AMD Catalyst 12.1a "Preview Driver" (8.930.10 January 2)


The AMD Catalyst™ 12.1a Preview driver includes all of the features found in AMD Catalyst™ 12.1 Preview.

Additional changes for upcoming update of Rage

Resolves some new texture corruption issues introduced by the latest version of the game
Improved performance ~5%
Smoother game play and reduces multicore sync points
Fixed mapbuffer failures when switching maps on 32-bit systems.
Fixed a game crash when switching maps back and forth on 32 and 64bit systems

Build Info:
DriverVer=01/02/2012, 8.930.10.0000

Win 7

wird jetzt bei systemen mit mehreren grakas auch crossfire deaktiviert, wenn man dies bei den anwendungsprofilen einstellt? beim 12.1 preview funzt das nämlich nicht...