Sammelthread S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Lost Alpha und S.T.A.L.K.E.R. allgemein

Habe jetzt auch endlich mal Zeit und Lust mit Stalker anzufangen. Welches ist denn das beste und was sind eure Must-Have-Mods?
Ich würde einfach erst mal normal Shadow of Chernobyl, dann Clear Sky und dann Call of Pripjat zocken und dann erst mit Mods beginnen.
Ich mochte die Complete Mods und dann danach dann halt die Lost Alpha DC. Mehr Mods habe ich nicht probiert, da ich nicht zu viel verändert haben wollte.
Manche Mods machen ja ein komplett anderes Gamingerlebnis und das hat Stalker IMO nicht nötig.
Da gebe ich dir Recht die Complete Mods haben gute Verbesserungen gebracht ohne der Story zu schaden. Habe die auch bei allen 3 Teilen gespielt.

Was mich sehr interessiert hätte wäre eine Art Survival Mod wo man zb essen am Lagerfeuer zubereiten kann usw.
Leider habe ich sowas nie gefunden.

Gesendet von meinem HUAWEI Nova mit Tapatalk
Da gebe ich dir Recht die Complete Mods haben gute Verbesserungen gebracht ohne der Story zu schaden. Habe die auch bei allen 3 Teilen gespielt.

Was mich sehr interessiert hätte wäre eine Art Survival Mod wo man zb essen am Lagerfeuer zubereiten kann usw.
Leider habe ich sowas nie gefunden.

Gesendet von meinem HUAWEI Nova mit Tapatalk

Naja, die Distanzen in Stalker sind mMn zu klein, als dass sich Survival richtig lohnen würde. Wahrscheinlich gibt es das auch deshalb nicht. Mit einer größeren Open-World-Zone und deutlich längeren Distanzen zwischen Stalker-Lagern würde das anders aussehen. Aber das Ableben in Stalker ist eigentlich immer den kurzfristigen Folgen geschuldet (erschossen, in einer Anomalie umgekommen, ...), nie den langfristigen (zu wenig Proviant/ Wasser, Ausrüstung nicht mehr Intakt etc. pp.).
Wenn ich einen Wunsch für ein Spiel hätte, wäre es wahrscheinlich genau das: ein Stalker mit wirklichen Survival-Aspekten und einer offenen Welt, am Besten noch zufallsgeneriert. Wenn das nächste Stalker-Lager 5 km weit weg ist, der kürzeste Weg durch einen Wald geht und bald die Sonne untergeht, das wäre durchaus interessant.
EDIT: meine Lieblingsmod war immmer die "Arsenal Overhaul"-Mod.
gRU?; cAPS
Diese Lost Alpha eh...:ugly::ugly::ugly:


Da ist man in den Minen beim Sin Anführer, da bekommt man ja den Auftrag, die Banditen-Sachen zu stehlen, deswegen nimmt er einem die Ausrüstung weg, damit man nicht so auffällt.
Speichere das Game, lade ein savegame, hab immer noch den Auftrag, aber meine ganze Ausrüstung wieder :ugly:
Die Ausrüstung befindet sich doch eh in der Kiste links vom Sin Anführer. Passiert auch nichts wenn du dich dran bedienst. Nur wissen muss man es.
Habe jetzt auch endlich mal Zeit und Lust mit Stalker anzufangen. Welches ist denn das beste und was sind eure Must-Have-Mods?

Mir gefällt auch nach fast 10 Jahren noch immer Shadow of Chernobyl am meisten.
Als Mod würde ich eigentlich nur den Community Patch Zone Reclamation Project empfehlen: Metacognix - "S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Shadow of Chernobyl" Stuff
Oder aber das Starter Pack das auch gleich Mods für bessere Grafik enthält: General info. news - STARTER PACK mod for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl - Mod DB

Complete kann ich nicht empfehlen da einerseits mittlerweile stark veraltet, andererseits aber auch das Gameplay viel einfacher und darüber hinaus verändert wird. Zudem hat sich der Modder damals bei anderen Mods bedient ohne den eigentlichen Erstellern Props für ihre Arbeit zu geben.

Für einen 2ten Durchgang kommt dann Autumn Aurora oder OGSE in Frage.

Was mich sehr interessiert hätte wäre eine Art Survival Mod wo man zb essen am Lagerfeuer zubereiten kann usw.
Leider habe ich sowas nie gefunden.

Geht nicht die Misery-Mod für COP in die Richtung? Oder Wlads Solyanka für SOC hat glaube ich auch ähnliche Mechaniken verbaut.
Survival hat mich persönlich in Stalker nie weiter interessiert, finde die Engine eignet sich nicht und das Gamedesign geht auch in eine andere Richtung. Essen. Trinken, Schlafen nerven mich bspw. in Lost Alpha einfach nur.
Wieder mal verstehe ich die Welt nicht mehr....
War gerade im X18 und habe die Dokumente zu Petrenko gebracht etc. und mir den stick für die shice Dateien geholt etc und will jetzt wieder zurück zu X18, aber jetzt komme ich von der Bar nicht mehr weg :ugly:

Hatte das Problem schon mal jemand?
Anbei mal der aktuelle Changelog (21.03.18) für Call of Chernobyl 1.5:

+ Added 2 extra slots to the inventory, one for a knife and the other for a rucksack.
+ Added 28 outfits and pieces of headgear, 26 of which from VodkaChicken's "Outfit Addon".
+ Added 2C's customisations to Yantar and Outskirts levels, expanding many building interiors.
+ Added 5 custom map spots; three for stashes, one for butterfly mines and the other for companions.
+ Added a post_combat_idle for mutants to utilise old engine features like dragging bodies and eating.
+ Added a start location for bandits at the Car Park (Vehicle Station) in Cordon.
+ Added a tab to game options dedicated to interface and heads-up-display options.
+ Added an area of effect pickup mode, allowing player to switch between single or multi item collection.
+ Added an enhanced recoil optional feature which creates much more accurate/realistic recoil - not recommended for low-end computers!
+ Added ability to bind a key to toggle the heads-up-display on or off.
+ Added ability to hold control and double-click to move more than a single item in a stack.
+ Added ability to ignite or extinguish campfires at will instead of relying on NPCs to do it.
+ Added ability to kick physical objects (bindable in options) - this replaces the previous kicking feature limited to just Tushkano.
+ Added animations for campfires, corpse searching, surrending and other scenarios involving the AI.
+ Added Clear Sky's hidden base as one of the start locations when playing as a loner.
+ Added command line option "-dbgbullet" for printing out hit_power value in order to test damage.
+ Added command line options "-smap256", "-smap512", and "-smap1024" for changing shadow map quality.
+ Added cooking feature which allows the player to use a stove to cook mutant meats.
+ Added debug command "debug_visuals" which spawns all NPC visuals in a line for inspection.
+ Added debug command "guide" for forced unlocking of articles, use "guide unlockall" to unlock everything.
+ Added debug command "gulag", use "gulag export" to save all gulag_general dynamics to configs/gulag for inspection.
+ Added debug command "heli" for mounting and unmounting of helicopters just because we could.
+ Added debug command "name" to change player name, use underscores in place of spaces.
+ Added debug command "squad_remove_sim" to delete all simulation squads.
+ Added debug commands "rank" and "reputation" which allows adding/removing of respective points for testing.
+ Added directory abbreviation "$warfare_presets$" so Warfare doesn't need to modify fsgame.ltx.
+ Added distant thunder rumbling which plays from the direction of neighbouring levels with stormy weather.
+ Added equipable rucksacks which can be used to create stashes or increase your carrying capacity.
+ Added first_person_zoom field to allow first-person weapon zooming even when using the third-person camera.
+ Added grass scaling option which allows making the Zone as under- or overgrown as the player desires.
+ Added grass shadows toggle to the video options menu with no noticeable impact on performance.
+ Added guide tab to the PDA, a work-in-progress recreation of the SoC encyclopedia featuring over 100 articles.
+ Added guide interactivity which allows matching of in-game entities and events to unlocking of articles.
+ Added higher resolution PDA map renders of Chernobyl NPP, Darkscape, Dead City and Generators.
+ Added kPDA_TAB1 through 6 to replace usage of kCUSTOM6 through 12 for PDA tab binds.
+ Added logic parameter on_first_update; similar to on_info but only fires once per load.
+ Added many new callbacks, probably more than can be reasonably listed in this changelog.
+ Added missing closed captions for Clear Sky and Mercenaries, thanks to VodkaChicken and SashaRed.
+ Added missing minimap for the Monolith Control Center (l12u_control_monolith).
+ Added missing names for mutants which are displayed when using the debug health bar.
+ Added mutant parts "Crow beak" and "Karlik ear", with the latter being extremely rare and valuable.
+ Added Renegades faction for use by addon developers, but they do not spawn naturally in an unmodded game.
+ Added wounding and death sounds which play occasionally when player is wounded, or always whenever they die.

+ A-Life greatly optimised to run on all thirty-two levels at once instead of just neighbouring levels.
+ Bounty tasks now tell you the name and faction of the target before accepting them.
+ Completely overhauled in-game difficulty, most notably improved ballistics and a revamped damage model.
+ Controllers now actually hurt AI stalkers, making them commit suicide or having them attack their friends.
+ Enabled more voice lines for throwing grenades and other actions performed by the AI.
+ Inventory slots can now be dynamically added/removed without engine changes via actor_menu.xml.
+ Many item-related configurations have been relocated to new folders and have largely been reorganised.
+ Many doors which were locked can now be opened and closed, unlocking more safe spots from emissions.
* Monolith War Lab is now fully open and explorable for the first time in freeplay mode or post-story.
+ News tips icons for achievements, dynamic news, etc. are now read from a new external config plugin.
+ Nimble's order system has been replaced yet again - now much more dynamic and expanded and can be applied to any stalker.
+ PDA map spots for important areas like anomalies are now read from a new external config plugin.
+ Replaced some animations for the detector, bolt, and PKM with those from Original Guns Reanimated.
+ Restored 43 first names and 520 second names from all three stalker games with some alterations.
+ Restored ambient cloud shadows from Shadow of Chernobyl and pre-release builds.
+ Restored ambient night-time music from build 3844 and 3183 for Jupiter and Zaton respectively.
+ Restored ambient sound effects from Shadow of Chernobyl using a version of Balathruin's "Sound Restoration" addon.
+ Restored an easter egg which was accidentally removed in a previous patch.
+ Restored bandit unique animations from Shadow of Chernobyl for trenchcoat and jackets models.
+ Restored Fanatic's correct voice files from Shadow of Chernobyl and added their closed captions.
+ Restored smart covers to many of the in-game maps which were used by the AI in Clear Sky.
+ Restored the circular in-game crosshair from Shadow of Chernobyl.
+ Restored the Karlik mutant from earlier Shadow of Chernobyl builds.
+ Restored the "Use Direct X 10.1" video option from S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky.
+ Restored variants of the zombie mutant and added a few extra ones which use textures of static/prop zombies.
+ Sleep deprivation item fatigue values are now read from a new external config plugin.
+ Stalker weapon loadouts have been modularised and split into separate files for every two ranks.
+ Step sounds now make noise and the AI reacts to it, you should crouch if you want to sneak up on an enemy.
+ Trader files have been redesigned and modularised, now they make use of new trade profiles.

* Achievement unlocks are now saved to a table instead of infos, making them a bit more developer-friendly.
* Adjusted xr_danger so stalkers now properly react to new dangers and can prioritise as necessary.
* Ammunition received when unloading enemy weapons is now randomised, and aggregated in the inventory.
* Arena enemy that Arnie refers to as "Swede" in dialog now has that as his name instead of a random one.
* Better linkage for Call of Pripyat maps to encourage Duty and Freedom to travel between these levels.
* Better save compatibility with smart terrains if respawns are changed.
* Bullet and stab wounds now appear on stalkers and mutants after taking damage.
* Butterfly mines now automatically despawn if they fall below the level when placed.
* Can now unlock the "Down to Earth" achievement with the RG-6, RPG-7 and variants thereof.
* Cats now have the same morale value as dogs and should attack more frequently.
* Changed the respawn tick for all smart terrains to one in-game day.
* Companions can now sprint and should catch up to the player a lot faster when far away.
* Companions now require that you be a minimum of one rank below them in order to be recruited.
* Contacts and relations tabs now work more efficient, now only create as many rows as they need when updating.
* Corpses are now displayed as a light-blue dot instead of the usual grey, making them easier to see on the map.
* Corrected alpha layers on map renders for the PDA and minimaps, though no visual difference in-game.
* Corrected many spelling mistakes across the board, ranging from dialogs to item names and descriptions.
* Corrected military rank abbreviations (Private, Sergeant etc.) in the PDA's relations tab.
* Corrected mixed up and improperly named immunity values for a handful of different outfits.
* Corrected names of CS-1 armour variants being swapped around by mistake.
* Corrected the description of anabiotics as they also protect the player from psi-storms.
* Corrected the dimensions of stash markers, as GSC had accidentally made them 2px too small in width and height.
* Corrected the "Glory kill" task reward, now gives a random weapon as the text would imply.
* Corrected the names of detectors, the detector type is now in quotation marks like in Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat.
* Debug spawner plugin is now a blacklist rather than a whitelist, items are now added automatically.
* Decreased the spawn rates of Fractures and Rats to be much rarer like they should be.
* Disabled and/or replaced most sniper spawns for stalkers which didn't spawn in positions ideal for a sniper to use.
* Donating items now gives you an increase to reputation, if you are generous enough to do so.
* Doubled the requirements for all ranks and rebalanced points received due to complaints.
* Drag-to-use texts in item descriptions are now much more visible and easier to read.
* Dragged icons now drop to cell at cursor position rather then the left-top position of the icon.
* Duty's megaphone in Rostok now plays their faction music, instead of Dirge for Planet.
* Dynamic news now only lets stalkers report on events which they have actually witnessed.
* Emissions and psi-storms now take into account whether you are currently in an arena battle.
* Exported ability to get addon flags for server entities that inherit from se_alife_item_weapon.
* Exported CUIActorMenu_CanMoveToPartner and CInventoryBox_CanTake to actor_menu_inventory and _g respectively.
* Exported enum and new read/write properties for server entities inheriting from cse_alife_item_weapon.
* Exported ray_pick function from engine, and rewrote the in-line-of-fire check to use it.
* Exported the spawn and spawn_loadout systems from the engine to scripts for easier customisation.
* Fetch tasks now require the player to collect less items than before to complete them.
* Functions can now be bound to key presses without needing to alter axr_keybind directly.
* Helicopters no-longer deal area-of-effect damage when shooting their cannon.
* Hovering over weapons now additionally displays the difference between their stats as a percentage.
* Increased speed of table_print feature whilst also decreasing RAM usage and chance of stack overflows.
* Kruglov now has his own room, behaves like a mechanic proper and also has a new map spot to help find him.
* Language list is now read from folder directory listings rather than set via scripts.
* Level weathers are now read as a table instead of being parsed as a string.
* Machine gun on top of Yantar bunker now always available to prevent it from being unintentionally duplicated.
* Memory sticks can now be found on corpses (like PDAs) and can be right-click used to unlock guide articles.
* Mod of the Year 2015 and 2016 icons now feature on the main menu as we aren't eligible for future ones.
* Monolith now meditate during surges instead of running for cover as they don't need it.
* Multiple items can now be given to the player via the reward_random_item function.
* Nerfed discounts given by traders to more reasonable levels to account for relations with same faction.
* Nimble should now be able to process your purchase orders when you sleep nearby.
* Non-story players in the Monolith or Zombified factions can now explore Monolith Control Center freely.
* Opened the zat_b103 smart terrain to simulation for the Mercenary faction.
* Optimisations to simulation_objects and gulag_general to improve performance.
* Outfit costs have been increased due to addition of so many new ones, should help slow progression.
* Pseudogiants and Chimeras now have their own unique squad behaviours as they are different to other predators.
* Psi-zone logics now have additional checks as they didn't take into account all possible circumstances.
* Random stalkers can now take up the technician job in Outskirts which was once held by Kirillov in CoP.
* Rebalanced the prices for mutant meats and parts to make sense with their item descriptions.
* Rebuilt and restored a lot of the portrait icon sheet as all the alpha levels somehow got messed up.
* Rebuilt binaries from a new source and included several fixes from Russian forums as well as HQ geometry for dynamic meshes.
* Redesigned and replaced the splash screen again. Much more professional-looking this time.
* Reduced the volume of rain by 25% as it was often deafening during thunderstorms.
* Redistributed the PDA broker dialog to more logical choices, and changed the text of the dialog.
* Reduced bleeding restoration from medkits, and satiety restoration from regular foods.
* Relations tab in the PDA now accurately displays actor community goodwill.
* Renamed all trade files to include the character name and their faction in the file names.
* Renamed Monolith trader back to his 1.2 name, from "Rabbit" to "Krolik", even though it means the same.
* Renamed most plugin files to more suitable names and added better documentation about how to use them.
* Reorganised the icon sheet as new items and outfits had made it rather messy.
* Replaced the "Favourite weapon" statistic with a "Guide articles" counter to show unlock progress.
* Resized the global rectangles for underground levels displaying on the PDA to hide weird artefacting.
* Reworked scope_zoom_factor so that it now acts as a multiplier to the current field-of-view of the actor.
* Sending tips to player now attempts to match a sound to the news id and play that sound instead if available.
* Scripts folder can now load *.script files from subdirectories, allowing for tidier organisation.
* Simulation can now be forced into fully offline for testing by giving the player the info enforce_online_exclusion.
* Sleeping bags are now marked on the PDA using the bed map spot so that they are not forgotten about.
* Spawned NPCs or physics objects via the debug spawner now appear at the location of the mouse cursor.
* Scope, sight, silencer, launcher and the weapon's probability can now be determined in the spawn_loadout system.
* Spore's PDA now has a unique name as to not confuse it with those found on random corpses.
* Stalkers who have tasks to be turned in to are forced to talk to player when requested.
* Standard ammo types only are spawned on player during character creation, no more high-power rounds.
* Stash markers now increase in size as you zoom in, making it easier to find them on the PDA map.
* Statistic and rank/reputation management has been completely revamped and replaced under-the-hood.
* Statistics now has a few extra trackers plugged into it, though no new ones are displayed in the PDA.
* Stop signs are now say "СТОП" instead of "STOP", as all other in-game signs are written in Cyrillic.
* Tasks which target a smart terrain will now try to chose one which is closer to the player if circumstances allow.
* Traders now offer better supplies based on faction relation or whether the "Heavy Pockets" achievement is unlocked.
* Treasure manager can now be configured to spawn only a limited number of specified items in stashes.
* Weapons received via task rewards or after threatening a surrendered stalker are now given a random condition.
* Xenotech can now be replaced by other stalkers if he should die, however he is invulnerable by default.

= Fixed agr_smart_terrain_1_6_near_2 having a heli_army flag, should have been in agr_smart_terrain_1_6_near_1.
= Fixed artefacts intended for the "Molten Lada" anomaly spawning at the "Hot Hind" anomaly instead.
= Fixed attach offsets for guitars, stalkers should now hold them properly when playing at a campfire.
= Fixed Barkeep giving discounts to Duty instead of Loners, this is covered by Petrenko in same level.
= Fixed being able to jump-start storymode as non-story faction by killing Doc before his immunity works.
= Fixed being able to skip level changer dialog box if the player reloaded autosave before transitioning.
= Fixed bug caused by a missing parameter in the extract_conditions method of xr_logic.
= Fixed bug in Ecologist task caused by jup_b6_stalker_1_measurements_done having actor as sound type.
= Fixed bug where fetch tasks could be completed after meeting their requirements, and then losing the items.
= Fixed bug where first entry in portrait plugin for each faction wasn't available in character creation.
= Fixed bug where multiple stalkers would attempt to use the same smart cover location.
= Fixed bug where some vectors weren't being set properly in scripts.
= Fixed crash caused by closed captions when the string was given a nil value - even though it shouldn't have happened.
= Fixed crash caused by Sultan having the wrong actor_dialog, it was referencing the text string and not the dialog itself.
= Fixed crash on the Generators level caused by issues with playing on the DirectX 8 renderer.
= Fixed crash which happened when playing in a low resolution and using certain interfaces.
= Fixed crows not saving whether they had already been field dressed, now only works once per crow.
= Fixed emissions and psi-storms not stopping when dying in Azazel mode, causing player to die on respawn.
= Fixed engine bug where dragging a corpse would on occasion open up the inventory screen by mistake.
= Fixed engine bug where hit_probability values for difficulties higher than novice were ignored.
= Fixed exploit where surrendered stalkers could be repeatedly threatened for unlimited amounts of weapons.
= Fixed GSC's mistake in hit callback which caused weak weapons to heal wounded stalkers.
= Fixed Hawaiian giving discounts to Freedom instead of Loners, this is covered by Ashot in the same level.
= Fixed incorrect portraits for certain outfits when using the "Portrait by Outfit" gameplay option.
= Fixed knife attacks not killing the target if damage dealt was greater than the target's remaining health.
= Fixed knives being damaged when looting them from the bodies of NPCs. Was only noticeable through repair kits.
= Fixed level spots set through logic not being removed from the NPC upon death.
= Fixed Mi-24 helicopters not despawning with unlocking of the "Down to Earth" achievement.
= Fixed mistake in xr_motivator and bind_monster because of incorrectly thinking passed sobject in net_spawn was a server entity.
= Fixed mutants not venturing away from their home even when they had been removed from that job.
= Fixed not being able to sell Freedom faction patches even though you could sell the other eight just fine.
= Fixed NPCs not finding jobs on first load because they had already taken them but just not initiated them yet.
= Fixed Owl giving discounts to Clear Sky instead of Loners - only the first discount was affected.
= Fixed PDA lag caused by anomaly icons being added again every time the game was loaded.
= Fixed player being able to join the trader faction when respawning in Azazel mode.
= Fixed potential memory leak with user interfaces, constructors using CUIWindow should use self:AutoDelete(true).
= Fixed psi-storms not skipping correctly, as they were instead trying to skip emissions by mistake.
= Fixed rank being increased a second time in the place of reputation when statistics change.
= Fixed rank and reputation increase/decrease notifications firing after respawning in Azazel mode.
= Fixed skybox blurring when using the DirectX 9 (Enhanced) renderer caused by shaders.
= Fixed sniper squads of the Military and Monolith not actually using sniper rifles.
= Fixed Spas-12's RPM upgrade which still remains broken in Call of Pripyat.
= Fixed stalkers talking about your bounties acting suspicious after you had killed them.
= Fixed stashes having untranslated names when placed without specifying a name.
= Fixed stalkers spawning at old LVID's due to db.offline_objects[id].level_vertex_id.
= Fixed ui_debug_attach not changing NPC animation state properly.
= Fixed weather options not saving and weather presets not working.
= Fixed xr_gather_items and xr_corpse_detection using invalid level vertex ids.

- Removed a door in Dead City in an attempt to fix congestion when entering/leaving the old admin building.
- Removed a ton of duplicate and empty files found in the configs/gameplay/ folder.
- Removed all Call of Pripyat quest items and texts which aren't being reused in any way.
- Removed all code relating to the now defunct DEACTIVATE_SIM_ON_NON_LINKED_LEVELS constant.
- Removed all references to the hardcoded anomaly action planner.
- Removed many multiplayer-specific items which had no reason to exist any more.
- Removed rare variants of weapons from the keep_items section (Nimble, Snag, Trapper, etc).
- Removed references to Strelok and Marked One from audio dialog used by the Rostok arena.
- Removed redundant script files, their code was rewritten, moved or just wasn't needed any more.
- Removed several scripts and put used portions into other more fitting places
- Removed some leftover junk stalker and mutant configs as well as some duplicate visuals.
- Removed some old legacy code added in previous patch hotfixes as it was no-longer needed.

Die waren fleißig, hoffen wir das ein Release in den nächsten Monaten klappt.
Wie ist es den aktuell mit lost alpha, als ich es noch mit nen 2500k und ner 390 gespielt hab war die leistung eher mäßig und es gab noch viele fehler und bugs aber es hat spaß gemacht.
Wie ist es den aktuell mit lost alpha, als ich es noch mit nen 2500k und ner 390 gespielt hab war die leistung eher mäßig und es gab noch viele fehler und bugs aber es hat spaß gemacht.

Ich hab Anfang des Jahres zuletzt reingeschaut (die Weihnachten 2017 veröffentlichte Version 1.4005 mit Teilen des Extended Pack Version 1.3) und so ungefähr bis zur Yantar gespielt. Genau erinnere ich mich nicht.
Es läuft auf jeden Fall besser als beim Release von 2014 und auch auf einige Kritikpunkte bzgl. des Gameplay wurde eingegangen. Wirkt also deutlich runder und die meisten Bugs sind auch gefixt.

Da aber immer noch weitere Patches (1.4007) und weitere Map-DLCs kommen sollen hab ich nie wirklich weit gespielt.
Wie du sagst es macht Spaß aber vom Gameplay reicht es mMn. nicht an die Vanilla-Spiele heran.
Release S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Lost Alpha v1.4007 Developer's Cut

Es geschehen noch Zeichen und Wunder, keine Ahnung ob außer mir noch viele Interesse daran haben, aber Dez0wave haben tatsächlich vor 20 Stunden einen kompletten Repack der Lost Alpha 1.007 veröffentlicht.

Download findet ihr unter: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Lost Alpha v1.4007 DC torrent file - Mod DB
Oder als einzelne Files in der LA Downloadsektion: Downloads - S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha mod for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl - Mod DB

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Lost Alpha official Developers Cut

Engine updated: December 8 2018
Engine version: 1.4007
Build number: 7246
Log updated: December 17 2018
ETA: n/a

Changelog for patch 1.4007

- Fixed around 50 dialogs and tasks: rewards, targets, descriptions, lines
- Reworked the most part of the Russian text: fixed grammatic, orthographic, factual, and stylistic errors
- Fixed and minorly reworked PDA interface
- Fixed some UI elements
- Fixed and reworked all the messages received via the PDA
- Fixed all known errors with doors located on the game levels
- Moved all the passwords, safe combinations, and access codes to a separate PDA Diary section
- Fixed all the existing Diary entries of Marked One; added some new ones
- Redrawn the military outpost map given by Sidorovich
- Recaptured the most part of illustrations for Encyclopedia entries
- Global texture overhaul: around 250 textures of low quality were deleted, and 400 were replaced with more qualitative ones
- Removed the lab ghosts from PDA Contacts section and the map
- Fixed the severity of bleeding caused by the anomaly "Witches' Jelly"
- Fixed errors with the lack of use sounds after using certain meds and eating some food
- Fixed issue that wouldn't allow to ask for a task from Petrenko after the Bar events
- Fixed volume of the levels' background music tracks
- Fixed error that caused the Forest Mercs to visually disappear
- Replaced/added some levels' background music tracks

- Added icons for all the tasks
- Added a lot of Encyclopedia articles
- Added new NPC models based on the ones from CoP
- Added new graphics options; reworked some of the existing ones
- Added new shaders: raindrops on helmet, visor effect, and water reflections
- Added a new kind of ammo for shotguns
- The "Compass" is now derivable from transmutation
- Added some super economy class items to be used early in the game
- Added new sounds for some mutants
- Added a lot of sound zones to the game levels, where the reverberation effect takes effect if the EAX option is enabled

- The Gameplay DLC, previously being an addon, was included in the base game
- Added many mutant respawn zones
- Reworked all the endings of the game
- Added a new level based on the Level 12 (from 2001-2002 builds)
- Once ranked up, Marked One will get an additional Skill Point
- Added detailed information about an item's purpose to its description
- Lowered the batteries capacity
- Deleted the Illuminati storyline along with all the related cutscenes
- Changed properties of many weapons, meds, food items, outfits, and detectors
- The Rostok Factory technician is now able to fix items with a condition of 10 % or more
- The secret ending is now unlocked upon completion of 15 conditions
- Removed the ability to repossess the items that the Sin "withdraws" from Marked One, prior to walking through Lab X-18
- Prevented the anomaly detector and the knife from being given to Marked One at the start of the game

- The new Launcher is being distributed with the game: you can launch the game, have control over installed modifications, and change graphics options; there's also Discord integration
- Reworked the Game Manual so that it could display the features of the current game's version; deleted the Artifacts section
- Added full tessellation support

Changelog for patch 1.4006

- The Lada Niva and Zaporozhets remain as a body and blown-off parts after the car explodes
- Fixed a graphic bug under the UAZ
- Added another working lamp to the Moskvich, and both shine better now
- Fixed the bulletproofing of the glass
- Driving into an Electro and some other anomalies will cut off engine power
- Karliks run faster
- Camera wobbling is reduced if weak mutants attack the player
- Fixed no damage when colliding in a car, rebalanced anomaly and collision damage
- The garbage collector algorithm now doesn't work in a certain distance from the player
- Adjusted flashlight lights
- Increased PKM deterioration by 18% and made the fire rate more realistic
- Reduced the survivability of wild boars by ~20%
- The survivability of weak and strong Burer species is reduced by 25% (except for medium)
- Big buff to the USP
- A rebalance of the parameters of pistol, rifle cartridges and some weapons in order to strengthen competition between some barrels and calibers
- Added information about armor-piercing cartridges
- Fixed illogical protection parameters for zombified stalkers
- Reduced the price of AP cartridges of some calibers and all types of 9x39 cartridges
- Reduced price of repair kits
- Fixed the condition for updating the wares of merchants after X-18

- Fixed crashes
- Fixed bug with soldiers in x16 cutscene
- Added dialog for searching instruments for Duty's mechanic


- Niva is now tougher to survive certain story moment
- One usage of Repair Kit now only repairs no more than 1 weapon
- All treasures on Forest location are fixed
- Sniper AKM nerfed and cannot replace VSS
- 9x39 ammo buffed
- Booster prices lowered
- Blowouts now happen less often on average and with more random delay
- Major in Country now fixes stuff
- Reduced weight of food to more realistic values
- Rats and Tushkanos die easier
- Dead bodies now stay a while longer for better immersion
- Replaced Tractor and Raf with Moskvich and Zaz cars
- Greatly reduced prices for cars
- Petrol Can now only refuels 20 liters (2-3 canisters for full refuel)
- Greatly reduced fuel consumption of cars
- Car trunk capacity is limited (around 120-200kg)
- Repair kits now required for car repair (1/3 of a kit for a full repair)
- Increased chance for spawning artifacts in anomalies when starting new game by 30%
- Early artifact detectors and their upgrades are now cheaper and slightly better
- Artifact detector description now shows list of artifacts in it's database and detection radius
- Skills PDA Module now always available for everybody (NG not required)
- Added ~15 new Skill Points for completing certain quests throughout the game (total Skill Point amount is about 25 now)
- Player endurance parameters rebalanced due to related engine fix
- Increased damage to certain classes of NPC bullet don't pierce their armor, also tweaked some weapons damage
- Guiders are 50% cheaper
- Proverb now give you appropriate weapon for mutant hunt quest
- No anomaly detector from game start (is given later or you can buy one)
- You can now drag various items like empty barrels, wooden boxes, chairs, skulls, etc.
- Another vehicle speed/power/armor rebalance so they climb hills better and survive certain chase scene
- Ground during nights is just a little bit less dark, so you can barely see where you go without NVG
- Returned 3rd-person view to gameplay options menu (off by default, still buggy)
- Brand new first-person legs models for all outfits
- In gameplay options you can now choose between shadows and legs in the first person view (only one, not both)
- Updated advanced graphics menu, added checkboxes for enabling build-style bloom/gloss
- New inventory screen
- 3 slots for firearms: one separate slot for pistol AND two slots for "big" weapons (interchangeable, CoP-style)
- Helmets from CoP
- New outfits
- Complete re-balance of outfits and their upgrades
- Repair Kit rebalanced and allows to repair weapons using parts from compatible weapons (like AKM, AK-74, AKS-74u, etc)
- Many smaller tweaks and improvements to original game balance and gameplay
- Configs and item icons refactoring (for easier modding, not interesting for players)
- Other tweaks and fixes


- Fixed the loss of a grenade when removing the grenade launcher
- Corrected crash when a skeleton is spawned in the Whirligig anomaly
- Added console commands to turn off multithreaded texture loading
- Fixed the flight of cars in gravity anomalies, due to the non-inclusion of telekinesis when leaving the restrictor
- Gravity anomalies, as well as Electra and Vortex now damage cars
- New parameters for gravity anomalies to adjust the damage and pull force for cars and mutants
- New parameters for ZS_MBOLD anomalies for adjusting damage to cars and turning off the engine on impact
- After the explosion of the car, the damage parts fly away
- Fixed the possible cause of the bug with the inability to enter the car after save / load
- Fixed bug of the original engine - "twitching" of ph. objects on the proximity at the time of moving of the object (example - car trunk)
- Added parameter collision_hit_threshold for cars
- Fixed the parameters not resetting after the removal from of a special sight from a weapon
- Added a command to disable camera jiggling during movement
- "Fixed" zero damage from mutant bites, now uses hit_fraction_actor as a min. hit power
- Added display of missing suit parameters in inventory (* _restore_speed)
- Changed multipliers in the derivation of the properties of artifacts and suits (not counting immunities) to a new balance of artifacts
- Fixed crash when putting artifact on belt in some case
- Fixed crash when dying from a Phantom's psy hit
- Added "AddFuel" script function
- Implemented weight limit for car trunk and displaying of this weight
- Eatables with different amount of portions don't stack now
- Improved ammo belt behavior to be less awkward
- Step sounds work when using "g_actor_body on"
- Weapons with different ammo type or amount loaded in the mag now won't stack together
- Fixed serious bug with carry weight bonuses not actually affecting the MaxCarryWeight (only MaxWalkWeight, number in inventory was lying)
- Fixed armor bullet protection being reset when putting it into slot, which made all armor upgrades useless
- Fixed exploit that allowed to repair items in 0% condition
- MaxWalkWeight is now displayed in inventory screen as well for convenience
- Weapons with different ammo type or amount loaded in the mag now won't stack together
- Other fixes

Vollständiger Changelog seit Release 2014: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha Director's Cut Final Changelog - Google Docs

Ich hatte mir der 1.005 oder 1.0006 vergleichsweise viel Spaß, werde den ganzen daher bald mal wieder eine Chance geben.
Wie viel hat sich dort eigentlich geändert gegenüber der 1.00005?

Im moment hab ich aber ein anders Problem nähmlich das ich den aktuellen MISERY2.2 mod nicht zum laufen bekomme da das Spiel immer beim ladebildschirm abstürzt ich hab es auch schon komplett neu instaliert. :huh:
Wie viel hat sich dort eigentlich geändert gegenüber der 1.00005?

Ne ganze Menge und noch viel mehr:crazy: Ich habe die LA von der 1.3000 an in jeder Version gespielt und die aktuelle ist für mich definitiv die beste.

LA kommt jetzt mit einem eigenen Launcher in dem man ausführlich Grafikeinstellungen vornehmen, sowie praktisch Mods verwalten und updaten kann. Zumindest die offiziellen und davon gibt's einige mitgeliefert. Dazu gleich mehr...

Die Storyline wurde umgeschrieben ("Deleted the Illuminati storyline along with all the related cutscenes"). Alle möglichen Enden überarbeitet.

Performance optimiert. Wo früher Framedrops in die 20 und 30er waren - bspw. das Anomaliefeld gleich links von Sidors Bunker - habe ich jetzt mit Dx11 zwischen 70 und 120 Frames.
Insgesamt spielt es sich deutlich weniger hakelig und außer den XRay-typischen Mikrorucklern wenn NPCs und Inventorys nachladen, stockt bei mir gar nichts.
LA lief bei mir nie richtig schlecht - jetzt läuft sie flüssig.

Viele, viele Texturen wurden komplett ausgetauscht oder verbessert, die Welt sieht um einiges besser aus wie früher.
Der PDA mit Funktionen und Inhalten wurde überarbeitet. Bisher - Darkscape nach den Sin - haben alle Missionen (HQ, SQ, Minijobs) vollständige Texte, teils Bilder, und wenn notwendig, Marker auf der Map.
Einträge in der Enzyklopädie die vorher gefehlt haben, alte Texte überarbeitet.
Der Sound ist besser und teils neu, EAX funktioniert bei mir.
Mehr Spawns auf den Maps.
Seit 1.0005 natürlich jede Menge Bugfixes.
Das Fluchtauto in Dark Valley lies sich deutlich besser steuern. Hoffe das ist auch bei den anderen Fahrzeugen gefixt.
Ne neue Karte gibt es auch noch, nördlich der Forest Map. Glaube "Old Road" aber bin beim Namen gerade unsicher...
Spielt sich insgesamt frisch, nicht nur wie ein simpler Patch. Das liegt aber zum Teil auch an...

LA kommt automatisch mit einigen größeren und kleineren Mods! Dadurch geht es zwar etwas weg weiter vom ursprünglichen "Good Ol Stalker" Konzept aber ich finde das tut dem Spiel insgesamt nur gut.
Einiges wurde zum Teil auch auch aus COP übernommen.
ZB sind die Mods aus dem Extended Pack der 1.0005 (Autumn Texturen; Gameplay Expansion; PRM Weapons mit neuen Animationen, Waffen und Texturen; das russian voices addon; neue hände mod usw.) automatisch dabei.
Einige sind bereits direkt ins Spiel integriert, andere kann man im Launcher auswählen.

Zusätzlich neu eine Auswahl kleiner aber feiner Mods (Low Poly Sidor; ShoC Musik im Hauptmenü; Hidden Anomalies; Darker Nights; Closed Weapon Sights)
Für die Misery-Spieler (Extra Hardcore Survival 1.0 und Hardcore Economy 1.06) - finde den Veteran Schwierigkeitsgrad zu Beginn aber schon ansprechend.

Die neue Extended Weather Mod 0.19 ist eine gelungene Abwechslung zum Atmosfear-Overkill der letzten Jahre. Toller, dichter Nebel und schöne neue Himmelstexturen

Und - für mich das Nonplusultra - endlich ein Free-A-Life Mod von Beginn des Spiels an.
Birgt seine Gefahren - bspw. können wichtige NPCs in der Zone abnibbeln - hab im Alife aber immer das größte Potential der Stalker Spiele gesehen.
Keiner in der Zone lebt für immer, zumindest habe ich es nicht mehr in der Hand. NPCs wandern jetzt wieder über die Karte, wechseln Camps oder gehen Jagen.
Ob sie tatsächlich Levels wechseln konnte ich noch nicht beobachten. Aber es bieten sich viele unbekannte Begegnungen und noch mehr Lootchancen.
Kann in Verbindung mit den neuen Spawns natürlich auch mal schlecht laufen wenn man in kurzen Abständen auf Burer, Pseudogigant, Pseudohunde und ein Rudel Wildschweine trifft.
Oder Mole in Agroprom vor Beendigung seiner Quest von Banditen geraidet wird.

Allgemein ist es schwerer geworden. Gegner tödlicher, Mutanten zahlreicher, man schwimmt auch nicht mehr so schnell im Überfluss.
Aber am wichtigsten - ein meiner Meinung nach besseres Spielerlebnis :daumen;
P.S. Hin und her rennen muss man allerdings immer noch, es gibt aber gegen Geld und wenn man Reputation hat einen Guide-NPC der einen in andere Levels bringt.
tl, dr:
I said come in! Don't stand there!"
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich glaub ich lads runter und teste mal da MISERY auf deutsch bei mir nicht geht und es dan doch etwas anstrengend ist wenn alles auf englisch ist und es wir auch nich einfacher wenn man gefühlt 100 neue items im laden hat.:ugly:
Ich glaub ich lads runter und teste mal da MISERY auf deutsch bei mir nicht geht und es dan doch etwas anstrengend ist wenn alles auf englisch ist und es wir auch nich einfacher wenn man gefühlt 100 neue items im laden hat.:ugly:

Die LA ist aber auch auf englisch, täusch dich da nicht. Im computerbase Forum arbeitet glaube ich zwar jemand an einer Übersetzung auf Basis der 1.0005, aber das dauert noch ein wenig.
Ich hab ca 10h gespielt und muss sagen das sie auf dem richtigen weg sind :daumen:

Das einzige was mich am anfang stört ist das man für die erste richtige mission am militär vorbei muss und das ist halt mäh oder man lauft unten herrum durch die anderen level.
Ich hatte bisher 2 abstürtze allerdings hab ich sehr oft den Spielstand neugeladen.
Wenn man das nachtsicht gerät benuzt und dan schießt dann hat man das gefühl das es ruckelt obwohl man 100fps hat.

Eine Sache hat sich bis heute nich verändert: Mann steht gerade und ist im inventar und in dieser zeit schleicht sich einer von hinten an.... 1h davor war die lezte speicherung. :ugly: