Google Scribe hilft beim Texten


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Hey eingegeben und dann immer Enter gedrückt xD :

hey dude, what do you think about our site and to read them online, you can create a Guest Pass that includes any of your photos marked as friends or family members who are not interested in them and they are nothing but another form of therapy for these patients is not known whether these are the only ones who can not afford to pay for their own users and groups to their Friends.
bei mir kommt das und dann wiederholt es sich:

hey guys im new to this site and they are nothing but another form of therapy for these patients is not known whether these are the only ones who can not afford to pay for their own users and groups to their Friends / Favorites list yet, so I'ma keep popping up in their own right and do not want to be related to their particular field or industry in which they are attached to their respective owners and are strictly for viewing and printing of these books are nothing but another form of therapy...
Haha jetzt hilft uns Google schon beim schreiben.
Bald brauchen wir nix mehr zu machen ;)

hey guys i have a pain in the neck and the throat is a common problem in the first place and the people who are not in the same way as the first step to doing all this and more on Facebook in the album named after the famous TV show in the next few years ago and I have been a number of different ways to get the best deal

Totaler Schwachsinn.
Ich glaube ich hab nen neues Hobby :lol:
hey guys i have a pain in the neck and the throat is a common problem in the first place and the people who are not in the same way as the first step to doing all this and more on Facebook in the album named after the famous TV show in the

Google hat Facebook erwähnt xD