Hard Reset Day-One Patch: Vollständiges Changelog veröffentlicht, Eyefinity und 3D Vision sollen kommen


Hard Reset Day-One Patch: Vollständiges Changelog veröffentlicht, Eyefinity und 3D Vision sollen kommen

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Hard Reset Day-One Patch: Vollständiges Changelog veröffentlicht, Eyefinity und 3D Vision sollen kommen

Wäre schon schön wenn sie den Benchmartest wieder reinpatchen würden. :daumen:
AW: Hard Reset Day-One Patch: Vollständiges Changelog veröffentlicht, Eyefinity und 3D Vision sollen kommen

Läuft bei mir butterweich mit allen Reglern am Anschlag. Saubere Arbeit.
Bench brauch ich jetzt nicht mehr unbedingt, wird wohl aber wieder kommen da die Anfrage recht groß ist.
Bin schon gespannt was da noch nachgereicht wird aufgrund des Userfeedbacks :daumen:
Hard Reset 1.01 patch is live

So gestern kam Patch 1.01 dazu. Wui die Jungs sind fleißig ^^

  • Benchmark Mode - You can access the Benchmark mode in the 'Extras' menu.
  • Command line benchmark mode - Benchmark is also accessible from the Windows command line - in order to launch it enter hardreset.exe -benchmark.
  • Additional Mouse button bindings - You can bind the 4th and 5th mouse buttons.
  • All keys button bindings - you can now bind all the buttons on Numerical Keypad (except forn number 5).
  • Sprint (shortly) even while still recharging - Sprinting is now possible at any moment - you don't have to wait till the sprint bar fills up.
  • Sprint will now charge 20% faster than before.
  • Disable Weapon Cool-down period - Weapon cooldowns are disabled now. You can change weapon modes while the weapon is on cooldown.
  • Improved the time between switching between N.R.G. Weapon adn CLN Firearm.
  • Single Switch-Weapon Button - the F key will now switch between weapons.
  • Mid-game difficulty change - You are now able to switch difficulty midgame (the lowest difficulty ever chosen during the whole run determines the achievements unlocked)."
  • Disable sprint effects - You are now able to disable Motion Blur and Fov widening while in sprint. Tick the appropriate box in Game options menu.
  • In-game Score report - You are now able to check your Mission stats while in-game pressing the Tab key.
  • Disable logos - You are now able to disable starting logos in the Game options menu.
  • Small healthpacks now regenerate 20 HP instead of 30 HP.
  • Audio mode detection - The game will display the current system Audio Mode in Audio Options
  • Triple Buffering - Added in Video Options
  • MLAA antyaliasing was substituted with FXAA antyaliasing.
  • Various improvements with game geometry.
We introduced the changes you were writing that you want, hope you will have fun.
Stay tuned as we will have some more things coming.

Jetzt macht das Teil noch mehr Laune als ohnehin schon. Einfach genial :daumen:

Source: Hard Reset 1.01 patch is live. - Steam Users' Forums

Regards, Schnitzl