Sammelthread Unreal Engine 4

Da ist doch gestern noch tatsächlich die Preview 5 released worden :D

We have just released Preview 5 for 4.11! Please view the Known Issues List on page 1 of this thread for the updated list of known issues.

Thank you for your continued help in testing the 4.11 build before its official release. As a reminder, the Preview builds are for testing only, and should not be used for the active development of your project.


Fixed in Preview 5 - CL 2858478

Fixed! UE-23373 [CrashReport] Crash occurs opening some animations - TSharedMapView<FName,FString>::Find()
Fixed! UE-26336 Crash importing a skeletal mesh while the same mesh is open in Persona
Fixed! UE-26230 Selecting a component on an instance crashes the editor.
Fixed! UE-26203 Crash Occurs When Using Move Component To and Overlap Event
Fixed! UE-26103 CLONE - Right clicking text fields causes window to shrink
Fixed! UE-26004 Crash when redoing a paste of a copied event node
Fixed! UE-25677 Unable to package code projects for HTML5 emcc link command line is very long
Fixed! UE-25571 Can't Launch On or Package code templates on iOS
Fixed! UE-25593 UnrealHeaderTool does not detect program plugins enabled by default
Fixed! UE-25332 Can't paste a hierarchy of UMG widgets into a Panel widget after deleting previous child
Fixed! UE-26466 PhysX libraries version mismatch
Fixed! UE-26547 Crash in editor while compiling in Event Graph (One off crash)
Fixed! UE-26432 Memory leak in instanced static mesh (e.g. foliage) lightmap building
Fixed! UE-25948 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!NewObject<UGameInstance>() [uobjectglobals.h:1130]
Fixed! UE-24553 Auto Convex Collision will cause crash when using significantly small meshes
Fixed! UE-25006 Merge bug fix for Vertex Colors in UI Materials into 4.11
Fixed! UE-24967 Integrate D3D12 update from MS
Fixed! UE-24038 Setting ComponentTick as a Hide Category in an Actor Component Blueprint corrupts the BP and causes a crash when opened after an editor restart
Fixed! UE-26134 Add missing GetNoAffinityMask
Fixed! UE-26129 OpenRead of a file in OBB but outside of a PAK starts with wrong seek location
Fixed! UE-26112 Widget Component blurry in when set to masked
Fixed! UE-26106 AddToPlayerScreen not respecting camera aspect ratio lock
Fixed! UE-26033 Blueprints: SPaletteItemVisibilityToggle crashing on a bogus weakobject pointer
Fixed! UE-26021 SOverlay will not call paint for a child slot if that slot's rectangle does not intersect the overlay's clipping rectangle
Fixed! UE-26005 Undoing and redoing the addition of an add component node creates an invisible node in the blueprint graph
Fixed! UE-25989 PhysX crash closing QAGame on Mac
Fixed! UE-25932 Making changes to a character's variables in the constructor is not updating correctly
Fixed! UE-25905 CouchKnights fireball fires twice
Fixed! UE-25850 Launch on Apple TV fails due to version mismatch
Fixed! UE-25688 Some ContentExamples maps have player start outside level boundary
Fixed! UE-24584 CRASH: User Defined Structs can have object references in a Map be set on the structure
Fixed! UE-25599 [CrashReport] Auto-Convex Collision Generation crashing with specific Mesh
Fixed! UE-25506 Vehicle Template's dashboard view camera on ground in VR
Fixed! UE-25550 The diff tool causes crashes
Fixed! UE-25507 Vehicle Advanced Template's dashboard view camera on ground in VR
Fixed! UE-25367 Camera position too low in ShowdownVRDemo Cinematic
Fixed! UE-25333 Mac project packaged in Shipping does not have a UE4 icon
Fixed! UE-25235 Collision volumes don't keep their color in cooked game
Fixed! UE-21503 Importing multiple SpeedTree assets that use the same texture will not assign correctly
Fixed! UE-26298 In 4.11.0-preview-3 FBox2D is not backward compatible
Fixed! UE-25411 Tappy Chicken does not display a numerical score on iOS
Fixed! UE-22118 Renaming component causes Engine/Transient save error
Fixed! UE-25848 Dbuffer Decals only render in one eye in stereoscopic with instanced stereo
Fixed! UE-26277 Infinite loop in SMultiLineEditableText::MoveCursor when using Ctrl+Up/Down
Fixed! UE-23921 Crash when setting a structure's variable to a custom enum named Color
Fixed! UE-25747 StrategyGame and Sun Temple levels render as black on the several Mobile devices

REMEMBER: Please report any new bugs you find to the UE4 Answerhub

Known Issues List

This is a list of unresolved high priority bugs in our 4.11 Preview engine release. We will attempt to resolve critical bugs before the final 4.11 release, other bugs that do not block development or have workarounds may be marked to be fixed in one of the future hotfixes or major releases.

Please be aware that this is not a comprehensive list of all engine bugs, it is simply a snapshot of some of the latest bugs discovered with this preview release. This list will be periodically updated with new additions and to reflect which ones have been fixed, so be sure to check back!

Known Issues in 4.11 Preview 5
UE-26088 Ensure fires when undoing a specific component attachment scenario in IWCE
UE-25422 Actor loses and regains net relevance, replicated references to it not handled correctly
UE-26670 Crash exiting D3D12 on GTimerQueryPool
UE-25147 ASTC textures with alpha channel corrupted by -alphablend optioion
UE-25111 Signal 11 error when closing project on Linux
UE-25031 Mesh particles do not work on mobile
UE-26166 To maintain back-compat, PostProcessSettings SetMembers nodes have to show bool enable/disable settings.
UE-26056 BP opened in editor is not compiled
UE-25977 -precompile crashes UBT in a user non-friendly way on Linux
UE-25934 Use EMeshComponentUpdateFlag to gate ticking of cloth.
UE-24843 Project launcher splash does not disappear after project opens on Linux
UE-25444 SceneCapture(HDR) malfunctions on Mali devices.
UE-25442 Translucent objects disappear if scene has decals or mod shadows enabled
UE-25315 Improve code practices in Match3
UE-25329 Host hard locked when quitting to main menu in Shooter Game.
UE-26554 UStaticMeshSocket RelativeScale can be edited but is unused
UE-26527 Invalid classes will cause engine to crash
UE-26682 Indirect cache from emissive object is significantly noisy.
UE-24793 iPadPro uses wrong resolution
UE-26655 NewObject<Foo> can return the wrong type of object
UE-26606 Ensure adding animation montage to level
UE-26573 Crash in FLazyObjectPtr::PossiblySerializeObjectGuid when undoing/redoing
UE-26569 Clients unable to spawn after match transition with Win7 32bit Host
UE-26503 A Mixer with a Concatenator node won't loop with a Looping node
UE-26423 Crash moving a static mesh in viewport after closing a widget blueprint
UE-26414 Mac is missing .emscripten file necessary for packaging or launching onto HTML5
UE-26353 Moving parent blueprint results in failed to import [redirection] errors on load of map containing child
UE-26167 Unreal Match 3 Movie is causing crash on startup
UE-26149 Compiling a code project on Mac through the editor does not bring the target up to date
UE-26231 CrashReportClient does not get packaged with the project using UFE
UE-26221 Unable to package QAGame for HTML5 missing UE4-GameplayDebugger.bc
UE-26223 Foliage Mesh Is Added To Static Mesh Proxy when Generating LOD
UE-26095 Hit detection not working properly on BSP in QAGame
UE-26100 Crash when attempting to copy an object from the world into the content browser
UE-26139 Log command window stops working when the game is closed
UE-26109 Can't undo scaling of a Character in the details panel
UE-26045 Unable to save blueprint based on character after modifying mesh and undoing
UE-26245 Compiling blueprint with anim bp crashes editor in MathExpr exec
UE-26168 naming box collision in player character renames overlap begin event in actor calling player character
UE-26161 Output pins labeled "self" will not appear on interface functions called in blueprints
UE-26417 Sub Classing World Settings Causes Hot Reload to Crash
UE-26556 Input Action Events are not included in the list of overrideable functions in the My Blueprints tab
UE-26642 Switch Skeletal Mesh node crashes the editor if the blueprint is compiled.
UE-26679 Allow external access to runtime modifications to OpenGL shaders
UE-25903 Masked Material Shadows pop in and out on the DynamicSceneShadows map in Content Examples
UE-25904 GPU particles on SM4 no longer have collision
UE-25884 Particle Effects project is way too dark on the Linux machine
UE-25769 Crash when Copy+Pasting numbered umaps in the content browser
UE-25804 Shootergame UI text is corrupted on mac with Metal
UE-25791 TVOS templates failing to build on EC
UE-25800 Hitches occur in PlatformerGame when levels load/unload
UE-25802 GDC2014 (FeaturesTour2015) level is washed out on Mac
UE-25847 UE4 doesn't properly launch projects to Xbox with spaces in the project name.
UE-26150 FPS Regression on Galaxy S6
UE-26117 FPS regression on the Nexus 5X
UE-26104 FPS regression on Galaxy Note 4 (Sun Temple)
UE-26098 Metal app load times are higher on iOS 9.1+ devices than earlier versions
UE-26096 FPS regression on opengl iOS devices (StrategyGame menu)
UE-26089 FPS regression on PowerVR Android devices
UE-25793 StrategyGame level is grayed out on Nexus 9 and SHIELD Tablet
UE-25794 Sun renders dark in SunTemple on multiple Android devices
UE-25821 Projects freeze on the Galaxy S3 Mali
UE-25784 SunTemple returns to home on Kindle Fire 1st gen
UE-25702 Puzzle projects prompt to save the map without changing anything
UE-26147 FPS Regression on Nexus 5
UE-25797 Crash when opening SunTemple on iPad Mini
UE-25747 StrategyGame and Sun Temple levels render as black on the several Mobile devices
UE-25645 Editor loses resolution when exiting play in editor with Vive attached
UE-25634 Crash undoing when using component whitelist
UE-25643 Crash when stopping recording of multiple animations from standalone game
UE-25639 Expanded tooltips for Blend In and Blend Out show website address.
UE-25715 Crash when changing a Play Node's "Sequence" to a Montage
UE-25717 Display driver crash on opengl4 AMD
UE-25703 UMG Widgets using User Interface Material Domain do not render on Android Devices
UE-25612 First Person gun does not always fire when pointing straight up
UE-25548 Project Launcher Crashes in OpenGL
UE-25549 Closing Editor Crashes in OpenGL
UE-25502 Major artifacts in Shootergame bullet decals
UE-25474 Callstacks are not properly written within a clients logs after a crash has occured
UE-25366 Landscape brush not visible when landscape material uses World Position Offset
UE-25414 Crash on PS4 ShooterGame when User has blank Trophy Data.
UE-25341 Compile failure for Android QAGame
UE-25328 Rendering artifacts when hovering over menu buttons on AMD card
UE-25632 Asset produces error "Failed import for object property" upon loading editor
UE-25543 Actors that are scaled too small have incorrect collision responses
UE-25568 Camera Generates error after saving with Control + S
UE-25451 Construction script on child actor components not respected in PIE
UE-25243 Decals strobe in one eye with Early Z-pass enabled
UE-25524 ContenExamples' Audio map opens to missing NodeGuid warnings
UE-25334 Tessellation no longer working
UE-25383 UFE: Unable to deploy content to Android_ETC1 in custom profile. It stalls at the deploying stage and goes on indefinitely.
UE-25214 LaunchOn for Firefox fails during the downloading of packaged data.
UE-25143 Crash occurs opening level sequence assets in QAGame
UE-25096 Viewport flashes black and white when moving in the scene on latest Nvidia drivers
UE-25994 Tilemap using Masked Lit Sprite Material not Rendering in Standalone mode
UE-25829 Reflection across multiple viewports are different than original viewport.
UE-26273 Hot Reload not updating variables that have their values set in the constructor
UE-25746 Translucent Materials deployed to device only render world grid material in 4.11
UE-25025 Undoing a change to equation of Math Expression node breaks output link
UE-25008 Smearing of textures as close objects move with instanced stereo on
UE-24948 First Person template has odd reflections on the Galaxy S3 Mali
UE-24994 Character is discolored and has a square shadow on Galaxy S5
UE-24822 Widget must be selected twice to transform newly added components in the blueprint viewport
UE-24890 TextRenderActor only appearing in right eye for Morpheus
UE-24878 Crash when Converting 4.10 Project to 4.11 possibly related to Oculus Config Utility
UE-25015 Separate Translucency disabled in the Project Settings will not render asset
UE-24913 RecieveTick_Copy not working - Should not be able to make event copies
UE-24813 Skylight Indirect lighting Intensity has no effect
UE-24792 Blocky terrain artifacting on iPadPro
UE-26019 Crash with Particle system using Beam data
UE-24959 "Send and Restart" brings up the Project Browser
UE-24993 Color Picker closes when selecting color in the Level Details Panel in a Blueprint actor
UE-24954 Enabling wifi while a game is running causes the device to freeze or crash
UE-25224 Crash when setting Project to only use Windows and DX11 with texture compression as BC7
UE-25945 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_CoreUObject!StaticAllocateObject() [uobjectglobals.cpp:1948]
Und da kam doch tatsächlich noch die UE 4.10.3 vor der 4.11 raus :ugly:

Fixed in UE 4.10.3
Fixed! OPP-4947 Installation Error code R-1638 / Unable to upgrade to 4.10.1 through launcher if 4.11 has been installed
Fixed! UE-13030 Crash related to loading sub-level - UEngine::LoadMap()
Fixed! UE-22075 Crash on compile when nodes use same name - FPersistentFrameCollectorArchive::operator<<()
Fixed! UE-22696 Crash on importing specific Skeletal FBX exported with FBX2016
Fixed! UE-22921 Parenting multiple actors under border crashes editor
Fixed! UE-23373 Crash occurs opening some animations - TSharedMapView<FName,FString>::Find()
Fixed! UE-23785 Crash in UE4Editor_Core!FSlowTask::GetCurrentMessage()
Fixed! UE-24169 Crash in PlayerInput.cpp - UPlayerInput::ProcessInputStack()
Fixed! UE-24443 Potential Crash When Migrating Assets - FGenericPlatformString::LogBogusChars<wchar_t,char>()
Fixed! UE-26315 Crash in UE4Editor_Engine!UActorComponent::BeginPlay()
Fixed! UE-26872 Loc gathering can crash in 4.10
Fixed! UE-23231 Can't Upload iOS build signed on PC
Fixed! UE-24972 VR headtracking locked on game start for some templates
Fixed! UE-26158 bIsActorBeingDestroyed incorrectly Commented out
Fixed! UE-26657 Regression on sprite import improvements from 4.9
Fixed! UE-26903 Loc dashboard doesn't export native translations when exporting a single culture
Neues von UE4 und Vulkan.

Eine Vulkan Demo namens ProtoStar auf dem neuen Samsung Galaxy S7

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An dieser Stelle findest du externe Inhalte von Youtube. Zum Schutz deiner persönlichen Daten werden externe Einbindungen erst angezeigt, wenn du dies durch Klick auf "Alle externen Inhalte laden" bestätigst: Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass mir externe Inhalte angezeigt werden. Damit werden personenbezogene Daten an Drittplattformen übermittelt.
Für mehr Informationen besuche die Datenschutz-Seite.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Uuuuund da kam ein Doppelupdate, sowohl für die Preview (auf Preview 6), als auch für die 4.10 auf 4.10.4 :D

Changelog 4.10.4:

The 4.10.4 Hotfix is now live! This Hotfix corrects an issue that was unintentionally caused by the previous update. We apologize for any difficulties this may have caused.

Fixed in 4.10.4- CL#2872498

Fixed! UE-27124 Switching levels via blueprints crashes editor

REMEMBER: Please report any new bugs you find to the UE4 Answerhub "Bug Reports" section

Changelog 4.11 Preview 6:

We have just released Preview 6 for 4.11! Please view the Known Issues List on page 1 of this thread for the updated list of known issues.

Thank you for your continued help in testing the 4.11 build before its official release. As a reminder, the Preview builds are for testing only, and should not be used for the active development of your project. The official 4.11 Release is currently expected to occur around the end of March.

Note: OculusMobile SDK updated to 1.0. (Desktop still 0.8)


Fixed in Preview 6 - CL 2875303

Fixed! UE-23231 Can't Upload iOS build signed on PC
Fixed! UE-26423 Crash moving a static mesh in viewport after closing a widget blueprint
Fixed! UE-26606 Ensure adding animation montage to level
Fixed! UE-25272 IHeadMountedDisplay Crash
Fixed! UE-26793 Need to rev LibOVRMobile to 1.01
Fixed! UE-24871 Crash upon selecting the eyedropper in the color picker within the material editor
Fixed! UE-25769 Crash when Copy+Pasting numbered umaps in the content browser
Fixed! UE-26670 Crash exiting D3D12 on GTimerQueryPool
Fixed! UE-27003 LogVisualizer crash related to deleting stored logs
Fixed! UE-26761 Crash When Compiling Child Blueprint Containing a Custom Event with the Same Name as its Parent's Event
Fixed! UE-26132 Crash in FWidgetBlueprintEditorUtils::VerifyWidgetRename
Fixed! UE-27011 Directories to never cook, causing packaging to fail to Win64
Fixed! UE-27015 User's editor crashes when using the a certain EidtorLayout.ini
Fixed! UE-25797 Crash when opening SunTemple on iPad Mini
Fixed! UE-25524 ContenExamples' Audio map opens to missing NodeGuid warnings
Fixed! UE-26867 GitHub 2049 : Added missing inline qualifier to fix compile error when TargetRules.ShouldCompileMonolithic() is enabled
Fixed! UE-26221 Unable to package QAGame for HTML5 missing UE4-GameplayDebugger.bc
Fixed! UE-26679 Allow external access to runtime modifications to OpenGL shaders
Fixed! UE-26045 Unable to save blueprint based on character after modifying mesh and undoing
Fixed! UE-22435 Creating a Data Table Using a Struct with a Slate Brush Variable Causes the Editor to Crash
Fixed! UE-24959 "Send and Restart" brings up the Project Browser
Fixed! UE-25341 Compile failure for Android QAGame
Fixed! UE-26503 A Mixer with a Concatenator node won't loop with a Looping node
Fixed! UE-26719 SetDecedentMobility can crash if null entry in AttachChildren array
Fixed! UE-25804 Shootergame UI text is corrupted on mac with Metal
Fixed! UE-26828 Setting skeletal controller's LOD Threshold lower than -1 will stop it from executing at all LOD levels
Fixed! UE-26715 Crash compiling anim blueprint after adjusting chain length in Trail Controller
Fixed! UE-26637 Unable to cancel launch on process
Fixed! UE-25751 Ctrl + z still active in PIE
Fixed! UE-26622 Crash on exit of editor after working with lights
Fixed! UE-26858 In App Purchase Callbacks not called if the game is paused
Fixed! UE-26109 Can't undo scaling of a Character in the details panel
Fixed! UE-26838 Crash undoing deleting a function
Fixed! UE-26817 Reparenting Blueprint causes unmodifiable event dispatchers
Fixed! UE-25451 Construction script on child actor components not respected in PIE
Fixed! UE-26642 Switch Skeletal Mesh node crashes the editor if the blueprint is compiled.
Fixed! UE-26818 CRASH: Undo after a "Node Refresh"
Fixed! UE-26860 Ogg-vorbis decoding not thread safe
Fixed! UE-27098 Memory leak in shaped text
Fixed! UE-22037 Vehicle Advanced template crash during play in Safari
Fixed! UE-26135 GitHub 2002 : Fix Assertion failure in -[NSNextStepFrame lockFocus].
Fixed! UE-23208 Crash occurs switching to Render Preview level Mobile on Mac
Fixed! UE-26934 Landscape brush no longer visible in Unlit and Wireframe mode
Fixed! UE-26794 Framebuffer fetch compile errors on Adreno 5xx devices
Fixed! UE-26181 Debug Created Players in -game on Mac Metal do not render anything except for the skybox
Fixed! UE-26830 Debug symbols are required for the Shipping packaging configuration
Fixed! UE-26620 Packaging fails after changing from Dynamic to Static Nav Mesh Runtime Generation
Fixed! UE-25802 GDC2014 (FeaturesTour2015) level is washed out on Mac
Fixed! UE-25894 Crash occurred after signing into orion -game
Fixed! UE-27140 GearVR camera late-update missing
Fixed! UE-25554 Child Transform Malfunctions if Parent Static Mesh Component is Rotated in an Actor
Fixed! UE-26826 Replacing a blueprint that is referenced within a level blueprint with a duplicated blueprint and pressing play crashes the editor.
Fixed! UE-25746 Translucent Materials deployed to device only render world grid material in 4.11
Fixed! UE-26728 SteamVR motion controller late update sampling old transforms
Fixed! UE-26746 Read only transition graphs in Third Person Template
Fixed! UE-26639 Compiling multiple projects with DebugGame will cause subsequent builds to fail
Fixed! UE-25264 FBX Import for Skeletal Meshes normals not correct
Fixed! UE-25066 [CrashReport] Crash When Attempting to Enable the Stereo Panoramic Capture Plugin
Fixed! UE-27067 Packaging for DLC with plugin multiple times causes failure due to file path length

REMEMBER: Please report any new bugs you find to the UE4 Answerhub
Und da ist auch schon die Preview 7 der UE 4.11 mit folgenden Änderungen und Knowen Issues ;)

We have just released Preview 7 for 4.11! Please view the Known Issues List on page 1 of this thread for the updated list of known issues.

Important Known Issue: UE-27673 - Mac crashes when building lighting. This is due to an Nvidia GPU driver bug on OSX El Capitan 10.11.3 or earlier. The solution for this is to update to the OSX 10.11.4 beta.

Thank you for your continued help in testing the 4.11 build before its official release. As a reminder, the Preview builds are for testing only, and should not be used for the active development of your project.
The official 4.11 Release is currently expected to occur around the end of March.

Note: OculusMobile SDK on 1.0. (Desktop still 0.8)


Fixed in Preview 7 - CL 2896623

Fixed! UE-25334 Tessellation no longer working
Fixed! UE-27720 Cook failure; DoesPackageExist Failed 'None' not a standard filename
Fixed! UE-27403 CLONE - Assert on Debug Editor load attempting to Link() a particular BP class during serialization
Fixed! UE-27313 Crash compiling anim blueprint with a random sequence player node
Fixed! UE-27236 Translucent particles not being cleared from right eye on Morpheus
Fixed! UE-26414 Mac is missing .emscripten file necessary for packaging or launching onto HTML5
Fixed! UE-26573 Crash in FLazyObjectPtr::PossiblySerializeObjectGuid when undoing/redoing
Fixed! UE-24721 Hot Reload fails to take effect when compiled from Xcode
Fixed! UE-27424 Reimplement GC cluster fixes in 4.11 to fix memory leaks
Fixed! UE-27292 CL# 2858947 caused a crash when opening a BP in an existing project
Fixed! UE-27352 Blueprint_Mouse_Interactions requires double click to interact with objects
Fixed! UE-27544 Crash When Raycasting Against Mesh With Multiple Materials
Fixed! UE-27254 SteamVR HMD Late-Update Broken
Fixed! UE-27751 Build lighting fails without Error in Mac Editor.
Fixed! UE-27717 Crash when rapidly switching menus and tapping buttons.
Fixed! UE-27092 With Move Controller plugin enabled, motion controller components set to 'Pad' do not follow DS4 controller
Fixed! UE-27091 Non-Pad motion controller components follow DS4 when plugin enabled
Fixed! UE-27724 Slate - Problems with RHI Thread cleanup
Fixed! UE-27757 Assert when changing name of an asset in between Launch On operations
Fixed! UE-27842 Packaging iOS on Windows fails with "Index outside the bounds of the array"
Fixed! UE-27196 Match3 crashes when opening Weblinks
Fixed! UE-27405 Functionality requires two clicks in Top Down and Puzzle Template
Fixed! UE-23231 Can't Upload iOS build signed on PC
Fixed! UE-27287 Re-opening apps to a black screen on Android
Fixed! UE-26168 naming box collision in player character renames overlap begin event in actor calling player character
Fixed! UE-25794 Sun renders dark in SunTemple on multiple Android devices
Fixed! UE-21895 Clicking button in the Window Switcher UI does not do anything on Mac
Fixed! UE-25645 Editor loses resolution when exiting play in editor with Vive attached
Fixed! UE-27183 [Mac] Metal SM5 is loading the wrong Shader Platform
Fixed! UE-27144 With Parallel rendering enabled scene renders black in certain levels
Fixed! UE-27145 With Parallel rendering enabled only left side of screen updates in certain levels
Fixed! UE-26674 Material Parameter Collections are not working on Android v 5 phones from 4.11
Fixed! UE-26891 GPU-ARM Mali 400 series phones will render an Opaque Unlit Material as black
Fixed! UE-27154 Using StereoPano capture commands crashes the editor
Fixed! UE-25747 StrategyGame and Sun Temple levels render as black on the several Mobile devices
Fixed! UE-27073 Crash Occurs When Attempting to Pass a Struct Containing an int64 into a Blueprint Function
Fixed! UE-23758 CLONE - [UFE] Deployments hang infinitely when attempting to deploy to two kits simultaneously
Fixed! UE-21157 XBOX ONE: incorrect name displayed for game
Fixed! UE-27377 Smart Links are Removed During Dynamic NavMesh Regeneration
Fixed! UE-23759 CLONE - [UFE] Project will not launch on the selected xbox, even though UFE says it succeeded
Fixed! UE-26640 Attempting to set skeletal mesh on vehicle blueprint during PIE crashes editor
Fixed! UE-27451 Splitting pins on "Make Struct" and "Set Members" struct nodes does not hide the struct pin.
Fixed! UE-25834 Selection rendering corrupted on iMac 5k in El Cap, intermittently on other macs
Fixed! UE-27552 Compile fails if GearVR plugin disabled on Android
Fixed! UE-27449 Mac Primary GPU reporting used for stats reporting is wrong
Fixed! UE-27143 Using Win key to leave UE4 breaks viewport input
Fixed! UE-27374 Map picking in Maps and Modes settings page is poor
Fixed! UE-27417 Static shadows are not rendered correctly on Galaxy S6 Android 6.0.1.
Fixed! UE-27150 Format Text nodes and split nodes reporting warning that override pins are removed.
Fixed! UE-25015 Separate Translucency disabled in the Project Settings will not render asset
Fixed! UE-24067 Post processing rendering artifacts Nexus 6
Fixed! UE-27713 User not able to get mouse control in viewport
Fixed! UE-25111 Signal 11 error when closing project on Linux
Fixed! UE-25804 Shootergame UI text is corrupted on mac with Metal
Fixed! UE-27649 FTextLocalizationManager::UpdateFromLocalizationResource is discarding data
Fixed! UE-27490 Crash after reaching a certain number of active reverbs
Fixed! UE-27583 Metal Uniform Buffer Reuse Is Unsafe, Reports Incorrect Free Memory
Fixed! UE-27811 Morpheus visual corruption when not tracking
Fixed! UE-27688 Game thread using too much CPU time when application is paused on Android
Fixed! UE-27722 SetWidgetToFocusOnActivate removed, not deprecated.
Fixed! UE-25904 GPU particles on SM4 no longer have collision
Fixed! UE-27367 Localization is out of date in 4.11
Fixed! UE-24248 AppleTV there is no audio for the installed project on AppleTV
Fixed! UE-27172 Add cvar to control additive baking
Fixed! UE-24843 Project launcher splash does not disappear after project opens on Linux
Fixed! UE-24373 The IOS Third Party library Bolts has an incorrect file name in its Build.cs file
Fixed! UE-27432 Projects show {GameName} when launching multiple times on any platform
Fixed! UE-27608 DirectoriesToAlwaysStageAsNonUFS does not get remapped on IOS
Fixed! UE-26861 Crash Redoing closing a tab in Persona
Fixed! UE-27094 Failed to package project for AppleTV from Windows machine
Fixed! UE-26710 Match3 gets stuck at "Attempting to Restore" when cancelling signin
Fixed! UE-25977 -precompile crashes UBT in a user non-friendly way on Linux
Fixed! UE-27568 Mac Crash Reporting Replaces the Game Log with System Log
Fixed! UE-24967 Integrate D3D12 update from MS
Fixed! UE-26860 Ogg-vorbis decoding not thread safe
Fixed! UE-27535 Starting position of physics simulated bp is different in Standalone Game
Fixed! UE-27133 SunTemple floor tile design has changed in 4.11
Fixed! UE-27855 Crash launching project on mobile devices
Fixed! UE-27798 Erroneous MoveFixedBody warnings when running construction scripts in game
Fixed! UE-23446 If a hot reload is performed after adding a custom UserDefinedEnum class to the project, the Editor will crash.
Fixed! UE-24689 CrashReporter: Send and Restart option fails when the agree to be contacted box is unchecked
Fixed! UE-26931 Noise Node used in UI Material is rendering Black
Fixed! UE-27080 Input Axis Continues to Fire After Standalone Window Loses Focus

REMEMBER: Please report any new bugs you find to the UE4 Answerhub

Known Issues List

This is a list of unresolved high priority bugs in our 4.11 Preview engine release. We will attempt to resolve critical bugs before the final 4.11 release, other bugs that do not block development or have workarounds may be marked to be fixed in one of the future hotfixes or major releases.

Please be aware that this is not a comprehensive list of all engine bugs, it is simply a snapshot of some of the latest bugs discovered with this preview release. This list will be periodically updated with new additions and to reflect which ones have been fixed, so be sure to check back!

Known Issues in 4.11 Preview 7

Important Known Issue: UE-27673 - Mac crashes when building lighting. This is due to an Nvidia GPU driver bug on OSX El Capitan 10.11.3 or earlier. The solution for this is to update to the OSX 10.11.4 beta.

UE-27637 Leap Motion plugin broken with 4.11, need updated code from them
UE-27660 Editor lock on destructible mesh spawn
UE-24793 iPadPro uses wrong resolution
UE-27034 Innertial scrolling and expose ScrollBegin/End
UE-27761 SunTemple specular looks to be broken in 4.11 vs 4.10
UE-27798 Erroneous MoveFixedBody warnings when running construction scripts in game
UE-27990 Broken textures in KiteDemo
UE-27964 Mesh Blueprint has incorrect collision when Rotated as Child
UE-27856 "Always" Save on Compile does not save the Blueprint
UE-27859 Cannot spawn tab because no spawner is registered for 'BlueprintProfiler' for multiple assets in Automation Test
UE-27855 Crash launching project on mobile devices
UE-27791 ShooterGame: Game does not repossess mouse control after opening and closing in-game menu
UE-27680 Blueprint Runtime Errors when exiting PIE on AITestBed
UE-27617 UnrealMatch3 not displaying Main Menu/How to Play text backgrounds
UE-27530 Rendering Issues for Specific IOS Devices when launching Vehicle and Vehicle Advance Template
UE-27353 Black Lines Show when playing BP Project
UE-27824 Component in Child Blueprint Parented to Inherited Component Disappears
UE-27535 Starting position of physics simulated bp is different in Standalone Game
UE-27646 Editor Crashes When Using Set Replicates in the Construction Script
UE-27795 Split Pins on a referenced Macro Library will crash the editor on restart
UE-26994 Directional Light (stationary) causing blown out lighting on suntemple with Mobile Renderer
UE-26900 Consistent hitch 1 minute into play on some Android devices
UE-27269 Play Media Player Node Causes Blueprint Functions to be Uncallable
UE-26565 Shootergame fails to package for WindowsXP
UE-26167 Unreal Match 3 Movie is causing crash on startup
UE-26768 Sequencer crashing engine when opening Sequencer File with Audio setup inside (FAsyncAudioDecompressWorker::DoWork() [audiodecompress.cpp:336])
UE-26089 FPS regression on PowerVR Android devices
UE-26150 FPS Regression on Galaxy S6
UE-26117 FPS regression on the Nexus 5X
UE-26104 FPS regression on Galaxy Note 4 (Sun Temple)
UE-26147 FPS Regression on Nexus 5
UE-25793 StrategyGame level is grayed out on Nexus 9 and SHIELD Tablet
UE-25639 Expanded tooltips for Blend In and Blend Out show website address.
UE-25143 Crash occurs opening level sequence assets in QAGame
UE-26765 Modulated Shadows on IOS cause flickering on Skeletal Meshes
UE-24948 First Person template has odd reflections on the Galaxy S3 Mali
UE-24878 Crash when Converting 4.10 Project to 4.11 possibly related to Oculus Config Utility
UE-24792 Blocky terrain artifacting on iPadPro
UE-25945 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_CoreUObject!StaticAllocateObject() [uobjectglobals.cpp:1948]
UE-27184 Create 4.11 version for all Engine gated samples
Uiii! Der full release kommt dann wohl pünktlich zur GDC.
Mühsam ernährt sich das Eichhörnchen, denn 7+ Preview-Phasen hatte bisher noch keine andere Version vor ihrem Release :D
Bin mal gespannt ob dann in 4.12 endlich Vulkan und DX12 Support voll integriert sind, denn ich bezweifle, dass es in 4.11 schon drin sein wird ;)
Naja ich bezweifle, dass es schon in 4.12 soweit sein wird. Eher eine oder zwei Versionen danach.
Also die Epic-Devs im Forum sprechen von voraussichtlich 4.12 für DX12 Support, falls nicht irgendwelche unerwarteten Probleme auftreten. Von Vulkan habe ich leider noch nichts gehört, sollte aber wahrscheinlich auch nur einen Versionssprung länger dauern, wenn überhaupt (Die Proto-Star-Demo lief ja schon auf Vulkan) ;)
Beyond Enemy Lines - Alpha Preview Livestream!

Morgen, am 10.03.2016 zeige ich auf Twitch in einem Livestream um 18:30 eine aktuelle Version von Beyond Enemy Lines.
Ich werde ohne Kommentare 2 Missionen mehrfach, in unterschiedlichen Varianten vorspielen.

Alles gezeigte ist der aktuellste stand von heute Mittag, keine gestellten Scenen, keine Rendersequencen oder sonst etwas - nur 100% live Gameplay!

Ja werde ich.
Bzw. hoffe ich das es klappt. Beim letzten Versuch einen Steam als Highlight zu speichern wurden nur die ersten 5min gespeichert.
Ich hoffe das klappt dann morgen besser :daumen:
Ich hab mir heute morgen mal das CryEngine Bundle gekauft, da man die ganze Packages die nicht Engine Ready sind auch in anderen Engines verwenden darf. Der Ersteindruck ist ziemlich mies, wer also überlegt hat sich das auch zu kaufen um in der UE4 zu benutzen sollte ich das wirklich doppelt überlegen.

Bis auf das Audiokit und die Animationen (die aber eben ein anderes Skeleton benutzt als die UE4) ist das ganze Bundle ein ziemliches Chaos und relativ nutzlos. Wirkt so als wäre denen vorgestern eingefallen "Ach wir brauchen da übrigens noch so paar Sachen für ein Bundle - sucht mal was zusammen und ladet das hoch.".

Die Models liegen alle in unterschiedlichen Formaten ab. Mal FBX, OBJ, MAX oder MB, man benötigt also 3DS Max und Maya um an alle Models ran zu kommen. Texturen liegen mal als JPG, TIFF, PNG, TGA oder DDS ab, Screenshots gibt es hier und da mal aber nicht überall und die 20.000 Dateien kommen auch nur zustande weil viele Objekte in den einzelnen Packages doppelt abliegen.
Ich hatte mir erhofft paar schicke Crytek Bäume, Büsche und Landschaftstexturen ergattern zu können. Aber da ist auch nicht besonders viel zu holen. Alle ohne LOD, sind sich alle sehr ähnlich und wirken auf den ersten Blick nicht so besonders toll. Im Texturepack sind paar nette Decals drin, die ganze Terraintexturen liegen aber soweit ich es grade sehen kann nur als Color Map vor, Normalmaps etc. fehlen komplett.

Also gut überlegen ob ihr das haben wollt, es ist verdammt viel arbeit damit verbunden alles zu konvertieren und UE4 ready zu machen.


Hab dann mal einen Baum in Blender importiert, ich hab jetzt schon keine lust mehr :ugly::wall:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Hab dann mal einen Baum in Blender importiert, ich hab jetzt schon keine lust mehr :ugly::wall:
Anhang anzeigen 886218

Wo soll da denn das Problem sein?

Die organgenen Punkte zeigen den Ursprung eines Objektes. Bei so vielen Objekten ist es sehr sinnvoll diese nicht unbedingt auch im Zentrum des Objektes zu haben.
Die Linie dazwischen zeigt auch nur die parent-child Beziehung an.

Ich wüsste nicht, wie man so ein komplexes asset sonst animieren könnte...
Hui, da ist doch tatsächlich sogar schon die Preview 8 der UE 4.11 draußen :D
Das Changelog lautet wie folgt:

We have just released Preview 8 for 4.11! Please view the Known Issues List on page 1 of this thread for the updated list of known issues.

Important Known Issue: UE-27673 - Mac crashes when building lighting. This is due to an Nvidia GPU driver bug on OSX El Capitan 10.11.3 or earlier. The solution for this is to update to the OSX 10.11.4 beta.

Thank you for your continued help in testing the 4.11 build before its official release. As a reminder, the Preview builds are for testing only, and should not be used for the active development of your project.
This is expected to be the final Preview for 4.11.
The official 4.11 Release is currently expected to occur around the end of March.

Note: OculusMobile SDK on 1.0. (Desktop still 0.8)


Fixed in Preview 8 - CL 2916259

Fixed! UE-27462 ShooterGame fails to launch on Xbox One
Fixed! UE-28057 Android crash a couple minutes into StrategyGame
Fixed! UE-28492 Lighting needs to be rebuilt in UE4 4.11 Samples
Fixed! UE-28232 2D scene capture component crashes the editor when dragged into the viewport
Fixed! UE-28441 [CrashReport] Crash on Duplicating from Higher on Beam Emitter Type Module in LOD1
Fixed! UE-28491 Placing a Constant 3 Vector in a Material on Mac Metal causes log spam
Fixed! UE-28391 HotReload is not updating instances already placed in the level
Fixed! UE-27424 Reimplement GC cluster fixes in 4.11 to fix memory leaks
Fixed! UE-28051 Android LaunchOn camera forced down in jolts when fired rapidly
Fixed! UE-28442 SunTemple crashes on iPad 4 when opened multiple times
Fixed! UE-28201 Can select child actor component in scene outliner after loading level
Fixed! UE-28169 PSVR is mispredicting on several UE4 titles, need to adjust the prediction timing
Fixed! UE-28114 Crash in shaped text when measuring an empty range
Fixed! UE-28068 Eyes incorrectly offset with instanced stereo enabled
Fixed! UE-27892 iOS leaks all HTTP responses
Fixed! UE-28386 [Mac][Metal] - Panic/Crash when closing active window of packaged project
Fixed! UE-28000 Instanced Stereo Rendering not being used
Fixed! UE-27617 UnrealMatch3 not displaying UMG background material on mobile devices
Fixed! UE-27637 Leap Motion plugin broken with 4.11, need updated code from them
Fixed! UE-24713 Match3 crash on several Android devices Data != NULL
Fixed! UE-26167 Unreal Match 3 Movie is causing crash on startup
Fixed! UE-28558 Letterboxing in blueprint First Person on some aspect ratios
Fixed! UE-28438 Player spawns inside the floor
Fixed! UE-28564 Blueprint Errors not displaying in Log
Fixed! UE-28054 Unable to get mouse control in the server window when networking in editor
Fixed! UE-27863 Project freezes when launching on mobile
Fixed! UE-28526 Match3 does not compile in debug
Fixed! UE-26565 Shootergame fails to package for WindowsXP
Fixed! UE-25688 Some ContentExamples maps have player start outside level boundary
Fixed! UE-28240 Lighting needs to be built in Sanctuary map in Shooter Game
Fixed! UE-27855 Crash launching project on mobile devices
Fixed! UE-27798 Erroneous MoveFixedBody warnings when running construction scripts in game
Fixed! UE-27535 Starting position of physics simulated bp is different in Standalone Game
Fixed! UE-27154 Using StereoPano capture commands crashes the editor
Fixed! UE-26789 Available HTML5 browsers are not automatically listed in the HTML5 SDK project settings
Fixed! UE-28434 Matinee Capture Movie is rendering distorted when aspect ratio is set to 2:1
Fixed! UE-28293 Multiple Content Example intro boards have typos or need rewording
Fixed! UE-23446 If a hot reload is performed after adding a custom UserDefinedEnum class to the project, the Editor will crash.
Fixed! UE-28189 Crash Occurs When Duplicating Static Mesh with Foliage Placed on it
Fixed! UE-27824 Component in Child Blueprint Parented to Inherited Component Disappears
Fixed! UE-26768 Sequencer crashing engine when opening Sequencer File with Audio setup inside (FAsyncAudioDecompressWorker::DoWork() [audiodecompress.cpp:336])
Fixed! UE-24967 Integrate D3D12 update from MS
Fixed! UE-28005 KiteDemo: Deer spawn immobile in Kite Cinematic
Fixed! UE-28003 Fail to QuickLaunch HTML5 through UnrealFrontEnd
Fixed! UE-28162 Components added via IWCE in 4.11 to actor with inherited root component spawn in wrong location
Fixed! UE-27795 Split Pins on a referenced Macro Library will crash the editor on restart
Fixed! UE-28122 Plugin Warden links to invalid store page
Fixed! UE-28154 Math expression node text not editable on creation
Fixed! UE-28118 Instanced stereo rendering doesn't handle arbitrary eye gap sizes.
Fixed! UE-27856 "Always" Save on Compile does not save the Blueprint
Fixed! UE-27859 Cannot spawn tab because no spawner is registered for 'BlueprintProfiler' for multiple assets in Automation Test
Fixed! UE-27987 Match3 Settings menu text is inconsistent
Fixed! UE-27995 Match3 loses theme selection buttons after returning to Start Screen on Android
Fixed! UE-28312 Android store version should not be limited to 65535
Fixed! UE-28013 Rivalry runs very slow on Nexus 9 before Android 6.0
Fixed! UE-26994 Directional Light (stationary) causing blown out lighting on suntemple with Mobile Renderer
Fixed! UE-26900 Consistent hitch 1 minute into play on some Android devices
Fixed! UE-27509 Save on compile set to always causes a crash on compile
Fixed! UE-26284 KiteDemo: Missing foliage textures
Fixed! UE-24793 iPadPro uses wrong resolution
Fixed! UE-28196 Demo Display doesn't render text in Content Examples
Fixed! UE-27990 Broken textures in KiteDemo
Fixed! UE-28471 Shader Complexity view no longer showing particle effects
Fixed! UE-26194 FBX Import flips faces of mesh on Import for static meshes

REMEMBER: Please report any new bugs you find to the UE4 Answerhub

Known Issues List

This is a list of unresolved high priority bugs in our 4.11 Preview engine release. We will attempt to resolve critical bugs before the final 4.11 release, other bugs that do not block development or have workarounds may be marked to be fixed in one of the future hotfixes or major releases.

Please be aware that this is not a comprehensive list of all engine bugs, it is simply a snapshot of some of the latest bugs discovered with this preview that we aim to fix prior to release. This list will be periodically updated with new additions and to reflect which ones have been fixed, so be sure to check back!

Known Issues in 4.11 Preview 8

Important Known Issue: UE-27673 - Mac crashes when building lighting. This is due to an Nvidia GPU driver bug on OSX El Capitan 10.11.3 or earlier. The solution for this is to update to the OSX 10.11.4 beta.

UE-27978 Editor crash on close if custom Data Asset is not saved after hot reload.
UE-28581 Trophy files are failing to get packaged
UE-28591 Remove combo box for Search For Help in editor help bar
UE-28557 Vehicle and Vehicle Advanced Code Feature Pack fails to compile
UE-28527 Decal missing on user touch for TopDown template on Android device
UE-26104 FPS regression on Galaxy Note 4 (Sun Temple)
UE-25693 Some maps in ContentExamples have inconsistant Player Start node positions
UE-24994 Character is discolored and has a square shadow on Galaxy S5
UE-24878 Crash when Converting 4.10 Project to 4.11 possibly related to Oculus Config Utility
Wähle links die MovementComponent aus und dann kannst du rechts in den Eigenschaften einfach mal nach Speed Suchen. Da findest du WalkSpeed, CrouchSpeed etc ;-)
