News Jagged Alliance 3: Erster Hotfix heute, so geht es weiter


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Die Entwickler von Jagged Alliance 3 geben einen Einblick auf Patches und Updates für die Zukunft. Schon heute geht ein erster Hotfix live.

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Sind das die Patchnotes?

Hi all,
we have launched our first small patch 1.02, exactly one week after game launch.
There are also more & bigger patches on the horizon, but we wanted to get this one out to you as soon as possible.

Here is the changelog of Patch 1.02:


Economy: Mines will drop income much slower when they begin to deplete
On combat end, interactables are now automatically highlighted, and toggle state (on/off) is now persisted across maps.
Zooming is now possible in overview mode.
Hand-to-hand specialization can now be used while merc is unarmed
Fixed issue where no mercenaries are available for hire & AIM database would be empty.
Fixed issue where free move APs could be used for an attack.
Fixed issue where music and some other sounds would play in mono instead of stereo.
Fixed giving ammo from one squad to another.
Detailed changelog:


Fixed issue where the melee attack icon wasn't greyed out in the UI when the merc doesn't have enough AP for attack but has free move.
Fixed issue where Entering inventory sometimes breaks deployment phase and setpiece

Fixed a crash at the end of the Twin Manors quest.
Fixed a problem with properly completing the combat in C7U
Fixed a situation where some enemies would not spawn in Old Diamond causing players to be stuck in conflict with no enemies.
Fixed issue where Chimurenga would disappear when he is about to retire. If you are already in D8, you need to reenter the sector from another sector for him to appear.
Fixed some cases in which the conversations with Boss Blaubert can start twice or reference things that have already happened
Fixed potential exploit where in a conversation that requires a specific item would progress successfully but not take the item if its not in the current squads inventory.

Fixed issue where during cutscenes on Ultrawide the Movie Black Bars would squeeze the image.

Combine items now uses the most skilled merc in the sector (instead of the most skilled from the squad)
Fixed issue where the weapon rollover would show O dmg if it was in the sector stash;
Fix issue where repeatable emails (like for contract expiration) would not mark as read.
Fixed issue where Swapping single-slot weapons from inventory did not consume AP while in combat
Fixed camera zoom resetting when changing maps or exiting overview mode.
Enable scrolling in main menu when closing sub-sub menu. Example "Show merc badges" from the Options menu.

Operations now refund crafting fee on cancel/abort

Tuned Ultra shadows to have less heavy effect on FPS

Fixed lock up in reassigning mercs in co-op during deployment
Fixed soft lock where Sat view retreat of retreated mercs wouldn't trigger when remaining mercs on the map died
Bis auf einige QoL Änderungen(die ich gerne hätte) habe ich lediglich hier und da Probleme bei den Quests, wo gewisse Sachen scheinbar nicht getriggert werden, egal zu welcher Uhrzeit man da antanzt(bspw. die Mine wo nachts angeblich bewaffnete Leute rumlaufen).

Ansonsten ein ordentliches Spiel. Gleiche Faszination wie damals, als der pubertierende Junge JA2 gespielt hat? Nein, natürlich nicht. Aber es hat mir bereits zwei Tage viel Spaß bereitet. Auf jeden Fall mehr Spaß als bei Diablo :D
mir machts super viel Spaß, beste Spiel dieses Jahr vor Last of Us und vor Hogwarts Legacy für mich obwohl ich auch diese beiden gerne gespielt habe.