_27_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Aug2005_d3dx9_27_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Aug2005_MDX_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Oct2005_d3dx9_27_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Oct2005_d3dx9_27_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Oct2005_MDX_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Oct2005_xinput_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Oct2005_xinput_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for Dec2005_d3dx9_28_x86.cab...
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): F:\Users\Fabian\AppData\Local\Temp\NERO14766\Data\Redist\DirectX\Dec2005_d3dx9_28_x86.cab is trusted.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: Extracted file F:\Users\Fabian\AppData\Local\Temp\DXC8A5.tmp\dec2005_d3dx9_28_x86.inf from cab
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Dec2005_d3dx9_28_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Dec2005_MDX1_x86_Archive.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Dec2005_MDX1_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Feb2006_d3dx9_29_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Feb2006_d3dx9_29_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Feb2006_MDX1_x86_Archive.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Feb2006_MDX1_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Feb2006_XACT_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Feb2006_XACT_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Checking for Apr2006_d3dx9_30_x86.cab...
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): F:\Users\Fabian\AppData\Local\Temp\NERO14766\Data\Redist\DirectX\Apr2006_d3dx9_30_x86.cab is trusted.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: Extracted file F:\Users\Fabian\AppData\Local\Temp\DXC8A5.tmp\apr2006_d3dx9_30_x86.inf from cab
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Apr2006_d3dx9_30_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Apr2006_MDX1_x86_Archive.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Apr2006_MDX1_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Apr2006_XACT_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Apr2006_XACT_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Apr2006_xinput_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Apr2006_xinput_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Jun2006_XACT_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Jun2006_XACT_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Aug2006_xinput_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Aug2006_xinput_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Aug2006_XACT_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Aug2006_XACT_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Jun2005_xinput_x86.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Jun2005_xinput_x64.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Oct2005_XACT_x86.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Oct2005_MDX_x86.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Dec2005_XACT_x86.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Dec2005_MDX2_x86.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Dec2005_MDX2_x64.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Dec2005_d3dx10_x86.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Dec2005_d3dx10_x64.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Feb2006_MDX2_x86.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Feb2006_MDX2_x64.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Feb2006_d3dx10_x86.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Feb2006_d3dx10_x64.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Apr2006_MDX2_x86.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Apr2006_MDX2_x64.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Apr2006_d3dx10_x86.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Apr2006_d3dx10_x64.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Jun2006_d3dx10_x86.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Jun2006_d3dx10_x64.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Aug2006_d3dx10_x86.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Aug2006_d3dx10_x64.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: Total Files: 8
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: Total Size: 4460544
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: Total Progress: 2
06/12/11 16:36:38: dsetup32: GetCDXUpdate(): Loading dxupdate.dll in F:\Users\Fabian\AppData\Local\Temp\DXC8A5.tmp\.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanese == 0
06/12/11 16:36:38: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanNec == 0
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In dxdllreg_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In RGB9Rast_1_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In RGB9Rast_1_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In RGB9Rast_2_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In RGB9Rast_2_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In MDX_1.0.2902.0_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In MDX_1.0.2903.0_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In MDX_1.0.2904.0_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In MDX_1.0.2905.0_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In MDX_1.0.2906.0_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In MDX_1.0.2907.0_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In MDX_1.0.2908.0_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In MDX_1.0.2909.0_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In MDX_1.0.2910.0_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Feb2005_d3dx9_24_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Feb2005_d3dx9_24_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Feb2005_MDX_x86.MSI does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Apr2005_d3dx9_25_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Apr2005_d3dx9_25_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Apr2005_MDX_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Jun2005_d3dx9_26_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Jun2005_d3dx9_26_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Jun2005_MDX_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Aug2005_d3dx9_27_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Aug2005_d3dx9_27_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Aug2005_MDX_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Oct2005_d3dx9_27_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Oct2005_d3dx9_27_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Oct2005_MDX_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Oct2005_xinput_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Oct2005_xinput_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:38: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing Dec2005_d3dx9_28_x86.cab...
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): F:\Users\Fabian\AppData\Local\Temp\NERO14766\Data\Redist\DirectX\Dec2005_d3dx9_28_x86.cab is trusted.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: Extracted file F:\Users\Fabian\AppData\Local\Temp\DXC8A5.tmp\dec2005_d3dx9_28_x86.inf from cab
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: GetDXVersion(): Unable to get RC string from registry, now RC is 0.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: Extracted file F:\Users\Fabian\AppData\Local\Temp\DXC8A5.tmp\d3dx9_28_x86.cat from cab
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: Extracted file F:\Users\Fabian\AppData\Local\Temp\DXC8A5.tmp\d3dx9_28.dll from cab
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: Extracted file F:\Users\Fabian\AppData\Local\Temp\DXC8A5.tmp\d3dx9_28_w9x.inf from cab
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: Extracted file F:\Users\Fabian\AppData\Local\Temp\DXC8A5.tmp\d3dx9_28_x86.inf from cab
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: Files: 4
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: Size: 2230272
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing: d3dx9_28_x86.inf - [x86_install]
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: Installed file F:\Windows\system32\d3dx9_28.dll
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Dec2005_d3dx9_28_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Dec2005_MDX1_x86_Archive.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Dec2005_MDX1_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Feb2006_d3dx9_29_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Feb2006_d3dx9_29_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Feb2006_MDX1_x86_Archive.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Feb2006_MDX1_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Feb2006_XACT_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Feb2006_XACT_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing Apr2006_d3dx9_30_x86.cab...
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DXCheckTrust(): F:\Users\Fabian\AppData\Local\Temp\NERO14766\Data\Redist\DirectX\Apr2006_d3dx9_30_x86.cab is trusted.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: Extracted file F:\Users\Fabian\AppData\Local\Temp\DXC8A5.tmp\apr2006_d3dx9_30_x86.inf from cab
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): DirectX Version:
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: CheckDependency(): no dependency.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateGetSetupInformation(): Section [] is being installed.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: Extracted file F:\Users\Fabian\AppData\Local\Temp\DXC8A5.tmp\d3dx9_30_x86.cat from cab
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: Extracted file F:\Users\Fabian\AppData\Local\Temp\DXC8A5.tmp\d3dx9_30.dll from cab
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: Extracted file F:\Users\Fabian\AppData\Local\Temp\DXC8A5.tmp\d3dx9_30_w9x.inf from cab
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: Extracted file F:\Users\Fabian\AppData\Local\Temp\DXC8A5.tmp\d3dx9_30_x86.inf from cab
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: Files: 4
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: Size: 2230272
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Installing: d3dx9_30_x86.inf - [x86_install]
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: Installed file F:\Windows\system32\d3dx9_30.dll
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Apr2006_d3dx9_30_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Apr2006_MDX1_x86_Archive.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Apr2006_MDX1_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Apr2006_XACT_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Apr2006_XACT_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Apr2006_xinput_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Apr2006_xinput_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Jun2006_XACT_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Jun2006_XACT_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Aug2006_xinput_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Aug2006_xinput_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Aug2006_XACT_x86.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: -----
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): Plug-In Aug2006_XACT_x64.cab does not exist.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Jun2005_xinput_x86.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Jun2005_xinput_x64.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Oct2005_XACT_x86.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Oct2005_MDX_x86.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Dec2005_XACT_x86.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Dec2005_MDX2_x86.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Dec2005_MDX2_x64.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Dec2005_d3dx10_x86.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Dec2005_d3dx10_x64.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Feb2006_MDX2_x86.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Feb2006_MDX2_x64.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Feb2006_d3dx10_x86.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Feb2006_d3dx10_x64.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Apr2006_MDX2_x86.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Apr2006_MDX2_x64.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Apr2006_d3dx10_x86.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Apr2006_d3dx10_x64.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Jun2006_d3dx10_x86.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Jun2006_d3dx10_x64.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Aug2006_d3dx10_x86.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dxupdate: DirectXUpdateInstallPlugIn(): folder does not exist, [Beta_Aug2006_d3dx10_x64.cab] is skipped.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dsetup32: SetupForDirectX: InstallPlugIn() Succeeded.
06/12/11 16:36:39: dsetup32: start finalizing: phase: 2 - 2, total: 0 - 2
06/12/11 16:36:40: dsetup32: Installation ended with value 0 = Installation succeeded
06/19/11 17:47:25: DXSetup: No command line switch
06/19/11 17:47:25: DXSetup: StartWizard()
06/19/11 17:47:28: DXSetup: CDXWSetup()
06/19/11 17:47:29: DXSetup: start installation
06/19/11 17:47:29: DSETUP: DirectXSetupA(): hWnd: 00070344 dwFlags: 02010098

06/19/11 17:47:29: dsetup32: === SetupForDirectX() start ===
06/19/11 17:47:29: dsetup32: DXSetupCommand = 0.
06/19/11 17:47:29: DXSetup: DSetupCallback(): Phase = 0, Steps = 0
06/19/11 17:47:29: dsetup32: Installing on Windows 6.1.7601
06/19/11 17:47:29: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanese == 0
06/19/11 17:47:29: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanNec == 0
06/19/11 17:47:29: dsetup32: Installation ended with value 0 = Installation succeeded
06/19/11 17:47:29: DXSetup: WM_APP_ENDINSTALL
06/19/11 17:47:29: DXSetup: ~CDXWSetup()
06/19/11 17:47:39: DXSetup: No command line switch
06/19/11 17:47:39: DXSetup: StartWizard()
06/19/11 17:47:42: DXSetup: CDXWSetup()
06/19/11 17:47:43: DXSetup: start installation
06/19/11 17:47:43: DSETUP: DirectXSetupA(): hWnd: 0012032A dwFlags: 02010098

06/19/11 17:47:43: dsetup32: === SetupForDirectX() start ===
06/19/11 17:47:43: dsetup32: DXSetupCommand = 0.
06/19/11 17:47:43: DXSetup: DSetupCallback(): Phase = 0, Steps = 0
06/19/11 17:47:43: dsetup32: Installing on Windows 5.1.2600
06/19/11 17:47:43: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanese == 0
06/19/11 17:47:43: dsetup32: DirectXSetupIsJapanNec == 0
06/19/11 17:47:43: dsetup32: Installation ended with value 0 = Installation succeeded
06/19/11 17:47:43: DXSetup: WM_APP_ENDINSTALL
06/19/11 17:47:43: DXSetup: ~CDXWSetup()
06/20/11 04:13:10: DXSetup: No command line switch
06/20/11 04:13:10: DXSetup: StartWizard()
06/20/11 04:13:11: dsetup32: IsWow64(): not Wow64 process.
06/20/11 04:13:13: DXSetup: CDXWSetup()
06/20/11 04:13:14: DXSetup: start installation
06/20/11 04:13:14: DSETUP: DirectXSetupA(): hWnd: 000304E0 dwFlags: 02010098
AW: Duke Nukem Forever - directx problem/nicht spielbar

Ich hab da ne Vermutung :/

Kann mir vilt jemand mal die Registry-Einträge von DirectX posten? Weil ich hab das Gefühl da is nich viel vorhanden :huh:
Falls da Werte fehlen sollten - kann ich die nachtragen? Oder ist es sogar normal dass da nichts steht?

Hier mal ein Bild von dem Ganzen: ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting hoffe der Link funktioniert.

Der einzige Eintrag ist diese "(Standart)" Datei - und da is nichmal ein Wert drin?!

AW: Duke Nukem Forever - directx problem/nicht spielbar

die Registry-Einträge von DirectX posten?
das meinst jetzt aber nicht im ernst.. ?

würds mal mit dem dx-komplettpaket versuchen und nicht
den webinstaller verwenden.
AW: Duke Nukem Forever - directx problem/nicht spielbar

Doch das war eig mein Ernst :(
Ich meinte halt n Screenshot machen oder so etwas in der Art - kenne mich auch nicht unbedingt super aus :/
Nur das ich sehe, ob es normal ist, dass keinerlei Werte vorhaden sind.

Lade mir jetzt mal das 11er Komplettpaket (~550MB) von Microsoft habe ich noch garnicht probiert :what:


EDIT: wie genial :) hat genauso geklappt wie ichs mir vorgestellt hab ! (ok gebe zu ich dachte nicht dass es wirklich funktionieren wird xD)

Für die, die das selbe Problem haben: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/...-directx/0aadf7ec-e004-42eb-8a1a-2865ff5b3a37

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
AW: Duke Nukem Forever - directx problem/nicht spielbar

Das hat aber übrigens auch nicht funktioniert - kam wieder eine Fehlermeldung:schief:

Aber ich hab es ja jetzt gelöst. Weiß zwar nicht wieso ich das selbst in die Registry eintragen musste aber es funktioniert :)
Hail to the King :daumen: