News Spiele-Releases im Juli 2023 | Für PC und Konsolen


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Zurück zum Artikel: Spiele-Releases im Juli 2023 | Für PC und Konsolen
Time Steps
00:00 - Intro
00:30 - Synapse
01:09 - Catch & Cook: Fishing Adventure
01:45 - The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie
02:41 - OXENFREE II: Lost Signals
03:26 - Atelier Marie Remake: The Alchemist of Salburg
04:22 - Testament: The Order of High-Human
05:01 - Exoprimal
05:43 - Yet Another Zombie Survivors
06:29 - Jagged Alliance 3
07:32 - The Break-In
08:18 - STONKS-9800: Stock Market Simulator
08:55 - Xenonauts 2
09:27 - Viewfinder
10:05 - Techtonica
10:55 - Ember Knights
11:35 - My Friendly Neighborhood
12:19 - Coreborn: Nations of the Ultracore
13:05 - Unholy
13:50 - Lakeburg Legacies
14:29 - Punch Club 2: Fast Forward
15:28 - Homeseek
16:11 - NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: Awakening
17:03 - Pikmin 4
17:45 - Remnant II
18:28 - Mr. Run and Jump
19:10 - Double Dragon Gaiden: Rise Of The Dragons
19:51 - The Expanse: A Telltale Series
20:29 - Lunacy: Saint Rhodes
20:56 - Disney Illusion Island
21:30 - F1 Manager 2023
22:11 - Venba
22:39 - Ports