Sammelthread Xbox One

Kann ich, wenn ich die PEGI Version von Titanfall habe ganz normal auf dem deutschen Marktplatz den Seasons Pass holen oder muss ich das mit dem österreichischen machen?
Grüße Flow133

Das sollte auf jedem Marktplatz gehen. Seasonpass ist nicht an die Refion gebunden.

Habe auch Spiele aus Ösiland wofür ich hier im Marktplatz den Season Pass geholt habe. Warum sollte es anders herum nicht gehen.
Das sollte auf jedem Marktplatz gehen. Seasonpass ist nicht an die Refion gebunden.

Habe auch Spiele aus Ösiland wofür ich hier im Marktplatz den Season Pass geholt habe. Warum sollte es anders herum nicht gehen.

keine ahnung wieso das nicht gehen sollte. meinte nur mal was gelesen zu haben dass es bei geschnittenen spielen zu problemen kommen kann
Ja, man kann nur hoffen das es bald mit den Games echt losgeht. Weil momentan isses echt mau:what:
E3-Show von Microsoft eventuell geleaked:

*Ryse 2 is in development and will be announced at the show in a real-time in-game trailer. Gone is the Roman period, enter the medieval setting. The game will offer more freedom of exploration and a refined combat system. The main character is a sell-sword of sorts with a greater destiny. This game looks beyond belief. No release date (possibly late 2016)

* Forza Horizon 2 will be announced for release in October 2014 vai Playground Games. It will once again be open world and set in Louisiana, Missisips, New Mexico, Texas and Arkansas. Full day/night cycle, real time weather. Estimated 80 hour single player.

*343 Industries will unveil Halo 2: Anniversary. This is a full (multiplayer included) visual makeover of Halo 2, it will also include the same options as Halo Anniversary (Including both visual modes) skulls etc. It will include the E3 2003 mission as a bonus unlockable and the maps from the PC version.

*No Turn 10 this year except in supportive capacity of Playground.

*Halo 5 will get its release date.

*Rare is prepping a re-boot of Battletoads and Perfect Dark. BT will initially be a download only title (see Killer Instinct) and is set to run at 60fps. Perfect Dark is looking to be rebooted into a Third Person Adventure game - Similar to Uncharted.

*Epic will be there to unveil their new game base on the Samaritan demo from 2012. This will be XBOX ONE EXCLUSIVE as Microsoft is the publisher. Possibly the best looking game of this generation.

*Good Science Studios will unveil their Kinect Only game "EchoBlack" - The game is controlled via the use of Kinect and the player plots through an adventure game drawn as by echolocation. The vibrancy of the world depicted alters depending on the pitch, loudness and location of the players voice. No release date.

*Twisted Pixel will reveal their next digital game which is set in a sci-fantasy planet of Dekelsus. Possibly a 2.5D platformer.

*Black Tusk will have a CGI trailer for Gears of War : Lazurus which will show the direction the series is heading.

*Lift London will be showing 2 projects. They are small and digital based. No other details unfortunately.

* Lionhead will have a brief gameplay of Fable Legends and bow out with a teaser of their next project which is set in a post-cataclysmic Earth decimated by egg shaped objects (possibly aliens)

* Frontier Development is working on a family friendly Kinect title for release in 2014

*Phantom Dust : Sacrifice is being worked on by Grounding Inc and will be a prequel to the original. The game will be episodic in nature.

*Quantum Break will be out November 2014 - There is a multiplayer mode - Part 1 of a trilogy. The game has had a significant graphical upgrade since last year.

*Sunset Overdrive is aiming for release on the last weeks of August/Early September. Graphically it looks like the CG trailer and the Parkour element of the game is a mix of Sonic, Jet Set Radio and Ratchet and Clank.

*The secret Japanese game is coming from Platinum Games and is a Viewtiful Joe like action- beat em up. Codename is "RugPuddle". This is part one of a multiple game deal with Microsoft to publish other titles in the future.

*Leap Experience Pioneers will announce their game which looks like a TPS/RPG hybrid set in a Sci-fi universe. Looks very Mass Effect inspired. COMING 2015

*Platform Next Games is a new studio. They will be presenting an unnamed tech demo based on an upcoming project (similar to Black Tusks demo last year) which appears to be set in either an ancient or fantasy setting.

*Games With Gold will be announced for Xbox One starting immediately. The aim is that it will be 1 retail game a month, 1 digital game per month of a choice of 2. This will evolve as time goes on.

*Microsoft will announce the date when retail units can be activated as development kits, it will be before October 2014.

*Crackdown: Skyline - Coming 2015 - No other info, not even the developer. Microsoft Studios.

*Multi-platforms are as follows:
The Division (Xbox One is now lead platform)
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Fallout 4
EA game (not specified here)

Exclusive/Timed DLC on all.

TheCutAndDry: LEAKED - Microsoft E3 2014
Kommen dieses Jahr noch weitere 720p Titel hinzu, keine Angst ;)

Und XBone Leadplattform, den Sinn soll mir mal einer erklären. Das ist wohl eher ein frommer Wunsch.
Ich finde diese ganzen E3 Ankündigungs-Gerüchte sind besonders glaubwürdig, hören sich beide eher nach Wunschliste an.
Wo steht dass The Division in 720p laufen wird?
Na, die Chance das es bei der One so sein wird stehen verdammt gut. Und da die One die Leadplattform sein soll, beeinträchtigt das hoffentlich nicht die anderen Verionen.

Bzw, es gibt nur 3 Multiplattformspiele in 720p auf der XBO. 2 davon stammen aus 2013, davon ist einer auf der PS4 in 900p, der Andere auch in 720p (ohne Patch).

Jo, Dark, alles klar. Dann auch noch der ohne Patch unsinn.
Na, die Chance das es bei der One so sein wird stehen verdammt gut. Und da die One die Leadplattform sein soll, beeinträchtigt das hoffentlich nicht die anderen Verionen.

Das ist doch nur dein Hater-Wunsch, damit diese Konsole schlecht ausschaut.
Die XBO hat die wenigsten GAmes in der 720p Auflösung und sonderlich mehr werden das auch nicht.

Jo, Dark, alles klar. Dann auch noch der ohne Patch unsinn.

Was ist daran denn falsch?
Fakt ist, dass nur CoD, BF4 und MGSV:GZ in 720p auf der XBO laufen und kein andres Multiplattformspiel sonst es tut. 3 laufen in 900p und der Rest in 1080p...
Hey Jungs, tut mir einen gefallen (besonders die Hater) bleibt rühig, ich will hier kein gehacke auf der Xbox One und damit Zoff und damit nen geschlossenen Thread!

@T ich find gar nix vernünftiges über das Battletoads was angekündigt war.
Crytec redet über Vorteile des eSRAM:
Crytek Shares Secrets of Using Xbox One eSRAM’s Full Potential, Resulted In ‘Big’ Bandwidth Saves « Video Game News, Reviews, Previews and Blog

The increased power that the Xbox One and PS4 offer over the previous generation of consoles has been as hot a topic now as it was when both consoles launched. However, it’s been observed that the Xbox One falls ever so slightly (at best) behind the PS4 in many frame rate tests, not including the lack of 1080p titles compared to Sony’s console.

Many developers have attributed this to the console’s eSRAM. Crytek has more than its share of experience with the same having developed Ryse: Son of Rome, which is one of the best looking launch titles for either console till date. GamingBolt spoke to Crytek’s US Engine Business Development Manager Sean Tracy about the advantages of using CryEngine when used with tiled textures since eSRAM is more suited for the latter.

“CryEngine has a unique and novel solution for this and was shipped with Ryse. One of the problems when using Deferred Shading is that it’s very heavy on bandwidth usage/memory traffic. This gets exponentially worse as overlapping lights cause considerable amounts of redundant read and write operations. In Ryse our graphics engineers created a system called tiled shading to take advantage of the Xbox One.

“This splits the screen into tiles and generates a list of all the lights effective each title using a compute shader. It then cull’s light by min/max extents of the tile. We then loop over the light list for each tile and apply shading.

“In practice this made for the biggest bandwidth save we could have hoped for, as just reading the Gbuffer once and writing shading results once at the end for each pixel. Only a single compute shader was used in Ryse for light culling and executing entire lighting and shading pipelines (with some small exceptions for complex surfaces like skin and hair).”
Och, da war ich wohl zu schnell mit dem klicken, hab mich vertan.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Machinimasound Premium_ The Last of Humanity by Per Kiilstofte

Was ist das denn jetzt? :D

Irgendwie staubt momentan meine One ein. Gestern habe ich meine One meinem Cousin er und sein Kumpel verliehen die wollten damit nen Spiele Abend machen. Haben irgendwo ein paar Games geliehen so wie ich das Verstanden habe. Hoffe ich bekomme das Ding später heil wieder.

Ich selbst nutze das Teil momentan aufgrund mangelnden Games Angebots momentan nicht. mein einziges Spiel ist AC BF.

Hoffe das so allmählich die ganzen kracher kommen.:ugly: