Sammelthread Unreal Engine 4

Es ist ein neuer Hotfix-Patch für die UE 4.10 mit der Bezeichnung 4.10.2 released worden. Das Changelog lautet wie folgt:

The 4.10.2 Hotfix is now live! This Hotfix resolves a few important issues.

Fixed in 4.10.2- CL#2818068

Fixed! UE-23845 Crash when using "Set Key Time" on an animation key in UMG
Fixed! UE-24685 Matinee movie recording is broken in 4.10
Fixed! UE-22573 A REINST error occurs in widgets that reference one another
Fixed! UE-24115 Cannot launch the editor in DebugGame Editor configuration from Xcode
Fixed! UE-24563 Editor should launch launcher silently

Important Note - 'VisualStudio2015 Update 1' is not compatible with the UE 4.10 release. Please do not update to VisualStudio2015 Update 1 while using UE 4.10.2

REMEMBER: Please report any new bugs you find to the UE4 Answerhub "Bug Reports" section

Wie unschwer ersichtlich im Changelog, scheint wohl die Visual Studio Version 2015 Update 1 nicht kompatibel mit der Version 4.10.2 zu, weshalb Epic auch von einem Update der Visual Studio Umgebung abrät ;)
Wie unschwer ersichtlich im Changelog, scheint wohl die Visual Studio Version 2015 Update 1 nicht kompatibel mit der Version 4.10.2 zu, weshalb Epic auch von einem Update der Visual Studio Umgebung abrät ;)
Hmm, bezieht sich das auf die Binaries oder die Source Builds? Die hatten ja schon vorher mal was von VS2015 geht nicht gesagt, wobei es bei mir mit einem Source Build einwandfrei funktionierte. Da ich aktuell nur nen Surfstick habe, wird das mit dem Test erst mal nichts...
Ich hätte mal ne recht allgemeine Frage:
Ich bin zwar Informatiker und arbeite seit mehreren Jahren in der SW Entwicklung, aber nur in der Embedded Welt mit ganz klassischem C.
Mich würde interessieren ob die UE ein guter Einstieg wäre um mal ein wenig in andere Welten zu schnuppern. Mir geistert da seit einiger Zeit so eine kleine Idee durch den Kopf (virtueller Adventskalender).
Die Preview 2 für die UE 4.11 ist gerade eben released worden. Das Changelog lautet wie folgt:

We have just released Preview 2 for 4.11! Please view the Known Issues List on page 1 of this thread for the updated list of known issues.

Thank you for your continued help in testing the 4.11 build before its official release. As a reminder, the Preview builds are for testing only, and should not be used for the active development of your project.


Fixed in Preview 2 - CL 2822657

Fixed! UE-24563 Editor should launch launcher silently
Fixed! UE-25092 Error in NonUnityTestCompile_OnMac due to Shadow variable
Fixed! UE-25032 UnrealHeaderTool is checking for plugins required only by game.
Fixed! UE-24812 Editor crashes when adding a mesh reference to the event graph of a blueprint
Fixed! UE-24590 Crash resetting Bound Bone in Anim Dynamics node
Fixed! UE-25064 Crash upon removing Input Axis in Project Settings by using X
Fixed! UE-24958 Crash when getting the sequence player in level blueprint
Fixed! UE-24857 Re-implement plugin changes in 4.11
Fixed! UE-24854 Add release custom version
Fixed! UE-24810 Exponential Height Fog is not working
Fixed! UE-24729 Vehicle Blueprint template has hole in the floor
Fixed! UE-24710 Third Person Code has failed import load errors
Fixed! UE-24694 Match 3 crash when spamming gem moves
Fixed! UE-24773 Enabling Tessellation on Materials in 4.11 causes geometry to Disappear
Fixed! UE-24741 Flickering SpeedTree foliage when destorying an actor using the same mesh
Fixed! UE-24724 Dropdown menus are behind the Import window on Mac
Fixed! UE-24292 Using the Set console command to change a value at runtime causes a crash
Fixed! UE-24326 Vehicle Advanced projects have missing and blocking collision
Fixed! UE-24522 Find-in-Blueprints no longer works after switching languages.
Fixed! UE-24167 Physics Asset cannot be moved in the level
Fixed! UE-25140 VS2015 builds sometimes hang when using XGE
Fixed! UE-25027 Reading from ini sections not cached by new build system doesn't work in Android Plugin Language
Fixed! UE-25026 Puzzle Code lighting needs to be rebuilt
Fixed! UE-25013 Editing right-to-left text is very unstable
Fixed! UE-24967 Integrate D3D12 update from MS
Fixed! UE-25120 OBB downloader license check causes exception if TargetSDK set to 21 or higher
Fixed! UE-25090 Java libraries copied to JavaLibs by Android plugin are not included in project dependencies
Fixed! UE-25031 Mesh particles do not work on mobile
Fixed! UE-24989 Find-in-Blueprints does not find anything outside of current asset or Engine content
Fixed! UE-24975 Instanced stereo foliage culling incorrectly
Fixed! UE-24963 Zen Gardens opens with Load Errors/Map Checks/Warnings
Fixed! UE-24962 Crash exiting D3D12
Fixed! UE-24926 Include Render Pass name as variable in Filename Format field
Fixed! UE-24920 EXR renders won't go above 640x360 when rendering from an Editor Window
Fixed! UE-24900 Main and Alt input keys set in Touch Interface do not work
Fixed! UE-24873 Mac: Clicking on parent window when a child window is behind it activates the child window
Fixed! UE-22068 Changing inherited value in a blueprint child class also changes it in parent
Fixed! UE-21795 Switch on Gameplay Tag does not correctly register tag alterations in Standalone game
Fixed! UE-23269 Crash opening QA-Animation on Mac
Fixed! UE-22970 The white horizon for the sky is flipped upside down (at top of screen instead of bottom) for non-MobileHDR on mobile devices
Fixed! UE-24852 Creating a Blueprint out of existing Blueprints crashes the editor

REMEMBER: Please report any new bugs you find to the UE4 Answerhub

Known Issues in 4.11 Preview 2
UE-25214 LaunchOn for Firefox fails during the downloading of packaged data.
UE-24843 Project launcher splash does not disappear after project opens on Linux
UE-24793 iPadPro uses wrong resolution
UE-25111 Signal 11 error when closing project on Linux
UE-25097 TextureSampleParameter2D ignored in PostProcessMaterial
UE-25029 Playing movies using PS4 MediaPlayer become dimly white.
UE-25006 Merge bug fix for Vertex Colors in UI Materials into 4.11
UE-24908 Cloth crash when changing frequency to 0
UE-24974 Baked shadows from static meshes that fall on dynamic objects causes artifcats with instanced stereo
UE-25147 ASTC textures with alpha channel corrupted by -alphablend optioion
UE-25137 Linux platform does not appear in Windows Binary
UE-25123 Mac Editor Freezes after connecting and disconnecting a mobile device
UE-25197 Unable to build ShooterGame BlendOutTime is not a member of UAnimMontage
UE-25192 Unable to build Shootergame FOnLoginUIClosedDelegate is not a member
UE-25118 Retopologize tool does not line up with cursor
UE-25143 Crash occurs opening level sequence assets in QAGame
UE-25146 Crash occurs texture painting on Mac with Metal
UE-25141 Irregular behavior for cursor when painting with Landscape Retopologize Tool
UE-25129 Crash occurred painting on landscape sublevels with Retopologize tool
UE-25115 No assets are created for static meshes in the level when generating LODs
UE-25096 Viewport flashes black and white when moving in the scene on latest Nvidia drivers
UE-25093 Landscape tool switches to Manage New Landscape when hiding a level with landscape mode open.
UE-25088 Mac editor freezes when Android device is unplugged
UE-25057 Text variable types in BP Structure cause crashes
UE-25070 Crash when overriding an animation in a child Anim Blueprint and then undoing
UE-25073 FirstPersonCharacter2 causes invisible wall collision
UE-24992 Undo not stepping back properly when the UMG widget is added to a sequence
UE-25025 Undoing a change to equation of Math Expression node breaks output link
UE-24941 UE4 Releases: 4.11 Match3_EditorGame compile timeout on CL 2815533
UE-24948 First Person template has odd reflections on the Galaxy S3 Mali
UE-25014 Persona viewport flickers when viewing a skeletal mesh on Nvidia driver 361.43
UE-25011 Crash when selecting a revision with the Blueprint Diff Tool
UE-24968 Double clicking a widget will cause details properties to disappear
UE-24871 Crash upon selecting the eyedropper in the color picker within the material editor
UE-24822 Widget must be selected twice to transform newly added components in the blueprint viewport
UE-24789 iOS Platform not found when packaging
UE-24757 Editor crashes when exiting and having a widget blueprint open.
UE-24813 Skylight Indirect lighting Intensity has no effect
UE-24833 Crash undoing the adding of a Child Actor Component
UE-24792 Blocky terrain artifacting on iPadPro
UE-25065 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Persona!FPersonaMeshDetails::IsSectionSelected() [personameshdetails.cpp:1179]
UE-25015 Separate Translucency disabled in the Project Settings will not render asset
UE-24913 RecieveTick_Copy not working - Should not be able to make event copies
UE-24878 Crash when Converting 4.10 Project to 4.11 possibly related to Oculus Config Utility
UE-24959 "Send and Restart" brings up the Project Browser
UE-24993 Color Picker closes when selecting color in the Level Details Panel in a Blueprint actor
UE-25068 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Kismet!TArray<enum EJson,FDefaultAllocator>::Pop() [array.h:856]

Besonders interessant finde ich ja diese beiden Punkte:
Fixed! UE-24967 Integrate D3D12 update from MS
Fixed! UE-24962 Crash exiting D3D12
Könnte also sein, dass mit der Version 4.11 DirectX12 langsam seinen Experimentalstatus verlässt ;)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Und da ist auch schon die Preview 3 der UE 4.11 mit folgendem Changelog:


We have just released Preview 3 for 4.11! Please view the Known Issues List on page 1 of this thread for the updated list of known issues.

Thank you for your continued help in testing the 4.11 build before its official release. As a reminder, the Preview builds are for testing only, and should not be used for the active development of your project.


Fixed in Preview 3 - CL 2829568

Fixed! UE-24810 Exponential Height Fog is not working
Fixed! UE-25137 Linux platform does not appear in Windows Binary
Fixed! UE-24260 Crash launching on Nexus 5 running 4.4.2
Fixed! UE-24132 HLOD crash when reopening a level
Fixed! UE-25070 Crash when overriding an animation in a child Anim Blueprint and then undoing
Fixed! UE-24403 First Person Template character no longer follows HMD rotation in VR
Fixed! UE-24714 Graphic corruption loading particles on Mac
Fixed! UE-24789 iOS Platform not found when packaging
Fixed! UE-24716 Crash occurs selecting to open Session Frontend or UFE on Mac and Linux
Fixed! UE-25268 bUsePawnControlRotation not working with VR
Fixed! UE-25057 Text variable types in BP Structure cause crashes
Fixed! UE-25352 Crash when loading 'GDC_KiteCine_Map' sublevel of GDC_Landscape01 in KiteDemo
Fixed! UE-24736 r.UseShaderPredraw needs to be reenabled
Fixed! UE-25424 Text shaping doesn't work on the Mac
Fixed! UE-25407 Remove unneeded reformatting of clang error output
Fixed! UE-25371 Loc is gathering from transient properties and objects
Fixed! UE-25322 Setting SupportedAgent's NavigationDataClass in Project Settings does nothing.
Fixed! UE-25128 Error when AT_MaterialFunction asset is opened
Fixed! UE-25115 No assets are created for static meshes in the level when generating LODs
Fixed! UE-25050 SideScroller2D BP and Code player can fall off sides of the map
Fixed! UE-24974 Baked shadows from static meshes that fall on dynamic objects cause artifacts with instanced stereo on
Fixed! UE-25372 Font cache can crash if the culture is changed mid-frame
Fixed! UE-25016 Custom Depth not rendering with mesh unless it's selected.
Fixed! UE-25035 Vehicle Code and BP templates have a missing texture
Fixed! UE-25204 Shader Complexity view mode not rendering correctly
Fixed! UE-25041 Landscape content has assets saved with empty engine version
Fixed! UE-22839 Custom Component Being Added to Wrong Target Blueprint
Fixed! UE-25361 UE4 Prereqs MSI does not install MSVC++ 2015 Runtime
Fixed! UE-25109 Player spawn point is incorrect in Third Person and First Person code template
Fixed! UE-23717 Ensure removing an implemented interface when transfering functions
Fixed! UE-25338 Crash playing level sequence after changing blueprint material
Fixed! UE-22845 Trigger Volume Blocks First-Person Template Projectile
Fixed! UE-22910 World Context Object Pin Appears on Nodes After Refresh
Fixed! UE-25498 Crowd simulation state is not set correctly

REMEMBER: Please report any new bugs you find to the UE4 Answerhub

Known Issues in 4.11 Preview 3
UE-25646 Can't interact with the Blueprint_Mouse_Interaction content example
UE-25644 First Person BP and Code gun has odd rotation
UE-25633 ContentExamples' NetworkFeatures map opens with Blueprint warnings
UE-25632 Asset produces error "Failed import for object property" upon loading editor
UE-25630 ContentExamples' Matinee map opens with PIE warnings
UE-25626 Asset with child actor component (documentation actor) crashes upon level load
UE-25625 Failing to compile will cause blueprint variables to reset to their default values
UE-25611 Disable writing NoOBBInstall batch file
UE-25605 ContentExamples' Math Hall map opens with Blueprint compiler warnings
UE-25599 [CrashReport] Auto-Convex Collision Generation crashing with specific Mesh
UE-25593 UnrealHeaderTool does not detect program plugins enabled by default
UE-25575 Long Google Play App ID can cause an invalid error
UE-25573 ContenExamples' LevelScripting map opens with Blueprint warnings
UE-25571 Can't Launch On or Package code templates on iOS
UE-25560 ContenExamples' Cloth map opens to SkeletalMesh warnings
UE-25553 Cinematic camera broken in Infiltrator
UE-25549 Closing Editor Crashes in OpenGL
UE-25548 Project Launcher Crashes in OpenGL
UE-25543 Actors that are scaled too small have incorrect collision responses
UE-25529 ContenExamples' BlueprintSplines map opens with blueprint warnings
UE-25524 ContenExamples' Audio map opens to missing NodeGuid warnings
UE-25521 Editor font doesn't render Arabic glyphs
UE-25520 The new BP gather method is ignoring non-root level BPs
UE-25507 Vehicle Advanced Template's dashboard view camera on ground in VR
UE-25506 Vehicle Template's dashboard view camera on ground in VR
UE-25502 Major artifacts in Shootergame bullet decals
UE-25495 Lots of Warnings for Kite demo when building via EC for the Launcher
UE-25493 Kite demo and Tappy CHicken fail to build via EC: Assertion failed: NewProperty [File:D:\BuildFarm\buildmachine_++UE4+Release-4.11\Engine\Source\Editor\KismetCompiler\Private\KismetCompiler.cpp] [Line: 665]
UE-25479 Unable to package a BP project for Linux missing UE4Game binary
UE-25477 BlueprintOffice has missing NodeGUID warnings on open
UE-25474 Callstacks are not properly written within a clients logs after a crash has occured
UE-25451 Construction script on child actor components not respected in PIE
UE-25444 SceneCapture(HDR) malfunctions on Mali devices.
UE-25433 UFE: HTML5 custom on the fly deployment stalls when trying to connect in Firefox.
UE-25422 Actor loses and regains net relevance, replicated references to it not handled correctly
UE-25411 Tappy Chicken does not display a numerical score on iOS
UE-25387 First Person projects packaged in Shipping for HTML5 constantly rotate upwards
UE-25383 UFE: Unable to deploy content to Android_ETC1 in custom profile. It stalls at the deploying stage and goes on indefinitely.
UE-25377 Spinning logo in Blueprint_Communication map is the incorrect size
UE-25355 Polygons are black in KiteDemo levels
UE-25352 Crash when loading 'GDC_KiteCine_Map' sublevel of GDC_Landscape01 in KiteDemo
UE-25334 Tessellation no longer working in 4.11 Preview 2
UE-25333 Mac project packaged in Shipping does not have a UE4 icon
UE-25328 Rendering artifacts when hovering over menu buttons on AMD card
UE-25323 Opening a project that contains an actor in viewport with a child actor component of type TextRenderActor crashes the editor
UE-25315 Improve code practices in Match3
UE-25313 iOS crash on launch on some devices
UE-25272 IHeadMountedDisplay Crash
UE-25267 Crash in IHeadMountedDisplay::ApplyLateUpdate
UE-25266 HTML5 packaging code project fails could not verify LLVM version
UE-25257 Mac HTML5 project crashes upon downloading expression HasFoundDataDirectory failed
UE-25235 Collision volumes don't keep their color in cooked game
UE-25233 Unable to add Chrome as a platform in the HTML5 SDK option. This prevents launching a project in Chrome.
UE-25214 LaunchOn for Firefox fails during the downloading of packaged data.
UE-25199 Crash when using +CVars=r.MobileContentScaleFactor=2
UE-25150 iOS build failure in 4.11 preview 1
UE-25147 ASTC textures with alpha channel corrupted by -alphablend optioion
UE-25146 Crash occurs texture painting on Mac with Metal
UE-25143 Crash occurs opening level sequence assets in QAGame
UE-25129 Crash occurred painting on landscape sublevels with Retopologize tool
UE-25123 Mac Editor Freezes after connecting and disconnecting a mobile device
UE-25118 Retopologize tool does not line up with cursor
UE-25111 Signal 11 error when closing project on Linux
UE-25097 TextureSampleParameter2D ignored in PostProcessMaterial
UE-25093 Landscape tool switches to Manage New Landscape when hiding a level with landscape mode open.
UE-25069 [CrashReport] Editor crashes if pointlight is added to level on El Capitan
UE-25065 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Persona!FPersonaMeshDetails::IsSectionSelected() [personameshdetails.cpp:1179]
UE-25025 Undoing a change to equation of Math Expression node breaks output link
UE-25021 Project Thumbnail is distorted on Mac
UE-25015 Separate Translucency disabled in the Project Settings will not render asset
UE-25014 Persona viewport flickers when viewing a skeletal mesh on Nvidia driver 361.43
UE-25011 Crash when selecting a revision with the Blueprint Diff Tool
UE-25006 Merge bug fix for Vertex Colors in UI Materials into 4.11
UE-24994 Character is discolored and has a square shadow on Galaxy S5
UE-24993 Color Picker closes when selecting color in the Level Details Panel in a Blueprint actor
UE-24992 Undo not stepping back properly when the UMG widget is added to a sequence
UE-24968 Double clicking a widget will cause details properties to disappear
UE-24967 Integrate D3D12 update from MS
UE-24959 "Send and Restart" brings up the Project Browser
UE-24954 Enabling wifi while a game is running causes the device to freeze or crash
UE-24948 First Person template has odd reflections on the Galaxy S3 Mali
UE-24913 RecieveTick_Copy not working - Should not be able to make event copies
UE-24908 Cloth crash when changing frequency to 0
UE-24878 Crash when Converting 4.10 Project to 4.11 possibly related to Oculus Config Utility
UE-24843 Project launcher splash does not disappear after project opens on Linux
UE-24833 Crash undoing the adding of a Child Actor Component
UE-24822 Widget must be selected twice to transform newly added components in the blueprint viewport
UE-24813 Skylight Indirect lighting Intensity has no effect
UE-24793 iPadPro uses wrong resolution
UE-24792 Blocky terrain artifacting on iPadPro
UE-24757 Editor crashes when exiting and having a widget blueprint open.
Hey Leute!

Ich habe mich mal etwas mit Normal Maps beschäftigt und um genauer zu sein: Wie generiere ich die beste Normal Map aus einer Diffuse Map?
Wie ihr seht, gilt das für den Fall, wenn ihr z.B. ein Texturfoto habt und dafür nun eine Normal Map wollt.

4 verschiedene Tools wurden getestet:

Photoshop CC 2015 [11,99€/monat]
Quixel Suite 2.0[$139(war aber -40% über Weihnachten)]
Crazybump[ab $99+kostenlose Demo]
SSbump Generator[kostenlos]

Hier die Referenztextur:*** Asphalt Texture by mythirll on DeviantArt[/url]

Folgender Bereich der generierten Normal Maps wurde vergrößert, um sich die Unterschiede besser anschauen zu können.

Hier die Ergebnisse:


1.) SSbump Generator Mein Überraschungssieger! Kostenlos und m.M.n. auch die beste normalmap.
2.) Quixel Suite 2.0 Zugegeben, Quixel Suite ist eher für das mesh painting ausgelegt. Die normalmap sieht ganz ok aus.
3.) CrazyBump Meiner Meinung nach die zweit schlechteste Normalmap. Habe mit den Einstellungen etwas rumgespielt, viel besser wurde es nicht.
4.) Photoshop Lasst die Finger weg vom eingebauten Photoshop normalmap Generator. Total grobkörnig gerendert, hab vergeblich mit den Einstellungen rumprobiert.

Sollten euch eure assets im Spiel also etwas zu flach erscheinen, gibt es ein gutes und kostenloses Mittel das zu ändern.:daumen:
Dann nehme ich mal den SSBumpGenerator in die Liste der Texturtools auf ;)

Edit: Eine Frage: Was war jetzt nochmal genau die Diffuse- und welches die Normal-Map? :ugly:
Die diffuse map wäre hier das Foto.

Wenn man heute eine moderne art pipeline hat(PBR rendering z.B.), dann verwendet man jedoch kaum mehr diffuse maps. Man nimmt albedo maps.
Das ist echt heftig, aber die Normal-Map auf das 3D-Modell anzupassen ist, nach meiner Erfahrung, ein enormer Aufwand (genau wie mit der Textur) :ugly:
Das ist echt heftig, aber die Normal-Map auf das 3D-Modell anzupassen ist, nach meiner Erfahrung, ein enormer Aufwand (genau wie mit der Textur) :ugly:

Naja, man braucht ein gutes UV-layout.
Und dass ich in Photoshop auf dem 3d-model zeichnen kann, während die diffuse map aktualisiert wird hilft auch etwas:D

Aber für eine echt gut normal map bedarf es eine high poly asset, woraus die ganzen details dann genommen und aufs low poly asset angewendet werden.
Diffuse map-> normal map ist nur eine Option, wenn man keine andere Quelle hat.

Und da ich seit kurzen Quixel Suite habe, habe ich noch ein ganz anderes Kaliber als tool zur Auswahl:
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Für mehr Informationen besuche die Datenschutz-Seite.
Ich hab bisher nur mit Freeware-Tools wie Blender gearbeitet. Das Problem dabei sind einfach die veralteten Tutorials, da sich vor allem beim Texturieren einiges geändert hat und man somit keinen Anhaltspunkt hat wo man nun was einstellt und was welche Option nun macht, außer man schaut alle paar Sekunden in die Docs :ugly:

Hab auch schon mal mit Crazy-Bump experimentiert. Die Ergebnisse waren bei relativ simplen Maps eigentlich sehr gut, aber bei komplexeren Dingen nahm die Qualität halt sehr schnell ab, wie du festgestellt hast ;)

Edit: Das Schiff im Video erinnert mich sehr stark an Wipeout Pulse :D Ein neues Wipeout mit UE4 und der entsprechenden grafischen Ausarbeitung würde ich mir ohne weiteres holen ;)
So, hab mir jetzt 16GB RAM dazugesteckt(=24GB). Jetzt sollte der RAM nicht mehr so schnell volllaufen beim Lightningbuild^^:daumen:
Und da ist auch schon die Preview 4 der UE 4.11 mit folgenden Fixes:

We have just released Preview 4 for 4.11! Please view the Known Issues List on page 1 of this thread for the updated list of known issues.

Thank you for your continued help in testing the 4.11 build before its official release. As a reminder, the Preview builds are for testing only, and should not be used for the active development of your project.


Fixed in Preview 4 - CL 2843242

Fixed! UE-25870 Crash opening level blueprint
Fixed! UE-25927 Crash upon selecting the character in the First Person templates
Fixed! UE-24480 Hiding root actor does not hide ChildActor
Fixed! UE-25604 Pressing compile on the Vehicle Blueprint in vehicle advanced and Vehicle Templates Cause the Editor to crash
Fixed! UE-25593 UnrealHeaderTool does not detect program plugins enabled by default
Fixed! UE-25266 HTML5 packaging code project fails could not verify LLVM version
Fixed! UE-25069 [CrashReport] Editor crashes if pointlight is added to level on El Capitan
Fixed! UE-25553 Cinematic camera broken in Infiltrator
Fixed! UE-24815 Crash upon undoing actor selection on a static mesh when paint mode is enabled
Fixed! UE-25713 Crash when adjust sound spatialization through blueprint
Fixed! UE-25123 Mac Editor Freezes after connecting and disconnecting a mobile device
Fixed! UE-24730 Crash loading QA-Promotion FDeferredShadingSceneRenderer
Fixed! UE-25233 Unable to add Chrome as a platform in the HTML5 SDK option. This prevents launching a project in Chrome.
Fixed! UE-24757 Editor crashes when exiting and having a widget blueprint open.
Fixed! UE-25272 IHeadMountedDisplay Crash
Fixed! UE-25774 Editor Crashes When Attempting to Constrain a Component to Itself
Fixed! UE-25011 Crash when selecting a revision with the Blueprint Diff Tool
Fixed! UE-24650 Materials using separate translucency stop rendering if r.SeparateTranslucency is 0
Fixed! UE-24411 Unable to push to SteamVR while Oculus service is running
Fixed! UE-24712 Cannot select a Point Light or Sky Light by clicking on the sprite in the viewport on Mac
Fixed! UE-24300 Crash changing a setting in the Details panel with multiple components selected
Fixed! UE-25753 Slate Renderer Crashing on Shutdown
Fixed! UE-25752 Widget Component crashes on destruction
Fixed! UE-25625 Failing to compile will cause blueprint variables to reset to their default values
Fixed! UE-25605 ContentExamples' Math Hall map opens with Blueprint compiler warnings
Fixed! UE-25573 ContenExamples' LevelScripting map opens with Blueprint warnings
Fixed! UE-25323 Opening a project that contains an actor in viewport with a child actor component of type TextRenderActor crashes the editor
Fixed! UE-25146 Crash occurs texture painting on Mac with Metal
Fixed! UE-25129 Crash occurred painting on landscape sublevels with Retopologize tool
Fixed! UE-25118 Retopologize tool does not line up with cursor
Fixed! UE-25065 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Persona!FPersonaMeshDetails::IsSectionSelected() [personameshdetails.cpp:1179]
Fixed! UE-24967 Integrate D3D12 update from MS
Fixed! UE-25788 Plugin Warden Fixes
Fixed! UE-25665 FastDecimalFormat doesn't handle overflow when rounding correctly
Fixed! UE-25633 ContentExamples' NetworkFeatures map opens with Blueprint warnings
Fixed! UE-25520 The new BP gather method is ignoring non-root level BPs
Fixed! UE-25507 Vehicle Advanced Template's dashboard view camera on ground in VR
Fixed! UE-25377 Spinning logo in Blueprint_Communication map is the incorrect size
Fixed! UE-25093 Landscape tool switches to Manage New Landscape when hiding a level with landscape mode open.
Fixed! UE-22632 Building the Engine using Visual Studio 2015 can fail if Windows Driver Kit is installed.
Fixed! UE-25680 Right stick is shown but not used in Flying template
Fixed! UE-25675 Player can leave the map in Rolling Template
Fixed! UE-25676 Player can get stuck under bridge in Rolling Template
Fixed! UE-24737 Console Command autocomplete displaying in wrong area
Fixed! UE-25805 Map load errors for RoomNight in RealisticRendering
Fixed! UE-25477 BlueprintOffice has missing NodeGUID warnings on open
Fixed! UE-25529 ContenExamples' BlueprintSplines map opens with blueprint warnings
Fixed! UE-25866 A bug in UBTService_BlueprintBase makes it impossible to create "deactivation-only" BP implemented BT services
Fixed! UE-25739 Crash closing Binary editor with Oculus Audio Plugin enabled
Fixed! UE-24237 Audio not playing at Start Time set by Play node on PC
Fixed! UE-25851 Typo in SkinRendering 1.1 content example
Fixed! UE-24528 Listener Focus Priority Scale doesn't work with Sound Concurrency
Fixed! UE-25682 Broken animation is created if the user records from gameplay but exits PIE before stopping
Fixed! UE-25891 Slate standalone renderer font cache is 1 frame behind
Fixed! UE-25889 Shaped text doesn't handle some characters correctly
Fixed! UE-25013 Editing right-to-left text is very unstable
Fixed! UE-25693 Some maps in ContentExamples have inconsistant Player Start node positions
Fixed! UE-25611 Disable writing NoOBBInstall batch file
Fixed! UE-25886 Content Examples Blueprint_Communication example 3.1 flickers upon looping
Fixed! UE-24006 Game does not launch from UFE using cook on the fly
Fixed! UE-22731 Crash undoing the redo of deleting a bp instance with edits after modifying class
Fixed! UE-25582 Crash moving message log window while messages being pumped to it
Fixed! UE-24872 Camera translates up when clicking in the viewport after working in subeditors
Fixed! UE-25876 Content Examples player has wide slider selection area
Fixed! UE-25947 Portal IPC doesn't filter message scope to just the active users OS account
Fixed! UE-25759 Decals do not render on some Android devices
Fixed! UE-25791 TVOS templates failing to build on EC
Fixed! UE-25521 Editor font doesn't render Arabic glyphs
Fixed! UE-25644 First Person BP and Code gun has odd rotation
Fixed! UE-22270 Interface functions inherited after a duplicated actor blueprint is reparented to the blueprint it was duplicated from cannot be deleted.
Fixed! UE-25961 Untested GameplayDebuggerPlugin enabled in QAGame
Fixed! UE-25575 Long Google Play App ID can cause an invalid error
Fixed! UE-25710 ContentExamples' BlueprintsOverview map opens with Blueprint warnings
Fixed! UE-25704 BlueprintMouseInteraction interactive box moves upon PIE or Launch On
Fixed! UE-22471 Crash when attempting to PIE after undoing deletion of a component
Fixed! UE-25718 Top Down pointer decal is partially missing when on walls
Fixed! UE-25853 Vehicle Advanced BP template has inconsistent lighting
Fixed! UE-25841 Top Down decal and shadow do not affect the template text
Fixed! UE-25786 MatineeFightScene has warnings and errors effecting performance
Fixed! UE-25763 Matinee ContentExamples map has misaligned sequences
Fixed! UE-25679 ExampleProjectWelcome map has inconsistent icon use
Fixed! UE-25699 BlueprintInputExamples map giving PIE errors when playing pixel ship
Fixed! UE-25835 "Auditorium" reverb effect no longer plays in Audio map example 1.9 in Content Examples
Fixed! UE-25878 Content Examples buttons are green when display is not active
Fixed! UE-22705 Inconsistent values from input Y-axis on motion controllers
Fixed! UE-24187 Editor hangs after selecting submit to source control from drop-down
Fixed! UE-25479 Unable to package a BP project for Linux missing UE4Game binary
Fixed! UE-25815 Error loading the editor with Oculus Audio Plugin enabled
Fixed! UE-25351 Setting the Falloff Distance of a Sound Wave/Cue to 0.0 will no longer Play Sound

REMEMBER: Please report any new bugs you find to the UE4 Answerhub

Known Issues List

This is a list of unresolved high priority bugs in our 4.11 Preview engine release. We will attempt to resolve critical bugs before the final 4.11 release, other bugs that do not block development or have workarounds may be marked to be fixed in one of the future hotfixes or major releases.

Please be aware that this is not a comprehensive list of all engine bugs, it is simply a snapshot of some of the latest bugs discovered with this preview release. This list will be periodically updated with new additions and to reflect which ones have been fixed, so be sure to check back!

Known Issues in 4.11 Preview 4
UE-25422 Actor loses and regains net relevance, replicated references to it not handled correctly
UE-25921 Navmesh raycasts issues
UE-25315 Improve code practices in Match3
UE-25147 ASTC textures with alpha channel corrupted by -alphablend optioion
UE-25111 Signal 11 error when closing project on Linux
UE-25097 TextureSampleParameter2D ignored in PostProcessMaterial
UE-25444 SceneCapture(HDR) malfunctions on Mali devices.
UE-24793 iPadPro uses wrong resolution
UE-25934 Use EMeshComponentUpdateFlag to gate ticking of cloth.
UE-26033 Blueprints: SPaletteItemVisibilityToggle crashing on a bogus weakobject pointer
UE-24843 Project launcher splash does not disappear after project opens on Linux
UE-26021 SOverlay will not call paint for a child slot if that slot's rectangle does not intersect the overlay's clipping rectangle
UE-25006 Merge bug fix for Vertex Colors in UI Materials into 4.11
UE-25442 Translucent objects disappear if scene has decals or mod shadows enabled
UE-26004 Crash when redoing a paste of a copied event node
UE-26005 Undoing and redoing the addition of an add component node creates an invisible node in the blueprint graph
UE-25999 Deleting a Blueprint Node Then Undo Redo Does Not Work As Expected
UE-25932 Making changes to a character's variables in the constructor is not updating correctly
UE-25904 GPU particles on SM4 no longer have collision
UE-25903 Masked Material Shadows pop in and out on the DynamicSceneShadows map in Content Examples
UE-25905 CouchKnights fireball fires twice
UE-25912 Packaged Project closes on Launch on Apple TV
UE-25850 Launch on Apple TV fails due to version mismatch
UE-25848 Dbuffer Decals only render in one eye in stereoscopic with instanced stereo
UE-25884 Particle Effects project is way too dark on the Linux machine
UE-25769 Crash when Copy+Pasting numbered umaps in the content browser
UE-25802 GDC2014 (FeaturesTour2015) level is washed out on Mac
UE-25804 Shootergame UI text is corrupted on mac with Metal
UE-25800 Hitches occur in PlatformerGame when levels load/unload
UE-25677 Unable to package code projects for HTML5 emcc link command line is very long
UE-25702 Puzzle projects prompt to save the map without changing anything
UE-25847 UE4 doesn't properly launch projects to Xbox with spaces in the project name.
UE-25821 Projects freeze on the Galaxy S3 Mali
UE-25794 Sun renders dark in SunTemple on multiple Android devices
UE-25747 StrategyGame and Sun Temple levels render as black on the several Mobile devices
UE-25793 StrategyGame level is grayed out on Nexus 9 and SHIELD Tablet
UE-25754 Parts of StrategyGame level render intemittently on some Android devices
UE-25797 Crash when opening SunTemple on iPad Mini
UE-25688 Some ContentExamples maps have player start outside level boundary
UE-25645 Editor loses resolution when exiting play in editor with Vive attached
UE-25634 Crash undoing when using component whitelist
UE-25660 MAC: UT client fails to launch presenting user with a shader cache error message.
UE-25643 Crash when stopping recording of multiple animations from standalone game
UE-25639 Expanded tooltips for Blend In and Blend Out show website address.
UE-25571 Can't Launch On or Package code templates on iOS
UE-25715 Crash when changing a Play Node's "Sequence" to a Montage
UE-25717 Display driver crash on opengl4 AMD
UE-25703 UMG Widgets using User Interface Material Domain do not render on Android Devices
UE-25612 First Person gun does not always fire when pointing straight up
UE-25548 Project Launcher Crashes in OpenGL
UE-25549 Closing Editor Crashes in OpenGL
UE-25502 Major artifacts in Shootergame bullet decals
UE-25474 Callstacks are not properly written within a clients logs after a crash has occured
UE-25355 Polygons are black in KiteDemo levels
UE-25411 Tappy Chicken does not display a numerical score on iOS
UE-25414 Crash on PS4 ShooterGame when User has blank Trophy Data.
UE-25333 Mac project packaged in Shipping does not have a UE4 icon
UE-25328 Rendering artifacts when hovering over menu buttons on AMD card
UE-25243 Decals strobe in one eye with Early Z-pass enabled
UE-25632 Asset produces error "Failed import for object property" upon loading editor
UE-25543 Actors that are scaled too small have incorrect collision responses
UE-25524 ContenExamples' Audio map opens to missing NodeGuid warnings
UE-25451 Construction script on child actor components not respected in PIE
UE-25599 [CrashReport] Auto-Convex Collision Generation crashing with specific Mesh
UE-25568 Camera Generates error after saving with Control + S
UE-25334 Tessellation no longer working in 4.11 Preview 2
UE-25383 UFE: Unable to deploy content to Android_ETC1 in custom profile. It stalls at the deploying stage and goes on indefinitely.
UE-25214 LaunchOn for Firefox fails during the downloading of packaged data.
UE-25143 Crash occurs opening level sequence assets in QAGame
UE-25235 Collision volumes don't keep their color in cooked game
UE-25829 Reflection across multiple viewports are different than original viewport.
UE-25746 Translucent Materials on mobile only render world grid material in 4.11 on iPhone 5
UE-25025 Undoing a change to equation of Math Expression node breaks output link
UE-25008 Smearing of textures as close objects move with instanced stereo on
UE-24948 First Person template has odd reflections on the Galaxy S3 Mali
UE-25014 Persona viewport flickers when viewing a skeletal mesh on Nvidia driver 361.43
UE-24994 Character is discolored and has a square shadow on Galaxy S5
UE-24968 Double clicking a widget will cause details properties to disappear
UE-25021 Project Thumbnail is distorted on Mac
UE-24822 Widget must be selected twice to transform newly added components in the blueprint viewport
UE-24890 TextRenderActor only appearing in right eye for Morpheus
UE-24878 Crash when Converting 4.10 Project to 4.11 possibly related to Oculus Config Utility
UE-25015 Separate Translucency disabled in the Project Settings will not render asset
UE-24913 RecieveTick_Copy not working - Should not be able to make event copies
UE-24833 Crash undoing the adding of a Child Actor Component
UE-24813 Skylight Indirect lighting Intensity has no effect
UE-24792 Blocky terrain artifacting on iPadPro
UE-24959 "Send and Restart" brings up the Project Browser
UE-24993 Color Picker closes when selecting color in the Level Details Panel in a Blueprint actor
UE-24954 Enabling wifi while a game is running causes the device to freeze or crash
UE-25199 Crash when using +CVars=r.MobileContentScaleFactor=2
UE-25224 Crash when setting Project to only use Windows and DX11 with texture compression as BC7
UE-25948 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!NewObject<UGameInstance>() [uobjectglobals.h:1130]
So, hab mir jetzt 16GB RAM dazugesteckt(=24GB). Jetzt sollte der RAM nicht mehr so schnell volllaufen beim Lightningbuild^^:daumen:

Klappt das bei dir soweit gut? Bei der Größe meiner Maps läuft das zwar alles durch, aber eine Map wird dann locker 5GB groß, da würde ich am ende bei ~80GB liegen und das bei 200 kb/s upload ist kaum möglich :rollen:
Abgesehen davon hatte ich bei statischem Licht immer größere Probleme mit der Performance als bei dynamischen Licht.

Ich hab mal paar alte Screenshots von meinem Spiel gefunden. Damals dachte ich eigentlich schon das es ganz ok aussieht :ugly:

März 2015:

November 2015:

Momentan fummel ich noch gewaltig an meiner KI rum, ich finde ständig noch Kleinigkeiten die ich vor der Ankündigung noch gemacht haben will. Ich hoffe in den nächsten Wochen kann ich dann endlich die Ankündigung raus hauen :)