IPS Vs Fast TN : Same smooth level ?


I have a question :

Comparing some IPS models like Dell U2312Hm or Asus PA238Q against a fast classic TN with 1 or 2ms to responsive time or some 3D models but in 60Hz mode, the level of smooth in game is identical in a situation with the same frame rate ? Or playing in the IPS is like to view less frames or a sort of stuttering effect or excessive tearing ?
IPS Vs schnellen TN: Same glatt Ebene?

Ich habe eine Frage:

Vergleicht man einige IPS-Modelle wie Dell oder Asus U2312Hm PA238Q gegen eine schnelle klassische TN mit 1 oder 2 ms zu reagieren Zeit oder einige 3D-Modelle, aber in 60Hz-Modus wird das Niveau der glatten im Spiel identisch in einer Situation, mit der gleichen Bildrate? Oder spielen in der IPS ist wie auf weniger Frames oder eine Art des Stotterns Effekt oder übermäßige Reißen Sicht?
ich würde mich entscheiden zwischen dem besten tn panel iiyama oder dem dell obwohl man beim dell anscheinend glück ahben muss für nen guten monitor :(
und kann mir wer sagen ob der monitor für alle spiele, action etc ausreicht?
120Hz TN 2ms - Dell U2312HM 8ms
In the high speed record you see Tearing on the Dell cause i had to disable Vsync to get to more than 60fps. With Vsync on there is no difference between a 2ms TN Panel and the Dell.
Just in cases like playing very fast games, like Unreal, CS 1.6, Quake etc. I would recommend a very fast and good TN Panel (without any Artifacts and Corona caused by Overdrive) over the Dell, and those are rare.

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yes but in this movie the samsung is setted to 120Hz mode, i'm asking if a fast TN like this Samsung 3D ......but in 60Hz mode, have same smooth level compared to Dell u2312hm ( for example ) or not.

Or running a game in the Dell seem to have less frame rate than TN ?
i'm asking if a fast TN like this Samsung 3D ......but in 60Hz mode, have same smooth level compared to Dell u2312hm ( for example ) or not.
sure it does. The Dell performs almost identical against a 120Hz, why should this change vs. a 60Hz TN ?!?

Like I said, I would prefer the Dell over every 60Hz TN Panel on the market, unless you are playing games like Quake etc. but therefor on the other hand I would rather take a CRT than a LCD.
sure it does. The Dell performs almost identical against a 120Hz, why should this change vs. a 60Hz TN ?!?

Excuse me but you are saying that 120Hz is similar to 60Hz ? this is impossible.
120Hz is much much smoother, why do you say that ?

Like I said, I would prefer the Dell over every 60Hz TN Panel on the market, unless you are playing games like Quake etc. but therefor on the other hand I would rather take a CRT than a LCD.

When i speak about games is obvius that i speak about FPS and racing games.

I only ask if 60Hz IPS have the same smoot level in game compared to 60Hz fast TN or in fast movements i can perceive less frames in the Dell ?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Naja er wird mich wohl kaum verstehen wenn ichs in deutsch schreibe, da er selbst scheinbar nur den google Translater benutzt.

Excuse me but you are saying that 120Hz is similar to 60Hz ? this is impossible.
I said almost and you can see it for yourself in the video.

But there are so many threads about this topic out there...

Maybe this will be a help:
Dell U2312HM Review
i play to fps and racing games seriously.

I dont know what games do you like to play, but i dont play to slow games, and 120Hz is not similar to 60Hz, i see it.

I'm asking if i buy a 60Hz IPS will have the SAME SMOOTH LEVEL of a good 60Hz TN like PX2370 or XL2370 or Asus VE278H ecc....
And if the ghosting effects / overdrive trailing ARE ONLY DISTRACTIONS or reduce the smootness in games like to have less frames ( for example i have 50fps but is like to see around 35-40 ecc..... )