Sammelthread Unreal Engine 4

Whoops, da hab ich wohl den Start für die Preview der UE 4.12 verschlafen :ugly:
Ich liefer mal das Changelog sowohl für die Preview 1 als auch Preview 2 inkl. aktueller Knowen Issues nach:

A Preview of the upcoming 4.12 release is now available via the Epic Games Launcher and GitHub. We have made this Preview available so that our developer-community can help us catch issues before the final release. As fixes are implemented, we will release updated previews throughout the development cycle. Please be aware that the preview releases are not fully quality tested, that they are still under heavy active development, and that they should be considered as unstable until the final release. Developers should not convert their projects for active development on preview releases. Please test on copies of your project instead.

We encourage users to check out the preview to try new features and inform us of any issues which we may not have caught. A Known Issues List is provided below which will be updated periodically. If you discover any additional issues with this preview release, please report the issue on the Bug Reports section of the Unreal Engine AnswerHub.

4.12 Preview Summary

This list provides a brief summary of updates in this release. Full release notes will be made available with the final 4.12 release. We may not be able to provide additional information about updates at this time.

  • Editor/Tools Updates:
    • Sequencer is now a supported feature that combines the power of a non*linear editor with 3d animation editing to allow you to produce in-*game cinematics as well as a sequence of shots for film, tv, and previsualization. It’s also designed so that multiple artists can work on a shot together or across multiple shots.
      • Rearrange shots like a traditional non*linear editing package
      • Create alternate takes of a shot and rollback with ease
      • Make per shot tweaks and spawn shot specific actors
      • Designed for collaboration
      • Automatic track creation based on actor type
      • Standardized keyboard shortcuts
      • Auto*keyframing
      • Embedded track and key editing/creation widgets
      • User*definable track coloring
      • Keyframe shapes and colors defined by interpolation behavior
      • Folders and labels for organization
    • Cinematic Camera Actors coupled with new Camera Rig Actors provide filmmakers as well as novices with the ability to create realistic camera shots with ease.
      • Customizable lenses and filmback settings
      • Focal length
      • Look at tracking
    • Cinematic Viewport is new, streamlined and allows you to view a sequence of shots for dailies in filmmaking.
      • Embedded timeline and transport controls
      • Frame numbers indicating shot in and out cut points
      • Overlays and framing helpers for composition
    • Sequence Recording allows you to record gameplay and immediately place the recorded elements into your shot. You can even make a recording while playing back a previous recording.
      • Record gameplay into skeletal animation, transform, event, and audio tracks
      • Automatic track generation for re*editing the recording
    • Audio Localization (Preview) - 4.12 improves our built-*in support for audio localization (via dialogue wave and dialogue voice assets) to the point where you’re now encouraged to try and it out and provide feedback.
      • Spoken text is now gathered from dialogue wave assets and included in your PO files for translation along with your other asset based text.
      • Several new commandlets have been added to facilitate the recording and importing of audio for your dialogue wave assets (these are also integrated into the Localization Dashboard).
        • ExportDialogueScript *- Exports a per*culture CSV file containing each line of dialogue and its associated filename.
        • ImportDialogueScript -* Imports a copy*edited per*culture CSV file and updates any translations with the recorded dialogue.
        • ImportLocalizedDialogue -* Imports per*culture recorded WAV files and generates localized dialogue and sound wave assets.
    • Unreal Editor in VR (Preview)
  • Platform Updates:
    • Xbox One
      • Async compute is now supported. This allows the GPU to use spare resources during drawing to do other work, resulting in faster overall frame times on GPU. This is currently used by the reflection environment and SSAO passes with more coming in future.
      • DX11.x Fast Semantics is now turned on by default which saves CPU time. DX11.x Legacy is now deprecated. We anticipate moving to DX12.x by default in a future release and removing DX11.x entirely.
    • PS4
      • Support for SDK 3.508.031
  • VR Updates:
    • Improved Stereo Layers Support - Layer support now works on all platforms, and has been improved to be more user friendly
    • VR Loading Movies - You can now have framerate-*independent loading movie support.
    • OSVR Support UE4 will now ship with OSVR support out of the box. For more information, visit OSVR - Open-Source Virtual Reality for Gaming
  • Framework Updates:
    • Added ability to use lower LODs for StaticMesh collison
    • Default collision from static mesh asset
    • Animation Node: Twist Corrective can apply a MorphTarget curve value when a twist is overdone
    • Dynamic SoundClass adjustment overrides in sound mixes
    • AnimComposite can be used in AnimMontage or AnimComposite. With this change, now AnimSequenceBase (previously only AnimSequence) is supported through montages or composite. If you’d like to create your own AnimSequenceBase, it should be easier to support with this.
  • Rendering Updates:
    • High Quality Reflections
      • High Precision Static Mesh Vertex Normal/Tangent Encoding
      • Custom Resolutions for Sky Cubemaps and Reflection Probes
      • Custom Cubemaps for Reflection Probes
      • High Precision GBuffer Normal Encoding
  • Blueprints Updates:
    • Cooking Blueprints into C++ (Experimental Beta) allows you to package Blueprints into native source code.
      • Enabled in editor, through your project’s Packaging Settings: Experimental => Nativize Blueprint Assets. Can also be invoked by passing -NativizeAssets as a param to the UAT BuildCookRun script
      • Generated source is saved as a plugin in your project’s intermediate folder, under: …\Intermediate\<PLATFORM>\NativizedAssets\
      • Can exclude certain Blueprints from the process in your game’s DefaultEditor.ini file (under [BlueprintNativizationSettings]). General “types” of Blueprints can be excluded: +ExcludedBlueprintTypes=/Script/UMGEditor.WidgetBlueprint. Specific assets can also be excluded: +ExcludedAssets=/Game/Blueprints/MyBlueprint
    • Mask Field Variables - Integer properties can now be declared as being a bitmask, and optionally associated with an enum which encapsulates bitflag values.
  • Mobile Updates:
    • Vulkan Mobile Renderer (Experimental) as shown in the ProtoStar demo shown at the Samsung Galaxy S7 Unpacked event in Barcelona
    • High Quality Mobile Post Processing
      • Improved Depth of Field quality
      • Filmic Tonemapper
    • More Shadowing Options for Mobile
      • CSM shadows for dynamic objects blended with precomputed Lightmass shadows
      • Planar reflections
    • GPU Particles on High-end Android and iOS devices
      • Apple devices with A8+
      • Android 6.0 with Adreno 4xx and Mali-T7xx (Galaxy Note 4, Note 5, S6, S7, Nexus 6P and others)
    • Web Browser UMG Widget on iOS
  • Mobile Landscape & Foliage Updates:
    • Grass and Foliage Scalability
      • Ability to reduce grass and foliage density based on quality levels
    • New Scaling and Alignment Options for Landscape Grass
    • Landscape Collision Improvements
      • Simplified Player Collision for Landscape
      • Collision support for spline meshes created at runtime (GitHub contribution)


We have just released Preview 2 for 4.12! Please view the Known Issues List on page 1 of this thread for the updated list of known issues.

Thank you for your continued help in testing the 4.12 build before its official release. As a reminder, the Preview builds are for testing only, and should not be used for the active development of your project.


Fixed in Preview 2 - CL 2962397

Fixed! UE-30024 Crash when connecting to Source Control
Fixed! UE-30110 Opening blueprint debugger crashes editor
Fixed! UE-29940 Crash during Garbage Collection in travel mode
Fixed! UE-29774 Crash scrubbing sequence after being recorded
Fixed! UE-30096 Compiling a Code project for Shipping or Test Fails
Fixed! UE-25715 Crash when changing a Play Node's "Sequence" to a Montage
Fixed! UE-29131 Particle effects can freeze before terminating
Fixed! UE-25215 Crash opening ConcurrencyBug level - FArchiveFileReaderGeneric::InternalPrecache()
Fixed! UE-29876 Character mesh is not visible in packaged third person project
Fixed! UE-30099 Translucent instanced static meshes drawing incorrectly with ISR on.
Fixed! UE-30087 Crash when dismissing multiple menus
Fixed! UE-30085 Loading Screens Play Before PreLoadMap Finishes
Fixed! UE-30084 UMG Fixed aspect ratio doesn't size right side correctly
Fixed! UE-30042 Changing the View Type folder options when importing an item Crashes the Editor
Fixed! UE-29988 Crash when converting custom curve to metadata in persona
Fixed! UE-30054 Transform text when dragging a component in a BP doesn't update until the drag finishes
Fixed! UE-29994 Materials have incorrect Default Material view
Fixed! UE-30030 ProtoStar Meteors Vanish on touch by User or Neutrino
Fixed! UE-29928 LaunchOn tvOS Fails on Windows.
Fixed! UE-30016 Color picker in cinematic viewport overlays menu does not close when deselected
Fixed! UE-29984 Pixel inspector crash when there is no GBufferE
Fixed! UE-29268 Metal is not enabled for project packaged from windows on iOS device
Fixed! UE-30008 Crash if manipulating a widget in UMG with no animation selected
Fixed! UE-30006 HQ ES3.1 DoF broken with Vulkan RHI
Fixed! UE-29319 Can not use material track with Widgets that use style
Fixed! UE-27735 Enumerators are not set correctly in packaged games if Nativize Blueprint Assets is set to true
Fixed! UE-29942 Selecting Cinematic Viewport does not enable the Cinematic Viewport
Fixed! UE-29934 Blueprint projects packaging and launch on failure for iOS and tvOS from Mac
Fixed! UE-28073 Actors animating as thumbnails redraw in sequencer
Fixed! UE-29938 Saved directories exist in SubwaySequencer sample in 4.12
Fixed! UE-30138 Add missing architectures for Android StripSymbols

REMEMBER: Please report any new bugs you find to the UE4 Answerhub

Known Issues List

This is a list of unresolved high priority bugs in our 4.12 Preview engine release. We will attempt to resolve critical bugs before the final 4.12 release, other bugs that do not block development or have workarounds may be marked to be fixed in one of the future hotfixes or major releases.

Please be aware that this is not a comprehensive list of all engine bugs, it is simply a snapshot of some of the latest bugs discovered with this preview that we aim to fix prior to release. This list will be periodically updated with new additions and to reflect which ones have been fixed, so be sure to check back!

Known Issues in 4.12 Preview 2 - CL 2962397

UE-30230 Textures aren't getting initialized correctly on PS4
UE-30218 Build Step Async Step Infinite Loop
UE-30201 Open a copy of a project, results in illegal characters and incorrect filepath warnings when packaging
UE-30186 SplineComponent has issues shipping
UE-30151 Vulkan UI should be gated by Experimental
UE-30150 Crash undoing the selection of an actor while in Mesh Paint mode.
UE-30142 Landscape3 in ContentExamples Landscape crashes when using erosion tool
UE-30121 Experimental GPU defragging is enabled by default for PS4
UE-30120 CLONE - Investigate Crash during Garbage Collection in travel mode with InitProperties() optimization
UE-30115 Indirect Lighting Transition is delayed one frame.
UE-30108 SkeletalMesh_DensePolygon asset gives import warning for 'could not find bind pose'
UE-30104 Nexus 5, Android 4.4.4 has inverted R/B color channels
UE-30100 Destructible meshes can render incorrectly during PiE with Accurate velocities from Vertex Deformation enabled
UE-30069 On one Retina MacBook Pro using OS X 10.11.5b2 re-opening UE4Editor after previously quitting it will cause a GPU hang on Nvidia requiring a force-reboot of the Mac
UE-30062 (Regression) BP editor - SCS component tree display is not updated after Undo/Redo of component attachment.
UE-30056 Code projects appear as incompatible when opening Visual Studio from inside the Editor
UE-30047 Materials that use 5 unique textures do not compile for ES2
UE-30039 Crash when removing cloth apb's assigned to asset
UE-30022 Editor Crashes when adding a new Feature or Content Pack C++ Project
UE-29966 LogVoice:Warning: Failed to initialize voice interface
UE-29951 Launch On Windows fails on a C++ Project if Vulkan SDK is installed
UE-29944 CLONE - re-importing meshes is crashing the editor
UE-29933 Mouse Cursor not being constrained to Windows
UE-29915 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_SlateRHIRenderer!FSlateRHIRenderingPolicy::DrawElements() [slaterhirenderingpolicy.cpp:392]
UE-29888 Hot Reloading an up to date project in Xcode causes the build to fail
UE-29824 Texture group LOD Bias might be applied several time
UE-29807 Major corruption in ProtoStar in Vulkan PC with VULKAN_ENABLE_PIPELINE_CACHE=1
UE-29796 Animation blueprints and skeletal meshes snap to the origin when placed into a level
UE-29761 TwinStick Shooter Projectiles are visually offset In PIE
UE-29760 Twinstick Projectiles is Visually offSet Blueprint_Componetns_ChildActor
UE-29642 Cannot move or rotate a skeletal mesh component in the blueprint viewport using the widget
UE-29569 bReceiveCSMFromDynamicObjects unintuitive and poor solution to problem
UE-29557 iOS - Packaged Windows BP Template Crashes on Metal Devices
UE-29556 Normal maps do not render on BSPs
UE-29365 Map Check warnings 'Externally ref'd' when opening a copy of a project created from a previous version of the engine
UE-29351 Crash attempting to PIE in QAGame after deleting BP_QAPawn
UE-29345 Crash occurs exiting the editor after enabling mesh paint mode and PIEing
UE-29328 Linux SCW crash Assertion `!"Illegal formal parameter mode"' failed.
UE-29321 Adding a material track sets material to MaterialInstanceDynamic_#
UE-29264 Get Screen Percentage does not return values in -game
UE-29263 Flying Pawn renders incorrectly while flying on XboxOne
UE-29234 Crash when building lighting on Mac with M_EyeRefractive in the scene
UE-29083 Modulated shadows do not render in the correct area on older devices / versions of Android OS
UE-28900 MoviePlayer thread seems not independent while playing movie at preloadmap
UE-28862 Xbox One: Cant type in console command
UE-28694 Unable to create a new take in shot track
UE-28618 Bloom very weak on Mali devices with floating point framebuffer support
UE-28549 Vehicle Advanced Hard-locks on PS4
UE-28459 Sequencer will not play Blendshape (Morph Target) Animations while in Realtime
UE-28335 CRASH Quick Duplication on static mesh with painted foliage (instanced static meshes)
UE-28172 Opening asset editor with Ctrl down (including hotkey use) causes editor to act like ctrl still pressed
UE-28128 Changing property of actor containing component with sub-components breaks sub-components
UE-28062 Instanced stereo should be disabled when using a scene capture
UE-27996 Launch on toast remains running even after killing the application on iOS
UE-27835 Gun missing from First Person when packaged in shipping for PS4
UE-27736 Crash opening the Output log on the Linux machine
UE-27647 Opening a copy of a project fails because of copy being created on Linux
UE-27416 Make GParticleSimulationTextureSize a CVar if a reduced size gives a performance benefit
UE-27219 Compile button disabled in code project on Mac
UE-27148 Vehicle Advanced Hard-lock on PS4 when using Morpheus
UE-27141 Remove all #if PLATFORM_HTML5 from high level code
UE-27087 Crash when pasting MaterialFunctionCall expressions into the material editor between projects
UE-26536 Foliage / Instanced mesh components triggering many overlap events
UE-26495 Crash opening editor on Linux
UE-26273 Hot Reload not updating variables that have their values set in the constructor
UE-26057 4.12 regression: UE4Editor-PS4Tracker.dll is always out of date
UE-25923 Complex Collision as Simple causes odd Overlap behavior
UE-25634 Crash undoing when using component whitelist
UE-25468 View Mode Player Collision does not update properly on landscape
UE-25243 Decals strobe in one eye with Early Z-pass enabled
UE-24596 Linux staging with build receipts
UE-21424 Console renders incorrectly on SteamVR / HtcVive
UE-20434 [CrashReport] Crash in FD3D11DynamicRHI::InitD3DDevice() [windowsd3d11device.cpp:402]

REMEMBER: Please report any new bugs you find to the UE4 Answerhub
Und da kam heute morgen auch die Preview 3 mit folgendem Changelog:

We have just released Preview 3 for 4.12! Please view the Known Issues List on page 1 of this thread for the updated list of known issues.

Thank you for your continued help in testing the 4.12 build before its official release. As a reminder, the Preview builds are for testing only, and should not be used for the active development of your project.


Fixed in Preview 3 - CL 2970308

Fixed! UE-30343 Project fails to compile after adding child class of AIController (C++)
Fixed! UE-30120 Investigate Crash during Garbage Collection in travel mode with InitProperties() optimization
Fixed! UE-29351 Crash attempting to PIE in QAGame after deleting BP_QAPawn
Fixed! UE-30062 (Regression) BP editor - SCS component tree display is not updated after Undo/Redo of component attachment.
Fixed! UE-30253 Cubes do not react to projectiles in Nativized First Person Code Template
Fixed! UE-30196 Unable to package a copy of project with Nativize Blueprints enabled
Fixed! UE-30235 Mac QAGame fails to package with nativization
Fixed! UE-29888 Hot Reloading an up to date project in Xcode causes the build to fail
Fixed! UE-30150 Crash undoing the selection of an actor while in Mesh Paint mode.
Fixed! UE-28172 Opening asset editor with Ctrl down (including hotkey use) causes editor to act like ctrl still pressed
Fixed! UE-30309 Tabbing to a new row in the details panel selects the blank space to the left of the section
Fixed! UE-30201 Open a copy of a project, results in illegal characters and incorrect filepath warnings when packaging
Fixed! UE-29345 Crash occurs exiting the editor after enabling mesh paint mode and PIEing
Fixed! UE-30218 Build Step Async Step Infinite Loop
Fixed! UE-30318 Crash on mesh reimport after converting brushes to static mesh
Fixed! UE-27087 Crash when pasting MaterialFunctionCall expressions into the material editor between projects
Fixed! UE-30186 SplineComponent has issues shipping
Fixed! UE-30332 "show collision" console command does not render the collision capsule on character
Fixed! UE-30093 Animations created from recorded gameplay are in default pose
Fixed! UE-30039 Crash when removing cloth apb's assigned to asset
Fixed! UE-30100 Destructible meshes can render incorrectly during PiE with Accurate velocities from Vertex Deformation enabled
Fixed! UE-25634 Crash undoing when using component whitelist
Fixed! UE-30142 Landscape3 in ContentExamples Landscape crashes when using erosion tool
Fixed! UE-30400 Sun Temple Fails to launch on PowerVR SGX540 Tablets
Fixed! UE-29569 bReceiveCSMFromDynamicObjects needs a better name, tooltip and to be in a Mobile section
Fixed! UE-29807 Major corruption in ProtoStar in Vulkan PC with VULKAN_ENABLE_PIPELINE_CACHE=1
Fixed! UE-29557 iOS - Packaged Windows BP Template Crashes on Metal Devices
Fixed! UE-30047 Materials that use 5 unique textures do not compile for ES2
Fixed! UE-30331 CompressFileToWorkingBuffer may fail due to block size overhead
Fixed! UE-30258 Packaging for HTML5 in DebugGame fails BuildSettings not cached
Fixed! UE-26057 4.12 regression: UE4Editor-PS4Tracker.dll is always out of date
Fixed! UE-30381 Fatal error in GarbageCollection.cpp file when launching ShooterGame on Xbox One.
Fixed! UE-26495 Crash opening editor on Linux
Fixed! UE-30325 Ads not appearing on full Shipping Distribution Android package of Match3
Fixed! UE-30402 Error in Vulkan.Build.cs check in
Fixed! UE-30401 Add fallback to third party Windows Vulkan SDK for Android if other options not available
Fixed! UE-28862 Xbox One: Cant type in console command
Fixed! UE-30383 Disable MRT on A7 devices for GPU particles
Fixed! UE-30297 iOS from Mac Quick Launch fails at cook on the fly
Fixed! UE-30340 Fix num instances not getting reset after draw indirect calls on PS4
Fixed! UE-30130 [CrashReport] Vulkan Preview Crashes When Running Vulkan Preview PIE
Fixed! UE-30151 Vulkan UI should be gated by Experimental
Fixed! UE-30231 Engine crashes on Android device after being paused for a while
Fixed! UE-30271 Fix bsd_signal linking error for NDK11 and android-21
Fixed! UE-29263 Flying Pawn renders incorrectly while flying on XboxOne
Fixed! UE-30230 Textures aren't getting initialized correctly on PS4
Fixed! UE-30222 Remove glMapBufferOES and glUnmapBufferOES link warnings for Android builds
Fixed! UE-30277 GitHub 2354 : Fix for Git Source Control not working anymore in 4.12, master
Fixed! UE-30190 Adjusting Default Light Settings for Atmospheric Fog causes Crash
Fixed! UE-29150 UT EDITOR: CRASH: Crash occurs when launching Editor on MAC
Fixed! UE-30121 Experimental GPU defragging is enabled by default for PS4
Fixed! UE-29234 Crash when building lighting on Mac with M_EyeRefractive in the scene
Fixed! UE-30208 Ensure taking high resolution screenshot
Fixed! UE-30223 Skylight reflections not rendering correctly on translucent materials
Fixed! UE-30354 CrossCompilerTool does not compile
Fixed! UE-29824 Texture group LOD Bias might be applied several time
Fixed! UE-30115 Indirect Lighting Transition is delayed one frame.
Fixed! UE-29454 M_Water_Drops_Master material failing to compile
Fixed! UE-30112 Standalone Game presents with black bar
Fixed! UE-30266 In Elemental, the lava drip has parts that appear to be cut off
Fixed! UE-30304 In Vehicle Game, the buggy hits collision at the start of the track
Fixed! UE-30246 Content Examples Material_Nodes lighting needs to be rebuilt
Fixed! UE-30386 Dragging Shot_002 down a row causes the shot not to spawn in MasterSequence
Fixed! UE-30367 Crash Auto Saving after using material track
Fixed! UE-30360 Crash converting to spawnable when object is missing
Fixed! UE-30344 Master sequence settings have no bounds
Fixed! UE-29321 Adding a material track sets material to MaterialInstanceDynamic_#
Fixed! UE-30404 Modifications to Android OnCreate delegates
Fixed! UE-29264 Get Screen Percentage does not return values in -game

REMEMBER: Please report any new bugs you find to the UE4 Answerhub

Known Issues List

This is a list of unresolved high priority bugs in our 4.12 Preview engine release. We will attempt to resolve critical bugs before the final 4.12 release, other bugs that do not block development or have workarounds may be marked to be fixed in one of the future hotfixes or major releases.

Please be aware that this is not a comprehensive list of all engine bugs, it is simply a snapshot of some of the latest bugs discovered with this preview that we aim to fix prior to release. This list will be periodically updated with new additions and to reflect which ones have been fixed, so be sure to check back!

Known Issues in 4.12 Preview 3 - CL 2970308

UE-30417 SetWorldOrigin in console command crashes editor
UE-29966 LogVoice:Warning: Failed to initialize voice interface
UE-30462 Landscape grass placement changed
UE-30429 Odd collision in VehicleGame track results in Buggy driving above the landscape
UE-30517 Compile error with glslang\Public\ShaderLang.h
UE-30372 Unusual Rendering on SunTemple with iPhone6+ Metal
UE-30357 The color brown is rendered as blue on Nexus 6 device for Unreal Match 3
UE-30104 Nexus 5, Android 4.4.4 has inverted R/B color channels
UE-30501 Freeze and reboot on mac when opening example projects in the editor
UE-30498 Bad shadow flickering in Flying template
UE-30469 tvOS Code fails to package if a space exists in directory name
UE-30321 ShooterGame failed to launch after building in UFE with UnrealPak and Compress content enabled.
UE-29328 Linux SCW crash Assertion `!"Illegal formal parameter mode"' failed.
UE-29556 Normal maps do not render on BSPs
UE-30286 Player loses all input when unplugging the controller while in ShooterGame
UE-29761 TwinStick Shooter Projectiles are visually offset In PIE
UE-30446 Paper2D map is missing from Windows Content Examples in 4.12 Binary
UE-30301 Multiple Content Examples levels need lighting rebuilt
UE-30287 Launch on iOS from windows fails for Match3 project obtained through launcher
UE-29666 ProtoStar content needs to be resaved with UnrealGameSync version
UE-30490 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_SteamVR!FSteamVRHMD::D3D11Bridge::UpdateViewport()

REMEMBER: Please report any new bugs you find to the UE4 Answerhub
Und da ist auch schon die vierte Preview ;)

We have just released Preview 4 for 4.12! Please view the Known Issues List on page 1 of this thread for the updated list of known issues.

Thank you for your continued help in testing the 4.12 build before its official release. As a reminder, the Preview builds are for testing only, and should not be used for the active development of your project.
We are planning to have another Preview after this, before the final release.


Fixed in Preview 4 - CL 2978217

Fixed! UE-30690 Behavior tree serialization is creating duplicates of task services on every save
Fixed! UE-30693 Server logging regressed
Fixed! UE-30763 Make details panel favorites experimental
Fixed! UE-30417 SetWorldOrigin in console command crashes editor
Fixed! UE-30515 Debris particles constantly firing in ending sequence of Infiltrator Demo
Fixed! UE-30606 Crash adding Begin Play to Character blueprint after breaking links
Fixed! UE-30663 Crash transforming cloth bone unweighted at current LOD in persona
Fixed! UE-30157 If variables are connected to pins of Layered blend per bone, the all variables' value are recognized as the last pin's value.
Fixed! UE-30588 Curves loaded from DDC do not always work on additive animations
Fixed! UE-30563 Memory leak in active sound on world teardown due to async traces
Fixed! UE-30539 Preferred audio device settings not overriding default audio device settings
Fixed! UE-30142 Landscape3 in ContentExamples Landscape crashes when using erosion tool
Fixed! UE-30429 Odd collision in VehicleGame track results in Buggy driving above the landscape
Fixed! UE-30462 Landscape grass placement changed
Fixed! UE-30372 Unusual Rendering on SunTemple with iPhone6+ Metal
Fixed! UE-30739 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-OpenGLDrv.dylib!FPlatformOpenGLContext::VerifyCurrentContext()
Fixed! UE-30775 Fix checkin error for InputDevice version checking
Fixed! UE-30767 Add protection against calling unsupported InputDevice methods on devices with Android version before KitKat
Fixed! UE-30579 StrategyGame fails to launch on Firefox
Fixed! UE-30553 Multiple Launches required to get Project running on Firefox
Fixed! UE-30699 Correct SupportsVulkan check for Vulkan shader format
Fixed! UE-30034 Xbox One: Level assets are not rendering for several samples
Fixed! UE-29328 Linux SCW crash Assertion `!"Illegal formal parameter mode"' failed.
Fixed! UE-30069 On one Retina MacBook Pro using re-opening UE4Editor after previously quitting it will cause a GPU hang on Nvidia requiring a force-reboot of the Mac
Fixed! UE-28411 Linux crash report folders are not placed in the Saved directory
Fixed! UE-30509 Crash running project examples in Standalone game on Mac
Fixed! UE-30498 Bad shadow flickering in Flying template
Fixed! UE-30469 tvOS Code fails to package if a space exists in directory name
Fixed! UE-30536 Large values of "Reflection Capture Resolution" cause extreme Graphical artifacting and degredation with no Warning to the User
Fixed! UE-30620 ContentExamples: Material_Properties level: Example 1.10 not enabled
Fixed! UE-30732 Crash opening QA-Sequencer - UE4Editor_Engine!FStaticMeshVertexBuffer::Init()
Fixed! UE-29556 Normal maps do not render on BSPs
Fixed! UE-30389 GPU Driver crash when setting reflection capture resolution to unreasonably high values
Fixed! UE-30341 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!FReflectionTextureCubeResource::InitRHI() [reflectioncapturecomponent.cpp:703]
Fixed! UE-30286 Player loses all input when unplugging the controller while in ShooterGame
Fixed! UE-30671 Opening Level Blueprint Produces Error (Third Person Blueprint Project)
Fixed! UE-30567 Misspelling in Parallax Occlusion Mapping level of Content Examples
Fixed! UE-30446 Paper2D map is missing from Windows Content Examples in 4.12 Binary
Fixed! UE-30287 Launch on iOS from windows fails for Match3 project obtained through launcher
Fixed! UE-30740 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Sequencer!FSequencerTrackNode::GetDisplayName() [sequencertracknode.cpp:264]
Fixed! UE-30688 Crash adding a second animation to UMG on Mac
Fixed! UE-30656 Camera is not set to the characters camera when sequence is over
Fixed! UE-30680 Master tracks (camera cuts, fade, play rate, etc) should appear before folder nodes
Fixed! UE-30654 Packaged sequence does not autoplay
Fixed! UE-30666 Crash undoing UMG widget added to an animation
Fixed! UE-30529 Scroll bar does not have fixed width in Sequencer
Fixed! UE-30577 Multiple Transform track on Camera created from Add Master Sequence
Fixed! UE-30676 Crash using assign actor in sequencer on Mac
Fixed! UE-30490 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_SteamVR!FSteamVRHMD::D3D11Bridge::UpdateViewport()

REMEMBER: Please report any new bugs you find to the UE4 Answerhub

Known Issues List

This is a list of unresolved high priority bugs in our 4.12 Preview engine release. We will attempt to resolve critical bugs before the final 4.12 release, other bugs that do not block development or have workarounds may be marked to be fixed in one of the future hotfixes or major releases.

Please be aware that this is not a comprehensive list of all engine bugs, it is simply a snapshot of some of the latest bugs discovered with this preview that we aim to fix prior to release. This list will be periodically updated with new additions and to reflect which ones have been fixed, so be sure to check back!

Known Issues in 4.12 Preview 4 - CL 2978217

UE-30470 Restarting Project Resets Scoring Equation in EQS
UE-28536 Attached Project Crashes on Attempting to Play in Standalone
UE-30677 Toggling WindowedFullscreen has issues with "creep" and bad window positioning
UE-30613 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_UnrealEd!FMainMRUFavoritesList::ContainsFavoritesItem() [mrufavoriteslist.cpp:98]
UE-30411 Attached Project Crashes When Setting RVO Avoidance
UE-30276 Standalone game window snaps back to original position after being moved
UE-29915 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_SlateRHIRenderer!FSlateRHIRenderingPolicy::DrawElements() [slaterhirenderingpolicy.cpp:392]
UE-29794 Crash opening QAGame after copying when logged into source control
UE-22691 Changing Media asset path can cause crash.
UE-30698 In Cascade when using the Tab key in the module list will cause a crash
UE-27408 Crash after binding an event to a value after renaming the widget
UE-30809 Merge actor panel crashes when selecting a mesh component without static mesh
UE-30811 Marker sync crashes when used in derived anim class
UE-30808 Issue with static mesh merging path in HLOD system
UE-30742 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Landscape!FLandscapeComponentSceneProxy::DrawStaticElements() [landscaperender.cpp:1122]
UE-29083 Modulated shadows do not render in the correct area on older devices / versions of Android OS
UE-30625 Crash On dedicated server when adding a variable set to RepNotify Character blueprint and playing in Editor
UE-30710 MetalRHI crash locking camera cut to a level sequence in QAGame
UE-30644 iPad 4 crash in gpusSubmitDataBuffers returning to app
UE-29238 Display driver crash when launching with -opengl4 on AMD cards
UE-29231 Crash when shooting in Tm-Shadermodels with -Opengl
UE-28890 DX12 enabled projects do not launch and error out with "XboxOneD3D12RHI:Error: Hr failed"
UE-26319 Crash when DFAO is disabled and a lower scalability is used while Distance Field Shadowing is enabled.
UE-20434 [CrashReport] Crash in FD3D11DynamicRHI::InitD3DDevice() [windowsd3d11device.cpp:402]
UE-18906 [CrashReport] Crash in !UE4Editor_D3D11RHI!FD3D11DynamicRHI::Shutdown()
UE-30301 Multiple Content Examples levels need lighting rebuilt
UE-30771 Button hit box offset in windowed mode
UE-30611 [CrashReport] Crash When Enabling OSVR Plugin
UE-20109 VR Preview crashes when the number of players is greater than one

REMEMBER: Please report any new bugs you find to the UE4 Answerhub
Wow die hauen ja bei der 12er Version ziemlich rein. So direkt nach 4.11 hätte ich mind. für 4-6 Wochen nichts erwartet.:D
Wow die hauen ja bei der 12er Version ziemlich rein. So direkt nach 4.11 hätte ich mind. für 4-6 Wochen nichts erwartet.:D
Jepp, vor allem da 4.11 ganze 8 Preview Phasen über eine doch sehr lange Zeit hatte, bin ich nun überrascht, dass es so schnell geht. Vor allem, da mit 4.12 Vulkan und DX12 eigentlich vollständig integriert werden sollen ;)
Uuuund die fünfte Preview ist nun verfügbar :D Das Changelog lautet wie folgt:

We have just released Preview 5 for 4.12! Please view the Known Issues List on page 1 of this thread for the updated list of known issues.

Thank you for your continued help in testing the 4.12 build before its official release. As a reminder, the Preview builds are for testing only, and should not be used for the active development of your project.

This is expected to be the final Preview for 4.12 before its official release.

Important Known Issues
  • For deployment to additional platforms such as Android, iOS, HTML5, Linux, and TVOS you must have the optional "Editor symbols for debugging" installed. This is available via the Launcher by selecting "Options" on the 4.12.0 Engine slot. This is a transitional phase to new functionality, and the workflow will be improved in an upcoming release.
  • Google VR (Daydream) doesn't work in the Launcher release, but is functional via Github (UE-31186)


Fixed in Preview 5 - CL 2986880

Fixed! UE-30836 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!UNavigationSystem::RegisterNavData() [navigationsystem.cpp:1810]
Fixed! UE-30470 Restarting Project Resets Scoring Equation in EQS
Fixed! UE-30411 Attached Project Crashes When Setting RVO Avoidance
Fixed! UE-31118 Blueprints with ClassDefaultNodes compile very very slowly
Fixed! UE-30954 CRASH: One-off crash in editor when saving outdated packages while modifying blueprint
Fixed! UE-31027 Crash compiling blueprint after deprecating the blueprint
Fixed! UE-31034 Blueprints_GetClassDefaults Crashes the editor when class is changed to NONE...
Fixed! UE-30919 Actor Blueprint Asset Crashes when opened in Blueprint Editor
Fixed! UE-28536 Attached Project Crashes on Attempting to Play in Standalone
Fixed! UE-30556 Crash Report Client window missing functionality after disabling and re-enabling the GPU
Fixed! UE-29794 Crash opening QAGame after copying when logged into source control
Fixed! UE-30831 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_SceneOutliner!SceneOutliner::FGetVisibilityVisitor::RecurseChildren() [sceneoutlinergutter.cpp:24]
Fixed! UE-30968 Ctrl+Alt selection drag inside to outside of Matinee window will crash the editor
Fixed! UE-30613 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_UnrealEd!FMainMRUFavoritesList::ContainsFavoritesItem() [mrufavoriteslist.cpp:98]
Fixed! UE-30276 Standalone game window snaps back to original position after being moved
Fixed! UE-30677 Toggling WindowedFullscreen has issues with "creep" and bad window positioning
Fixed! UE-22691 Changing Media asset path can cause crash.
Fixed! UE-30698 In Cascade when using the Tab key in the module list will cause a crash
Fixed! UE-31101 Crash when clicking content browser filter dropdown
Fixed! UE-30891 CRASH: Editor crashes when Importing Actors via File > Import
Fixed! UE-30809 Merge actor panel crashes when selecting a mesh component without static mesh
Fixed! UE-30955 Morph Targets in Skeletal Mesh LODs do not behave correctly
Fixed! UE-31164 Negative rate scale on montages will not loop correctly
Fixed! UE-31119 Edits to additive animation curves do not show until applied
Fixed! UE-31039 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!UAnimMontage::IsValidAdditive() [animmontage.cpp:702]
Fixed! UE-30949 Crash Importing Skeletal Mesh LODs with a lot of morph targets
Fixed! UE-30811 Marker sync crashes when used in derived anim class
Fixed! UE-30808 Issue with static mesh merging path in HLOD system
Fixed! UE-30917 Crash occurs when landscape is selected and simulating and selecting the landscape tab
Fixed! UE-30742 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Landscape!FLandscapeComponentSceneProxy::DrawStaticElements() [landscaperender.cpp:1122]
Fixed! UE-29083 Modulated shadows do not render in the correct area on older devices / versions of Android OS
Fixed! UE-31006 FAndroidMediaPlayer::Open() returns EMediaEvent::MediaOpenFailed even if opening is succeed.
Fixed! UE-30904 No Bloom Post-Process on device when using packaged project
Fixed! UE-20434 [CrashReport] Crash in FD3D11DynamicRHI::InitD3DDevice() [windowsd3d11device.cpp:402]
Fixed! UE-29231 Crash when shooting in Tm-Shadermodels with -Opengl
Fixed! UE-30133 Incompatible surface format error, certain maps rendering completely black on PS4 with Accurate Velocities enabled.
Fixed! UE-30341 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!FReflectionTextureCubeResource::InitRHI() [reflectioncapturecomponent.cpp:703]
Fixed! UE-31054 ToggleRHIThread and ShowMaterialDrawEvents autocomplete on the commandline but don't do anything.
Fixed! UE-30902 Translucent per pixel lighting broken
Fixed! UE-30834 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_D3D11RHI!FD3D11DynamicRHI::RHIReadSurfaceData() [d3d11rendertarget.cpp:905]
Fixed! UE-30619 Face Distortion In Morph Targets Sample
Fixed! UE-26319 Crash when DFAO is disabled and a lower scalability is used while Distance Field Shadowing is enabled.
Fixed! UE-31132 Zen fails to package for Windows and Android
Fixed! UE-31108 No Default Game Map set for Subway Sequencer project
Fixed! UE-30979 Typo in Station 1.4 on Blueprint_Communications in Content Examples
Fixed! UE-30568 "Attempted to get an item from array PerRoomProperties out of bounds" warnings in some Content Examples maps
Fixed! UE-30706 Several texture sheets in Zen Garden have bad Opacity Maps
Fixed! UE-30570 Misspelling in StaticMeshes level of Content Examples
Fixed! UE-30575 Misspelling in Decals level of Content Examples
Fixed! UE-31106 Subway Sequencer will not open when packaged for Win64: "Project requires the LevelSequenceEditor plugin."
Fixed! UE-31050 Crash opening SubwaySequencerMASTER
Fixed! UE-30986 "Enable Texture Streaming" in Render Movie Settings doesn't seem to work
Fixed! UE-30978 Crash when rendering movie with "Capture frames in HDR" enabled
Fixed! UE-30944 Crash using component none in component classes to record
Fixed! UE-30923 Crash scrubbing in sequence after adding sound wave to an actor
Fixed! UE-30771 Button hit box offset in windowed mode
Fixed! UE-31049 Update Oculus Audio SDK
Fixed! UE-30611 [CrashReport] Crash When Enabling OSVR Plugin
Fixed! UE-20109 VR Preview crashes when the number of players is greater than one
Fixed! UE-31166 Morph targets do not work in cooked builds

REMEMBER: Please report any new bugs you find to the UE4 Answerhub

Known Issues List

This is a list of unresolved high priority bugs in our 4.12 Preview engine release. We will attempt to resolve critical bugs before the final 4.12 release, other bugs that do not block development or have workarounds may be marked to be fixed in one of the future hotfixes or major releases.

Please be aware that this is not a comprehensive list of all engine bugs, it is simply a snapshot of some of the latest bugs discovered with this preview that we aim to fix prior to release. This list will be periodically updated with new additions and to reflect which ones have been fixed, so be sure to check back!

Important Known Issues
  • For deployment to additional platforms such as Android, iOS, HTML5, Linux, and TVOS you must have the optional "Editor symbols for debugging" installed. This is available via the Launcher by selecting "Options" on the 4.12.0 Engine slot. This is a transitional phase to new functionality, and the workflow will be improved in an upcoming release.
  • Google VR (Daydream) doesn't work in the Launcher release, but is functional via Github (UE-31186)

Known Issues in 4.12 Preview 5 - CL 2986880

UE-31090 AI Perception Not Showing Up in Debugger
UE-31099 Renaming an input mapping does not generate a warning when compile a blueprint using that input
UE-30625 Crash On dedicated server when adding a variable set to RepNotify Character blueprint and playing in Editor
UE-31036 Sound volume does not change when moving past the Non Focus Azimuth range if set to greater than 90 degrees
UE-31028 Stop Quietest Concurrency does not remove the quietest sound
UE-31210 Empty PATH env var when compiling PS4 with 2015
UE-31109 Right-clicking the .uproject file and selecitng "Generate Xcode project" does nothing
UE-30823 ShooterGame packaged for Win XP generates a dll error when trying to run the executable
UE-30813 Deployment Server has stopped working dialog box when launching onto tvOS from Windows
UE-30301 Multiple Content Examples levels need lighting rebuilt
UE-30755 Subway Sequencer rendered sequence frames not matching frames in sequencer
UE-31186 GoogleVR Binaries missing in Binary Build of Editor

REMEMBER: Please report any new bugs you find to the UE4 Answerhub
Hat schon jemand von euch auf 4.12 geupdated? Ist bei mir nach 4.0 die unstabilste Version die ich von der UE4 hatte, zu mindestens mit meinem Projekt. Ständige crashes die Dateien zerschießen, die dann das packen verhindern. Jetzt bekomme ich es zwar gepackt aber das gepackte spiel lässt sich nicht starten. Und als Fehlermeldung nur "Unknown fatal error".

Das wird wohl demnächst einen größeren hotfix geben müssen. Scheine damit wohl nicht ganz alleine zu sein :ugly:
Und da ist auch schon der erste Patch mit der Nummer UE 4.12.1 mit einer ganzen Menge an Crash-Fixes ;)

The 4.12.1 Hotfix is now live! This includes fixes to over 20 issues, including many important stability fixes for crashes.

If you experience a bug with the 4.12.1 Hotfix, please remember to log a bug report for the issue on the UE4 AnswerHub to the Bug Reports section.

Fixed in 4.12.1

Fixed! UE-31570 Crash in StaticDuplicateObject while compiling or editing variables in blueprint widgets
Fixed! UE-31550 Using Integer Bitmask crashes editor
Fixed! UE-23371 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_GraphEditor!FNodeFactory::CreateNodeWidget() nodefactory.cpp:91
Fixed! UE-26761 Crash When Compiling Child Blueprint Containing a Custom Event with the Same Name as its Parent's Event
Fixed! UE-31443 Crash occurs clicking "Select All" in Foliage Tool in QA-Sequencer map
Fixed! UE-31183 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!FAnimNode_StateMachine::Evaluate() [animnode_statemachine.cpp:745]
Fixed! UE-31574 RemoveNaNTracks causes anim DDC data to be regenerated every load on old animations
Fixed! UE-31445 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_DetailCustomizations!FBodyInstanceCustomization::GetDefaultCollisionProvider() [bodyinstancecustomization.cpp:35]
Fixed! UE-31255 Shipping Builds packaged for WinXP 32 bit crash when opening on Win7
Fixed! UE-31492 Can no longer generate a dsym on Mac
Fixed! UE-25561 Read IAP information node causes hang if connection is disconnected
Fixed! UE-31539 GPU crash on PS4 due to GS mode not getting disabled when using parallel contexts
Fixed! UE-31247 Emissive for Static Lighting discarded upon Re-opening Level or Restarting Project
Fixed! UE-28817 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!FStaticLODModel::Serialize() [skeletalmesh.cpp:1261]
Fixed! UE-15903 [CrashReport] Lighting build triggers array out of bounds crash
Fixed! UE-31620 Roughness Calculation is incorrect in 4.12
Fixed! UE-26288 Crash on unchecking Generate Lightmap UVs and Applying with Mesh already assigned and painted as Foliage
Fixed! UE-31182 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!FMaterial::GetShader() [materialshared.cpp:1564]
Fixed! UE-18906 [CrashReport] Crash in !UE4Editor_D3D11RHI!FD3D11DynamicRHI::Shutdown()
Fixed! UE-30985 Reflective surfaces rendering incorrectly in -featureleveles2 -opengl
Fixed! UE-31431 Crash in Sequencer play rate track when setting negative play rate
Fixed! UE-31647 Crash changing the color of a fade track section
Fixed! UE-31648 Sequencer audio doesn't play after rendering a movie in editor.
Und da wurde der erste Hotfix für den Hotfix hinterher geschoben :D

The 4.12.2 Hotfix is now live! This hotfix resolves a critical crash when refreshing blueprint dependencies on a blueprint with no class, as well as fixing 11 other important issues.
Please be aware that after updating to this hotfix, it will be necessary to recompile shaders on your projects.

If you experience a bug with the 4.12.2 Hotfix, please remember to log a bug report for the issue on the UE4 AnswerHub to the Bug Reports section.

Fixed in 4.12.2

Fixed! UE-31740 Crash While Compiling Blueprint in FBlueprintEditorUtils::RefreshExternalBlueprintDependencyNodes()
Fixed! UE-31655 BP EQS generators crash on adding vectors.
Fixed! UE-31723 Attempting to build MinidumpDiagnostics with Visual Studio 2015 Update 2 results in failure
Fixed! UE-31612 Physics enabled Child Actor components that spawn with with a delay, always spawns at world origin
Fixed! UE-31680 [CrashReport] DestroyChildActor->Rename->StaticFindObject()
Fixed! UE-31682 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_CoreUObject!UObjectBaseUtility::GetOutermost() [uobjectbaseutility.cpp:118]
Fixed! UE-31646 ZenGardens fails to package for iOS due to OOM
Fixed! UE-31736 SteamController BackRight is not setup correctly
Fixed! UE-29543 Adjusting Light Source Radius/Length creates undesirable effect
Fixed! UE-31589 Capture reflections on translucent materials are broken
Fixed! UE-31715 Static Meshes Disappear with Media Player Asset Applied as Material in Standalone or Packaged Game
Fixed! UE-31687 Vive: Positional Latency with a Possessed Pawn's Camera Component
Exakt eine Woche später ist nun der UE 4.12.3 Hotfix erschienen:

The 4.12.3 Hotfix is now live! This hotfix resolves a few important issues and restores the option to opt out of submitting crash reports.

If you experience a bug with the 4.12.3 Hotfix, please remember to log a bug report for the issue on the UE4 AnswerHub to the Bug Reports section.

Fixed in 4.12.3

Fixed! UE-31735 Get Class Defaults node disconnects output pins when project upgraded from 4.11 to 4.12
Fixed! UE-31743 Components derived from scene component reset vector location upon closing and re-opening editor
Fixed! UE-31812 CrashReporter Client has no options to close without sending
Fixed! UE-31789 GitHub 2484 : Git Plugin: fix the Submit To Source Control menu broken by new "migrate" support in 4.12 (and master)
Fixed! UE-31702 Assertion opening blueprint with HISMC created in 4.11
Fixed! UE-30934 GitHub 2406 : Git plugin: Fix for Git diff not working in UE 4.12 (and master)
Fixed! UE-31265 GitHub 2432 : BUGFIX: ProceduralMeshComponent crashes game
Fixed! UE-31578 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Renderer!InjectTranslucentLightArray() [translucentlighting.cpp:1578]
Fixed! UE-31851 Reflections have an extra vector offset than in 4.11
Fixed! UE-31787 Vive: Positional Latency w/ Rotation
Und ein neues Update wurde vor ein paar Minuten released ;)

The 4.12.4 Hotfix is now live! This hotfix resolves over 30 important issues and crashes.

If you experience a bug with the 4.12.4 Hotfix, please remember to log a bug report for the issue on the UE4 AnswerHub to the Bug Reports section.

Fixed in 4.12.4

Fixed! UE-32179 Properties of blueprint based behavior tree decorators are reset on game start
Fixed! UE-32178 Vehicles set to "obstacle only" in RVO are moving on their own
Fixed! UE-32356 Editor crashes when opening several marketplace assets - Assertion failed: !HasAnyFlags
Fixed! UE-32414 Using TickInterval for a tick used as a prerequisite will crash
Fixed! UE-31897 PhysicsVolume weak pointer returns null only in packaged project
Fixed! UE-31938 Crash report window does not open on GitHub source builds
Fixed! UE-29086 Crash When Typing a Node Comment and Hovering Over the Alignment Option
Fixed! UE-30963 UCS continuously runs while a blueprint's thumbnail in content browser is focused
Fixed! UE-32381 Crash updating thumbnail after compiling blueprint
Fixed! UE-32283 Animations imported with Skeletal Mesh are not marked as dirty and don't get saved
Fixed! UE-30878 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Foliage!FFoliageInstanceBaseCache::AddInstanceBaseId() [foliageinstancebase.cpp:101]
Fixed! UE-31956 Instance changes no longer propagating to ChildActor after updating from 4.11.2
Fixed! UE-32219 [CrashReporter] Crash in UEngine::UpdateTimeAndHandleMaxTickRate()
Fixed! UE-32276 AActor::OnRep_AttachmentReplication regression on detach
Fixed! UE-32124 Crash when Deleting Concatenator Node while Playing Sound Cue
Fixed! UE-28604 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!FSharedPoolPolicyData::GetPoolBucketIndex() [gpuskinvertexfactory.cpp:75]
Fixed! UE-31445 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_DetailCustomizations!FBodyInstanceCustomization::GetDefaultCollisionProvider() [bodyinstancecustomization.cpp:35]
Fixed! UE-32244 Grabbing a Destructible Mesh Child blueprint with a Phsyics Handle crashes the editor
Fixed! UE-31766 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!AActor::InvalidateLightingCacheDetailed() [actor.cpp:4111]
Fixed! UE-32060 Editing Landscape Collision Mip Level Crashes Editor
Fixed! UE-32132 Safe zone visualization and debugging is broken on Windows
Fixed! UE-31441 A3D doesn't work on PS4
Fixed! UE-31450 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_UnrealEd!FLightmassExporter::WriteSceneSettings() [lightmass.cpp:1818]
Fixed! UE-31765 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Renderer!FMeshMaterialShader::SetMesh<FRHIVertexShader * __ptr64>() [shaderbaseclasses.cpp:457]
Fixed! UE-31454 Using VR Preview and Shader Complexity viewmode will cause a crash
Fixed! UE-29332 [CrashReport] Crash When Switching from Lit to Light Complexity Mode
Fixed! UE-32036 GitHub 2504 : [Editor Hang new in 4.12 fix in FinalPostProcessSettings] Essential project-killing hang fix ? Rama
Fixed! UE-32415 Editing Landscape Collision Mip Level Crashes Editor
Fixed! UE-29146 CameraVectorWS Input Data as Post Process Blendable not Rendering Correctly
Fixed! UE-31549 r.ScreenPercentage.Editor does not function
Fixed! UE-32507 Third party plugin authors cannot stage PRX files on PS4
Diesmal kam quasi ein Mikro-Patch in Form der UE 4.12.5 ;)

The 4.12.5 Hotfix is now live! This hotfix resolves an issue for UE4 with the recent Visual Studio 2015 Update 3, as well as a few other issues.

If you experience a bug with the 4.12.5 Hotfix, please remember to log a bug report for the issue on the UE4 AnswerHub to the Bug Reports section.

Fixed in 4.12.5

Fixed! UE-32588 VS2015 Update 3 prevents the editor from compiling code
Fixed! UE-32621 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Renderer!FGlobalShader::SetParameters<FRHIPixelShader * __ptr64,FRHICommandList>() [globalshader.h:134]
Fixed! UE-32715 Crash when selecting "show" > "uncompressed animation" in Persona
Fixed! UE-32772 Hitting ensure in AACtor::BeginPlay in an actor with ChildActorComponents
Nach einer Langen Pause (fast einen ganzen Monat) ist hier nun endlich die Preview 1 der UE 4.13 :D
Die finale Version der UE 4.13 soll gegen Ende August erscheinen:
Chance Ivey schrieb:
We’re hardening Unreal Engine 4.13 for the full release towards the end of August [...]

Folgende Überarbeitungen, Ergänzungen und Verbesserungen kommen mit der Version 4.13:

A Preview of the upcoming 4.13 release is now available via the Epic Games Launcher and GitHub. We have made this Preview available so that our developer-community can help us catch issues before the final release. As fixes are implemented, we will release updated previews throughout the development cycle. Please be aware that the preview releases are not fully quality tested, that they are still under heavy active development, and that they should be considered as unstable until the final release. Developers should not convert their projects for active development on preview releases. Please test on copies of your project instead.

We encourage users to check out the preview to try new features and inform us of any issues which we may not have caught. Links to known and fixed issues for this release are provided below. If you discover any additional issues with this preview release, please report the issue on the Bug Reports section of the Unreal Engine AnswerHub.

Known & Fixed Issues

4.13 Preview Summary

This list provides a brief summary of updates in this Preview. Full release notes will be made available with the final 4.13 release. We may not be able to provide additional information about updates at this time.

  • Sequencer Updates:
    • Sequencer has a variety of new import/export capabilities:
      • Can import and export .cmx and .edls for interchange with non-linear editing packages. Each shot in a sequence will be written to a separate movie file which is referenced by the edl file
      • You can apply a burn-in to the exported image
      • The ability to export HDR data in OpenEXR files has been expanded to give a choice of the color gamut used to encode the HDR data
      • Supports importing fbx animation directly to an object or track. You can also export animated tracks to fbx
    • Sequence recorder improvements as shown at Siggraph Real-Time Live! 2016
  • Framework Updates:
    • A new Physical Animation Component (Experimental) allows you to drive skeletal mesh animation through physical motors. The component allows you to set motor strengths directly, as well as using pre-configured physical animation profiles which can be created and edited inside PhAT.
    • A new Pose Driver Animation node (Experimental). This uses an RBF (Radial Basis Function) to interpolate driven values based on the pose of a target bone. You use a PoseAsset to define the target poses for the bone, and the desired curve values at each pose. This node can be used as a Pose Space Deformer, to drive corrective blend shapes based on the orientation of a bone.
    • Physics Constraint Profiles can be used to switch between pre-configured joint setups authored in PhAT. This allows for fine tuning of physics assets based on different game contexts (e.g: full ragdoll vs dangly bits)
    • Sub Animation Blueprints allow you to share animation logic by using a ‘Sub Anim Instance’ node within your Animation Blueprint to reference another Sub Animation Blueprint. This also allows you to break up large Animation Blueprints, for example into ‘locomotion’ and ‘physics’ parts. Member variables of the Sub Blueprint can be exposed as input pins on the node. The Sub Animation Blueprint must use the same Skeleton as the outer Animation Blueprint.
    • A Pose Asset that interprets each key to each pose, and you can blend between. This is to support facial animation where either FACS (Facial Action Coding System) or viseme curves can drive poses. This supports bone transform as well as morph targets.
      • Currently you can create pose asset from AnimSequence using either context menu or create asset menu in Persona. Once you create pose asset, the names will be auto generated by default. You can rename each pose or you can paste from clipboard.
      • Poses are driven by normal animation curves. As long as they exist in the animation you can see the curve. In Persona, in order to preview pose from curve, you can set Preview Pose Asset. In AnimGraph, you could use Pose Blender Node (or Pose By Name) to output the pose according to curves.
    • Animation Curve Viewer: We removed the Skeleton Curve tab from Persona, and moved that functionality into the improved Animation Curves tab. Here you can rename and delete curves, as well as previewing curve data.
      • You can see all curves that belong to current skeleton or currently active curves from preview asset. And you could also filter by specific type of curves if you only want to see active curves. Please note that we named default curve to be called “Attribute”, so any animation curves will be by default attribute curves.
      • If you want to modify the curve value, you can either turn off 'Auto' check box option or just type the value.
    • Alembic Importer for Vertex Animation (Experimental) has been added in the form of a plugin, it allows importing caches in different ways:
      • Single frame - Static Mesh (the specific frame will be imported as a static mesh)
      • Frame Sequence
        • Geometry Cache (new asset type, allows for playing back vertex-varying sequences) The imported sequence is played back as flipbook of frames, this means that performance will not be optimal and scale according to the mesh complexity
        • Skeletal Mesh (is only supported for playing back non-vertex-varying sequences) During the import process the animation sequence will be compressed using a PCA scheme, in which common poses (bases) are extracted and weighted to compose the original animation during playback time. The percentage or fixed number of bases used can be set during import to tweak the level of compression
    • Preview Scene Improvements for Static and Skeletal meshes. To access this functionality a new panel (named Preview Scene Settings) is added to both the editors. In here you can setup multiple profiles (scenes) to preview your meshes, and the profiles allow for changing Directional light, Sky light and Post processing settings.
    • A project setting to support Texture Coordinate (UV) info from Line Traces. The option is under Project Settings -> Physics -> Optimizations. When this is enabled, you can use the ‘FindCollisionUV’ function to take a HitResult and find the UV info for any UV channel at the point of impact. Enabling this feature does use extra memory, as a copy of UV information must be stored in CPU memory.
    • Slicing Utility for ProceduralMeshComponent: There is a new utility in the ProceduralMeshComponent plugin which will ‘slice’ a ProceduralMesh at runtime using a plane, adding ‘capping’ geometry, and creating a second ProceduralMeshComponent for the ‘other half’ if desired. ProceduralMesh’s also support simple collision, so they can use physics simulation. We also added a utility to copy data from a StaticMesh to a ProceduralMesh (though the new ‘Allow CPU Access’ flag must be set on the StaticMesh for this to work in cooked builds).
    • Animation Node Pose Watching Anim graph nodes can be “watched” in Persona. This allows you to see a representation of the pose being generated at any point in the anim graph dynamically. Multiple watches can be active at once allowing you to compare poses at different points and find the exact point at which any errors in your current pose are introduced.
    • Threaded Audio (Experimental): Outside of the editor, sound cue evaluation and active wave instance determination can run independently of the game thread.
    • TSet Property: TSet can be used as a UPROPERTY subject to the same limitations as TMap.
      • Does not work with replication, no blueprint support, details panel editing is limited to entering as a string (i.e. "(1,2,3)"), and if you have a TSet of UObjects and one of those UObjects is marked pending kill, the reference will be nulled on GC, but it will still be hashed as if it was the original UObject and it is possible to have multiple of these nulls
  • VR Editor Updates:
    • Foliage Editing in VR allows you to use motion controllers to spray down foliage instances. Pressure sensitivity on the trigger is supported, and you can hold the 'Modifier' button to erase foliage.
      • Some features (lasso tool and select tool) are still unavailable.
    • Mesh Painting in VR allows you to use motion controllers to paint on textures and mesh vertices. Pressure sensitivity on the trigger is supported, and you can hold the ‘Modifier’ button to erase.
      • To use this feature, open the “Modes” window in VR, then click the “Mesh Paint” tab.
    • Automatic Entry to VR Editing Mode so you can enter and leave VR editing mode when the VR editor is enabled without having to use the VR button or escape manually! As long as the editor is in the foreground, when you wear the headset, you will automatically enter VR editing mode; when you remove the headset, you will leave it.
      • There is a setting under VR in the Experimental section of Editor Settings that will allow you to turn off auto-entry if you prefer.
    • Color Picker window in VR so you can change color properties on lights and other Actors in your level. You can also use the Color Picker to select colors for Vertex Painting and Texture Painting in VR
    • New Quick Menu Options let you add a flashlight to your controller, to light up dark parts of your scene or see how light interacts with different Materials. You can also take screenshots right from VR
    • Play from VR Editor: To easily prototype your project it is possible to start your project in VR from within the VR Editor. Press the “Play” button on the quick menu to start PIE in VR. To instantly go back to the VR Editor from PIE press the 2 triggers and a grip button on each motion controller.
  • VR Updates:
    • A number of improvements to Instanced Stereo Rendering including moving the velocity pass to use instanced stereo rendering. Multi-view support has also been enabled on the PS4, which leads to significant performance improvements when using the ISR path
    • VR Template for Desktop and Console
  • Rendering Updates:
    • Drawing to render targets from Blueprint. Blueprint functions can be used to draw materials into render targets. This enables a huge variety of game-specific rendering effects to be implemented without having to modify source code.
      • The new Blueprint function DrawMaterialToRenderTarget draws a quad filling the destination render target with the EmissiveColor input in the material.
      • For more advanced drawing to a render target, use Begin/EndDrawCanvasToRenderTarget. These allow multiple draws to a subset of the render target efficiently, as well as font drawing methods through the Canvas object.
    • Scene Captures have been improved to work better with Blueprint Render to Texture
    • Cached shadowmaps for movable point and spot lights When a point or spot light is not moving, we can store off the shadowmap for that light and reuse it next frame.
    • Several improvements to the Noise Material Node. Performance has been improved for several of the functions available in this node, with more detailed description of the performance tradeoffs in the function selection tooltips. Most of these are still slow for runtime use, so baking the results into a texture is encouraged.
      • There is a new Voronoi noise option available for the Noise material node, which can be useful for procedural material creation.
      • The noise functions “Gradient - Texture Based”, “Gradient - Computational”, “Value - Computational”, and “Voronoi” can all be set to tile with an integer tiling period. This can be especially useful for baking into a seamless texture.
    • Morph Targets on GPU Projects can enable calculating morph targets on the GPU on Shader Model 5 level hardware. This frees the CPU from performing those calculations
  • Platform Updates:
    • Mac Metal Shader Model 5 has initial support. This exposes all the available features of Metal on Mac OS X 10.11.6 that are applicable to Unreal Engine 4.
      • Implements the RHI thread & parallel translation features to parallelise render command dispatch
      • Exposes support for Metal compute shaders
      • Exposes asynchronous compute support on AMD GPUs
      • Enables high-end rendering features previously unavailable on Mac, including:
        • High quality dynamic exposure (a.k.a. Eye Adaptation)
          [*]Compute-shader reflection environments - only available on discrete GPUs for 4.13
          [*]DistanceField Ambient Occlusion - only available on discrete GPUs for 4.13
          [*]DistanceField Shadowing - only available on discrete GPUs for 4.13
  • Mobile Updates:
    • Custom Post-Process materials can be used on Mobile devices
      • Requires MobileHDR, non-Mosaic devices
      • Supports only fetching from PostProcessInput0 (SceneColor) with blendable location ‘Before Tonemapping’ or ‘After Tonemapping’
    • Lighting Channels are supported
      • Multiple directional lights are supported in different channels
      • Each primitive can only be affected by one directional, and it will use the directional light from first lighting channel it has set
      • CSM shadows from stationary or movable directional lights cast only on primitives with matching lighting channels
      • Dynamic point lights fully support lighting channels
    • Android Automation Testing: The Project Launcher is able to package and launch your project onto multiple Android devices simultaneously. The app running on each device will communicate back to your host PC over the USB cable and the will appear in the Session Frontend window. You can then launch Automated Tests on all the devices and see the results in the Session Frontend.
    • Mobile Renderer supports OpenGL ES 3.1 on Android.
      • You can choose to package both ES 2.0 and ES 3.1 shaders for the same project, and the device will chooses the best shader platform based on the device’s capabilities.
    • A Mobile Packaging Wizard to help support packaging for mobile where a minimal app without any content is uploaded to an App Store and the rest of the content is downloaded from the Cloud.
      • Wizard can be accessed from Project Launcher window, it will help you create launcher profiles
    • Materials have an option to use Full Precision in pixel shaders when used on Mobile devices.
  • Network Updates:
    • Replay Backwards Compatibility is supported. This means you can make modifications to a build, even add or remove replicated properties and then load replays on the new build that were recorded with an older build.
      • Most of the work is handled by the low level reflection information we have for each replicated property. For custom serialized network data (UObject::NetSerialize), you can use two new functions added to FArchive (FArchive::EngineNetVer() and FArchive::GameNetVer()) which allow you to obtain the current network version of the stream and handle old data manually.
      • To test this feature out, you can simply record a replay with a certain build, change some replicated properties, and then load that same replay on a newer build!
  • Editor/Tools Updates:
    • Localized Text Formatting Improvements allow your translations to be more accurate
      • Plural Forms allow you to use different text based upon a numeric variable given to your text format
      • Gender Forms allow you to use different text based upon an ETextGender value given to your text format
      • Hangul Post-Positions help you deal with the grammar rules present in Korean, and will insert the correct glyph(s) based upon whether the value being inserted ends in a consonant or a vowel
      • To allow you to pass in the numeric/gender values needed for plural/gender form support, all of the FText::Format(...) family of functions take their values as FFormatArgumentValue rather than FText. This can be implicitly constructed from any numeric type, ETextGender, or FText. The ability to set these value types in Blueprints has been exposed using wildcard pins on the “Format Text” node.
      • You can also pre-compile your format pattern if you’re going to be re-using it for multiple calls to FText::Format(...). Simply create and store a FTextFormat instance and pass it as the pattern to FText::Format(...).
    • Using the Widget Interaction Component, you can simulate hardware input events with widget components in the world.
    • Widget Sprites: You can use Paper2D Sprites as Brush inputs for UMG and Slate Widgets.
  • Media Framework Updates: (not tested for all platforms)
    • Media Framework Overhaul
      • Media Framework API has been completely overhauled and simplified
      • Media sources are assets in the Content Browser
      • Media library tab in Media Player editor
      • Playlist assets for playing multiple media sources in a row
      • Audio playback support has been added
      • Improved media file import workflow
      • Improved Blueprint integration
      • Performance improvements on several platforms
      • Pixel format conversion on the GPU
      • Support for dynamically changing video dimensions on some platforms
    • Android Update
      • Support for multiple audio tracks
      • HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) on devices supporting it (m3u8)
    • PS4 Update
      • HTTP Live Streaming (HLS)
      • Improved playback controls (Pause, SetRate, etc.)
      • Media files can be pre-cached to memory
      • Opening media from FArchive
    • Windows Update

      • H.264 is supported
      • Better support for HTTP(S) and RTSP streams
      • Better error handling and logging
      • Stability and usability improvements
      • Graceful handling of non-standard & unsupported codecs
  • Landscape Updates:
    • Optimization of Landscape Material Shader permutations that improve editor iteration and reduce memory usage and package size for landscape materials
    • Landscape Tessellation Performance Improvements by rendering with tessellation only on the highest LOD
  • Build Updates:
    • New script for making Installed Builds: The ‘Rocket’ build process has been re-written using our new BuildGraph script (similar in style to MSBuild scripts), which should make the process easier to follow and modify for other users who want to make their own Installed builds. The main script can be found at Engine/Build/InstalledEngineBuild.xml and can be run using one of the following command lines from AutomationTool:
      • BuildGraph -target=”Make Installed Build Win64” -script=Engine/Build/InstalledEngineBuild.xml
      • BuildGraph -target=”Make Installed Build Mac” -script=Engine/Build/InstalledEngineBuild.xml
    • If you run one of these with -listonly added to the command, you will be able to see what will be built and a list of additional options you can specify. By default it will attempt to build every target platform your host machine is capable of making builds for, except for XboxOne and PS4, which are disabled by default. You can disable target platforms by adding -set:WithWin64=false to the commandline and also skip over the creation of DDC for Engine and Template content by passing -WithDDC=false.
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Morgen geht es mit Kickstarter, Steam Greenlight und einer Alpha Demo los! :daumen:
Heute wurde die Preview 2 der UE 4.13 released und WTF ist das Changelog lang! :ugly: Neuer Rekord für eine Preview :D

We have just released Preview 2 for 4.13! Thank you for your continued help in testing the 4.13 build before its official release. As a reminder, the Preview builds are for testing only, and should not be used for the active development of your project.

For a list of known issues affecting this latest preview, please follow the links provided on the first post in this thread.


Fixed in Preview 2 - CL 3088355

Fixed! UE-32806 GitHub 2569 : Exposed GetComponentByClass to blueprint
Fixed! UE-26676 Blueprint native events give error when output ref params aren't in a specific order
Fixed! UE-30473 Moving child component in child blueprint forces parent to become dirty
Fixed! UE-19062 Re-parenting blueprint actors do not lose interfaces associated with their previous parent blueprint
Fixed! UE-33460 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_CoreUObject!UObjectPropertyBase::ParseObjectPropertyValue() [propertybaseobject.cpp:237]
Fixed! UE-33027 Crash when implementing interface to child blueprint and then implementing it with parent blueprint
Fixed! UE-33860 Ensure occurs when pasting a Custom Event and its Function into another Blueprint
Fixed! UE-33859 Editor crashes when selecting compile after copying a Custom event to another blueprint
Fixed! UE-34458 BP InitProperties() fast path: changing an array property in the defaults will leave the custom property chain stale until it is compiled, causing a crash in some circumstances.
Fixed! UE-34374 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!UEdGraphNode::GetGraph() [edgraphnode.cpp:172]
Fixed! UE-34378 Using Certain Names in Blueprint Math Expression Causes Compiler Error
Fixed! UE-34436 Ensures when copy/pasting linked anim bp nodes
Fixed! UE-34380 Crash when Redoing the placement of a Blueprint with a Child Actor Component
Fixed! UE-34430 Editor crashes when copying a copied instance of a blueprint in the level.
Fixed! UE-34564 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!UEdGraphPin::SerializePin() [edgraphpin.cpp:1497]
Fixed! UE-34119 Non-blueprint ed graphs need to clean up their deprecated pins
Fixed! UE-34085 Ensure occurs when force deleting a BP asset that is still referenced in memory
Fixed! UE-34169 Crash when force deleting blueprints that reference each other
Fixed! UE-28625 Direction of GetOverlapInfos parameter doesn't match
Fixed! UE-28398 Incorrect position after undoing replace actors
Fixed! UE-29903 Dragging to Change Variable Attached to Empty Reroute Node Causes Freeze
Fixed! UE-34350 Crash Occurs When Using Invalid HideCategories
Fixed! UE-34372 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_CoreUObject!StaticAllocateObject() [uobjectglobals.cpp:2102]
Fixed! UE-34240 Match 3 nativization failure
Fixed! UE-33883 Packaging with Nativize Blueprint Assets Causes Uninitialized Defaults
Fixed! UE-34247 Nativized UMG assets not visible
Fixed! UE-34324 Accept Source on conflicted asset creates duplicate, renamed, blueprint asset and makes original unopenable
Fixed! UE-33423 Ensure breaking a link in anim blueprint Event Graph and then undoing
Fixed! UE-34548 No MacSymbols being generated for Rocket builds
Fixed! UE-34401 Remove GUBP callbacks to determine sample platforms
Fixed! UE-34249 Windows Package for Linux fails missing receipt
Fixed! UE-31575 Compile button disappears and Hot Reload stops working after failing to Hot Reload in some cases
Fixed! UE-34591 Corrupted package message on running packaged project
Fixed! UE-34373 Mac - When editor is crashing the UE4 process is unresponsive
Fixed! UE-34371 [CrashReport] UE4Game!UCollisionProfile::LoadProfileConfig()
Fixed! UE-34200 8,388,607 UObject limit causes cooking to fail for larger projects
Fixed! UE-29596 EditAnywhere TMap UPROPERTY of UObject* crashes editor if you enter garbage data in the edit box
Fixed! UE-29286 GitHub 2256 : Update UnrealCodeAnalyzer.Build.cs
Fixed! UE-33261 Hot Reloading from IDE fails
Fixed! UE-33849 Project Launcher spams console with "LogStats:Warning: MetaData mismatch..."
Fixed! UE-34132 Crash on saving imported font
Fixed! UE-34073 Projects fail to launch on windows when editor symbols are not installed with engine
Fixed! UE-34025 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!TArray<TStaticMeshFullVertex<1,0,2>,TAlignedHeapAllocator<0> >::BulkSerialize() [array.h:1350]
Fixed! UE-33872 Crash when opening a level with skeletal mesh asset from the map copied to the clipboard
Fixed! UE-31763 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_MeshPaint!FMulticastDelegateBase<FWeakObjectPtr>::RemoveAll() [multicastdelegatebase.h:75]
Fixed! UE-30661 Vertex Painting changes collision complexity if the asset is saved while vertex painting
Fixed! UE-34391 No run animation on client that is not focused when running 2 player and dedicated server
Fixed! UE-33010 Crash changing mesh paint material in blueprint, then changing to a different mode tab
Fixed! UE-33049 Transform widget visible in blueprint viewport when editing spline points in editor viewport
Fixed! UE-32279 Editor crashes when reselecting a mesh in paint mode
Fixed! UE-34453 Unable to edit thumbnails of Skeletal Mesh Assets
Fixed! UE-34360 Crash using "Use Selected Asset from Content Browser" button on a Text widgets Font Material
Fixed! UE-34265 Undo, Redo, Undoing a blueprint actor Replace action causes a crash
Fixed! UE-34298 Crash on LinkerLoad trying to load font on the render thread
Fixed! UE-33765 Creating Launcher Profile does not always shows all project available maps
Fixed! UE-33416 New Editor PIE window does not center to screen when running with a dedicated server
Fixed! UE-32623 Crash when opening a data table based on a struct named actor
Fixed! UE-32842 Changing a Packaged Game from Fullscreen to Windowed at Runtime Causes Title Bar to Disappear
Fixed! UE-33794 Display Actors Count (levels tab) goes up by one every time the project is saved
Fixed! UE-33580 Can't PIE or Save: Editor gets into odd state when editing parameters.
Fixed! UE-33867 Can't Play in Editor After selecting a color for a border widget via the eye dropper
Fixed! UE-34103 Gray buttons have white text
Fixed! UE-34252 Potential crash with UFontBulkData
Fixed! UE-32087 Crash occurs when creating Static Mesh from Trigger Volume
Fixed! UE-12157 BSP brushes break when non-standard subtractive bsp brushes are used
Fixed! UE-34397 LOD asset does not visibly update
Fixed! UE-34364 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-Slate.dylib!FTabManager::RestoreFrom(TSharedRef<FTabManager::FLayout, (ESPMode)0> const&, TSharedPtr<SWindow,()
Fixed! UE-7476 Add ability to edit SplineComponent in BP editor (not just instance in level)
Fixed! UE-34062 SplineMesh collision can be generated incorrectly
Fixed! UE-32396 Widgets set to the color FF00FFFF will become gray after compile
Fixed! UE-34075 UMG: Sprites don't pick a default size when selected for a brush
Fixed! UE-33343 Print String stop printing to screen after simulating in viewport
Fixed! UE-34214 Foliage instances are not included when exporting a scene to FBX
Fixed! UE-34555 bForceOneSmoothingGroup not working for skeletal meshes
Fixed! UE-34493 Alembic skeletal mesh importer does not calculate correct smoothing groups
Fixed! UE-34474 Alembic importer plugin needs proper logo
Fixed! UE-34299 GitHub 2678 : Fixed ProceduralMeshComponent compile issue.
Fixed! UE-34292 Cancelling the reimport of an Alembic file seems to confirm the action
Fixed! UE-34204 bBlendOverlappingNormals does not seem to have an impact for Alembic importing
Fixed! UE-34418 Crash importing alembic asset over itself after saving it in Content Browser
Fixed! UE-34377 Crash when importing an Alembic file with Materials as a different asset type than one that already exists
Fixed! UE-34392 Crash importing abc file as Geometry Cache over another used in level with World Normal view mode on
Fixed! UE-34400 Unable to save Alembic asset with materials after importing more than once
Fixed! UE-34416 Frequent ensure when attacking in Couch Knights
Fixed! UE-34063 Update default preview scene ini and assets
Fixed! UE-34065 Alembic importer crashes when not assets are generated
Fixed! UE-34211 Crash when attempting to merge two objects using Simplygon - ProxyMaterialUtilities::CreateProxyMaterialInstance
Fixed! UE-34206 Camera Auto exposure in the static mesh editor bleaches everything out when the environment is turned off
Fixed! UE-34282 "Failed to Import" message when clicking Cancel on the Alembic Import Message
Fixed! UE-34288 Crash when importing Alembic files as Skeletal Mesh
Fixed! UE-34248 Missing space for Support UV From Hit Result setting Project Settings
Fixed! UE-34300 Crash when importing an Alembic file with Materials if it already exists
Fixed! UE-34278 Unable to reimport Alembic static meshes
Fixed! UE-34224 A vehicle using Async Scene on the body but not the wheels will crash the editor
Fixed! UE-34294 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_AlembicLibrary!AbcImporterUtilities::GenerateSmoothingGroupsIndices()
Fixed! UE-34251 Toggling Vertex Colors on in Static Mesh Editor makes the viewport all white
Fixed! UE-34293 Crash when importing the same Alembic file but as a different Asset Type
Fixed! UE-33921 GitHub 2639 : UE-33794 fix: Resolving an issue in ULevel::SortActorList that would…
Fixed! UE-34515 Alembic Import with empty first frame will cause the editor to crash
Fixed! UE-33675 Add 'num verts' member to FSkelMeshSection, available in cooked builds
Fixed! UE-32418 Overlap functions of child actor components run when spawned without overlap if player is at 0,0,0
Fixed! UE-28851 Fix mem reporting of DataTables
Fixed! UE-18982 Prevent FTickableGameObjects ticking multiple times in MP PIE
Fixed! UE-33380 AttachToComponent::KeepWorldTransform Causing Mesh to Flip
Fixed! UE-33496 Bad performance when changing (slider) values for the advanced preview scene
Fixed! UE-34033 User is able to give a Preview Scene Profile the same name as an existing profile
Fixed! UE-34074 Morph target vertex mapping can be wrong with multi material caches
Fixed! UE-34130 Crash when re-importing alembic cache file several times
Fixed! UE-34108 Adjusting Lighting Rig Rotation manually only affects the sky and not the lighting
Fixed! UE-33863 Editor crash when PIE is stopped during Seamless travel
Fixed! UE-31038 CLONE - Blueprint Child Actors have default materials after level visibility is changed
Fixed! UE-34279 Adding ProceduralMeshComponent Class to a project prevents the code from compiling
Fixed! UE-34490 Elemental Demo fails during packaging for Windows and Xbox.
Fixed! UE-34404 Auto align floor mesh does not work in Persona
Fixed! UE-34384 Crash creating loop between two anim blueprints referencing each other as sub anim instances
Fixed! UE-34162 GitHub 2671 : Fix sub instance curve values.
Fixed! UE-34121 GitHub 2668 : Sub inst post anim fix
Fixed! UE-34308 2DAimOffset mesh skews across viewport when anim sequence is added to offest graph
Fixed! UE-34498 User is not able to use StopRecordingAnimation command on a single actor
Fixed! UE-30827 Anim Dynamics: Make chains work better with LODs
Fixed! UE-29780 Crash when debug draw with Fabrik.
Fixed! UE-33023 Poses Asset UI doesn't update correctly when updating from new source animation
Fixed! UE-23453 Editor hitches when changing Default Values in Animation Blueprint
Fixed! UE-17815 UDN: Layered Blend Per Bone doubles rather than blends root motion
Fixed! UE-33923 Crash opening animation assets with Morph Targets
Fixed! UE-34024 Crash undoing variable change in Animation Blueprint.
Fixed! UE-34077 Morph targets unable to find B Material
Fixed! UE-34137 Crash applying animation blueprint with sub instance to Skeletal Mesh Component
Fixed! UE-29180 Transition ratio getter function not correct for interrupted transitions.
Fixed! UE-34390 CLONE - CRASH: FXAudio2SoundSource::GetChannelVolumes - Silent Crash during gameplay
Fixed! UE-34325 In process audio resource is corrupted during level change.
Fixed! UE-34154 PSVR Stereo assets are spatialized as MONO
Fixed! UE-31447 When playing matinee, scrubbing can cause sound to keep playing when it isn't triggered
Fixed! UE-34081 Procedural Sound Wave Fails to Play when returning 0 bytes in GeneratePCMData callback
Fixed! UE-30178 RootMotion Malfunctioning When Played in Lower Framerates
Fixed! UE-34032 Race condition in USkeletalMeshComponent::TickCloth due to delayable tick function.
Fixed! UE-25569 Investigate possible issues with seamless travel and not carrying GameMode from source to transition level
Fixed! UE-31990 Handle failed Simplygon proxy mesh generation with error message instead of hard checks
Fixed! UE-33678 On adding a set of bodies to a new Physical Animation Profile they will inherit the last profiles settings
Fixed! UE-33987 User cannot undo the deletion or creation of Physical Animation profiles
Fixed! UE-33985 When a Physical Animation Profile is copy and pasted none of the profile information is copied over
Fixed! UE-34164 "Warning Attempting to move a fully simulated skeletal mesh" warning spam when moving physics asset in level
Fixed! UE-32768 Move init/term body delegate from BodyInstance to ActorComponent
Fixed! UE-34287 Crash when opening a packaged code project for Win64 in shipping configuration
Fixed! UE-34417 World Composition origin shifting does not account for shifting the Dynamic Directional Light shadow casting
Fixed! UE-34367 Crash when simulating in editor with a landscape actor selected
Fixed! UE-34443 Warning upon Undo/redo-ing of sculpting the landscape
Fixed! UE-18291 Sub-level layers do not show up in Layers tab when loaded as a part of world composition
Fixed! UE-33842 Mobile preview crashes in QA-Promotion
Fixed! UE-14253 Investigate Tessellation Performance on Landscape
Fixed! UE-20405 Landscape 'crack free displacement' option causes landscape layer coords and UVs to be wrong
Fixed! UE-9055 Cannot set GenerateOverlapEvents flag on Landscape
Fixed! UE-26868 UInstancedStaticMeshComponent does not keep its instances on duplication
Fixed! UE-33850 Media Player Audio cutting out after a second on PS4
Fixed! UE-33481 Media player does not play the 2nd item in the playlist on PS4
Fixed! UE-34381 Crash after Clearing Sound Wave Asset and Deleting Media Player from Content Browser
Fixed! UE-34290 MediaSource assets cannot be sub-classed in other modules
Fixed! UE-34447 [CrashReport] SMediaPlayerEditorOutput::UpdateSoundWave(), SetAudioSink()
Fixed! UE-34152 Crash when re-initializing media texture resource
Fixed! UE-34285 Failing to load Precached Media Source
Fixed! UE-34385 Memory leak and WmfMedia source resolver
Fixed! UE-34208 Movie player crashes with Android 4.4.4
Fixed! UE-34217 EffectsCave sample is blurry on mobile preview
Fixed! UE-33915 Mobile HQ reflection incorrectly calculated in Gamma Space
Fixed! UE-33840 Scene is fully shadowed on Nexus 6 and Nexus 6P on Marshmallow
Fixed! UE-22812 Forward Rendering Override 'High' setting not affecting Android or editor preview modes
Fixed! UE-22810 Switching between Android and iOS Rendering Preview doesn't respect FR Overrides
Fixed! UE-22455 SunTemple geometry has rendering artifacts on low end devices
Fixed! UE-33344 Crash when Playing in Mobile Preview with Capsule Direct Shadows
Fixed! UE-34099 Resolution issue causes large black bar on Galaxy Note 4 when app starts
Fixed! UE-34143 StartCameraFade not fading camera
Fixed! UE-34295 [CrashReport] Crash opening project on network drive - VCRUNTIME140!<Unknown>
Fixed! UE-30516 Crash in FObjectReplicator::StartReplicating when removing replicated uproperty and hot reloading with two players
Fixed! UE-34223 Crash when changing the number of instances in a grouped sprite component at runtime
Fixed! UE-33200 A movie isn't played on iOS occasionally.
Fixed! UE-23846 iOS Movie Player can't handle videos at resolutions that aren't multiples of 16
Fixed! UE-32397 Error Message displays as Unknown Error when failing to supply a Remote Build server for ios on Windows
Fixed! UE-31363 Global Shader assert occurs when launching a DX12 project that has been built in the UFE.
Fixed! UE-33436 The screen is glowing green due to possible shader mismatch between C++ & HLSL.
Fixed! UE-34638 Iterative deploy for Android with newer ADB pushes all files
Fixed! UE-34614 Xbox One - Projects with an empty description field in project settings will fail to package.
Fixed! UE-34610 Add Android_Vulkan_HUAWEI_Mali to BaseDeviceProfiles.ini
Fixed! UE-34442 Cotf Hangs on Deploy.
Fixed! UE-34386 Chunk Installation on XB1 improperly reports complete
Fixed! UE-34355 Mac - Crash when opening editor on macOS 10.12
Fixed! UE-34302 Xbox: One Xbox does not launch the project using multi-kit deploy in the UFE, but it does copy the package to the device.
Fixed! UE-34213 Packaging tvOS BP from Windows binary gives Remote compiling error.
Fixed! UE-34432 Android Projects packaged for arm64 crash on device.
Fixed! UE-34192 Packaging on windows for tvOS fails if project name has certain characters.
Fixed! UE-34408 iPhonePackager 64 bit packaged with 32-bit deployment server.
Fixed! UE-34076 tvOS - Libraries not included in Build Filter
Fixed! UE-33955 Access Violation when disconnecting XboxOne controller [crash]
Fixed! UE-34581 Changing the Mac Game Icon in the project settings does not persist in Development packages of the project
Fixed! UE-32976 Empty CRC folder is created in the projects Saved/Logs folder when crashing on Linux
Fixed! UE-32052 Steam cannot be initialized on Linux (possibly Mac too) uncooked builds
Fixed! UE-31815 Black screen after Splash Screen When Launched On iOS Device
Fixed! UE-31607 Xbox One - Investigate why GPU particles don't render properly with fast semantics enabled
Fixed! UE-30959 Remove all HITCHHUNTER warnings in next release (4.13)
Fixed! UE-30795 Linux Editor crash when closing after adding a material to the project
Fixed! UE-30335 UFE fails to build iOS blueprint project on Windows with a UBT error for non-existing .a files.
Fixed! UE-32421 Packaged Shooter game does not load in Windows XP
Fixed! UE-29358 GitHub 2266 : BUGFIX: UBT not building on non HFS partitions on OSX
Fixed! UE-28549 Vehicle Advanced Hard-locks on PS4
Fixed! UE-26393 GitHub 2018 : Disabled user input request from ssh.exe when running it as process.
Fixed! UE-24594 Linux should not stage ICU on its own
Fixed! UE-23059 Suspicious handling of streaming media types in WindowsMoviePlayer plugin
Fixed! UE-22715 GitHub 1704 : UnrealBuildTool Linux improvements
Fixed! UE-22233 GitHub 1668 : CMake fixes
Fixed! UE-33304 Unable to Package Project for Mac with Source Version of UE4
Fixed! UE-33903 Make sure games can ship with VS2015 without needing extra redists
Fixed! UE-34014 iOS - Windows - Code projects fail to launch and package
Fixed! UE-34012 Rich text formatting is disabled on Linux
Fixed! UE-34149 XML Namespace is set wrong for Android in UPL
Fixed! UE-30847 iOS Metal-based build crashes at launch with sub-levels.
Fixed! UE-34315 Movie playback doesn't work on Mac and iOS the way it did before
Fixed! UE-34005 App crashes when Launching on or launching packaged project on tvOS or iOS
Fixed! UE-33856 Xcode 8 Beta Toolchain Breaks InfiltratorDemo on AMD On 10.11.6
Fixed! UE-31194 Mac Editor - When main Editor window is minimized other windows/panels do not redraw
Fixed! UE-34322 TEMP_PostReflectionCaptureRender not implemented for XB1 causing failure to LINK
Fixed! UE-34283 Unable to make in-app purchase on UnrealMatch3 on Android
Fixed! UE-34276 Mac - OpenGL - IntelGPU - opening a project in the editor crashes
Fixed! UE-23903 GitHub 1819 : Added warning when recomputing normals without users consent
Fixed! UE-23902 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!FUniformExpressionSet::CreateUniformBuffer() [materialuniformexpressions.cpp:354]
Fixed! UE-31198 re-importing meshes is crashing the editor
Fixed! UE-32784 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_ShaderCore!FVertexFactory::Set() [vertexfactory.cpp:180]
Fixed! UE-34106 Crash when Changing Source File and Re-Importing Mesh used in Mesh Particle System
Fixed! UE-30398 Particle Collision causes particles to snap away from collision location
Fixed! UE-34461 Default Value of r.D3D.RemoveUnusedInterpolators
Fixed! UE-34462 NullRHI Static Analysis Warning
Fixed! UE-34245 Lighting channels are incorrectly greyed out for primitive components with Static Mobility
Fixed! UE-34174 NaNs from Roughness 0 affect Surface ForwardShading
Fixed! UE-34173 Changing detailmode is not applied
Fixed! UE-34218 Vulkan samples crash on first run
Fixed! UE-34231 Clearing SubUV Animation assigned texture Crashes Engine
Fixed! UE-34183 Ensure trying to Draw Material on a Render Target
Fixed! UE-33879 Crash loading Tm-Shadermodels with -opengl3 on AMD R9-380
Fixed! UE-33694 Make sure GPU morph feature is expose in UI
Fixed! UE-34531 Crash in IndirectLightingCache on level load
Fixed! UE-33014 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Renderer!FDeferredShadingSceneRenderer::CreateWholeSceneProjectedShadow() [shadowsetup.cpp:1836]
Fixed! UE-32980 Missing DXGI Error tracking on 'D3D device lost' crash
Fixed! UE-32843 A ghosting effect is applying on weapons when 'r.SSR.Quality' is at a value higher than 0
Fixed! UE-32651 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!UReflectionCaptureComponent::ReadbackFromGPU() [reflectioncapturecomponent.cpp:1383]
Fixed! UE-32536 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Renderer!FRendererModule::RenderOverlayExtensions() [scenerendering.cpp:2107]
Fixed! UE-32629 Shader cross compiler generates length(float) code
Fixed! UE-32362 ShooterGame server crash when opening Sanctuary NullRHI
Fixed! UE-32204 Redo fix for UE-31578
Fixed! UE-31936 Stationary light overlap is broken
Fixed! UE-31460 Changing Materials on BSP Brushes causes a Crash
Fixed! UE-31461 Two-Sided Shading Model showing gray
Fixed! UE-32147 Packaged Build Crashing When Activating Particle System with Instanced Parameters
Fixed! UE-28561 LevelEditor_Viewport_Show_Developer is unable to to Toggle "Shadows of Editor-Hidden Objects" Off
Fixed! UE-31181 Particle light flickering with certain Post Process Settings
Fixed! UE-33237 Log Warning: LogRender:Warning: Missmatch between bShouldGenerateLowQualityLightmaps(0) and r.SupportLowQualityLightmaps(1)
Fixed! UE-33238 Actor Hidden in Game does not take lighting into account any longer
Fixed! UE-34175 Fix crash rendering translucency with translucent shadows which were determined to be invisible
Fixed! UE-33935 Can't find file '/Game/VirtualRealityBP/Blueprints/VRGameMode' warning when playing VR Template in editor
Fixed! UE-22726 First Person templates have various can't find file warnings when cooking
Fixed! UE-33949 Starting position in VR Template HMD locomotion map lower than Motion Controller map
Fixed! UE-34477 Need ability to pass object between hands in VR Template
Fixed! UE-31116 Forcing recomputation of vertex normals for MikkTSpace warning when cooking Top Down BP
Fixed! UE-34592 Update VR Template with new VR device ID blueprint node.
Fixed! UE-34544 ContentExamples BlueprintRenderToTarget level has a default thumbnail image
Fixed! UE-34521 Log spam when opening Subway Sequencer
Fixed! UE-34519 Subway Sequencer has no default thumbnail
Fixed! UE-34533 Improve StartupMap "two maps" message.
Fixed! UE-34383 Lighting needs to be rebuilt in Advanced_Lighting map of starter content
Fixed! UE-34212 Effects Cave content warnings
Fixed! UE-34188 VR Template unable to teleport with PS Motion Controllers
Fixed! UE-34311 VR Template opens to Empty level
Fixed! UE-34316 UnrealMatch3 backgrounds not scaling correctly
Fixed! UE-32855 Ensure all Template Character classes set AutoPossessPlayer=Disabled when instance placed in level
Fixed! UE-32723 Starting Camera Location inconsistent in 2D Sidescoller template between Blueprint and C++
Fixed! UE-31281 Vehicle Code and Vehicle BP projects have inconsistent starting camera locations
Fixed! UE-33843 Paper2D Code Template character uses code class in the level
Fixed! UE-33950 No clear messaging that locomotion is based on Map for VR Template
Fixed! UE-34059 "Error in Feature pack D:/Release/FeaturePacks/TP_VirtualRealityBP.upack" when opening a project in editor.
Fixed! UE-34061 Resave PSD test assets save with empty engine version
Fixed! UE-25828 StrategyGame gameplay audio is now distance based for towers and characters
Fixed! UE-34499 Spawnable blueprint snaps back to 0,0,0 as you translate
Fixed! UE-34354 All Sequences in QA_Sequencer are at origin
Fixed! UE-34301 Add support for converting or copying matinee move track (subtracks) to Sequencer
Fixed! UE-34272 Fixed frame interval playback should be off by default
Fixed! UE-34256 Crash creating a new level sequence and then loading a new level
Fixed! UE-31635 After compile, spawnable actor is stuck in spawned state
Fixed! UE-28523 Unable to delete a sequencer spawnable asset in world must delete via track
Fixed! UE-33127 Crash Undoing Create New Camera in Sequencer
Fixed! UE-33875 Sequencer frame by frame playback is blurry and distorted
Fixed! UE-33993 Curve editor (UMG) prevents Play in Editor if the a drag operation is interrupted with a right click
Fixed! UE-34167 Crash opening multiple UMG assets
Fixed! UE-31422 Rendering a movie from a recorded sequence is duplicating the character skeleton
Fixed! UE-34543 Crash in sequence recorder when actor classes to record is null
Fixed! UE-34199 Sequence EDL Export doesn't work when the shot offset is not 0
Fixed! UE-34155 Crash after setting a key on a Rotation Track, then trying to right click the key with Transform track collapsed
Fixed! UE-28459 Sequencer will not play Blendshape (Morph Target) Animations while in Realtime
Fixed! UE-30506 Creating a multi animation sequence that uses an additive animation does not play back correctly
Fixed! UE-34304 WheelScrollMultipler is bogus
Fixed! UE-34185 Crash when using pooled widgets in an invalidation panel
Fixed! UE-34352 VR does not work in packaged game with HTC Vive
Fixed! UE-34181 UseVRFocus has changed log spam during PIE if Oculus Rift attached
Fixed! UE-34297 Instanced Stereo DBuffer Decal Rendering is incorrect in VR
Fixed! UE-30989 r.screenpercentage command causes screen to turn blue on Morpheus PVT
Fixed! UE-32564 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_OculusRift!FHeadMountedDisplay::GetCurrentHMDPose()
Fixed! UE-32975 With Accurate Velocities from Vertex Deformation and Instanced Stereo enabled anti-aliasing does not affect the right eye
Fixed! UE-21424 Console renders incorrectly on SteamVR / HtcVive
Fixed! UE-33830 Get VR Focus State will cause a crash in standalone if an HMD device is in use
Fixed! UE-33928 Lag in attached components to a Camera in VR
Fixed! UE-34142 Editor crashes on Launch from SteamVR
Fixed! UE-27886 Haptic Effects do not fire on Vive controllers
Fixed! UE-31617 Need to add a project setting to launch a game in VR
Fixed! UE-34184 Missing Oculus 1.6 Support
Fixed! UE-32509 CRASH when Closing Editor (Alt F4 while in VR mode)
Fixed! UE-33228 Foliage Paint Brush present when interacting with UI
Fixed! UE-33553 VREditor: If you "slowly press" over UI selection bars or close buttons, nothing happens
Fixed! UE-33552 VREditor: Laser extends beyond UI when hovered over Selection Bar or Close Button
Fixed! UE-34215 UE4Editor fails to compile on Linux VREditorAvatarActor And within Or
Fixed! UE-34227 VREditor: Foliage Reapply tool ignores lack of trigger input
Fixed! UE-33689 VREditor - Foliage : Lasso Select Tool auto selects / ignore input from trigger
Fixed! UE-33766 Crash when starting VREditor and then changing levels
Fixed! UE-33970 VREditor - Vive: HMD waking up from "sleep" triggers Auto Entry to VR
Fixed! UE-34457 GooglePlay consumePurchase response code is not being checked for purchases
Fixed! UE-34161 Comment block documenting deleteFiles UPL node mislabels it as removeFiles

REMEMBER: Please report any new bugs you find to the UE4 Answerhub in the 'Bugs Reports' section
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Mit einiger Verspätung ist hier das Changelog der UE 4.13 Preview 3 ;)

This post was delayed due to the recent forum downtime, but on 8/23 we released Preview 3 for 4.13.

Fixed in Preview 3 - CL 3095848

Fixed! UE-34697 Samples Trigger Fails for Strategy Game on Android.
Fixed! UE-34785 Successive launches via the Project Launcher yield "LogStats:Warning: MetaData mismatch..." in the console
Fixed! UE-34788 Launching from Project Launcher consecutively without closing previous launch's command window will crash the game
Fixed! UE-34627 Crash using Camera Rig Rail when deleting a point moving another
Fixed! UE-34804 Editor Crashes When Attempting to Change Units in Project Settings
Fixed! UE-34758 SplineComponent debug render is sometimes not in sync with the current spline points
Fixed! UE-34733 Crash when closing the timeline tab inside UMG editor and reopening UMG editor
Fixed! UE-34702 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_CoreUObject!UClass::GetDefaultObject() [class.h:2194]
Fixed! UE-33301 The cap of a sliced procedural mesh is not affected by lighting
Fixed! UE-30405 Accessing vertex data from CPU side code can cause crashes on merged skeletal meshes.
Fixed! UE-34701 Prevent preview scene assets being loaded in game
Fixed! UE-34776 Ensure when automapping a rig to a skeletal mesh with matching bone names
Fixed! UE-34015 Rename OrientationDriver to PoseDriver before release
Fixed! UE-34832 Debris particles constantly firing in ending sequence of Infiltrator Demo
Fixed! UE-34715 XB1 fails to compile due to FXAudioDeviceProperties symbols undefined.
Fixed! UE-34680 CLONE - Client stops working and crashes if headphones are unplugged on windows 10
Fixed! UE-34101 Stat Soundcues not working
Fixed! UE-34951 Zero-volume vorbis decoded sounds are too expensive
Fixed! UE-34689 LOD's pop in after LOD actors is visible in viewport.
Fixed! UE-34807 Force View is enabled after Generating Proxy Meshes
Fixed! UE-34739 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!FInitBodiesHelper<0>::CreateShapes_PhysX_AssumesLocked() [bodyinstance.cpp:1282]
Fixed! UE-34348 Crash opening levels with landscape in them via the command console in standalone game
Fixed! UE-34794 PS4 Packaging failing with GLEO errors in 4.13 for project that worked previously
Fixed! UE-34843 KiteDemo Standalone crashes on launch
Fixed! UE-34513 Editor crashes while switching to paint mode if material has a grass output and landscape visibility mask
Fixed! UE-34877 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!UMaterialInstance::SetParentInternal() [materialinstance.cpp:2141]
Fixed! UE-33593 Vulkan projects crash on device.
Fixed! UE-34257 Cannot package project with landscape to mobile
Fixed! UE-32323 App does not resume after locking and unlocking on iOS
Fixed! UE-34639 Steam libraries are not being packaged with ShooterGame on Mac
Fixed! UE-34450 Linux: crashes during crash handling
Fixed! UE-34857 Mac/iOS: Movies with spaces in name won't play.
Fixed! UE-34721 Blank Blueprints project with Starter Content crashes when PIE Standalone Game or Mobile Preview
Fixed! UE-34852 Give a better error message if OBB would need Zip64 format
Fixed! UE-34719 CIS Failure Package UnrealMatch3 IOS
Fixed! UE-19996 [Linux] Setting fullscreen game resolution below set window resolution does not stretch the game across the window.
Fixed! UE-28322 Converting BSP to static mesh on Linux causes the editor to crash
Fixed! UE-34849 Force OBB to never use Zip64 format
Fixed! UE-34841 Possible to read past end of central directory in OBB (NumEntries may be 65535)
Fixed! UE-34699 Need way to insert newlines in UPL
Fixed! UE-34773 iOS - Packaged .ipa will not deploy to device via iTunes
Fixed! UE-34735 Regression: Xbox One ESRAM usage has been disabled, causing severe perf degradation.
Fixed! UE-34590 AtmosphericFog for Translucent material is not working correctly with 4.12
Fixed! UE-34514 Game crashes when opening TM-ShaderModels while running -featureleveles2 -OpenGL
Fixed! UE-34241 Crash with mesh particles
Fixed! UE-33077 Editor crashed when exiting PIE session in test map involving FDebugCanvasDrawer::DrawRenderThread
Fixed! UE-34688 Mac Compilation Error With ClearBufferData
Fixed! UE-34917 Screen Percentage post process volume causes black screen flickers during transition in Standalone Game
Fixed! UE-34712 Media Shaders won't compile in ES2 with integer modulo operations
Fixed! UE-34658 Text overflows on Material_Properties sample 1.6
Fixed! UE-34667 Buggy gets stuck on medium speed bumps in Vehicle Advance template
Fixed! UE-34653 ContentExamples: Landscape examples are solid black in editor viewport
Fixed! UE-34139 Tutorial Asset outdated in all BP templates causing highlighting to fail.
Fixed! UE-34910 ContentExamples: Parameter is misspelled in Example 1.3 on MorphTargets map
Fixed! UE-34419 Duplicate mappings on the flying template for the game pad
Fixed! UE-34660 Navmesh map's floor display banners obscured by navmesh while PIE
Fixed! UE-34846 SideScrollerCharacter.uasset has been saved with empty engine version.
Fixed! UE-34848 Ledge_17 location is different in blueprint and code Side Scroller 2D templates
Fixed! UE-34950 ContentExamples PostProcessing map demo 1.13 post process volume screen percentage is not low enough
Fixed! UE-34907 Misspelling in Blueprint_Splines level of Content Examples
Fixed! UE-34911 Misspelling in Cloth level of Content Examples
Fixed! UE-34611 Crash when trying to edit a key value via the context menu for FVector2D
Fixed! UE-34823 FBX imported from maya have incorrect tangents.
Fixed! UE-34459 Exported Sequence camera has incorrect tangents
Fixed! UE-34970 VR Template has FinishCurrentFrame set, which will degrade performance unnecessarily.

REMEMBER: Please report any new bugs you find to the UE4 Answerhub in the 'Bugs Reports' section

The official 4.13.0 release is planned for later this week.
