Red Dead Redemption Remake angeblich in Entwicklung, Release spät im nächsten Jahr


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Angeblich hat Entwickler Rockstar Games große Pläne für das zehnte Jubiläum von Red Dead Redemption im nächsten Jahr vorbereitet, da ein neues Gerücht besagt, dass ein Remake des Titels in Arbeit sei.

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AW: Red Dead Redemption Remake angeblich in Entwicklung, Release spät im nächsten Jahr

Gibt es wieder Spekulatius zum Essen.
AW: Red Dead Redemption Remake angeblich in Entwicklung, Release spät im nächsten Jahr

Dann können sich die Naschkatzen ja mit denen von der FF Remake PC Version zusammentun und ein CATS Remake aufführen.:bier:
AW: Red Dead Redemption Remake angeblich in Entwicklung, Release spät im nächsten Jahr

Fake. Quelle: Okay: so let’s get this straight. : GamingLeaksAndRumours

1. There is no dlc for Red Dead Redemption 2 or remake of the first game as far as I know.2. This was an experiment I have always wanted to do regarding the spreading of rumors in video game culture. I’ve been thinking about this for a while and wondering how I was going to do it, then I saw red dead online was basically being ignored (most likely not, but the fans are in the dust about it, including me) so this was basically a good starting point for me. So first I thought about here there were a lot of alien references in RDR 2’s story mode, so I started my “leak” on that. I made up a somewhat believable story that my “friend from rockstar” told me. (Real original right?) then I put in small details I thought in my head would make sense such as “Still playing as Arthur”. But I stayed real vague just to build up some speculation. Then I thought of what I wanted out of a story dlc. I wanted a remake of the first game with all of the bells and whistles of the recent game. And the rest is pretty much history, so I expected it to be ignored and the next day I open my reddit and I see the biggest notification list I have ever had! I was simply amazed at how my bullshit rumors could blow up, a couple of hours later I went on the google app, and it has tabs with news, and at the very top was this article by comicbook (who report on every rumor from this subreddit almost) Red Dead Redemption Remake Reportedly In Development At Rockstar Games And that’s when things got real, so I let people build more speculation for a couple of days. And sure enough, one of the gaming sites I read on reported on it Rumour: Red Dead Redemption 2 DLC is in the works, and it's supposedly like Undead Nightmare with aliens | GamesRadar+ . Then I was curious of the YouTube videos being made, and sure enough there were! YouTube this was at the very top! And he drank every sip of my tea, and judging by his comment section, they didn’t! I was wondering if there were videos were people didn’t believe me and sure enough there was one by Fizhy! YouTube . Then I realized I was getting to many peoples hopes up, so I decided to write this post. And through this experiment I learned that some people will believe anything that someone says if it sounds believable. And also that mass media is a powerful tool, over 70k people atleast have seen this fake leak that I wrote, and I’m glad that a majority of people saw through it! From now on the original leak will stay up unless the mods say otherwise but I will link this to clarify it was all fake! Thanks for listening!