[Sammelthread] S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow Of Chernobyl

Hmm.. sicher mit der Hardware? Stelle mal die Beleuchtung etwas runter, vielleicht gibt es da mit dem Einfluss vom Rauch auf den Lichteinfall Probleme.
Hmm.. dann :ka:. Neu installieren? Sache mit dem speziellen Patch für Complete beachtet? Ist jedenfalls kein "bekanntes" Problem, eigentlich sollte es laufen.
Sorry, habe mich im Spiel geirrt. Du hast vorher auf 1.0006 geupdatet? Bzw. erst 1.0005, dann 1.0006, so war ja glaube ich die Reihenfolge. Hast du den 3GB Patch installiert? Siehe hier. Ansonsten probiere doch mal, mit Version 1.0005 Complete zu installieren.
Ich hoffe. die Frage gab es nicht schon:

Ich spiele gerade mal wieder dieses Spiel. Nun bin ich nach Jantar gegangen und soll den einzigartigen Anzug beschaffen. Jetzt bin ich also in Labor X16 und sterbe dort ständig beim Versuch, die PSI Emission abzuschalten. Laut Recherche hätte ich vor dieser Mission ins Dunkle Tal gemusst und einen Helm besorgen. Mein Problem ist nur, ich komme aus dem Labor nicht mehr raus und habe auch keinen früheren Speicherpunkt mehr.
Wie kann es sein, dass das Spiel trotz des neuesten Patches (1.0005) in eine solche Sackgasse führt? Oder hab ich was übersehen?
Eigentlich hättest du ohne Helm gar nicht die Aufgabe bekommen sollen, X16 zu betreten - beides wird dir nämlich vom Wissenschaftler im Bunker mitgegeben. Bist du einfach so beim "Spazierengehen" da rein, oder wie?
Nö, ich hatte Kruglow nach Jantar eskortiert als ich vom 100 Rad kam. Er sagte mir ich soll mal ins Biolabor kommen, da würde ich einen Strahlenanzug bekommen. Und da erinnerte ich mich, dass der Wirt meinte, ich solle ohne Strahlenschutz nicht ins Dunkle Tal gehen. Also bin ich ins Biolabor und habe dort die Quest für X-16 bekommen.
Eigentlich eine logische Kette oder?
Genau, aber als erstes kriegst du vom Wissenschaftler ja die Quest, den einen Typen bei den Messungen zu begleiten. Da geht ihr dann durch einen Tunnel, zu einem Bus. Da wirst du dann ohnmächtig usw.
Das auch gemacht?
Ne, hab ich leider nicht gemacht. Naja ich fang dann wohl nochmal neu an, diesmal dann mit Complete mod.
Hmm, ärgerlich bzw. komisch. Das sollte nämlich eigentlich davor kommen. Und mit Patch 1.0006 läuft SoC eigentlich so ziemlich bugfrei.. aber ja, nimm den Complete, Waffen und 3GB RAM Mod, und dann setz dich nochmal dran - lohnt sich. :daumen:
Mich erstaunt es ebenso das man von solch einem modprojekt nichts mitbekommen - bin auch nur durch zufall über das youtube video gestoßen.
Werds bei gelegenheit auchmal testen :)
so weit hinter der Sammelthread?! Das muss geändert werden. Ich bringe auch direkt eine Frage an die Stalker Pro´s mit. =)

Und zwas möchte ich die Nächte dunkler haben, viel dunkler sogar. Achja, vielleicht sollte ich erwähnen das ich Stalker SoC über Steam habe (Also Version 1.0.5), den Complete Mod 1.4.4 installiert habe, danach den Deutsch Patch und dann zu guter letzt noch den SC International Patch 1.2.9 beta.
Durch ein wenig Googlen habe ich heraus gefunden das man in der weather default.ltx einiges ändern muss, damit es schön dunkel Nachts wird.

Hier meine weather_default.ltx:


01:00:00        =    default_weather_01
02:00:00        =    default_weather_02
03:00:00        =    default_weather_03
04:00:00        =    default_weather_04
05:00:00        =    default_weather_05
06:00:00        =    default_weather_06
07:00:00        =    default_weather_07
08:00:00        =    default_weather_08
09:00:00        =    default_weather_09
10:00:00        =    default_weather_10
11:00:00        =    default_weather_11
12:00:00        =    default_weather_12
13:00:00        =    default_weather_13
14:00:00        =    default_weather_14
15:00:00        =    default_weather_15
16:00:00        =    default_weather_16
17:00:00        =    default_weather_17
18:00:00        =    default_weather_18
19:00:00        =    default_weather_19
20:00:00        =    default_weather_20
21:00:00        =    default_weather_21
22:00:00        =    default_weather_22
23:00:00        =    default_weather_23
00:00:00        =    default_weather_00

flares            =    flares_gradient1
sky_texture        =    sky\sky_14_cube
sky_rotation    =    0
sky_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
clouds_texture    =    sky\sky_oblaka
clouds_color    =    0.333, 0.341, 0.431, 0.7, 1.7
far_plane        =    350
fog_distance    =    350
fog_color        =    0.043, 0.043, 0.055
fog_density        =    0.9
rain_density    =    0.2
rain_color        =    0.21, 0.21, 0.27
thunderbolt        =     thunderbolt_collection_default
bolt_period        =    4.5f
bolt_duration    =    0.35f
wind_velocity    =    0.0
wind_direction    =    0.0
ambient            =    0.0425,   0.045,      0.0475
lmap_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
hemi_color        =    0.425,    0.45,    0.475, 0.1
sun_color        =   0.005, 0.005, 0.005
sun_dir            =    -18.0, 291
env_ambient        =    ambient_env_rain

flares            =    flares_gradient1
sky_texture        =    sky\sky_13_cube_night
sky_rotation    =    0
sky_color        =    0.25,    0.25,    0.25
clouds_texture    =    sky\sky_oblaka
clouds_color    =    0.050, 0.090, 0.150, 0.0, 0.1
far_plane        =    350
fog_distance    =    350
fog_color        =    0.067, 0.067, 0.086
fog_density        =    0.9
rain_density    =    0.0
rain_color        =    0.43, 0.43, 0.43
thunderbolt        =
bolt_period        =    3.f
bolt_duration    =    0.25f
wind_velocity    =    0.0
wind_direction    =    0.0
ambient            =    0.0425,   0.045,      0.0475
lmap_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
hemi_color        =    0.125,    0.15,    0.175, 0.1
sun_color        =    0.005,    0.005,      0.005
sun_dir            =    -24.0, 291
env_ambient        =    ambient_env_night

flares            =    flares_gradient1
sky_texture        =    sky\sky_5_cube
sky_rotation    =    0
sky_color        =    0.25,    0.25,    0.25
clouds_texture    =    sky\sky_oblaka
clouds_color    =    0.333, 0.341, 0.431, 0.5, 1.7
far_plane        =    350
fog_distance    =    350
fog_color        =   0.067, 0.063, 0.055
fog_density        =    0.9
rain_density    =    0.0
rain_color        =    0.33, 0.33, 0.43
thunderbolt        =
bolt_period        =    3.f
bolt_duration    =    0.25f
wind_velocity    =    0.0
wind_direction    =    0.0
ambient            =    0.0525,   0.055,      0.0575
lmap_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
hemi_color        =    0.525,    0.55,    0.575, 0.1
sun_color        =    0.005,    0.005,      0.005
sun_dir            =    -3.0, 291
env_ambient        =    ambient_env_night

flares            =    flares_sun_rise
sky_texture        =    sky\sky_9_cube
sky_rotation    =    0
sky_color        =    0.8,    0.8,      0.8
clouds_texture    =    sky\sky_oblaka
clouds_color    =   0.282, 0.286, 0.341, 0.5, 1.7
far_plane        =    350
fog_distance    =    350
fog_color        =    0.137, 0.141, 0.153
fog_density        =    0.9
rain_density    =    0.0
rain_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
thunderbolt        =
bolt_period        =    3.f
bolt_duration    =    0.25f
wind_velocity    =    0.0
wind_direction    =    0.0
ambient            =    0.06, 0.062, 0.065
lmap_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
hemi_color        =   0.60, 0.625, 0.65,    1.0
sun_color        =    0.005,    0.005,      0.005
sun_dir            =    -6.0, 291
env_ambient        =    ambient_env_tuman

flares            =   flares_sun_rise
sky_texture        =    sky\sky_11_cube
sky_rotation    =    0
sky_color        =    0.8,    0.8,      0.8
clouds_texture    =    sky\sky_oblaka
clouds_color    =    0.353, 0.333, 0.420, 0.5, 1.7
far_plane        =    350
fog_distance    =    350
fog_color        =    0.271, 0.306, 0.361
fog_density        =    0.9
rain_density    =    0.0
rain_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
thunderbolt        =
bolt_period        =    3.f
bolt_duration    =    0.25f
wind_velocity    =    0.0
wind_direction    =    0.0
ambient            =    0.075, 0.0775, 0.0800
lmap_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
hemi_color        =    0.75, 0.775, 0.80,    1.0
sun_color        =    0.700, 0.284, 0.096
sun_dir            =    -10, 291
env_ambient        =    ambient_env_tuman

flares            =      flares_sun_rise
sky_texture        =    sky\sky_2_cube
sky_rotation    =    0
sky_color        =    1.0,    1.0,      1.0
clouds_texture    =    sky\sky_oblaka
clouds_color    =    0.698, 0.447, 0.322, 0.5, 1.7
far_plane        =    350
fog_distance    =    350
fog_color        =    0.322, 0.302, 0.353
fog_density        =    0.9
rain_density    =    0.0
rain_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
thunderbolt        =
bolt_period        =    3.f
bolt_duration    =    0.25f
wind_velocity    =    0.0
wind_direction    =    0.0
ambient            =    0.080, 0.0825, 0.0850
lmap_color        =    1.0,    1.0,      1.0
hemi_color        =   0.80, 0.825, 0.850, 1
sun_color        =    0.818, 0.476, 0.108
sun_dir            =    -14.0, 291
env_ambient        =    ambient_env_morning

flares            =   flares_sun_rise
sky_texture        =    sky\sky_3_cube
sky_rotation    =    0
sky_color        =    0.8,    0.8,      0.8
clouds_texture    =    sky\sky_oblaka
clouds_color    =    0.451, 0.361, 0.290, 0.0, 1.7
far_plane        =    350
fog_distance    =    350
fog_color        =    0.298, 0.290, 0.337
fog_density        =    0.9
rain_density    =    0.0
rain_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
thunderbolt        =
bolt_period        =    3.f
bolt_duration    =    0.25f
wind_velocity    =    0.0
wind_direction    =    0.0
ambient            =    0.0925, 0.095, 0.0975
lmap_color        =    1.0,    1.0,      1.0
hemi_color        =   0.925, 0.95, 0.975, 1
sun_color        =    0.435, 0.393, 0.289
sun_dir            =    -18.0, 291
env_ambient        =    ambient_env_morning

flares            =    flares_default10
sky_texture        =    sky\sky_8_cube
sky_rotation    =    0
sky_color        =    0.8,    0.8,      0.8
clouds_texture    =    sky\sky_oblaka
clouds_color    =    0.333, 0.341, 0.431, 0.0, 1.7
far_plane        =    350
fog_distance    =    350
fog_color        =    0.255, 0.271, 0.337
fog_density        =    0.9
rain_density    =    0.0
rain_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
thunderbolt        =
bolt_period        =    3.f
bolt_duration    =    0.25f
wind_velocity    =    0.0
wind_direction    =    0.0
ambient            =    0.0775, 0.07, 0.0725
lmap_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
hemi_color        =    0.775, 0.7, 0.725,    1.0
sun_color        =    0.435, 0.393, 0.289
sun_dir            =    -22.0, 291
env_ambient        =    ambient_env_rain

flares            =   flares_default10
sky_texture        =    sky\sky_19_cube
sky_rotation    =    0
sky_color        =    1.0,    1.0,      1.0
clouds_texture    =    sky\sky_oblaka
clouds_color    =    0.675, 0.675, 0.620, 0.5, 1.7
far_plane        =    350
fog_distance    =    350
fog_color        =    0.478, 0.506, 0.545
fog_density        =    0.9
rain_density    =    0.0
rain_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
thunderbolt        =
bolt_period        =    3.f
bolt_duration    =    0.25f
wind_velocity    =    20.0
wind_direction    =    0.0
ambient            =    0.0775, 0.07, 0.0725
lmap_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
hemi_color        =    0.775, 0.7, 0.725,    1.0
sun_color        =     0.50,    0.47,      0.415
sun_dir            =    -24.0, 291
env_ambient        =    ambient_env_morning

flares            =   flares_gradient1
sky_texture        =    sky\sky_21_cube
sky_rotation    =    0
sky_color        =    1.0,    1.0,      1.0
clouds_texture    =    sky\sky_oblaka
clouds_color    =    0.520, 0.539, 0.578, 0.8, 1.7
far_plane        =    350
fog_distance    =    350
fog_color        =    0.306, 0.302, 0.275
fog_density        =    0.9
rain_density    =    0.0
rain_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
thunderbolt        =
bolt_period        =    3.f
bolt_duration    =    0.25f
wind_velocity    =    10.0
wind_direction    =    0.0
ambient            =    0.0775, 0.07, 0.0725
lmap_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
hemi_color        =    0.60, 0.65, 0.7,    1.0
sun_color        =    0.0, 0.0, 0.0
sun_dir            =    -24.0, 291
env_ambient        =    ambient_env_day

flares            =    flares_gradient1
sky_texture        =    sky\sky_11_cube
sky_rotation    =    0
sky_color        =    1.0,    1.0,      1.0
clouds_texture    =    sky\sky_oblaka
clouds_color    =    0.333, 0.380, 0.451, 0.0, 1.7
far_plane        =    350
fog_distance    =    350
fog_color        =    0.333, 0.380, 0.451
fog_density        =    0.9
rain_density    =    0.0
rain_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
thunderbolt        =
bolt_period        =    3.f
bolt_duration    =    0.25f
wind_velocity    =    0.0
wind_direction    =    0.0
ambient            =    0.0763, 0.0806, 0.0884
lmap_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
hemi_color        =    0.763, 0.806, 0.884,    1.0
sun_color        =    0.506, 0.443, 0.302
sun_dir            =    -30.0, 291
env_ambient        =    ambient_env_0

flares            =     flares_gradient1
sky_texture        =    sky\sky_9_cube
sky_rotation    =    0
sky_color        =    1.0,    1.0,      1.0
clouds_texture    =    sky\sky_oblaka
clouds_color    =    0.333, 0.341, 0.431, 1.0, 1.7
far_plane        =    350
fog_distance    =    350
fog_color        =    0.172, 0.176, 0.196
fog_density        =    0.9
rain_density    =    0.85
rain_color        =    0.62, 0.66, 0.76
thunderbolt        =    thunderbolt_collection_default
bolt_period        =    5.f
bolt_duration    =    0.25f
wind_velocity    =    20.0
wind_direction    =    0.0
ambient            =    0.0625,    0.065,    0.0675
lmap_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
hemi_color        =    0.625,    0.65,    0.675,    1.0
sun_color        =    0.0,    0.0,      0.0
sun_dir            =    -25.0, 291
env_ambient        =    ambient_env_rain

flares            =    flares_gradient1
sky_texture        =    sky\sky_9_cube
sky_rotation    =    0
sky_color        =    1.0,    1.0,      1.0
clouds_texture    =    sky\sky_oblaka
clouds_color    =    0.333, 0.341, 0.431, 0.7, 1.7
far_plane        =    350
fog_distance    =    350
fog_color        =    0.172, 0.176, 0.196
fog_density        =    0.9
rain_density    =    0.0
rain_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
thunderbolt        =
bolt_period        =    3.f
bolt_duration    =    0.25f
wind_velocity    =    0.0
wind_direction    =    0.0
ambient            =    0.067,   0.069,      0.070
lmap_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
hemi_color        =    0.67,   0.69,      0.70,    1.0
sun_color        =    0.0,    0.0,      0.0
sun_dir            =    -28.0, 291
env_ambient        =    ambient_env_rain

flares            =    flares_gradient1
sky_texture        =    sky\sky_19_cube
sky_rotation    =    0
sky_color        =    1.0,    1.0,      1.0
clouds_texture    =    sky\sky_oblaka
clouds_color    =    0.478, 0.506, 0.545, 0.35, 1.7
far_plane        =    350
fog_distance    =    350
fog_color        =    0.478, 0.506, 0.545
fog_density        =    0.9
rain_density    =    0.0
rain_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
thunderbolt        =
bolt_period        =    3.f
bolt_duration    =    0.25f
wind_velocity    =    0.0
wind_direction    =    0.0
ambient            =    0.0760, 0.0795, 0.0845
lmap_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
hemi_color        =   0.760, 0.795, 0.845,  1
sun_color        =    0.435, 0.393, 0.289
sun_dir            =    -28.0, 291
env_ambient        =    ambient_env_0

flares            =    flares_gradient1
sky_texture        =    sky\sky_1_cube
sky_rotation    =    0
sky_color        =    1.0,    1.0,      1.0
clouds_texture    =    sky\sky_oblaka
clouds_color    =    0.337, 0.357, 0.388, 0.95, 1.7
far_plane        =    350
fog_distance    =    350
fog_color        =    0.337, 0.357, 0.388
fog_density        =    0.9
rain_density    =    0.0
rain_color        =    0.337, 0.357, 0.388
thunderbolt        =
bolt_period        =    3.f
bolt_duration    =    0.25f
wind_velocity    =    0.0
wind_direction    =    0.0
ambient            =    0.0841, 0.0853, 0.0888
lmap_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
hemi_color        =   0.841, 0.853, 0.888,  1
sun_color        =    0.005,    0.005,      0.005
sun_dir            =    -25.0, 291
env_ambient        =    ambient_env_0

flares            =     flares_gradient1
sky_texture        =    sky\sky_9_cube
sky_rotation    =    0
sky_color        =    1.0,    1.0,      1.0
clouds_texture    =    sky\sky_oblaka
clouds_color    =    0.333, 0.341, 0.431, 1.0, 1.7
far_plane        =    350
fog_distance    =    350
fog_color        =    0.172, 0.176, 0.196
fog_density        =    0.9
rain_density    =    0.85
rain_color        =    0.62, 0.66, 0.76
thunderbolt        =    thunderbolt_collection_default
bolt_period        =    5.f
bolt_duration    =    0.25f
wind_velocity    =    20.0
wind_direction    =    0.0
ambient            =    0.0625,    0.065,    0.0675
lmap_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
hemi_color        =    0.625,    0.65,    0.675,    1.0
sun_color        =    0.005,    0.005,      0.005
sun_dir            =    -25.0, 291
env_ambient        =    ambient_env_rain

flares            =    flares_gradient1
sky_texture        =    sky\sky_9_cube
sky_rotation    =    0
sky_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
clouds_texture    =    sky\sky_oblaka
clouds_color    =    0.333, 0.341, 0.431, 0.5, 1.7
far_plane        =    350
fog_distance    =    350
fog_color        =    0.172, 0.176, 0.196
fog_density        =    0.9
rain_density    =    0.05
rain_color        =    0.52, 0.56, 0.66
thunderbolt        =     thunderbolt_collection_default
bolt_period        =    7.f
bolt_duration    =    0.25f
wind_velocity    =    0.0
wind_direction    =    0.0
ambient            =    0.0725,    0.075,    0.0775
lmap_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
hemi_color        =    0.725,    0.75,    0.775,    1.0
sun_color        =    0.005,    0.005,      0.005
sun_dir            =    -25.0, 291
env_ambient        =    ambient_env_rain

flares            =    flares_gradient1
sky_texture        =    sky\sky_11_cube
sky_rotation    =    0
sky_color        =    1.0,    1.0,      1.0
clouds_texture    =    sky\sky_oblaka
clouds_color    =    0.333, 0.341, 0.431, 0.3, 1.7
far_plane        =    350
fog_distance    =    350
fog_color        =    0.337, 0.376, 0.447
fog_density        =    0.9
rain_density    =    0.0
rain_color        =    0.408, 0.400, 0.408
thunderbolt        =
bolt_period        =    7.f
bolt_duration    =    0.25f
wind_velocity    =    0.0
wind_direction    =    0.0
ambient            =    0.0725,    0.075,    0.0775
lmap_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
hemi_color        =    0.725,    0.75,    0.775,    1.0
sun_color        =    0.005,    0.005,      0.005
sun_dir            =    -25.0, 291
env_ambient        =    ambient_env_rain

flares            =    flares_sun_rise
sky_texture        =    sky\sky_5_cube
sky_rotation    =    0
sky_color        =    1.0,    1.0,      1.0
clouds_texture    =    sky\sky_oblaka
clouds_color    =    0.333, 0.341, 0.431, 0.0, 1.7
far_plane        =    350
fog_distance    =    350
fog_color        =    0.271, 0.251, 0.224
fog_density        =    0.9
rain_density    =    0.0
rain_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
thunderbolt        =
bolt_period        =    3.f
bolt_duration    =    0.25f
wind_velocity    =    0.0
wind_direction    =    0.0
ambient            =    0.0725,    0.075,    0.0775
lmap_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
hemi_color        =    0.725,    0.75,    0.775,    1.0
sun_color        =    0.005,    0.005,      0.005
sun_dir            =    -27.0, 291
env_ambient        =    ambient_env_0

flares            =    flares_sun_rise
sky_texture        =    sky\sky_18_cube
sky_rotation    =    0
sky_color        =    1.0,    1.0,      1.0
clouds_texture    =    sky\sky_oblaka
clouds_color    =    0.427, 0.412, 0.431, 0.25, 1.7
far_plane        =    350
fog_distance    =    350
fog_color        =    0.427, 0.412, 0.431
fog_density        =    0.9
rain_density    =    0.0
rain_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
thunderbolt        =
bolt_period        =    3.f
bolt_duration    =    0.25f
wind_velocity    =    0.0
wind_direction    =    0.0
ambient            =    0.0700, 0.0725, 0.0750
lmap_color        =    1.0,    1.0,      1.0
hemi_color        =   0.700, 0.725, 0.750, 1.0
sun_color        =    0.535, 0.493, 0.389
sun_dir            =    -24.0, 291
env_ambient        =    ambient_env_evening

flares            =   flares_sun_rise
sky_texture        =    sky\sky_17_cube
sky_rotation    =    0
sky_color        =    1.0,    1.0,      1.0
clouds_texture    =    sky\sky_oblaka
clouds_color    =    0.333, 0.341, 0.431, 0.5, 1.7
far_plane        =    350
fog_distance    =    350
fog_color        =    0.333, 0.341, 0.431
fog_density        =    0.9
rain_density    =    0.0
rain_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
thunderbolt        =
bolt_period        =    3.f
bolt_duration    =    0.25f
wind_velocity    =    10.0
wind_direction    =    0.0
ambient            =    0.0625,    0.065,    0.0675
lmap_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
hemi_color        =    0.625,    0.65,    0.675,    1.0
sun_color        =    0.729, 0.308, 0.206
sun_dir            =    -18.0, 291
env_ambient        =    ambient_env_evening

flares            =   flares_sun_rise
sky_texture        =    sky\sky_17_cube
sky_rotation    =    0
sky_color        =    0.5,    0.5,    0.5
clouds_texture    =    sky\sky_oblaka
clouds_color    =    0.165, 0.169, 0.212, 0.5, 1.7
far_plane        =    350
fog_distance    =    350
fog_color        =    0.165, 0.169, 0.212
fog_density        =    0.9
rain_density    =    0.0
rain_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
thunderbolt        =
bolt_period        =    3.f
bolt_duration    =    0.25f
wind_velocity    =    0.0
wind_direction    =    0.0
ambient            =    0.0625,    0.065,    0.0675
lmap_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
hemi_color        =    0.625,    0.65,    0.675,    1.0
sun_color        =    0.005,    0.005,      0.005
sun_dir            =    -12.0, 291
env_ambient        =    ambient_env_evening

flares            =    flares_sun_rise
sky_texture        =    sky\sky_9_cube
sky_rotation    =    0
sky_color        =    0.5,    0.5,    0.5
clouds_texture    =    sky\sky_oblaka
clouds_color    =    0.333, 0.341, 0.431, 0.0, 1.7
far_plane        =    350
fog_distance    =    350
fog_color        =    0.086,    0.086,    0.094
fog_density        =    0.9
rain_density    =    0.0
rain_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
thunderbolt        =
bolt_period        =    3.f
bolt_duration    =    0.25f
wind_velocity    =    0.0
wind_direction    =    0.0
ambient            =    0.0525,    0.055,    0.0575
lmap_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
hemi_color        =    0.525,    0.55,    0.575,    1.0
sun_color        =    0.005,    0.005,      0.005
sun_dir            =    -6.0, 291
env_ambient        =    ambient_env_night

flares            =    flares_sun_rise
sky_texture        =    sky\sky_13_cube_night
sky_rotation    =    0
sky_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
clouds_texture    =    sky\sky_oblaka
clouds_color    =    0.333, 0.341, 0.431, 0.0, 1.7
far_plane        =    350
fog_distance    =    350
fog_color        =    0.067, 0.067, 0.086
fog_density        =    0.9
rain_density    =    0.0
rain_color        =    0.35,    0.37,    0.45
thunderbolt        =
bolt_period        =    3.f
bolt_duration    =    0.25f
wind_velocity    =    0.0
wind_direction    =    0.0
ambient            =    0.0425,    0.045,    0.0475
lmap_color        =    1.0,    1.0,    1.0
hemi_color        =    0.425,    0.45,    0.475,    1.0
sun_color        =    0.005,    0.005,      0.005
sun_dir            =    -12.0, 291
env_ambient        =    ambient_env_night

Geändert wurden die Einträge sun_color für die entsprechenden Uhrzeiten.=)
Problem> Es wird nicht richtig Dunkel. Normalerweise ist 0.0 Rabenschwarze Nacht. Ein Wert von 0.005 sollte also sehr Nah an Rabenschwarzer Nacht sein. Ist es aber nicht.

Jetzt zu meiner Frage an die Stalker-Pro´s... Warum ist das so?!

Kero | Markus
Kann leider gerade nicht nachgucken, da ich unterwegs bin. Mal trotzdem so als Tipp: Es gibt noch eine Mod die sich AtmosFear nennt. Mit der kann man ingame die Dunkelheit der Nächte anpassen. Von hell bis zu pechschwarz. Kann aber wie gesagt gerade nicht nachgucken wie das aussieht wegen Steam und den gegebenfalls schon vorhandenen Änderungen durch die Complete Mod.
Danke, ich werde mal nachschauen. Solltest Du jedoch Zeit finden, kannst Du auch gerne noch nachgucken. ;-) Vier Augen undso...

Die Steam Version von SoC ist 1.0.5 und das habe ich zu AF gefunden:

Q: What patch is AtmosFear 3 compatible with?
A: It is recommended to patch the game to 1.6.02. The mod has been created and tested on this patch only.

Der Complete Mod beinhaltet AtmosFear 2.1, jedoch sollte 3 viel besser sein. Ich werde weiter forschen. =)

Oh, so wie ich das sehe ist AtmosFear nur für CS und CoP?! Hmmmmmm =(
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Also auf der HP von der Mod steht ja schon...

AtmosFear is a mod for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Call Of Pripyat that tweaks and expands the vanilla weather system to be more realistic and various.

Quelle: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. AtmosFear by Cromm Cruac

Von dem her würde ich grundsätzlich mal davon ausgehen dass die Mod überhaupt nur für CoP gemacht wurde und auch nur damit ordentlich funktioniert...