Parabellum - neuer Patch & Bilder


Parabellum - etwas Abwechslung im Shooter Markt


Es hat sich wieder etwas bei dem MMO-FPS Parabellum getan, es gibt nämlich neue Bilder und einen Patch, leider nur für Leute, die einen Beta Key erwischt haben bzw. ausgewählt haben.

Das besondere an Parabellum ist die gute Grafik dank der Unreal 3 Engine wenn man bedenkt, dass das Spiel kostenlos sein wird, viele neue Shooter können da nicht mithalten (Preis-/Leistung).

Im Gegensatz zu dem neuen Call of Duty gibt es auch dedizierte Server wie in CSS, nur sind die noch nicht sonderlich gut gefüllt, meistens findet man nur amerikanische Server, die europäischen sind entweder voll oder leer, bei den amerikanischen findet man eigentlich immer einen freien Platz.

Der neue Client/Patch ist 962MB groß und kann hier heruntergeladen werden, sofern man einen Beta Account hat:

Version 1315 Patch Notes - GamersFirst Forums

Die neuen Screenshots gibt es hier:

Parabellum Free-To-Play MMO-FPS

Die Neuerungen im Überblick:


1) Server – Improved server creation process.
2) Server – Fixes for different cases of timeout errors.
3) Anti Virus – The issue with game not starting with several AV application has been fixed.
4) Game Play – Authentication timeout issue has been fixed.
5) Campaign – Final Campaign Map has been updated.
6) Campaign – Bomb Timer added to view of campaign map.
7) Campaign – The final campaign items are now available.

  • Anti Aircraft Missile
  • Machine Gun Turret
  • C4
  • Defuse Kit
  • Laser Designator

8) Com Center – new features have been implemented;

  • Join Buddy
  • Chat (improved)
  • Add Buddy
  • New Icons

9) Maps – Various bug fixes across all levels.
10) Game – Loading times have been improved even further (between maps).
11) Game – Font has been tweaked.
12) Chat – Color and behavior changes (try pressing arrow-up in the in-game chat).
13) HUD Icons – All zone and device icons were updated with a new appearance.
14) Equipment Points – The system now works as designed.

Die behobenen Fehler:

BUG FIXES (1108 TO 1315):

  1. Com Center - Add Buddies search window appears truncated in the Com Center.
  2. In-Game - Incorrect graphics observed when the player shoots on the Flower Pot.
  3. In-Game - Incorrect sound produced when user fires on the books placed in the map.
  4. In-Game - Com Center Notification being displayed randomly.
  5. Computer is completely locked up after 12 hours of running idle after server creation
  6. In-Game - Spectator doesn't switch to team member when changing teams.
  7. Statistics - The number of hours appears truncated in the Game Modes statistics section
  8. Character - Color mismatch for PB5 when compared to the inventory and the weapon equipped in the characters hands.
  9. Server List - "Max players" number is truncated when a room of more than 9 is created.
  10. Game Client – Game will lock up if you select a Banned Character and click on Enter Game.
  11. Weapon Mods - The icon “ i “ overlaps with the item name for Warhawk High Capacity Magazine/Warhawk High Damage Magazine …‏
  12. Weapon Mods - The accuracy, range and damage indicators overflows into the adjacent window when DSR 30 is equipped with two mods.
  13. Weapon - The gun magazine of FA-SAM clips through the characters hand when equipped in the Weapons section.
  14. Weapon Mods - The DSR - 30 gun image gets truncated when equipped with the long range barrel and a silencer.
  15. Weapon Mods - The Heavy stock item for M8A3 does not display the item in the Max Amount of mods section.
  16. Weapon Mods - Players are unable to replace the mod heavy stock with any other weapon Mods.
  17. Bullet marks are not displayed on the banner in the Alleys map.
  18. Supply Depot - A graphical glitch is seen when trying to equip any arm armor on a female character.

Hoffen wir, dass das Spiel demnächst in die Open Beta Phase übergeht und viele Spieler begeistern kann!


Version 1315 Patch Notes - GamersFirst Forums
Parabellum Free-To-Play MMO-FPS
Parabellum Free-To-Play MMO-FPS
Ich bin in der Beta dabei und leider darf man ja nicht soviel drüber sagen, nur schraub bitte deine Erwartungen gehörig nach unten :D
sagt mal müssten die Logindaten nicht auch für PCGames gehen? ansonsten wärs doof, nur fürs probieren nen acc anzulegen